The Great Trump Card

Chapter 844: Ouyang Lonely VS McWilliam (one more

Ouyang was lonely, a master of kendo among China's top ten intensifiers. In the previous classics, he appeared as a guest judge, and later at the end of the game, he once hacked a sword, that striking sword Let Lin Nao find a breakthrough inspiration.

  Ouyang loneliness is walking at this moment, with sword energy condensing on his side. He walks slowly, but the breath is continually condensing as he keeps improving with each step.

   When he walked outside the gate of the villa, almost everyone in the whole villa looked at it because they felt a chill, which made them tremble.

  The knife in the room ran into the hall excitedly, but he saw that McWilliam also went to the hall. The knife looked at McWilliam and said, "Master, did you feel it?"

   "Well, there is a strong sword!" McWilliam's eyes also flashed with excitement. "I've never seen such a strong sword spirit. This person is a master of Kendo."

  The knife said: "I can probably guess who it is, "Sword Saint" Ouyang, one of our top ten intensifications in China, is alone!"

   "Ouyang is alone." McWilliam muttered to himself, "One is a sword and the other is a sword. Very good, very good, it is time to touch it."

  At this moment, McWilliam's body also released a sharp breath like a sword, which reflected the sword energy outside.

 ? The figure of McWilliam appeared at the gate of the villa, and then said, "Open the door!"

  The iron gate was opened, and Ouyang walked in from the gate alone. When he walked in, the sword gas flooded into him, and McWilliam's sword gas was evenly matched.

   The duel between the two top experts has not really started, but everyone in the villa courtyard has been scared away.

  McWilliam said calmly: "Ouyang is alone?"

   "Yes." Ouyang said alone, "I carry the sword today, I hope to be able to discuss with you, I don't know if Mr. Mike is convenient."

   "Convenient!" After McWilliam finished speaking, the breath on both sides was more intense.

  Ouyang smiled and said: "The name of the sword **** in the western world, I have heard it for a long time. I came here today to learn from it, and there is no malice. I just hope that I can improve my martial arts, learn from each other's weaknesses, keep improving, and go further."

Ouyang loneliness is the strongest opponent to challenge McWilliam recently, but it is also the most polite opponent. In his view, all martial arts in the world are the same, regardless of Chinese martial arts or hope martial arts, they are always regardless of nationality. of.

  He wants to become stronger, but he wants to break through the bottleneck and reach a new level, not necessarily who has to win.

  Ouyang loneliness is an extremely pure warrior!

  McWilliam looked at Ouyang solitude and said, "The comer is a guest, please first!"

   "Okay!" Ouyang's lonely long sword spun out and fell into his palm. He stroked the long sword just like stroking a lover who had been in love for many years.

Seeing Ouyang Lonely's inner tenderness towards Sabre, McWilliam's eyes showed a dignified color, and then he heard Ouyang Lonely say: "This saber has followed me for 16 years, accompanied I have been a youth for sixteen years. Like my most sincere partner, today I don’t know whether it’s winning or losing, I don’t know whether it’s life or death, but my sword can confront the knife in your hands today. , No regrets."

  McWilliam held a long knife and said, "Today I have to deal with Mr. Ouyang, and I have no regrets."

   "Okay, this first sword is my respect for Mr. Mike. This sword was realized by me three years ago. One sword is flying fairy!"

  Ouyang's lonely long sword waved out, and a sword light went straight to McWilliam like a meteor. This sword light was so dazzling, so dazzling, it made people almost unable to open their eyes.

  The knife stood at the door and his eyes widened. The power of this sword was already comparable to the power of the knife that McWilliam had swayed when facing Tian Lun!

  McWilliam also brightened his eyes and said excitedly: "A quick sword!"

After speaking, McWilliam waved it with a knife, and the light from this knife was not weaker than that sword. The two reflected each other and slammed together. The ground seemed to tremble, and a shocking shock wave Scattered around, except that the two parties were still standing there, the others could not help but step back slightly.

"very scary!"

   "Yeah, it's terrible!"

  The bodyguards in the villa were all talking.

   "This is martial arts, I never dreamed of such martial arts!"

   "Wu Xue could achieve such a point, am I watching a movie?"

   Many people are talking about it.

And the two previous people also appeared in the old place outside at that time. On those two big trees, I don’t know if they felt the smell of their body on the tree was still good. The two still stood. The previous position.

  Wu Qingyuan applauded and exclaimed: "The splendor of this battle should be higher than that of Tian Lun. Who can think that mortals would have such strength?"

   Huang Tianxiao also said excitedly: "It's very powerful, I didn't expect to see such a big scene just after I entered the society."

  Wu Qingyuan said with a smile: "This is your gospel. It shows that you are a very blessed person, and the future of the Huang family is unlimited."

Huang Tianxiao's eyes sparkled with light: "Yes, even if such a battle is difficult to encounter once in many years, most people may not have encountered it in a lifetime. This battle just made me observe and observe. It must be Will greatly benefit."

Wu Qingyuan said: "It seems that McWilliam's strength has definitely reached the level of the top ten strengths. This battle is almost equivalent to the duel of the two of the top ten strengths, similar to the top 14 in China. The duel between two masters is very rare."

   McWilliam's eyes flashed with excitement, with emotion: "You are a strong sword."

   "Not enough." Ouyang said alone, "This kind of sword will not hurt you at all."

  McWilliam asked: "Do you have a stronger sword?"

   "Of course." Ouyang said alone, "Since I came with a sword today, how can I not have a stunt?"

   "That's great." McWilliam smiled, "Then you have another sword."

   "No, I just gave you a sword, and now I hope you will return to me with a knife, which is also a way of treating guests."

   "Okay, let me go back to the sir!" McWilliam raised his long knife and shouted. The world seemed to be cleaved by this knife, and the light from the top went down, towards Ouyang alone!