The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 245

The Straw Hats learned that this was a signal barrel specially released by some hunting guys.

It is to locate the position of the pirates who opened the bucket, so as to capture them to complete their various purposes such as exchanging bounties, or collecting flags, etc.

After the Straw Hat group learned of this situation, they were also prepared.

But as a result, until they sailed out of this iceberg sea, no one jumped out to find fault.

"Could it be an old signal barrel?"

Luffy, Usopp and the others were a little confused, but they were in the building deep in the iceberg.

"We just let the Straw Hat Pirates pass by, right? Father?!"

A group of people gathered around in the freezing cold, the man with the upper body still in red fruit, the fat man who looked like a balloon asked.

This is the banner hunter, the base of the Aquino family. They are a group of bounty hunters whose main goal is to pursue the banner on the pirate ship.

"That's the banner of a single big pirate group with a reward of 500 million, so let them go!?"

As the eldest son of the Aquino family, a strong and tall man in a blue vest, Cambacino was very unwilling.

"You also know that they are a single big pirate with a reward of over 500 million!!"

The owner of the Aquino family, Dun Aquino lifted his little black sunglasses, glared at him and said:

""Seven-Three-Three" they destroyed Judicial Island, and they are called by the Navy as an extremely murderous group!!"

"The captain and vice-captain are both vicious and vicious people who have both crossed the reward of 550 million!!"

"Even the World Government has offered them such a high amount of reward to show how troublesome they are. Do you think that with the size of our family, we can eat their group?!"

It has to be said that although Dayton Achino has a balloon-like body, his brain is very shrewd.

As a banner hunter, he clearly knows who should be offended and who should not be offended.

Otherwise, he would not have built such a foundation near the midpoint of the great route.

Obviously, in his opinion, the Straw Hat Pirates belong to the type that must not be provoked.

Criminals of this level should be left to the navy and the world government to deal with headaches~~~

So, without the Aquino family intervening to block, Luffy and his party easily crossed this sea area and came to the legendary Devil's Triangle.

The Devil's Triangle Sea Area is also known as the Dark Sea Area.

It is shrouded in dark and gloomy black clouds all year round, with no sunlight and no direction.

Ordinary pirates can easily get lost here, and even if they have a recording pointer, they will feel quite troublesome.

"It's really dark

Nami looked at the pitch-dark environment in front of her, where she could not see her fingers, and her original thoughts of searching for treasures gradually calmed down.

Start paying attention to the environment they are in today.

Especially when there is a strange song that seems to be absent?

"Yo **** ho yo, yo **** ho ho.\"

The peculiar voice is mixed with melodious singing and laughter, and it is slowly introduced into everyone's ears.

"Is there really a ghost?!"

Usopp, who had already changed into a costume for evading evil spirits, could not help but look around nervously.

The hairs all over his body were almost standing on end.

"Didn't you say there are no ghosts in this world?"

Chopper also said with a trembling voice beside him.

"who said it?"

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Link laughed and said, "There is such a power as Devil Fruit in this world, maybe there may be ghosts.

The most intuitive proof of this is Brook's [Huangquan Fruit], which sent his soul back safely from Huangquan.

After two years of practice, his nose-singing swordsmanship also displayed the cold air from Huangquan to freeze the enemy's soul.

And Luffy, in the new world, after eating the poisonous purple fish skin, he also saw Huangquan and Styx, and almost went to see Ace?~~

"There are really ghosts?!!!"

Usopp and Chopper hugged each other.

"Really? If there are ghosts, I really want to meet them!!"

Luffy was full of anticipation, "It would be great if I could be pulled on board and become a partner!!"

"Hey Hey hey!!!"

Chopper Usopp and Nami shouted at the same time, trying to dispel the unrealistic and terrible idea of ​​their own captain.

"Bring Binks' wine to you; like the sea breeze, riding the wind and waves?"

When the crowd was noisy, the melodious singing came from far and near, and I saw a tattered, old pirate ship slowly heading here.


Everyone's eyes widened, and they all heard the singing coming from the ship.

"Is that someone singing?!"

Everyone craned their necks, waiting for the ship to get close to see what was on it.


"On the other side of the sea, the setting sun is also noisy, and the singing of birds draws a circle in the air~"

They just watched helplessly, a skeleton with an explosive head, sitting next to a tattered round wooden table, drinking black tea, while the jawbone opened and closed up and down, making a musical tune.

This time, the melodious singing of [Binks' Wine], singing the song of the pirates, came from his mouth.


Nami Usopp and Chopper: "...!!!!!"

"Yo **** ho, I actually encountered a new adventurous ship."

Brooke on the rotten boat was very happy to see a new face coming here for a while.

But obviously, it was too early for him to be happy.

Just when he was about to put down the teacup in his hand?

"Yah!! Skeleton ghosts!!!!"

Three extremely sharp shouts almost cut through the sky, revealing the sun's rays.

Eh, what's wrong? ! "

Brooke was so frightened that he almost didn't hold the teacup steady, and the tea inside spilled out and dripped onto his bones.

"Almost didn't burn my skin, ah, although I don't have skin, hohohoho?\"

He still had time to make a joke, and then looked around.

"A ghost? Where's a ghost?"

"I have lived in this sea area for decades, and I have never seen a ghost, yo **** ho ho~"

His state of mind is not generally good.

When he looked around and found nothing unusual, he subconsciously looked at the screaming Merry?

"The skeleton ghost you said..."

He looked at the group of people with their eyes widened, and pointed to himself with some reaction:

"You said, shouldn't it be me?!"

other people:"……"

For some reason, they suddenly felt that the skeleton in front of them seemed to be quite happy, and it didn't have the eerie and terrifying meaning they imagined.

"My name is Brooke and I'm a musician, nice to meet you guys, hoo hoo hoo!!\"

This happy skull, who was very fond of Luffy, was immediately invited to sit on the Merry.

When he got off the broken boat, he bowed to everyone very gentlemanly..

Then, he looked at Nami, who was still a little surprised there.

"Ah, such a beautiful lady, I don't know if I can, show me your fat times..."

"Go to hell!!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked down by Nami's anti-wolf kick.

"Hahaha, it's so funny!!"

Luffy was overjoyed to see this scene.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also looked at this skeleton with strange eyes... this colored skeleton.

And he still has a gentleman-like demeanor. If this guy has a physical body, he is probably a Sanji~~ "Brook?"

The real Sanji stared at the skeleton and said thoughtfully, "I think I've heard this name before?" "Indeed, listening to what you said..."

Usopp, who was next to him, was also startled when he heard the words, and frowned in thought.

"Looks like I've heard it somewhere, Brooke... Brooke..."

He muttered there for a while, then thought of something, and his eyes widened instantly:

"I remembered!!"

He shouted, "Isn't that what we told Dr. Chlokas and Raab at Twin Points, Brook of the Rumba Pirates?!"


As soon as he heard the name, he was lying on the ground, looking for a chance to see the fat Brook, a carp jumped up from the ground.

"You know Rab? Have you seen Rab?!!!"

he asked excitedly.

Well, although he is a skeleton, he has no face.

But everyone also clearly felt the expectations in his tone.

"I also remembered it, indeed, the Rumba Pirates who had an agreement with Rab before, and Brook."

Sanji scratched his head, "I remember, this is what Link said at the beginning."

He looked in Link's direction, "Knowing Rab, the Brook in front of him is probably the one Rab is waiting for."

"I also remembered, is he the ability of [Huangquan Fruit]?"

Nami also had a slight impression, and then looked at Brook who was excited there in confusion:

"But why, on 5.9, he turned into such a skeleton. Could it be that the ability of [Huangquan Fruit] is not only to bring people back from the dead, but also to have the ability to turn them into skeletons?"

After learning that Brook is also a living devil fruit power user, not a so-called ghost, Nami also put down the horror and fear in her heart.

"So you're Brook who made an agreement with Rab earlier?"

Luffy obviously also remembered the island whale at the entrance of the Great Route.

He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Rabu it, but it has been waiting for you at Twin Points."

"You really saw Rab?!"

It was obviously a skeleton, but the eyes of Brook and Hei Gulongdong were filled with tears.

"How is he now? Is he okay?!"

"Ah, I'm full of energy now!!"

Luffy laughed, "Originally, he wanted to knock down the Red Earth Continent and come to the Great Air Route to find you."

"But I was stopped by us. If I promise to find you, I will bring your news back to him."

"Is that so? He's okay, great, really great, yo hoo hoo hoo!!\"

Brooke burst into tears, crying and laughing at the end.

[Thanks to the 1,000-point reward from the boss of 'Xuanyuanjing', and another 2,000-point reward from the 'Call Me Monster' monster brother, thank you very much! ! ! ]?