The Great Trump Card

Chapter 884: Lin bad killing decisively (one more)

Standing at the door of the hotel, Zhang Hongsheng began to focus on introducing: "Bad brother, this is Lin Tao, he is the boss of Tongshan City."

   "This is Jinzhou boss Li Hequan."

   "This is Wu Xuebin, the boss of Changhong City."

   "This is the boss and senior of Wuquan City."


Shanxi Province is counted as a county-level city. There are 22 cities in total. There are a total of 17 big brothers here today. The remaining five big brothers have already gone with the former boss, so it can be said that all the deserved ones Has come.

   From this point of view, Lin Bad is still satisfied. After all, Mountain Creek Province is not the world that he brought down, but the other party took the initiative to let it out, so these people can come all the way, and they have already given themselves a face.

  Zhang Hongsheng said: "This is our gang master in the future, let's call the gang master okay."

These people shouted to help the Lord together, and they could hear it from their voices. Some of them wanted to perform well in front of Lin Nao, so they were very excited and some of them were lazy, Even with a bit of conflicting emotions.

  Lin Bad was probably written down, and then entered the hotel lobby with them.

The entire hotel was probably able to seat a few hundred people, and all of them were packed. Lin Nao sat with these gangsters in the first row, and the rest sat here were basically small bosses or gangsters from a certain district. Category.

  Zhang Hongsheng walked to the stage, took the microphone, and said: "Everyone writes down, this is our new gang leader, and since then our big guys will all be dragon gang people."

"It's okay to be a dragon gang." A young man in his twenties stood underneath and shouted with his neck, "We can all enter the dragon gang, but who will take over after our mountainous province? , This we have to ask."

"Yeah." Another man stood up. "If an outsider came to control us, we would not accept it. Unless it was Brother Hong Sheng, you personally came to take charge of the entire mountain and river province. At first, you were the number one red stick. A large part of the underground world of Shanxi Province was brought down by you. If you come to be the boss of Shanxi Province, we are convinced."

  Zhang Hongsheng's complexion changed, Shen said: "What nonsense, no matter whether it is in Shanxi Province or the three northern provinces, there is only one boss, that is, the gang leader of the dragon gang is bad. Whatever the gang leader arranges, we will just follow.

At this time, a young man stood up again and looked at Lin Nao, shouting: "Bad brother, we respect you as the lord, but you certainly won't sit in Shanxi Province by yourself? Shanxi Province is definitely calling someone to come Take care of us, we all treat you as the boss, but you are the boss of the boss, we want our boss to be Hong Sheng brother, if it is changed to other people, let alone me, the brothers of the entire Shanxi Province will not be convinced what!"



  The audience was all shouting, but these shouting people were all in the middle and upper levels in each city. The bosses in each city had not opened their mouths, and they all watched this scene with cold eyes.

   Lin bad glanced at the ugly Zhang Hongsheng on the stage, and then at a growing number of people around, sneering in his heart, it was really a good show.

Perhaps in the eyes of these people, Zhang Hongsheng is really highly respected, and part of it is indeed in his heart, but if they are all spontaneous behaviors, Lin Bad also kills unbelief. These people can be so united, and none of them agitated ? So who would encourage them to do so, it can only be said that the vested interests are Zhang Hongsheng.

  Zhang Hongsheng always pretends to be a good person there, but what he thinks is only known in his own heart.

Zhang Hongsheng glanced at Lin Nao, then waved his hand and said, "Don't say it anymore, this matter needs to be helped by the Lord personally. No matter who is in charge after the Shanxi Province, our brothers in the Dragon Gang must follow well. Do it, don’t leave moths, unite together. Only when we are united to the outside, can we twist into a rope, can we become a force, be invincible, attack, and be bullied by outsiders!"

"Yes." Then another person shouted at the moment, "Brother Hong Sheng came to be our boss, we can twist into a rope, we are all helpers, but this person in charge must ask you to be. If You don’t come here, if you change to someone else, then we can’t unite."

   "Yeah, who can be convinced by changing to other people?"

   Zhang Hongsheng hesitated and said: "This..."

   He looked at Lin Nao with embarrassment and said, "Help the Lord, from now on, you are the master here, or you can say a few words."

   Lin smiled badly, then went to the stage and took the microphone from Zhang Hongsheng.

Blood Dragon's face remains the same. He is of course willing to take on this burden, but he is not the boss of the mountain and river province. In fact, he doesn't care that much, and Park Cheng-ji is gloomy. He also sees that there must be Zhang Hongsheng's confusion, must be arranged by Zhang Hongsheng before, now everyone is thinking about how Lin Badang will deal with this matter.

If you continue to let the blood dragon be the boss of this mountain and river province, I am afraid it will affect unity. These people will not be convinced, but if you don’t let the blood dragon be the boss, but let Zhang Hongsheng be the person in charge, on the one hand, it will damage the forest. Majesty, because Lin had already made this decision before, but the result was forced to change by these people? On the other hand, I won’t be relieved. After all, this place was not my own place before, but the original boss here gave up. As a result, I still let myself manage my own here. There is no change, so in the end, it’s still my own What? Isn't it easy to lose here?

Now everyone is waiting for Lin Hao’s plans. According to clever practices, Lin Hao’s next step is likely to be delaying, playing a Tai Chi, and then spending a few more days to solve this matter, neither Offended so many people in the audience, at the same time will not reduce their prestige.

However, after taking the microphone, Lin Nao said straightforwardly: "I've talked to Zhang Hongsheng on the way to this thing. Starting from today, the Dragon Gang's branch gang leader in Shanxi Province will be Blood Dragon, and Zhang Hongsheng will be the deputy helper, all of you will listen to my general helper's orders."

This is also a recent reform carried out by Lin Nao. Each province has a gang leader who used to be a helm leader. However, each city also has a helm leader. In order to distinguish it, a gang leader was established in each province. Lin Badang is the chief gang.

There was a trace of disappointment in Zhang Hongsheng's eyes. Everyone on the stage was stunned. Then the young man in his twenties who stood up for the first time just stood up again and said aloud, "Master, this We are really dissatisfied. Blood Dragon has always been a black province. He and our big guys haven’t known each other for a day, and even our name can’t be called. How can we be our lord?"

   "Yeah." Another man stood up and said, "Master, this thing, it's hard for brothers to be convinced of this matter."

  Lin Bad simply smiled and asked, "Now I don't know your name, do you not even recognize me as the head gang?"

They were silent one by one, in fact they could not admit it, and of course they did not want to admit it, but everyone knew that people were under the roof and had to bow their heads, even Zong Shao gave up on them, and their predecessors all gave up They gave up. How can they fight Lin Lin?

   But here is their territory, if they are violating Yang and Yin, they can still do it.

Lin Badong said seriously: "The first help rule in the dragon gang is that the orders to the gang leader must be fully obeyed. You were not familiar with the help rules of the dragon gang before. I can understand it. Now I have told you, So sit down."

Others have sat down for a long time, but the two still stood there stubbornly. They had been instructed before to take the lead in picking things up. When Zhang Hongsheng became the boss, naturally they would not lose their benefits. .

   Lin Nao saw that the two of them were still standing there, with a smile on their faces, and there was no noise.

   At this time, the third person stood up and said, "General lord, I am the red stick of the sixth brother of Wuquan City, and I also think that this matter needs to be considered long."

   Lin bad glanced below, before waiting for the fourth person to stand up, suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, I understand."

Everyone at the scene was relieved and felt that Lin Nao was finally a compromise. It’s no wonder that Lin Nao said that although he was strong, but when he first arrived, he had to use them to stabilize the current situation. Offend it.

However, Lin Nao’s eyes were cold. He hit three punches from across the air. Lin Nao was originally more than ten meters away from the three men, but the three men were as if they were hit hard. Wow spit out blood, flew out, and fell to the ground, everyone else was stupid, and then hurried forward to check, and then heard someone trembling: "Dead... dead."

At this time, when everyone looked at Lin Bad, their eyes were full of fear. They killed three people in a row, and they were all of the red stick level. Although they are not the red sticks of the entire mountain and river province, the red sticks of local cities are also It’s amazing, and the most important thing is that Lin Bad kills decisively and decisively. They don’t even care if they dare to resist. These people were originally tempted. They knew that their return to the dragon gang was a foregone conclusion, but they just wanted to fight Interests, but what benefits can be more important than life? Suddenly no one dared to speak out.

Lin badly said: "I just said, what is the first help rule of the dragon gang, they all violated the help rule, so I punished them, my orders have been issued, who still feels dissatisfied, Then stand up!"