The Great Trump Card

Chapter 761: Take one enemy and three!

Lin Nao's heart flashed with an unknown number of thoughts in the blink of an eye. If he gave up the person in front of him, he would have to fight one enemy to three, but if he had to kill the person in front of him, he might get a sword behind him.

  Obviously Mo Yang also knows that Lin Nao is facing this kind of entanglement, so his sword is ruthless and merciless, and the speed is reaching the extreme, and there is no meaning to stop at all.

   Lin Bad this time is also advancing, as if in his eyes it is enough as long as he kills the person in front of him, as to whether he will be injured, it doesn't matter.

   The man who Lin Lin was about to kill showed a look of panic. He only thought that Lin Bad was crazy, but he had no chance to dodge at all, because the speed of Lin Bad was so fast.

Seeing Lin Nao's fist hitting the person in front of him, this person also closed his eyes in despair, Lin Nao dodged away in an instant, and hid to one side, while Moyang's sword was really out of the way It was too fast, plus I didn’t expect Lin Nao to be able to come with such a hand, the long sword actually stabbed his companion’s heart. Fortunately, Moyang’s swordsmanship was indeed perfect, and he quickly pulled out the long sword. Out, but at this moment, Lin Nao hit the man just now with a punch, slammed, the man was first stabbed by Mo Yang with a sword, then hit by Lin Nao with a punch, and flew out and fell Falling to the ground, the dead can no longer die.

  In the blink of an eye, Lin Nao killed one person first, and Lin Nao’s combat skills even made Mo Yang dumbfounded.

   Lin badly smiled and said: "I just said, it would be better if Zong Shao sent his men, and I would like Zong Shao's people to die, but you just don't believe it."

  Mo Yang's eyes showed a dignified color, and asked: "How come you have such a rich combat skills?"

  Lin said with a bad smile: "Don't underestimate me. I used to come out of the Dragon Shield. You are responsible for killing. I am responsible for protecting people. Who do you think is more difficult?"

   "Dragon Shield... No wonder so."

Lin Badang said with a smile: "The words of killing people are taken advantage of, but the words of protecting people are to tell you to take advantage of me. The saying is good, the dark arrows are difficult to guard against, and our dragon shields even guard against the dark arrows and fight. Can the skills be weak?"

Mo Yang took a deep breath and his eyes became more dignified. He suddenly understood that 500 million is indeed a very cheap price. Although Zong Shao’s side had advised Lin Nao to be strong before, Lin Nao’s strength Still beyond imagination.

  Lin Bad asked: "Otherwise, I will also spend 500 million yuan. If you help me to kill Zong Shao, I will let you go."

  Mo Yang pointed his sword front at Lin Nao and said coldly: "You should know that our killers have always bowed and did not look back. It is impossible for them to betray their employers, and they can't die."

   Lin bad sighed: "Then there is no way."

Lin Badou said lightly, in fact, he has always been on the lookout. Moyang’s strength is not weak at all. In the mid-term of Mojin, Moyang is definitely a master, plus there is a next to it. In the early days of Jin, the other side was still watching, and Lin Hao clearly saw that the master of the early stage of Hua Jin quietly retreated a little, and was still close to Moyang. I still want to reapply the tricks now. Too realistic.

   Lin bad said: "Moyang, you are called Mozi sword, but in such a small room, it is not suitable for you to use the sword technique, otherwise we will go out and fight?"

Mo Yang said coldly: "After going out, you will easily recruit your people, I will not be fooled, not to mention, the room is too small, although it is not suitable for the use of my sword, but also in this room It’s for you to dodge, am I right?"

Lin Bad laughed a little, this Mo Yang was not so good, of course, Lin Bad did not actually intend to really flicker, but just tried to distract the other party’s attention when he was talking, but the other party was very vigilant, this It is really not easy.

   Mo Yang said coldly: "You stare at the side, ready to attack at any time, I will attack head-on."

   "Good!" Mo Yang's companion said.

   Lin bad suddenly said: "Hey, that man, you two got 500 million, don't you fear that after I die in a while, Mo Yang will kill you again, and then give the money alone?"

   Mo Yang gas smiled: "The money is remitted in our company, and then divided into us, not directly into our pocket."

   "Oh, it's not very successful to provoke separation, so let me think about it again."


  Moyang really does not know what is going on in Lin Bad's brain circuit, is he big-hearted? Or is it that the art masters are so bold?

   Just when he felt a little speechless, suddenly Lin Nao shot first, and Mo Yang hurried out his sword. It turned out that Lin Nao was deliberately dividing his heart.

This time Lin Nao shot, punched, and directly used the seventh style of the 18th style of Tu Long. This is the strongest move Lin Lin can use now, and the real energy of Tu Long also automatically runs directly. The power of terror is like The demon beast generally swallowed Moyang.

  Moyang only felt that his long sword seemed to pierce a cosmic vortex. This vortex was too terrible and too vast. He wanted to pierce it. It was a difficult thing that could not be more difficult.

  Moyang's long sword added a bit of power, and his power reached the extreme. Lin Nao could feel a sharp force emerge from the long sword, as if the long sword had grown out of the sword spirit.

  The two intersect, Lin Naolian retreats backwards, and there are several blood marks on his fist, but Moyang is worse, the sword becomes shattered, and Moyang's palm is completely broken, even bleeding.

  Moyang was stunned. Looking at this scene in disbelief, someone broke his strongest sword move with his fists? ?

   Mo Yang's early stage of rejuvenation was also dumbfounded. Mo Yang was already superior in the killer organization. As a result, Lin Lin's hands didn't even pass a single move, and he was directly defeated? This sounds too incredible.

Lin Badang was somewhat ecstatic. This was the first time in practice that he demonstrated the greatest power of the 18th Dragon Tu and the true combination of the Dragon Dragon, and this is only the 7th. If he can now learn 18 Isn't it fearless even the peak of the power?

  Moyang swallowed a spit, his companion retreated toward the door, a few silver leaves flew out of Lin Nao's hands, and the killer who tried to escape screamed and fell to the ground, twitching to death.

   Lin Nao then looked at Mo Yang and said, "I just said that, but you don't believe it."

   "Why are you so strong." Mo Yang couldn't believe it. "You just participated in the elite competition in the elite competition some time ago. How can you defeat me in the middle of the competition?"

   Lin bad smiled and said: "There are still many things you can't believe, you are defeated now, what can you say?"

   Mo Yang smiled bitterly: "If you lose, you lose. For those of us assassins, losing is equivalent to death."

   Lin nodded, looked at Mo Yang, and said: "You didn't run away, so I want to show respect to you, I won't do it, I will wait for you to do it yourself."

"Thank you." Mo Yang stooped down to pick up a fragment of the long sword, and then bowed deeply to Lin Nao. "This bow is my respect for the strong. If you are not dead, the future ten Dahuajin... No... there will definitely be a place for you among the four great masters in the future. I can die in the hands of a person like you, it is worth it."

  Mo Yang did not hesitate for a moment, he cut his own throat directly with fragments, and then sprayed out blood...

   Lin sighed badly, watching Mo Yang's body slowly fall to the ground, he stepped out of the room.

After all, Mo Yang is still a mid-level master of chemistry, no matter which one of the masters will shake the entire martial arts world, Lin Nao even feels a kind of sad sorrow for rabbits, but Lin Nao knows that this kind of thing will still happen in the future. It will go through many, many times, and such a time is nothing.

After leaving the hotel, Lin Nao made a call to Geng Zhiming, asked Geng Zhiming to send someone to deal with it, and at the same time informed Geng Zhiming to find out Liu Lulu’s whereabouts, and to arrest Liu Lulu. In addition, Lin Nao also gave blood The dragon made a phone call to remind the blood dragon that it would soon go to war!

  If it was just speculation before, then Zong Shaodu has already sent people to his site to start his operations. I am afraid that the war will only be between the days and nights, and it will never be too late.

  Lin bad let the blood dragon summon all elites in the entire city of Harbin, while sending people to monitor near the highway, airport, railway station, there will inevitably be outside forces stepping into the realm of Harbin.

At the same time, Lin Nao also called his other big men one by one, so that they could prepare for the greatest vigilance, including in Liao province, Lin Nao also made a call, at least there is now a dragon on the surface. Gang site, and the other party is actually a bad ally.

Lin Nao said while talking on the phone with the boss of Liao province: "If we win this battle, then we can at least ensure that our territory is safe within the next few years, if we lose, then Since then, we have lost everything and nothing."

After listening to it, Hu Yanba was silent for a while, and then said: "Lang Gangzhu, I have thought about these days. If you can trust me, I will still be responsible for the territory of Liaoning Province instead of transferring me to other places. Go, I don’t want to leave my homeland, then I promise that as long as you can lead me to win in this battle, I will truly serve you as the lord since then, not the cooperation and alliance as before."

   After Lin bad listening, his eyes lit up and said, "Okay!"

Lin Nao knew that if Zong Shao compiled Huyanba, he would definitely let Huyanba leave Liaoning. This is probably the most unbearable for Huyanba. In fact, it is the same no matter where you go, but many people have a nostalgic plot. It seems the same reason as many people long for Yijinjin to return home.

   Lin Nao could trust Huyanba, so Lin Nao agreed, and under this circumstance, Lin Nao must also agree. As a big man, as a owl, he must understand the trade-offs.

   Lin Badang hurried back home. At this time, Lin Bad also heard that Geng Zhiming had arrested Liu Lulu. After Lin Badang knew, he said cruelly: "Bring Liu Lulu into my villa!!"