The Great Trump Card

Chapter 693: The wood is creepy

Zhao Hu laughed suddenly, this Xu Weida was very interesting, timid, cunning, and good at greeting, he almost put the means of life-saving into one, such a person can be mixed up to the point of today, plus it can be Breaking through the period of rejuvenation, I have to say that he doesn't know how much luck he carries.

   wood said: "Yes."

  Just finished speaking, Xu Weida had already fired. The wood bent over to avoid the bullet, and then the whole person suddenly approached Xu Weida. He quickly fired several bullets in succession, but none of them shot.

   Seeing that the wood was approaching, Xu Weida began to dodge. His goal was to procrastinate for ten minutes, so he could delay as long as he could. He could not deal with wood without fighting with wood.

   Two people retreat, one chase, after all, the speed of the wood is faster, but in the process it was delayed for another three or four minutes.

  Everyone is stupid, isn't it a contest? Why is Xu Weida running all the time? The Xu Weida's men are also a little embarrassed. I feel that this boss is a bit too shameful.

   Zhao Hu shook his head and smiled: "Your boss's psychological quality is also good enough."

  Every one of them was embarrassed, and they didn't know what to say. The performance of their boss did make them not know what to say.

It stands to reason that Zhao Hu's voice is very loud, Xu Weida should be able to hear, but Xu Weida has been struggling to escape, until he can't run, it is about four minutes, he was forced to go back In response to the enemy, he dodged the wooden stick several times in a row, and then was swept by the stick, falling a long distance.

Zhao Hu shook his head and sighed, "Your boss shouldn't run first, but if you don't fight first, what kind of suspense can there be in this battle? His strength is indeed quite different from that of wood, but if it is desperate, say Maybe I can stick to it for a few more minutes, but a pity..."

   Xu Weida listened to Zhao Hu's words and gritted his teeth, thinking that if he didn't work hard now, there would be no chance at all.

  Xu Weida struggled to get up from the ground, his face was ugly, but his eyes showed a decisive color.

Wood looked at Xu Weida and said: "You finally let me have a little bit of interest. I broke through the period of rejuvenation. I always wanted to find a person of similar strength to try my strength in the rejuvenation. The previous you made me too I was disappointed. Instead of working with you before, I would rather go to an eight-year-old child, at least they understand what it means to be desperate."

 Wood is not humiliating Xu Weida. Wood is telling the truth, but Xu Weida doesn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, he smiles and says: "Desperately? I finally live to the present, why do I have to work hard?"

   "I have a car, a house and a brother now. There are many, many people who will sell their lives for me. Why should I work hard for myself?"

   wood said: "As a warrior, if you dare not even desperately, then this life will be completely destroyed."

Xu Weida smiled and said, "As a warrior, it is enough for me to break through the period of rejuvenation. I have never thought about how terrible death is. Until the night I just broke through to the early period of rejuvenation, my One of the best brothers died in the hands of people in the dark world, and I witnessed his limbs being cut off, and it was so painful to die."

   "The rejuvenation period turned out to be dying. Even in the early period of rejuvenation, it will also die so miserably. My path of advancement was already destroyed that night."

  The wood said coldly: "So you are afraid?"

   "Yes, I was really scared that night." Xu Weida took a deep breath and said, "I want to survive, all I want now is to live well!"

   wood said: "But you still intend to desperately."

"Because if I don't work hard now, I'm going to die." Xu Weida grinned broadly, "God is like this, no matter how much you want to live, but in the end it may still lose your life, you can't hide it. of."

   Wood shook his stick and said, "It's time to start."

"bring it on!!"

   The wood moved, and one step forward, the stick smashed past.

   Xu Weida also moved, his speed has been increased to the extreme, began to transform into several afterimages, began to hit the body in several directions at the same time.

Suddenly, a stick of wood was thrust directly to the left. Xu Weida spit out a bit of blood and backed away. Then a stick of wood fell down and fell directly on Xu Weida's leg. With a puff, Xu Weida screamed and fell. Ground.

   Wood shook his head, Xu Weida really wanted to desperately, but it was still too weak and too weak, too weak to make Wood feel too disappointed.

   After Xu Weida fell to the ground, his eyes showed a look of despair and screamed: "Why, why are we all clearly in the early stages of rejuvenation, but you are so much stronger than me?"

  Not only Xu Weida, but also the people of Xu Weida don't quite understand.

The wood coldly said: "Because you just want to live, and I want to win, our determination is different. And your previous mentality is really too weak, you already have this in your heart, and then want to change that It's not easy to find such kind of energy to get back, even if you work hard now."

  Xu Weida didn't know why, and suddenly wanted to cry, but couldn't cry, because the fear in his heart was too deep, and the cry was covered by his fear.

  The wood said coldly: "Do you have anything else to say?"

  Xu Weida walked step by step, at this time Xu Weida suddenly shouted suddenly: "Kill him, save me!!!"

   Those who received Xu Weida immediately rushed towards the wood, Zhao Hu was about to move, and the wood said coldly: "No need, I can make up for myself!"

The wood rushed up, but saw that the wood's moves were all killing tricks. His stick hit his head and legs. Almost all of these people soon began to cry bitterly. All the people were dead or disabled. .

  Wait until the two dozen people all fell down, the time is actually just two minutes later, then the wood looked at Xu Weida and asked, "Do you have anything else to say now?"

   "Let me go, please let me go... or can you hand me over to the bad brother, okay? I want to say a few words to the bad brother."

  Zhao Hu listened next to him, hesitated a little, he looked at the wood and said: "It seems that it is not good for us to deal with him privately, otherwise we will give him to the bad brother..."

With a bang, Zhao Weida heard that Zhao Hu said that he would hand over to Lin Nao. He just had some hope in his eyes, and the wood raised the stick in his hand. When the hope in his eyes had not disappeared, he smashed it directly. His head cracked and his blood overflowed.

  Everyone was stupid, and even Zhao Hu stayed for a while. No one thought of the fact that the wood was so decisive, without any hesitation.

  After the wood killed the man, he stood beside him in a decent manner, and the tone was still without any emotion. He said stiffly: "This person cannot be handed over to the bad brother, we must deal with it ourselves."

   Zhao Hu asked: "Why?"

   "If this person does not kill, the future will be a hidden danger, even if it is handed over to the bad brother, the bad brother will eventually kill it."

  Zhao Hudao: "Since the bad brother is about to kill, why not give it to the bad brother to kill?"

Wood looked at Zhao Hu and said: "Although Xu Weida is not useful, but after all, he is also the boss of many people. How many loyal and honest people will he have under his hands? Instead of letting them hate bad guys, bring them to bad guys. The difficulty of coming to rule the underground world of Ji province is better to let them all hate you and me, you say, brother Hu."

   Zhao Hu suddenly grinned: "You are right, you are right."

   At this time, some of the more than 20 people around shouted: "He killed the boss, we want to avenge the boss."

  Because some of them shouted out, some of them really wanted to avenge Xu Weida, but more people were forced to face, and all followed up.

  Looking at the twenty or so people who came around, Zhao Hu sighed, "Why is this necessary."

The wood moved, he held a stick in his hand, and stepped into the crowd, but saw him even walking away. The whole person walked like a court, and every time he was able to use a stick to interrupt someone's limb, someone started Begging for mercy and fleeing, but after the wood chased it, it was a stick. In the blink of an eye, these people fell to the ground one by one.

Zhao Hu looked at this scene without any sympathy in his heart, but showed a little warmth. He knew that the wood was for the whole dragon gang. Although he said that he had just entered the dragon gang, the wood was loyal to himself. No matter who you follow, no matter where you go, the wood will follow, and then go to the kind of responsibility.

  Wood This is to deter the entire underground world of Jilin Province. Sometimes the Huairou policy is not effective in the underground world.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 people had one leg broken by wood. If they didn’t recognize wood before, they would never forget the wood in their lifetime. Even nightmares at night would be awakened. They would be afraid. They will always remember such a person in this life.

Wood's gaze swept at each of them, some of them were afraid, and some were full of hate, but Wood didn't care at all, his eyes were unbroken from beginning to end, neither sympathizing nor showing that kind Wanting to cut the grass and roots, his eyes are just like his name, no emotion at all.

And after looking around, he said, "Remember my name, wood. From now on, no matter where I go, I will always dream of my name. At the same time, I am very happy to be able to survive today. , Because in the future you will learn that those who deserve my hands will rarely survive."

   "I really want to kill you, but you are not worthy, your boss is barely worthy!"

   "I wait for you to come to me for revenge, then you will prove that I am worth your life, and maybe I will kill your family by the way."

  Everyone listened to this emotionless voice and language, creepy.