The Great Trump Card

Chapter 13: Soft cute female teacher

Zhang Heng was carried to the infirmary, Lin Nao was taken to the head teacher's office, Lin Nao directly found a stool and sat down, and also lit a cigarette in his mouth.

   Hu Zhiqiang looked ugly, and said in a deep voice: "Lin is bad, you are enough, I heard several teachers from Ke Ren praise you yesterday, I thought you could be a good student!"

   Lin badly smiled and said: "I was originally very good, but the class is a big dye tank, there are too many colorful dyes, since I fell in, do you still expect me to be spotless?"

   Hu Zhiqiang opened his mouth, and some opened his tongue.

  In addition to Hu Zhiqiang and Lin Nao, there were two men and a woman in the office at that time. The female teacher met Lin Nao when she came to report. At that time, she helped Lin Nao to call Hu Zhiqiang from his sleep.

Even though there were other people in the office, Lin Nao didn’t even give Hu Zhiqiang a face. He squinted Hu Zhiqiang and continued: "Mr. Hu, I respect you yesterday, but from today, I will still give you a face in front of people, but no When you are human, you are nothing, I hope you can understand your current status."

Hu Zhiqiang's face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Are you like Zhang Chunlei and Zhang Chunyu, stand in the class? You have to know that even if you students are lawless, I will just keep your eyes closed In one eye, if I'm in a hurry, I can still let the teaching office fire you!"

Lin Nao said disdainfully: "If you treat everyone as hard as I do now, I will naturally respect you. Teacher Hu, do you know that it is not that I am lawless, but you let me lose what I deserve? Respect! It’s not just you. Most of the teachers in the school have made me lose respect. No matter if you have a kiss in the school, oK, college students, all are adults, whether you are normal or not. But in the face of those fights Yes, did you manage it? It was Zhang Heng who was beaten today, so you rushed over. If I was beaten, are you sure to intervene?"

   is quiet in the office, no one can say a word.

   It was at this time that the office door was opened, and a man ran into the air breathlessly, wiping his sweat and saying, "Teacher, Zhang Heng woke up..."

  Hu Zhiqiang breathed a sigh of relief and asked quickly: "Is nothing okay?"

   "It's okay, just shouting to get revenge on Lin Bad."

   Hu Zhiqiang glanced at Lin Nao, did not speak, and then said to the student: "OK, you go out first."

   "Okay." The classmate gave Lin Nao a careful look. Obviously, after this battle, Lin Nao also became a feared sting for ordinary students.

  After the student left, Lin Nao stretched out and stood up, saying, "The teacher in charge of the class, don't provoke me in the future, I will definitely not cause you trouble, I will go first."

  Hu Zhiqiang stood up and shouted, "Stop."

   Lin Bad stopped and turned to look at Hu Zhiqiang.

  Hu Zhiqiang asked: "Do you think I was just protecting Zhang Heng?"

   Lin Bad didn't speak, but it was obvious that he had disdain on his face.

Hu Zhiqiang sighed: "Regardless of whether you believe it or not, I am actually protecting you. Double fists are hard to beat four hands, can you beat a Zhang Heng, can you beat dozens of people under Zhang Chunlei?" To say that his dozens of brothers, even a knife under Zhang Chunlei's hand, is not something you can deal with. If I didn't intervene at the time, Da Lei might have already taken the lead."

   Although Lin Nai was a bit disdainful about this, he didn't want to expose his own strength so easily, so it would be a little troublesome to face a group fight.

Hu Zhiqiang said: "Although these students are very rampant, after all, I am still a teacher in the school. I used to manage it. Those Zhang Chunlei did not dare to intervene. As for the future, if they come to trouble you, you can come to my office at any time. Now."

   Lin Bad heard it. This is to let myself use the office as a refuge. Can't these teachers take charge of it in advance? Is that so counseling?

  Hu Zhiqiang said: "I will say that, you can go at any time."

Lin Nao was silent for a while, and then said: "Yes, your explanation has been accepted by me, but don't expect me to respect you more. I can only say that you have to do something you have to do as a class teacher thing."

Lin Badou pushed the door away, and Hu Zhiqiang sat back on his chair, sighing deeply. He didn't feel embarrassed because of the presence of other people in the office, but because Lin Lin's words pierced his heart as if to put him in the heart Something that had been hidden was swayed, and even made him feel ashamed that it no longer existed many years ago.

  Lin Nao left the office, walked out of the office building door, and walked towards the teaching building. Suddenly, behind him came a hurried and gentle and nice woman's voice: "Lin Nao, Lin Nao, wait a minute, wait for me."

   Lin Bad stopped and saw that the female teacher in the head teacher's office ran over. She ran panting, her face flushed, and she was covered with fragrant sweat, very sweet and fragrant.

  Lin smiled badly: "This teacher, what's the matter with me?"

The female teacher wiped a sweat and smiled and said, "My name is Park Yingxue, you can call me Teacher Park..."

Lin Nao's eyes widened: "This can't be said nonsense. I'm a good student who respects teachers. How can I be a teacher... Even if the teacher looks so beautiful, I wouldn't dare to... "

  Pu Yingxue hadn’t reflected what Lin Lin meant. Lin Lin said directly, "I will call you Yingxue Sister."

  Piao Yingxue smiled and said: "Sister Yingxue is good for me, anyway, I am no more than a few years older than you, and I am only twenty-four this year."

  Lin Hao was half-truly praised: "Wow, Yingxue, you really have the ability, so young began to be a teacher."

   Sister Yingxue became Yingxue directly, and Lin Haoxi started shamelessly.

Park Yingxue smiled bitterly: "The school's previous faculty is very strong. In fact, it will not recruit new teachers who are so young and unqualified. However, the reputation of the school has been deteriorating in recent years. Now."

Lin Nao said seriously: "Yingxue, how can you say that? As soon as I look at your appearance, I know that you will become the most outstanding people's teacher one day sooner or later. Yulan College has recruited you so early to prove that Have a unique vision."

   Pu Yingxue smiled softly and charmingly: "How can you judge a person's ability according to the person's appearance, you can really talk nonsense."

   Lin bad ha ha smiled and said: "This is the basis I use to judge people, Yingxue, you are definitely not just coming to chat with me?"

Park Yingxue froze for a moment, suddenly spit out his tongue, patted his high chest, and looked cute and cute: "Fortunately, you remind me, otherwise I really forgot. In fact, I hope you don't treat Teacher Hu Such a big opinion, in fact, he can't help himself."

   Lin bad sneered: "Do you want to excuse you as teachers?"

  Piao Yingxue was dumb and didn't know what to say. The character of Park Yingxue was actually very soft girl, and she didn't know what it was like to run into such a school as a teacher.

   Lin's bad tone eased a little, saying: "I don't mean to say you, what can you do like a female teacher."

Park Yingxue shook his head vigorously: "Whether male or female, I am a people's teacher. You are right. In fact, we are all responsible. The purpose of Mrs. Wei's establishment of this school is actually to bring to students A comfortable learning environment turned out to be this way, and we lived up to the painstaking efforts of our founders."

  Lin Bad asked: "Is there anything else?"

   "I..." Park Yingxue sighed, "I'm gone."

Lin Nao turned and left. Park Yingxue was indeed beautiful enough, and his character was soft. If he changed to usual, Lin Nao might have taken the opportunity to flick, but the thought of Mrs. Wei, who had passed away, became today’s. It seems that Lin Bad's mood is a bit bad, and he is interested to talk more.

When I walked to the door of the class, Lin's bad mood eased. I was just a student. I thought about what I could do. I just had such a good opportunity. The young lady was so cute and so cute. Oh, so good. How could the opportunity not be grasped properly, maybe a vigorous teacher-student relationship could be staged, and it would be exciting to think about it.

   Lin Bad regretted and knocked on the door of the classroom. The Chinese language teacher lectured in the front. There were too many students talking and chatting below, and he didn’t hear his knocking.

Anger came back again. Lin Bad thought for a while and walked in directly. Under the surprise of everyone's eyes, he walked to the desk of Zhang Chunyu who was putting his two legs on the desk and smoking Before, he kicked heavily towards Zhang Chunyu's body and scolded in his mouth: "Hey, what did I say to you? I gave you a face!"

With a bang, Zhang Chunyu fell directly on his back, then Lin Nao kicked him to the corner of the classroom with a kick, and a chain of kicks kicked one foot at a time. At first Zhang Chunyu could bear it, but when his forehead kicked, The nose bridge was crooked, his face covered with blood, and he began to cry for mercy.

   The handle in the class was beaten like this bird. In the past, the intermittent students who seemed to laugh and talk very well turned out to be so violent. Everyone shut their mouths and stunned.