The Great Villain is Not to Be Trifled With

Chapter 1736: Devil, in the world 24

Because of the existence of that thing, everyone couldn't even take magic classes well, and their scope of activities was narrowed down to the dormitory area.

"Why are you following me all the time?" Kos pushed his glasses and turned to the corridor.

The slowly flying elf said: "If you don't follow you, be careful that you will be beaten by others."

I don't know how many people can listen to what the two of them said yesterday.

"They won't do anything to me." Coase waved his wand and said, "I'm a scholar, they can't beat me."

Regarding this point, Carat really can't see it. He is usually amiable and amiable, and he feels quite weak among the group of students.

Probably does not have the air of domineering.

"Kos." A gentle female voice suddenly appeared, and Kos turned around when he heard the familiar voice.

Teacher Baike blamed a little: "It's a dangerous time now, why are you still hanging around outside, go back quickly."

Kos pursed his lips and said, "It's too stuffy in the dormitory, so I came out for a walk. It's safe now, the teachers and guards are all there."

Moreover, his own strength is not bad.

Suddenly the woman flicked his forehead, and Coase raised his hand to cover his cheeks with reddishness, "Teacher?"

The woman said solemnly, "Don't let your guard down, go back quickly."

Coase: "...Okay."

"Teacher, good night." He leaned over and saluted Teacher Encyclopedia, his heart was slightly warm.

After Teacher Encyclopedia left, the elves that had been hovering in the sky landed.

"Don't I care enough for you? Why do you prefer that encyclopedia teacher?"

Coase's face was held in his hands, and when he saw the ruddy on it, Carat was angry.

"Release." Kos tugged at her.

The elf's strength is stronger than expected, he can't push it away at all, the boy said angrily: "Kara, you are pampered, you are only interested in me because you think I'm resisting you, in fact, you don't like human beings as your pact. Lord."

"Who said that!" Kla immediately retorted, she pulled Koth down and kissed the place where the encyclopedia teacher had just played.

"You are my deed master, I have never denied it, but my deed master, you heard it clearly, it's 'mine'! If any girl touches you in the future, I will eat you, or die. Die together."

"You..." Coase shook her.

It's really unreasonable, the demon actually wants to eat the deed master.

Moreover, she also kissed his forehead.

Coase's heart was even more throbbing than when he was touched by the Encyclopedia teacher.

"Kos, I like you, so you are not allowed to like others." Kla stared at him and said, "I am so domineering, beat me up if you don't agree."

"It's said that you're not happy..." Coswayton, "What did you say? You like me?"

The fair face of the elf suddenly turned red, and she quickly retracted what she just said, "You heard wrong, that's not what I said."

What's the matter, is she dizzy, to say such a thing?

What a shame to take the initiative to confess something.

[Host, do you like him? 】

For the sake of him being the target of the mission, he reluctantly liked it.



"Ling, what are you arranging?"

Inside the house, there was a faint voice of the gods.

A generous voice came from the woman next to you, "Set up a guardian formation. If I'm not around when you are in danger, I can immediately come to you and help you block it."

Shen Yu said in a muffled voice: "You don't have to do this, although I am very moved, but... there is no need to take off my clothes..."

At a glance, the boy's hands were intertwined in front of him, his face was red, and he didn't dare to look back.

The devil snapped his fingers, and everything on him was gone.

Warm fingertips are drawing the formation behind him.

"It's useless to draw this thing on your clothes, the back is ready, turn around." Compared to his shyness, the devil's tone was light, as if this was not something to be ashamed of.

The boy pursed his lips and did not turn around for a long time.

"Ling... The privacy of the body is for those who like it."

"Ah?" Ling whispered, "Do you want Gloria to see?"

For some reason, Shen Yu was a little angry when she heard her mentioning Gloria at this time, "What are you thinking about in your head?"

"Don't you want to show it to the person you like? You like Gloria." The demon was frank and straightforward, and squeezed his face, "You're good at it, you dare to talk to me like this."

With the words of defense stuck in his throat, Shen Yu let go of the blocking hand and turned to face her directly, "You don't have to appear in front of me to help me avoid disasters, as long as you are by my side."

"You are so weak, maybe you will be killed the moment I appear." Ling didn't intend to listen to his opinion.

"Change the formation, this is my order to you as the deed master."

The restriction worked, the demon's hand paused slightly, and the formation drawn on his heart turned.

She frowned and said, "If you want to die early, just say it."

"I don't want to die early." Shen Yu stared at her face and said, "I have to pass the selection and be the one to get rid of the Demon King."

Ling: "But you..."

One thing to say, his magic power is really not strong, at most he was a cannon fodder in the past.

"Isn't there you next to me?" Shen Yu had already seen it, although everyone said that the demons were the subordinates of the demon king, but Ling never mentioned the demon king, she never cared about the demon king.

"That's right, after all, I'm very strong." Ling's tone went down, and the formation of the painting began to move down.

The man who was still firm just now suddenly let out a muffled groan.

"Am I trying too hard?" Ling raised her eyes in confusion.

"No... No, do you want to draw next?" Shen Yu tilted her head and hurriedly adjusted her breathing.

"Just draw a few outlines, don't move around."

Shen Yu: "Then...then hurry up."

As soon as Ling's sketch moves quickly, the boy's body can't help but tremble even more.

"Don't move, it's all drawn crooked." Ling simply stopped him and completed the formation in peace.

The immobilized boy was about to suffocate to death, and after a few deep breaths, his face was so red that he was about to bleed.

What kind of embarrassing behavior is this?


"You can't go anywhere in the dormitory, it's really boring."

"If you're bored, just study magic in the room, and it's almost time for the selection."

"What, isn't that the time to die? I had a cousin who was selected before, but I didn't get a word from him, not even a corpse."

"Well, it shouldn't have been eaten..."

In the boys' dormitory, they were talking at night and were a little scared.

One person hurriedly changed the subject, "Let's not mention this, we can't be selected anyway, but Gloria and Kos will definitely be able to make it, their magic scores are beyond ours."

"That's right, by the way, did you find out that the students who died recently were all male, and the murderer...or the monster, did he only kill males?"

"No, then aren't we the most insecure people?"

One person rubbed his nose and frowned, "Have you smelled anything..."

The man looked out the window, suddenly fell from the chair, raised his finger in shock and pointed, "Old, old..."