The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 233

Franky raised his head, "I can't figure out this kind of technology by myself, come and see if you can master this technology in the shortest possible time.

"It's best to get it right before the [Adam] treasure tree I ordered arrives."

"If you count the time, it will be delivered here almost tomorrow."

Originally, something like the [Adam] Treasure Tree should have been shipped immediately after Franky took it.

However, due to the annual [God of Water] weather here in the seven capitals of water in the past two days, the delivery was a day or two later than the scheduled time, but it had little impact.

Just during this time, Frankie and Bingshan thoroughly pondered this technology.

In this way, the Straw Hat gang who got a satisfactory answer from Franky and Bingshan finally breathed a sigh of relief and could rest for a while.

"It's a banquet~!!!"

Luffy raised his arms high and cheered loudly.

There is nothing more rewarding, resting, and comfortable than a grand banquet after the battle! ! !

Immediately, Luffy said to Link very arrogantly, even if he took out his savings.

Even if the follow-up bronze statue on the ship is no longer needed, he will hold a grand banquet on this island! !

So, in order to satisfy Luffy's wish, Link simply contacted the surrounding islands.

For example, Coppola in the City of Spring Queen, Tayech in the City of Food, etc., these cities near the Seven Capitals of Water.

Let these knowledgable brothers of Franky buy all kinds of utensils and ingredients needed for the banquet, or simply special food.

He also asked his cheap old man Barry to take a group of boatmen to purchase various banquet supplies such as cigarettes, fireworks, and clothing.

In this way, after all preparations have been made, the grand banquet of the Seven Capitals of Water will be held in the evening.

The splendid fireworks of the banquet spread over the whole island.

It was against the smiling faces of all the residents of the island who came to the banquet.

Zoro and the two giants were constantly fighting wine there, and Sanji captured a lot of children with his extremely fancy and sophisticated cooking skills.

Nami also chatted with her mother-in-law about her business while drinking with great interest.

Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp were eating barbecued water and meat, covering their cheeks neatly and intoxicated there.

Franky was also pulling his senior brother Bingshan to fight with Coke, and the group of younger brothers under his command were also eager to try the wine, and found Barry and other boatmen.

Going to have a showdown between a dismantler and a ship repairer.

Above this central square, the fiery atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone put down their work, troubles and pains, and released themselves here to the fullest, forgetting their exhaustion and indulging in joy.

Such a grand banquet gradually swept across the island from the Carrera Company and the Frankie family.

Later, the residents of the whole city came to join in and enjoy the banquet.

This also sets off, this banquet has become even more popular! !

\'It's so lively?"

Holding a cup of black tea, Robin leaned against a wall, his slender thighs folded, and the overall posture looked so relaxed and comfortable.

She smiled and looked at the scene in front of her, drinking lipstick tea from time to time, only feeling that life is so comfortable.

In the past twenty years, she has almost forgotten what it feels like to be comfortable and comfortable.

"Are you still used to it?"

Link came over with a cocktail and asked with a smile.


Robin raised the black tea cup and touched (Zhao Liao Zhao) Link's cup, "Aren't you going to go in and participate more?"

Robin turned towards Ani and Yokozuna who were punching there, and Luffy who was about to die with his nostril chopstick dance.

"It's okay to participate, but you have to deal with uninvited guests first."

Link said, taking a sip of his cocktail.

"uninvited guest?"

Robin was slightly startled, and then saw Link's gaze towards the wall behind him.

"Aha la la?"

As soon as this lazy and iconic mantra came out, it seemed that the surrounding temperature had dropped a little.

"Looks like it was discovered."

"Blue pheasant?!"

Robin's pupils shrank suddenly.

She subconsciously wanted to leave here quickly, but she felt at ease when she saw Link who was shaking the glass in front of her.

With Link here, there seems to be nothing to worry about.

He just gives people such a down-to-earth, stable feeling! !

"Am I an uninvited guest?"

On the other side of the wall, Aokiji also leaned back against the wall and said slowly, "For normal residents, the navy is the righteous party, right?"

"That's true under normal circumstances?

Link held the glass with a smile and said, "But...

[Thanks' I'm a boss? ' Once again the thousand rewards from the boss, and the thousand rewards from the boss of 'Xuanyuanjing', thank you very much! ! 】

237 Dancing with Robin! Karp is here! ! Luffy's grandfather, the navy? !

"At present, it is our pirate's banquet, and it is also the home of our pirates."

"It's really not very popular if you intervene as a navy."


The corners of Link's mouth raised slightly, "If you wait for some day, Mr. Aokiji, if you get along with us as a pirate, I believe that we will be very happy and willing to accept you."

He meant something.

"Alas, pirates?"

Kuzan said noncommittally, "Let the admiral become a pirate, you really dare... think~\"

When the words came to an end, Aokiji suddenly paused.

Because he also remembered that now, that behavior has become more and more radical and extreme, although a "Pirate Guerrilla Team" has been formed to hunt pirates.

But the style and behavior have become more and more like those of the pirates in the sea, the previous generation generals of their navy.

Known as the "Black Arm" that does not kill, Zefa.

He has presided over an unknown amount of justice in his life, defended an unknown number of people, and their homes.

But later, he couldn't even protect his own son.

Zefa, is he a soldier who can't even protect his son?!

He joined the Navy at the age of fourteen and gave birth to his son at the age of thirty-nine.

It took twenty-five years for him to have his own blood, and Zefa fought for twenty-five years.

The result?~~

This **** world! !

When one day, Zefa really quit the navy, Aokiji may not be surprised at all.

But if it is said to become a pirate, Aokiji thinks it is unlikely.

After all, Mr. Zefa's wife and children were killed by pirates.

No matter what, he won't be reduced to this.

"How can there be so many things in this world that are both black and white?"

Link continued there, "Look at the residents in the square, didn't they also have a good time with us pirates?"

"Sometimes, there is no absolute right or wrong in this world, justice and 727 evil. I think that as an admiral, you, who have fought on the sea for decades, should understand and understand this truth better than me."

Aokiji was also silent when he heard the words.

As Link said, he does have his own ideas and a just view of the so-called pirate navy.

At least, in terms of the Navy's concept of justice, he also does not agree with some of the ideas of his colleague, Akainu Sakaski.

In terms of ideas, the two sides are destined to stand on opposite sides.

"Hopefully one day, we can really sit down face-to-face and have a drink together."

Aware of Aokiji's silence, Link also smiled and raised his glass to him behind the wall.

"Alas, I hope."

The voice fell, and a layer of frost appeared on the cocktail in Link's glass, and the figure behind the wall also disappeared.

The green pheasant came gently, just as he walked gently.

With a wave of his sleeves, he did not take away a cloud, but left a layer of smoothie~

Link took a sip, um, the iced taste is really good.

The banquet was still lively and lively there.

Aokiji's stay did not disturb anyone except Link and Robin, and naturally did not affect the overall atmosphere of the banquet.

"How about a dance together?"

Link put the empty glass on the table to the side, and reached out his hand towards Robin in a gentlemanly manner.

In the arena at this time, Luffy and Usopp were already holding chopsticks in their hands, and they were about to move.

"Invite me?"

Robin looked at Link and said with some playfulness, "Isn't there still a little princess of Alabasta waiting for you? Is it really good to invite me like this?" "Well, it's true..."

Link pondered, "Originally, I just wanted to take advantage of this hot atmosphere to play, but you are right, and you really need to pay attention to the impact." As he spoke, Link tried to withdraw his palm.


But before he could withdraw, he was grasped by a white and tender palm.

"If it's just a dance, it's fine~"

Robin stroked his hair with the other hand, raised the corners of his eyes, and looked at Link with a smile.

"Is that so?"

Link blinked.

Feel the warmth and tenderness in the palm of your hand, and...

It seems that Robin's fingers just scratched his palm lightly?

"Then please

Pretending that nothing happened, Link held Robin's softness, and the two walked into the scene with brisk steps.

Then, there was a commotion.

Luffy: "Ooooooooo!! Link, you want to dance with Robin, that's great, can you bring me one?!"

Usopp: "I can too, my chopstick dance is also very good!!"

Chopper: "Is Link going to dance? This is my first time seeing each other!!"

Sanji: "Robin woah!! Check Hugh, it turned out to be dancing with Link... No, I don't have any opinion, it's just... I'm so envious!!" Frankie: "Ah, dance?! That's definitely me who can't do without speed!! Kivy, Moz, get ready to dance for them!!" In this way, as the sun moved westward, two figures of handsome men and beautiful women danced gracefully in the arena.

Presented a very beautiful dance for everyone.

And when the two of them are dancing to their heart's content?


"What's wrong?"

"Thank you."