The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 142

These seemingly arrogant remarks made all the sea bosses here have different expressions.

Especially those marines, all subconsciously looked at Mihawk, Xiong, and Doflamingo who were present.

The first two did not respond, and they were still sitting there as they should.

It's Doflamingo~

"Koufukoufukoufukoufu, are you so confident?!"

He smiled slightly gloomily there, "Then I want to see, how did you beat me!!"

"You know, I'm not the same as the sand crocodile that wandered in the first half of the Great Route!!"


His eyes under the angry pink sunglasses were staring at the phone bug in front of him.

"I also want to know, what are you going to do next to offend me to death?!"

After Doflamingo finished speaking, there was a legend that there was no human voice on the other end of the phone bug, as if he was busy with something.

But soon, he knew what the other side was doing.

In the next second, under the gazes of Doflamingo and the many sea bosses here, I will see~

A figure suddenly appeared from the microphone that Doflamingo was holding in his hand.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, a human body appeared so bizarrely out of the microphone! !


Looking at the golden messy hair, and the pinched face that was slightly deformed but still recognizable.

Doflamingo raised his eyebrows, shouting both unexpectedly and somewhat unexpectedly.

Unsurprisingly, because Luffy is now using Bellamy's phone bug to contact him, it is only natural that Bellamy is knocked down.

But unexpectedly, after Bellamy was knocked down, he was sent to him and others.

Such a method, could it be the power of a Devil Fruit...

When Doflamingo was thinking there~

"Is this guy your subordinate? He bothered us very much when he came up and wanted to have bad intentions on us, so we knocked him down." The phone bug was there with his nose visibly buttoned and the way Fei didn't care at all, and at this moment, his arrogant appearance was perfectly presented.

"Since this is your subordinate, then let your captain and leader take good care of you, um, that's it."


After speaking, the phone worm hung up the signal and lowered its head, no longer making any sound.

The whole room fell into silence.

A group of people first looked at the phone bug that was hung up, and then looked at Bellamy who suddenly appeared on the ground.

For a time, the atmosphere in the venue was surprisingly quiet.

"The ability to send people from the other end of the phone bug to us..."

The first to break the silence was the Warring States period. I saw the admiral staring calmly at Bellamy on the ground and said softly.

"This shouldn't be the ability of the Devil Fruit..."

The Chief of Staff, Chief He, next to him also shook his head and said slowly:

"I remember that the deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates is a props master with many strange props in his hands."

"If it's the props in his hand, maybe he can really do this..."


The Chief of Staff He's tone was slightly puzzled, "How did the props in his hand come from?!"

"I don't remember the ability of the [Item Fruit] in the superhuman Devil Fruit??"

"But if it's not the ability and power brought by the Devil Fruit, is it technology?!"

The naval staff officer next to him also subconsciously responded to Zhu He's point of view, but instead he shook his head:

"No, it can't be technology, there is no technology in this world that can do this!!"

"Even if there is, it will only appear in the Navy and the World Government, in the hands of Dr. Bergapunk!!"

The other navy also said firmly, and the surrounding generals nodded.

Indeed, at present, the most powerful and talented scientist in the world recognized by the sea is Vega Punk.

Therefore, if there is really any powerful black technology in the sea, it can only be from the hands of Vega Punk.

In this way, the ability of the Devil Fruit was rejected, and the black technology was considered impossible.

Then this man gradually became famous, and at this important meeting, he showed such a hand in front of many bigwigs.

[Prop Master] Link...

While thinking about how he had the peculiar props to achieve this step, many powerhouses also imprinted his name deeply in their minds.

"Take this pirate away."

Under Crane's order, a navy soldier immediately stepped forward, preparing to take Bellamy, who had fallen unconscious on the ground and didn't know anything, down.



A slight sound of thin wire cutting resounded in this room.

despair?! !

Then there was the movement of gold and iron symphony, echoing in the room.


Doflamingo raised his head and looked at Bellamy who stood in front of him. The arm had turned into a pitch-black color. It could be said to be the expressionless crane of his old opponent.

"Are you going to stop me? Lieutenant General Crane?!"

Several agitation blue veins slowly appeared on his forehead, and it was obvious that he was extremely angry at the moment.

"I just want to remind you that this is the place of the world government, not the place where you pirates act recklessly."

Crane withdrew his hand that blocked Doflamingo's hateful blow for Bellamy just now, and returned to his old-fashioned appearance before, and said leisurely:

"This is not the place where you pirates go wild!!"

The voice fell, and some of the navies participating in the meeting also quietly got up and stood, with their palms on their waists.

This is the World Government, their home ground! !

If Doflamingo is allowed to do whatever he wants here, then their face is basically indescribable by sweeping the floor.

In the room, a pirate killed another pirate in front of so many of their navy, which was literally slapping them in the face! !

"It's just a garbage pirate, so what?"

Doflamingo rubbed his fingers there, indicating that he had not given up on the killer's mind.

Bellamy, this waste, made him lose face in front of everyone, and also let a group of fledgling pirates mock and tease him.

In any case, he must settle this account with Bellamy, the little **** who he accepted casually and didn't care about his life or death at all! ! Only by concluding him, can the resentment in his heart and Pentium's killing intent be calmed down a little.

"As long as it is a pirate who appears in front of our navy, then his fate can only be decided by our navy!!"

Crane didn't answer, instead, 657 Warring States, who was sitting there, replied with an expressionless and domineering expression.

Luffy's remarks before reminded Sengoku of Luo Nandi, who died tragically.

He doesn't have any good feelings for Doflamingo now! !

And to save Bellamy, in addition to disgusting Doflamingo, he can also be questioned.

On the other end of the phone bug, what kind of conflict did he have with the other Straw Hat Pirates, and how did he get knocked down.

And most importantly, how he was transmitted from the phone bug's receiver.

If you can know this, maybe it will bring a qualitative leap to the scientific and technological power of their navy!

This way, it only takes one phone call to get to the other end of the phone, if it is obtained by their navy~

Perhaps, the world will undergo a major pattern change! !

Therefore, Bellamy is now more than just a little pirate.

He has become a breakthrough that the Navy wants to find! !

Under such circumstances, the Navy will naturally not let Doflamingo mess up again! !

Seeing that the No. 1 and No. 2 Navy figures in the field at this time both came off the stage and showed their attitude, obviously to take Bellamy down.

Even if he was upset, Doflamingo suppressed the restlessness and killing intent in his heart.

She stopped looking at Bellamy and sat back again.


At this time, I saw that the atmosphere in the venue gradually calmed down, and I have been standing on the balcony silently~

Lafayette, who saw everything that happened before, said:

"I don't know if I can..."


Several white **** of thread like bullets flew towards him.

The mouth is often! !

Lafayette was also very alert and quickly turned the scepter in his hand to block all the incoming bullets.

"This isn't a place where scumbags might get involved..."

Doflamingo, who was originally upset by Lafayette, now regards him as a very good venting object after he speaks.

146 [Object Power Transmission Adapter]! Blackbeard's ignorance? This account, I have written down!

"Oh, oh, it seems that the situation is very bad."

Seeing Doflamingo's murderous face at this moment, and realizing that he was gradually becoming crazy, Lafayette pursed his lips.

There was also a dignified look in his eyes.

Facing the killing intent of a Qiwuhai-level powerhouse who is well-known in the sea, this is not a pressure that ordinary people can bear.

"It seems that the errand this time has also risen to the level of hell..."

Lafayette thought silently in his heart, and then subconsciously looked at the phone bug who hung up the signal.

Originally, before he came here, he had already made up his mind that the work this time was not easy to do, but he still came here resolutely despite the danger.

Because this has a very important influence on the next actions of their Blackbeard Pirates, and it can even be said to be the key.

Things were going smoothly, but at least nothing went wrong.

Until the phone call from Luffy and the others... His current situation has become quite bad.

Straw Hat Pirates, [Straw Hat Kid] Luffy and [Prop Master] Link? !

This account, I have written down! ! !

And when Lafayette assumed the role of the object of Doflamingo's anger~

On Gaia Island, in the tavern in Magic Valley Town.

"Awesome, Link, he actually sent people over!!!"

Luffy complimented him like this, and then he was holding a strange prop in his hand.

It was a lavender body with a flared mouth, which looked like a collar worn around the neck of a dog when he went out. And inside that mouth, there are a lot of buttons and lines.

"Just put a person into this hole, and it disappeared out of thin air and was sent to the opposite side!!"

Luffy stared at the prop with bright eyes, "If you say that, no matter where I go, as long as there is a phone bug, can Sanji bring the meat to me?

Well, it was Luffy after all. The first time he saw this prop, he thought about how to make it easier for him to eat.

And the usage rate of props in terms of eating is also quite high.

"By the way, Link, what is the name of this item?!"