The Great Trump Card

Chapter 509: Collective breakthrough

Lin Nai is another bowl of soup and a bath, but this time, although the pain of a torn body can still be seen during the bath, the spirit and body seem to be a bit adapted, which is slightly better than the last time. some.

   But when he came out, Lin Nao still felt muddled. The kind of pain really made people not want to try again and again.

   Lin badly dressed his shoes and went back to his room to sleep again.

But this time Lin Nao didn't sleep as long as before. He slept until ten o'clock the next morning. After getting up, he didn't have time to practice gossip palms, simply shower, wash, and then go with his mother to talk, Started to continue to drink soup and medicine bath.

This time Lin Nai slept until more than nine o'clock the next day. Lin Nai began to discover a pattern. Every time he slept on his own, he would wake up a little early the next morning. In other words, his physical capacity became stronger. A lot, not every time the medicine bath hollowed out to that extent, because sleep itself is a compensation for the body.

  After five days, Lin Nao felt that although it was still painful, it was within the tolerable range. In the morning, he adjusted the work schedule to seven o'clock and got up. At least he could practice for several hours every morning.

When Lin Nao got up from the bed at seven o'clock, he simply washed and ran into the woods to practice the gossip palm near the knife and Dongyun Buyi. After several palms were shot, Lin Na couldn't help but say in surprise: My strength...I've gotten better!!"

   I had no time to practice a few days ago. Lin Nao didn't know if he had grown, but today I suddenly found my true energy seemed to have reached a higher level.

   Both Dong Yunyayi and the knife stopped, turned their heads to look at Lin Badou, and looked at the power of Lin Badou's gossip palm. Both of them were also surprised.

 Not far away at this time, Elder Yinye said slowly: "The progress is fast, it looks faster than expected, and now the peak of dark energy is complete."

   The eyes of the knife shone brightly, and as Lin Nai's strength improved, he also had an urgent desire for strength.

   Lin bad withdrew his hands and said excitedly: "Breakthrough! Breakthrough!!!"

Elder Yinye walked over with a smile and said, "You did create a miracle. Your second master did not expect that your breakthrough would happen so fast. This is just five days past. In our opinion At least, it will take you at least ten days before you can break through. You are halfway ahead of time."

   Lin bad excitedly said: "Master, I broke through, then I hope to break through to the beginning of the next five days?"

Elder Yinye shook his head and said, "The breakthrough in the early period of Huajin is not as easy as you think. Even if you have reached the Great Consummation, it still takes time, but I think that after five days, you will be more distant from the early stage of Huajin. Go further."

   "It doesn't matter, I continue to bathe medicine, continue to temper myself, even if I can't break through, I have to give it a try."

  The knife hesitated and asked, "Can I..."

   Elder Yinye looked at the knife, and Dongyun Buyi suddenly said: "I think too."

   Elder Yinye immediately said: "You can't do it. Women and men are different. Women are yin and men are yang. I am afraid the same method will not work for you."

At this time, Yao Lao did not know when he came over and said: "Yes, I can adjust different prescriptions to filter the body of Dongyun Buyi, filtering out all impurities in the body, although it is impossible to play a role in rapid breakthrough. , But it will make it easier for her to practice martial arts in the future."

   Dongyunyayi knelt down and said, "Thanks to Yao Laochengquan."

   The knife also knelt down.

  Yao Lao said: "Okay, you all get up. In addition, Lin is bad. Don't you bother me anymore in the future, bring some people back!"

   Lin smirked: "I know, Yao Lao."

In the next few days, the knife and Lin Nao suffered the same pain, and Dongyunyayi was much better, only to remove impurities from the body. Although the effect was not as domineering as Lin Nao and the knife, but for the future practice Wu Zhilu still has great benefits, and there is not so much pain.

In addition to the medicinal baths every day, Lin Nao continued to practice Bagua Palm every day. Under the guidance of the old Yinye, Lin Nao made further progress in Bagua Palm, and became more confident in the contest in Jilin Province. .

On the thirteenth day of Lin Nao’s return, it was also the seventh day of the knife soaking and bathing. The strength of the knife also broke into the middle of Dark Power. The strength of the knife broke through again in seven days, while Lin Nao took five days, even This is the case, Yao Lao is also full of praise for the talent of the knife.

Because there are still two days left before the day of the contest, Lin Nao had to leave with a knife and Dong Yun Bu Yi first. Before leaving, Li Youmei fell in love with Dong Yun Bu Yi, and also reminded Lin Nai that the next time he would be real His daughter-in-law brought it back, so Dongyun Buyi also had to come back together, and the two of them naturally agreed.

  Lin Nao did not go to Tongcheng, but went directly to the provincial capital of Ji province and found a five-star hotel to stay. Then the news came that night, the general also came and lived in a hotel with Lin Nao.

   Lin Nao and the general made an appointment to meet in the hotel restaurant. Lin Nao came to the restaurant but saw the general sitting at the table by the window and waved at him. Lin Nao immediately walked over with a smile.

   "General, what a coincidence." Lin Nao sat down opposite the general and said with a smile, "I was surprised when you called me."

   "It is indeed a coincidence." The general looked at Lin Nai in surprise, and then said with emotion, "Your master really has a way, and such a fast time will take you one step further."

   Lin bad surprised: "You see it?"

   "Well." The general said, "Your breath is stronger, has you reached the peak of Dark Power, is it complete?"

   "Yeah." Lin badly exhaled and smiled bitterly, "but it is still very difficult to break through to the period of rejuvenation."

   "Be content, you are not yet twenty years old. This is already a genius among geniuses. A 19-year-old can achieve your current strength. I have never witnessed it myself."

   Lin bad asked: "Really?"

The general laughed and said: "Otherwise you think that the period of rejuvenation is like a big turnip? If all of them reach your level at the age of nineteen, then this period of life has not reached the period of rejuvenation. Is it natural? How many cheers should there be in the whole country? I'm afraid the number will be scary."

   Lin exhaled badly and smiled: "That's right, it looks like I'm really a great genius."

  If Lin Nao’s several masters are here, they must all give thumbs up to each other. Yes, they think they are right. Lin Nao really never knows what is called humility.

General    smiled and said: "Your talent is indeed amazing enough, this time I am more confident than Wu Wu."

   Lin bad said: "The strength of the knife also broke through, reaching the mid-level state of dark energy."

General   's eyes lighted up and nodded: "The two of you are our trump card, a dark mid-term, and a dark peak peak. I believe that it is difficult for Satan to send someone stronger than you."

Lin Badao said: "I can't be paralyzed. Satan is not only powerful in the Western world, even in our China, he has his power. How many masters should he trust? He can choose There is definitely more room than us, and the possibility of selecting elites is also higher."

   "Well, you can think of these as really good."

   At this time, the waiter brought the drink and two steaks. Lin Nao glanced at the general. The general said: "I don't know what you like to eat, I just casually shop, as a supper."

   "Okay." Lin Nao started to cut the steak with a knife and fork.

General    glanced out of the window and said, "Look at the prosperity outside. Who would have thought that our China Club would develop to this day a few decades ago?"

  Lin Bad, as a Chinese, naturally knows the history of China. He shook his head and also said with emotion: "No one really thought about it."

"Yeah, the once-sleeping Eastern Dragon has been awakened, and it is no longer the country that was once bullied." The general said, "Although we are mixed in the underground world, our bodies are still flowing. It is the blood of Hua Xia. We still have to remember that we are Hua Xia people and we should be proud of Hua Xia people."

  Lin Bad said, "General, I am respectful of your words."

"Well." The general said, "So this time you have to win anyway, because we can't let Huaxia's underground world obey the orders of some foreigners, and we can't tolerate letting those extreme guys hurt our country. Ordinary people. There are conflicts among our own people in our country, no matter how they fight, but they want to blend in differently."

   "I understand." Lin Nao said seriously, "I also have national pride."

   "Okay." The general said with a smile, "So I always treat you like that."

  Lin Bad asked: "Who came with the general this time?"

   "Remnant wolf, Li Mu, and several other people participating this time." The general said lightly. "No matter how many people come, it is useless, the other party's strength is too strong."

   Lin bad promised, said: "In fact, if you say a master, the general is enough."

General    smiled.

   Lin badly said: "Oh, general, I have never seen a mad tiger, what kind of person is he?"

"Crazy Tiger?" The general thought for a moment, and said, "He is a madman, a martial arts lover, saying that he is a madman because as long as he can improve his strength, he is willing to do anything. But he is not Extreme person, he is very principled. In this respect, like you, he is also a person with patriotic sentiment, so I admire him very much."

The words of General    are really full of appreciation, and can be appreciated by such a big man. Lin Nao suddenly became curious about this crazy tiger.

The general continued: "The mad tiger's martial arts talent is also among the top. His talent is not weaker than a knife, and he is very loyal to the people. To be realistic, in the four warlords, the other three people We are all bosses, and the mad tiger is different. He is a brother to his men, a brother of life and death."

   Lin Bad was surprised. Such a person is indeed rare. Among the people around Lin Bad, Geng Zhiming is possible, but Geng Zhiming does not have the strength of a mad tiger.

General    said, "Are you surprised?"

   "Yes." Lin badly said, "I think Crazy Tiger is actually suitable to be your successor, and I can feel your appreciation for him from your voice."

"I really appreciate him, but these are not enough. I said, he is also a madman." The general smiled, "Although I said I admire this madman, how can I let a madman be my What about the successor?"

Lin Bad suddenly didn’t know how to evaluate it. This crazy tiger is really a kind of extreme person with two sides, but this kind of extreme is not the same as the extreme of Satan’s group. This kind of extreme will not be annoying. , On the contrary, it will make people admire.

The general said: "Okay, let's eat. I can see that your strength has improved again today. It is also very reassuring. Remember, whether it is winning or losing, the biggest principle this time is to survive. Because of you Such a talented person is hard to find even for the entire China. Whether you lose or win this time, you are a great hope for China’s underground world and martial arts circles."

  For the first time Lin Nao felt the general's concern for himself. He looked up at the general, and the general ordered seriously: "Survival!"

   "Yes, general!"