The Great Villain is Not to Be Trifled With

Chapter 784: Author, submit 36+ extras soon

"'re pregnant."

There were very few people in the cafe, and the waiter saw this situation and immediately went out to call for help with his mobile phone in shock.

You Huan was stabbed to the point that he lost his strength and could only fall to the ground panting.

And Fei Lan looked at him in fear, not daring to move.

Now He Hao has been cleaned up, there is no trace of sloppy and decadent on his body, but he is as bright and beautiful as before.

He was in high spirits. If he hadn't held the blood-stained knife in one hand and the paper in the other, he would have been even more imposing.

"It's my child, Lanlan, you are mine, how can you run out to find someone else?"

Fei Lan has been with the two for about the same time, and in fact, she herself is not sure who it is.

But she was more inclined to be You Huan, so that she could threaten him.

However, He Hao's crazy appearance made her terrified.

"Yes, it's yours, you put down the knife and don't scare the child, okay?"

This lunatic, when the police come, she will send him in.

"Okay, I'll put it down." He Hao dropped the knife, found a piece of paper to wipe the blood in his hand, and then hugged Fei Lan.

"Lanlan, go home with me, marry me, and stay with me forever."

"Okay... let's go out first."

Because of the waiter's alarm just now, there was already some sensation outside. You Huan's secretary saw his boss lying in blood from the window, and was so frightened that he hurriedly contacted Father You.

After a brief dizziness, You Huan was awake for a moment, and he was also the one who would retaliate, holding the table knife on the ground and stabbing He Hao.

He Hao was stabbed unexpectedly, and He Hao groaned. Unexpectedly, Fei Lan's eyes in front of him lit up for a moment, and he pushed him back with force.

The knife pierced deeper, he curled his lips into a smile, and held onto Fei Lan, who wanted to escape.

"I knew you were a bad boy... There is another way to keep our family together forever..."

He kicked You Huan away and hugged Fei Lan with a smile on his face.

"You let me go, you let me go! He Hao, I beg you to let me go! I will be obedient in the future, and I will listen to you all."

For her panic, the man just smiled calmly: "No, I can make you obedient forever and love only me forever."

He picked up the knife and stabbed it into her stomach under Fei Lan's shocked gaze.

"Uh! He..." Fei Lan was speechless in pain, and saw He Hao put the knife on her neck again.

"we will be together forever."

He exerted force, and Fei Lan softly hugged him, unable to pronounce a single syllable, only twitching... until there was no movement.

He hugged Fei Lan, patted her on the back, kissed her lips, and said with a smile, "Together."

After the knife was stained with the blood of three people, it was inserted into his heart.

You Huan clutched his waist, abdomen and chest, staring blankly at all this.

Then his pupils were dilated and he fainted.

The secretary broke in with someone and saw this scene.

He Hao and Fei Lan were dyed in blood, while You Huan lost too much blood and fell into a coma.


The news of these people was so big that they were all published in the newspapers.

Ling Qingxuan listened to zz talking about their ending on the way home, silently holding You Xi's hand.

Without Fei Lan's interference in the future, Ling Qingxuan took back all the awards that Tong Ling had won before.

And Youxi also became a great author because of the award and the performance of the work, and even promoted Qingxuan in the company.

On this day, Ling Qingxuan was called in by editor Huang again.

Editor-in-chief Huang was watering the plastic succulent, and asked her head-on, "Why have I kept it for so long and it doesn't bloom?"

The old **** Ling Qingxuan was there, "Because this type of flower doesn't bloom."

"In this way, I will give you a leave, and you will buy me a few more pots that can bloom."

"What fake?"

Editor Huang put down the kettle and said, "marriage leave, did you forget about your wedding?"

These days, Youxi has already prepared, so she has sent invitations to all the friends of the two and the authors they are more familiar with.

Ling Qingxuan heard what editor Huang said and said, "I didn't receive an invitation."

Editor-in-Chief Huang:  …

What post do you want as a bride!

Ling Qingxuan was educated not to patronize her work, but also to maintain the private intimacy of her husband and wife.

She has been working overtime at the company recently because of the new author and publishing.

Youxi had privately chatted with Editor-in-Chief Huang several times, and wanted her to leave work earlier.

After being educated, Ling Qingxuan didn't work overtime today and went home on time.

As soon as she entered the door, a candlelit dinner was greeted, and she said, "Is there a power outage at home?"

Say you have to pay the electricity bill with your phone.

The man who had carefully prepared all this froze for a moment, "There was no power outage."

Sure enough, playing romance or something is completely unsuitable for the two of them.

The new company was developing well. The two thanked Youxi's friend for the gift and left the house, but bought a new one that was closer to the company.

The decoration of this new house is also based on the simple and elegant style that You Xi likes. The two people's nest is very cool, which is what Ling Qingxuan likes.

After eating a little wine and chatting for a day, Ling Qingxuan was thrown down by You Xi.

A waterbed was specially installed in the room for Ling Qingxuan to take a nap. The two of them pressed them on top of it, and Ling Qingxuan hugged him and immediately changed to the big bed.

She hasn't been lying on this water bed for a few days, so she must not break it.

[…] Fortunately, the car stopped in time, otherwise zz would have to start hydrating the bed again.

After You Xi drank, she was completely at the mercy of Ling Qingxuan.

After sobering up, You Xi watched the video and swore to Heaven and Earth that she would never touch alcohol again.

As the company stabilized, Youxi began to take time out to start his own business.

He wrote a novella based on the two of them, which was successfully filmed after publication.

After the film won the award, he was invited to the stage. He bluntly said that this was a gift he gave to the little girl, hoping to record their love forever in words.

Later, the two of them had a very smooth life, and he did everything that You Xi had said, and even gave more.

With the completion of the main quest and hidden quest, Aya Qingxuan stayed in this world to accompany him.

As promised to him, stay with him forever.


[Plane 21: The villain Youxi side story]

"Please don't go, I beg you, we still have children, don't you want me or him!"

This was the first time that the mother had begged Father You not to leave, and You Xi had lost count.

Looking at the mother and son as a routine, Father You left behind the money and things, turned around and left without hesitation.

He's going back to have dinner with his present decent wife, and won't be here for a second longer.

"The creek...the creek..."

You Xi watched helplessly as your mother changed from the noble and elegant at the beginning to the embarrassed look she now prays for a man to stay.

Tears drained her makeup, making her face a lot more hideous.

Youxi looked at her quietly and let her cry while hugging her, and then asked, "Why do you still want to go back?"

Father You doesn't want them anymore, why go back to suffer and suffer.

"He is my husband and your father, that home is ours, ours!"

Mother You screamed, and You Xi was deafening.

After a few more experiences, Father You stopped contacting, and Mother You finally couldn't stand it anymore. She tried to threaten Father You with her life to change her mind.

She ate half the bottle of medicine and said to Youxi, "Xiaoxi is sick, just take more medicine and it will be fine, eat more, eat more."

She stuffed You Xi with a lot of pills, and before she was finished, she fainted first.

You Xi lay beside her, her eyes wandering.

When he woke up, he realized that the neighbor had called first aid, he was rescued, and Your mother died.

And that man never looked back, even You Xi and relatives handled the funeral of You's mother.

Since then, he has suffered from narcolepsy and closed his heart all the time.

Before he became an adult, Father You would send money every month.

All the money was taken by relatives, who said it was for raising him, so it was a reward.

You Xi didn't say anything. When he became an adult, he moved out of the house and lost contact with his father.

Since then, he has been alone, not making friends in reality, and not daring to give up his feelings.

Until, he met someone who could be entrusted with his life.

That little girl is always cold and quiet.

She doesn't say nice things or express too many emotions.

But she was always by his side, helping him secretly do everything within her power.

She thought he didn't know, but he knew it all.

I also enjoy the feeling of being protected by her.

He confessed, proposed, held a wedding, and received blessings.

And the girl who married him kept her promise and would never betray him. She was the only one in her heart.

She doesn't say it.

But he knew.

I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be apart.