The Great Trump Card

Chapter 952: Gao Mengchao's thoughts

Back in the hotel, lying on his bed, Tang Yi people kept thinking about what had just happened, thinking of Lin Nao saying she was his boyfriend, thinking of Lin Nao's arms around her waist naturally, thinking of another person Hand in hand, and then thought of Lin bade sent her a song before.

   For a moment, she became a little dazed, did she like to fall in love with Lin, did that feel like it? Why do I occasionally think of this man?

   But what kind of attitude does this man have towards her, she still doesn't quite understand it.

   She has actually hinted many times. For a girl like hers, she may only be able to make such hints. Can she still say it clearly?

   But every time I hinted, Lin Bad didn’t take over, or occasionally just passed a joke, did Lin Bad really like her, or did she think about it in her heart?

Tang Yiren suddenly felt disturbed. She did not expect that she would like a man who had not met a few times. She had never thought of it before. Isn’t it like this to feel like a man? ?

Lin Nao didn’t even think about the scene just now. Lin Nao originally wanted to consider this matter of Gao Mengchao, but he didn’t expect that every time he thought of it, he was just held by two people. The scene of the arm is the scene where the Tang Yi man put his face on his shoulder, and the thought is the scene of two people holding hands.

Lin Nao sighed secretly. He was really not a decent good man. He was too able to provoke the wind and to provoke the right and wrong. Since he was completely unable to take responsibility, why did he provoke these troubles? What to do?

   Lin Nao was a little annoyed, some struggling, a little crazy. If a woman who didn't care about it at all, Lin Nao wouldn't be like this at all, but for this woman, Lin Nao found out that he actually started to care.

   Lin Nang clenched his fists, constantly reminding himself: "Does he have pitted so many people, pitted Liu Meiqi, Li Qianqian, Park Yingxue, Feng Baihui, Li Lin'er, isn't it enough?"

   Lin sighed badly and said, "No, I want to control myself. The more I care about the person, the less I can hurt her!! It looks like I have to be less contacted in the future."

   Lin Nao turned over, turned off the bed light, and prepared to go to bed directly, but the picture when he suddenly saw the Tang Yi people on the plane always appeared in his mind.

   Sometimes this is the case. Once you like someone, the more you can't get it, the more crazy you will be.

  Lin Nao forced himself to stop thinking, but he still thought in his head. In the end, there was no way. Lin Nao stood up and thought, or called Gao Mengchao.

   When the two people met before, in order to facilitate contact in the future, they can exchange messages, so they left each other with contact information,

   After the phone rang a few times, it was connected. Gao Mengchao was confused and said with some doubt: "Hey, Lin bad, why are you calling me so late, what happened?"

   Lin Bad went down from the bed and came to the window, lighting a cigarette slowly.

   "Hey, why not talk?"

   "I'm lighting a cigarette."


   Lin Nao ignited the cigarette and took a sip before saying, "Well, I'm in Xingzhou now."

   "Are you in Xingzhou? Are you crazy?? Oh, I get it, you are going to watch the contest two days later."

   "Yes." Lin badly said with a smile, "Otherwise, why should I go deep into the Tiger's Cave? Of course, Xingzhou City is not Zhang Sheng's base camp, and it's not like Tiger's Cave for me."

"So what do you call me for? I'm in Xingzhou now, but I can't go out to meet you. I haven't settled in this boss's position yet. I don't know how many people are watching me. I must talk and do things now. Be careful."

   Lin bad smiled and said: "I just want to remind you of one thing, that is, someone might want to be against you."

   "Someone is bad for me? Who is it?" Gao Mengchao wondered, "Is it Wang Wangzong's person?"

"No." Lin Badong said, "Wang Tianzong will not stare at a city like you. Wang Tianzong's eyes are very far-sighted. Who do you think is uncomfortable sitting in that position? Who will naturally be against you. ."

   "I sit in this position......" Gao Mengchao thought for a while and sighed, "There are just too many people who are unhappy with me."

"Oh, so, ah, these big guys in Xingzhou City, one by one, are eager to kill you. In their view, as long as you are dead, Zhang Sheng can no longer embarrass them. It’s not something that a owl should do. It’s not something that a male should do. So they would rather bet on you and kill you."

   "They thought they were wrong." Gao Mengchao sneered, "They use ordinary owls to measure Zhang Sheng, this is their mistake."

   "Oh? How to say?"

"If other people are in this situation, they will definitely consider the pros and cons, so they would pretend to be deaf. After all, the dead are worthless, but Zhang Sheng is different. Even if there is no reason for my brother, he will definitely punish them. A few, and they will still be severely punished. Because Zhang Sheng understands that rules are sometimes the most important. If they are caught for the first time, they will be caught for the second time. Zhang Sheng has always been a person with a long-term vision , He is not short-sighted."

   Lin Bad was surprised and said: "It surprised me a lot, you actually have some good feelings for Zhang Sheng."

   "No, I have no good feelings for him, but this does not hinder my objective evaluation of him."

   "Well, what you evaluated is indeed very objective." Lin bad said, "But you understand this truth, other people may not understand it."

   Gao Mengchao frowned: "They really plan to do it? Then how do you know?"

Lin Nao said his own experience soon. After listening to it, Gao Mengchao's tone even revealed a vicious murderous voice: "These people are crazy, they want my life, then I will reverse it. Their life, in this world, before I avenge my revenge, whoever wants to kill me, I must kill who."

Lin Bad said with emotion: "I also admire you in this respect. I know that you are a woman who is decisive, but you are facing the big guys in the entire city of Xingzhou. Perhaps some of the big guys in Xingzhou are not Participate. If you kill, you will be wrong. Not to mention that you want to kill them. It’s not realistic. Their strength is very strong."

   "I know." Gao Mengchao said, "You will help me."

   Lin badly smiled and said: "This is what you said..."

   "Don't talk nonsense to me." Gao Mengchao said coldly, "If you don't help me, you won't accompany that person, I'm right?"

   Lin was stunned for a moment, then he felt helpless and smiled bitterly: "I haven't really seen anything like you, even if I will help you, so you take it for granted?"

"Of course, the relationship between you and me is an ally. If something goes wrong, it is only a disadvantage for you. Everyone knows that the most powerful one is Zhang Sheng, and you and Wang Tianzong are facing Zhang Sheng. At that time, there is no advantage at all, so the existence of me and my brother is a good opportunity for you to turn defeat into victory. Am I right? Since this is the case, you must ensure that I can survive. ."

   Lin badly sighed and said: "I have known for a long time that your woman is full of ambitions and flowery intestines. It must be calculated for me, and there is nothing wrong with it."

  Gao Mengchao smiled a little and said, "Relax, I will make your heart feel comfortable, so I will definitely reward you again if I have the opportunity."

"Well, then wait for you to have a chance. As you said, I really can’t let you get into trouble now, so I’m watching their actions now, and then I’ll agree to his terms, and then take His action plan tells you that you and I have to study a plan to wipe them out, and this plan must prevent you from being suspected by Zhang Sheng, otherwise, once Zhang Sheng knows that I will help you, it will be a Big problem!"

"Relax." Gao Mengchao said, "You will tell the other side that it is best to conceal this matter. Then when they kill me, they must try not to let the outside world know as much as possible. Since they will not be known by the outside world if they kill me, naturally they will not be known by outsiders. This kind of thing is inherently mutual."

   Lin badly smiled and said: "Great, you are really the most powerful woman I have ever seen."

   "To each other, you are also the most powerful man I have ever met." Gao Mengchao said, "For now, let's settle down like this, and you will inform me later."

   "Okay, then I'll hang up first."

   "Well, in these two days, I will also hire some masters secretly, which will cause the illusion that I hired them to kill them."

   "Then hurry up, because these people are really not weak, and the people you hire must also be very strong."

Lin Nao hung up the phone. Unexpectedly, this Gao Mengchao didn't even appreciate it. A gesture that he wanted to help or help, or help, this little girl really took hold of herself. She doesn't have any good solutions, but this is also the attitude that a smart person has. How dare you threaten yourself in exchange for other people.

   Lin Nao collected the phone. Now that he had notified Gao Mengchao, he went to bed and began to sleep peacefully.

PS: Now a new book is being prepared, and this ace master is officially in its later stages, so the update speed will be slower next. Starting tomorrow, two chapters will be updated every day.