The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 305

Of course he didn't waste that time either.

He also just got the second [Canning Workshop], and on this island, he is also practicing with the same time flow as Luffy and others.

In addition to practicing against the domineering cheats of the Nine Snakes alone, Link also brought in two excellent instructors, Granny New and Hancock.

[Thanks \'gechen.., the big guy's reward! There is also a thousand rewards from the 'Mr'k\' boss! ! grateful! ! ! 】Big.

309 Become a good helper! ! In order to be able to 'marry' Link! The legendary 'cohabitation' and 'two-person world\'! !

The two of them have been immersed in domineering together for decades, and the other is extremely talented.

Even Granny New, she had been the emperor of the Nine Snakes before. In this country where strength and strength are considered beauty, Granny New's strength at that time naturally need not be said.

It goes without saying that the two of them will discuss with Link the domineering power of the nine snakes.

Coupled with the domineering training experience of Rocks brought out by Link, the combination of the two can be said to complement each other.

Therefore, after getting the domineering training experience of Nine Snakes, the next day, Link called Granny New and Hancock to his room and entered the [Canning Workshop].

"He really has a treasure of so many powerful things in his hands!!"

Rao Yinu's mother-in-law was used to seeing strong winds and waves. After seeing the things related to Locks, she couldn't help but be amazed.

Then, in addition to that, it was the [Canning Workshop] that continued to sigh with emotion and had a special time ratio for this.

"It's really unbelievable for an hour outside and a day inside. Even the time-distorting [Colorful Mist] I've seen before has no such magical effect as Link's props. !!"

There she tutted in amazement.

In the end, it is a mature and sophisticated person with extensive knowledge, and even the magical "eight nine three" things like [Colorful Fog] have seen it~

Granny New was there looking at the space and time in Link's [Canning Workshop], and was concerned about this magical effect.

And after Hancock came in, he was alone against the wall.

"My concubine, was able to come to Link's wonderful house..."

She was clearly a mature and glamorous Yujie, but she moved her fingers like a little girl,

"Is this the legendary 'cohabitation' and 'two-person world'?!"

Her ears couldn't help being a little red, and her body was weak, and she was also doing all kinds of endless beautiful fantasies in her mind.

"of course not!!!"

A large bead of sweat dripped from Granny New's forehead, and she was speechless.

"Cohabitation means that two people live together under the same roof, and when did 'cohabitation' become [legendary]?!

"The old man is also here, how can you be considered a 'two people'? You shouldn't automatically filter the old man?!" After listening to Granny New, Hancock's finger movement couldn't help but move. pause.

"That means..."

She raised her head and looked at Granny New, her eyes gradually became dangerous:

"Did you stop the concubine and Link's cohabitation and the two-person world?!"

Granny New: "...???"

No, you're just a little crazy, aren't you? !

"Cough cough!!"

Seeing the gradually chilling atmosphere around Hancock's body, and realizing that she might indeed have made a light bulb to affect the two of them, Granny New hurriedly coughed twice:

"I don't want to destroy your thoughts and expectations, but this is what Link invited me to come to help him improve his strength!!"

"Once the old man helps him improve his strength, that is to help him better accomplish his goals when he is in the war. If he is happy, you will be happy too, so that you can be better and more perfect in the future. !!"

"While Lao Shen is helping him, he is also helping you, Snake Girl!!"

Hancock was stunned when he heard the words: "Hey, is that so?!"

"If it's just to make Link happy... Then, no matter what the concubine does, it's all willing!!"

Being trapped in a sea of ​​bitterness called 'Yuanqing' always makes people's wisdom decline involuntarily.

Especially when it comes to the person he loves, he has fallen to an unknown place.

"Hmm, that's it!!"

Granny New secretly broke into a cold sweat, showing that she was still serious and serious:

"And, on this matter, you should reflect on yourself more!!"

"Let the concubine reflect on myself???"

"Yeah, if your strength is strong enough to make Link impress you, then he won't specifically invite me to help him guide him, just find you alone!!"


Granny New tapped the ground hard with the snake cane in her hand,

"All of this is because you are not strong enough, Snake Ji, and you are not strong enough to bring all-round help to Link, so you have the old man to join!!"

"That means..."

There Hancock muttered to himself,

"Mother-in-law New, you join in, disturbing the chance of concubine and Link living alone together, living in the world of two, and getting married in the marriage hall. Concubine's own strength is not enough, is it caused by concubine's own hands?!"

She was talking about it herself, and suddenly it made sense! !

Granny New: "..."

You have already thought of getting married in the marriage hall, such a distant thing? !

Granny New also suddenly felt that one day in the future, when she can't afford to eat, it's still okay to go out and fool people.

Didn't you see that even Snake Ji was taken aback by yourself?

In other words, now she is really full of Links, what other people say is what makes Linke good, doesn't she have any basic independent thinking?

"That's right, that's it!!"

She suppressed the weird thoughts in her heart and continued to say seriously on the surface:

"So Snake Princess, work hard to cultivate and become stronger!!"

"Only when you become stronger can you better impress Link to you, so that when we practice together in the future, we will only take you alone!!"


Thinking of the wonderful picture in the future, Hancock was a little excited and couldn't help himself.

"Of course it's true, and, if your strength becomes stronger, you will be able to serve as Link's wise helper in the future and help him better!!"

"Good wife!!"

The word stabbed Hancock's heart hard, making her breathing a little faster.

"That's right!!"

Granny New nodded solemnly, "You must know that the sea where Link and the others will sail in the future is a sea area as dangerous as the New World."

"The four top pirates who dominate in it are all powerful characters who are famous in the world!!"

"At that time, if Link conflicts with them and is in danger of war, thinking of your Hancock's strength, it is very likely to ask you for help."

"By that time, the two of you will be able to work together and fight side by side!!!"

Fight alongside! ! !

Hancock didn't dare to think about it any more, she was afraid that she would faint with excitement.

But whether it's 'fighting side by side' or 'good helpers', etc., they are all severely stimulating her heart that has fallen for love! !

"So, get stronger, Hancock!!"

Granny New waved the snake cane from afar, and said with great pride:

"Only by becoming stronger, all this is possible!!"

Only when you become stronger can you lead the Nine Snake Island to prosperity and better shelter this island, this Amazon? Lily country! !

Even with the help of an outsider like Link who is not an outsider, the most important thing for a person is to rely on himself..0

The power of others is not a long-term solution after all.

New mother-in-law is the only way to stimulate Hancock to work hard and study hard.

Well, from this point of view alone, it seems that Hancock's relationship is not a bad thing.

At least there is another reason that can motivate her to continue to practice and become stronger, so as not to waste her talent.

Hancock can be said to be the best and most talented powerhouse that Granny New has ever seen. He went out hunting with the Nine Snakes fleet at the age of twelve, but unfortunately he was captured by human traffickers.

It was not until the age of sixteen that she was found and brought back to the island by Granny New.

After thirteen years of cultivation, he awakened to the aptitude of the overlord, and he has the formidable strength that he is today.

But Granny New knew that with Hancock's talent, the height that he could achieve is far more than his current strength! !

Moreover, after Hancock became an emperor, his practice gradually became stagnant and stagnant.

Although this kind of strength is indeed very good, it is still a lot worse than those top monsters in the sea.

This also made Granny New see it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart.

She always wanted Hancock to practice seriously, but with her self-governing temperament... Every advice ended in failure.

Until now, the appearance of Link has been seen by Granny New again, inspiring Hancock to continue to practice and improve the possibility of his strength!

"Well, I see!!"

Hancock nodded his pretty head hard, "In order to be able to help Link, to be Link's 'good helper', to be able to 'marriage' with Link

Hancock's eyes were blazing and he made a decision, "The concubine also needs to practice and become stronger!!"

Granny New: "???"

Well, although this purpose is very confusing and frustrating, at least the effect has been achieved.

Thank you so much, Link! !

"Cough cough!!"

And in order to stimulate Hancock even more, Granny New coughed lightly and said as if nothing had happened:

"That's right, it is to have such an ambition, and strive to first obtain the same position in his heart as Link's important 3.3 partners who cannot be separated!!"

"Speaking of which, I remember that on the ship of the pirate group that Link was in, there were very good crew members."

"One of them is Nami named [Little Thief Cat], right? I heard that she is a very good navigator."

"And [Son of the Devil] Nicole Robin, it is said that he has also provided a lot of help to Link, and the reward is full.

It's as high as 150 million... so..."

New mother-in-law was talking, but she couldn't go on.


"Nami? Nicole? Robin... These are all women's names, right?!"

A raging fire suddenly broke out on Hancock's body, burning the entire [Canning Studio] so dazzlingly bright


The irradiation made Granny New's eyes so dazzling that she couldn't open her eyes and couldn't speak.

"There are women on Link's boat... No way! Don't let Link be confused by those women!!"

"And, isn't she a navigator? My concubine is the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, and the king of this Amazon? Lily!!"

[Thank you for the 588 rewards from the 'Fashion of My Own Way' boss! ! Also, 15200./ The five-eighth reward of the boss, and a series of densely-packed reminders, this is the rhythm that kills me! ! ].

310 Bucky's news? A token of love? The [Talent Potion] given to Hancock!

"What if the amount of the reward is compared to the height of the concubine for a while? The body of the concubine is Qiwuhai, and the reward has been stopped a long time ago! Otherwise, the amount of 80 million Baileys when debuting as a concubine, how could it be less than her?!"

"Even so, the concubine can't be proud, and the concubine must become stronger and better than those women, several times stronger!!"

There, she solemnly declared that the flames burning on her body were incomparably hot, showing her determination.

And right now.

"I am back."