The Great Trump Card

Chapter 408: I am still alive

Hou Liang took two cigarettes hard and grinned: "You are actually calculating our Hou family, and the Wei family is also forbearing... but it is normal. If I were to change it to me, I would also like to take revenge. But this is also very good. In this way, I will not have any guilt for the teacher Zhao Yulan."

   Lin Hou glanced at Hou Liang and asked, "Have you been guilty all these years?"

"How could it not be?" Hou Liang said with a wry smile. "Mr. Zhao Yulan was very good to us students at the beginning. Many teachers in the school did not care about us, the prickly students, but Zhao Yulan was like a parent. The same to control us, he cares about us very much, and has been saying that he does not want to give up on us. Also, she has never received a red envelope, and has never received any special treatment for my second-generation children, To be honest, I always respect teachers like Zhao Yulan."

   "But you killed her in the end."

"I didn't mean it," Hou Liang said with excitement. "I didn't know **** people at that time. I really didn't want her to die, especially when she fell in the pool of blood. I watched her close a little bit. Eyes, I was more flustered than anyone else at that time, I was scared, I was uneasy, I still wanted to cry... From small to big, I only really wanted to cry that time, a life gradually disappeared in front of me in this way At that time, I immediately remembered the scene in which my teacher Zhao Yulan cared very much for me.

  Hou Liang said, crying suddenly, just knowing that he would die, he did not cry, but now Hou Liang cried, tears like rain.

"I regret it...I really regret it." Hou Liang gradually lacked strength, followed by some miserable words, "Bad brother, I don't hate you, if I kill you today, I don't regret it, today You killed me, and I won't regret it..."

   Lin bad sighed: "I didn't mean to kill you."

"I know, so I feel that this is destiny, and destiny is sometimes ridiculous." Hou Liang said, and actually laughed twice, laughing while crying, "I want to kill you, but I failed Killed. You didn’t want to kill me, but I died in your hands. Isn’t this ridiculous?"

   Lin Bad didn't know how to say it, but felt that this kind of thing couldn't be laughed. Suddenly, Lin Bad had some sympathy in Hou Liang's heart.

   Hou Liang said: "Now I look like you and me, it really feels like me and teacher Zhao Yulan at that time...Ms. Zhao Yulan didn't open her eyes so slowly..."

Hou Liang's eyelids gradually couldn't lift up, and his voice became weaker and weaker, and he kept saying, "Bad brother, do you know... I really wanted to follow you... to create something great ...Did you will sooner or later one day...can be better than the current general...awesome."

   Hou Liang fell softly to the ground, completely immobile, and his mouth was still bleeding, Lin Lin slowly closed his eyes, this is fate, is it the fate of legend.

   Hou Liang died, but Lin Nao didn't feel the slightest heartfelt feeling, but instead felt very regretful, and his heart was empty. He completed Wei Sihai's request, but he didn't even feel a little happy in his heart.

   It was at this time that a sudden footstep came from the door, and then someone started knocking on the door, Lin Nai said weakly: "Come in."

The two men ran in from the outside. When they saw this scene in the office, the two men froze for a moment, but quickly regained their gaze and said anxiously: "Bad brother, suddenly there are so many people killing Here we are, and boss Wu is now guarding him in the nightclub, but there are too many people on the other side, and they are all yelling... yelling..."

  Lin Bad asked: "What is yelling?"

   "Yoah you are dead."

Lin Bad laughed bitterly and looked at Hou Liang who had swallowed, as if to say to Hou Liang, although Hou Liang could not hear: "Hou Liang, this is a masterpiece of your father or your grandfather, he can It's really cruel. I'm not sure you can go out alive and send someone to attack. This is to use you to kill me, but I never thought you would go out alive."

 Lin Nao stood up slowly from the ground, stepping out to the outside step by step, and said, "Let’s go out together, I let them have a look, whether Lin Lin is dead or alive."

Lin Bad understood, this time it must be the design of the Hou family. As for Hou Yangsheng or Hou Ye’s calculation, Lin Bad thought Hou Ye was more likely. Hou Yangsheng always wanted to preserve the Hou family, Certainly, he will not sacrifice his son, and Hou Ye is now clearly hysterical. In order to preserve his reputation as a young man, he will do everything now.

Hou Ye knew that his relationship with his grandson was very good, and his grandson had always admired himself, so he certainly did not guard against it, plus this poison could not be distinguished if it was changed to a normal person, They certainly did not expect that they would be a researcher in medicine and poison, so they felt foolproof.

At this time, if he died, Li Shuangren’s people would come in and attack, I am afraid it would really succeed. This is not a matter of dying alone, but the death of the Lord, when the dragons are headless, the heart is turbulent, and I am afraid in the blink of an eye The North District will be lost.

   Lin Hao felt terrified after thinking about it. This Hou Ye was really poisonous enough, and his tactics and means were also fierce enough. This time it was almost done.

Lin Nao hurried out from the inside. The people who were resisting downstairs immediately saw a surge in morale after seeing Lin Nao. The Wu Shanhe who rushed to the front suddenly shouted loudly, "I will say that the Lord is okay, help the Lord !"

   "The Lord is here!"

   "The Lord is here!"

   "The Lord is still alive, those people are lying to us!"

   Lin nodded badly and shouted: "Keep off!"

   Everyone immediately divided a road, and then Lin Nao went straight to the outside.

  Wu Shanhe shouted: "Bad brother, there are a lot of people outside, dangerous!"

   "It's okay!" Lin Nao directly came out of the crowd and walked in front of everyone. The people of Li Shuangren who were stepping up the offensive outside suddenly realized that Lin Nao came out, and they were all dumbfounded.

   "Why is he still alive?"

   "Yeah, didn't the boss say he was dead?"

   "This... I am also puzzled. At first I felt that it was impossible to die for no reason. It is really strange."

   These people were a little ignorant, Lin Nai did not hesitate, just like the dragon out of the sea, ran directly to the crowd and swept away!