The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 349

"Dark water!"

Blackbeard laughed wildly, and after the darkness appeared between his hands, a bridge was instantly turned into darkness under his feet.

"Dark cave!"

He used the ability of the dark fruit to release darkness to the ground in a large area, covering almost the entire land.

The poisonous dragon spewed out by Magellan was also easily resolved by him.

"Hohoho, if I didn't see the blue orangutan lying in a pool of blood at the door, I grabbed a jailer and asked about the situation. By the way, I also asked about your ability as the director of the promotion city..."

At that time, Lafayette, who was a navigator, stepped on the dance steps and said with a smile: "Otherwise, we will really be planted under this poison~"

Afterwards, their Blackbeard gang fought fiercely with Magellan's subordinates.

It is said that the battle is fierce, but in fact, under the powerful "dark cave" trick of Blackbeard, in addition to advancing the city's leadership level to fight~

One of the other people counted as one, and they all came up to make up the number to die.

After realizing this situation, Magellan also decisively let the jailers retreat.

But it is a pity that during the battle, the prison chief Sarudes was hit by the sniper Van Oka on the Blackbeard ship and fell to the ground~

He was then swallowed by Blackbeard into the darkness with [Dark Acupuncture], and then dragged back into his hands as a hostage.

In this way, the hostages are in hand, and the security guards are also forced to retreat.

Blackbeard can be said to be complacent, and there is a high-spirited laugh.

That's why he is so arrogant now.

Well, thanks to the group of blue orangutans that Shiliu cut down, and Lafitte's help, he didn't let him struttingly confront Magellan and was brought down by a poisonous dragon...

But now that he has the advantage, he has started to look arrogant and conceited again.

"black beard…"

Magellan's tone was extremely cold, as if it was the sound of **** coming from the underworld of Huangquan under the Nine Serenities.

"Thief hahahaha, how's it going? Magellan, can't you do it?!"

Blackbeard pulled the unconscious Sarudes up to his hand in an unusual manner.

"After all, I belong to my colleagues, so I can't care about the lives of my subordinates like this, right?!"

He grinned widely, revealing his splendid, pitted white teeth.

"black beard…"

Seeing his appearance, Magellan's expression suddenly became extremely calm.

"Did you know that when those prisoners enter this Advance City Prison, they will all undergo [baptism]~"

"And those of us who are responsible for guarding the prison also have the same oath, which is no weaker than [baptism]!"

There he spoke slowly.


Blackbeard looked at Magellan's appearance, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"When Sarudes entered the advance city and became the chief of the prison, he made a sonorous statement in front of all of us."

"If one day, when the advance city is invaded, he can give up everything he can to protect the peace of the advance city, even if..."

Magellan raised his head, stared at the black beard whose face suddenly changed, and said word by word:

"Pay your life for it!!"


In an instant, from Magellan's body, the scarlet poison emerged violently.

Under the drastic faces of Blackbeard and the others~

"Poison Giant Soldier!"

An incomparably calm low voice resounded in this four-story underground hell.


Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

The sound of knives and guns colliding, and the roar of artillery fire continued, and on this icy battlefield of the harbor, it could be said to be blooming everywhere.

After Luffy and others from the Straw Hat Pirates broke in, the intensity of the war seemed to have risen by more than one level.

In 1.6, the navies sent troops to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates' squads and the forty-three fleets under their command, and also sent a certain force to limit the Straw Hat Pirates' advance.

The first to be blocked are Luffy and Sabo.

And it just so happened that the first person who stopped in front of the two was Luffy's old acquaintance.

White Hunter, Smoker Smoker.

"Straw Hat Boy!"

His whole body turned into a surging plume of smoke, rushing towards Luffy rapidly.

At the same time, he also tightly held the [Ten Hands] weapon in his hand.

"This place will never let you pass another..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a pitch-black fist in front of him, which was getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision.


The fist hit Smog's right face precisely, just like the original version, he held Luffy's right face with [Ten Hands]~


Smoker's whole body was smashed out by this fist.

How quickly came, how quickly flew out.

"That's... the smoking man?!"

Luffy, who withdrew his fist, was able to see who was knocked flying by him~~~


[Thanks to the 5,000 points rewarded twice in a row by the boss of the 'Gentry Dusk', a total of 10,000 rewards, thank you! ! Thanks 'Saber! ' Another thousand-point reward, thank you boss! ].

Is this guy 350 really a pirate who has just gone to sea for less than half a year? An unknown person in the first section of the Straw Hat Pirates? !

"Do you know that person?"

"Ah, the guard of Rogue Town before, I saw it later when I was in Alabasta..."

Luffy and Sabo just chatted like this, and continued running forward without turning their heads.

As if the Smoker who was kicked out by Luffy was not worth the two of them to stop at all.

"Colonel Smoker!"

Dusky hurriedly ran to Smoker's side.

"Damn...cough cough cough!"

Smaller staggered to get up from the ground, and there was still a clear fist mark left by Luffy on his face.

Not to mention the blood stains on the corners of the mouth.

"Has the gap become so big?!"

Ignoring Dusky's cry, Smaller stared at Luffy's back.

It just feels that there has been a gap between the two sides, opening a huge gap!

Smaller clearly felt that he had no time to react to the blow just now, and he had no time to avoid it at all.

He and Straw Hat Luffy, the two of them seem to have ceased to be characters in the same world!

This kind of cognition, could not help, let Smog tightly hold the sea floor stone weapon in his hand.

It was silent there for a long time~~~

Not only Smog, but other admirals are also constantly observing the actions of Luffy, the wicked, wicked bloodline and wicked captain of the Pirates.

"Even Smog was easily defeated, didn't he?!"

The situation of Smog being sent flying naturally fell into the eyes of their group.

"The overlord is domineering, the armed is domineering, if you guess correctly, he may also have mastered the powerful knowledge and domineering..."

With a cigar in his mouth, the disheveled ghost spider with a haggard face showed two famous knives in his hands.

"Mastered the three-color 25 domineering, and I'm afraid I'm quite skilled..."

"It seems that if it weren't for the combat power of the lieutenant general level, this kid couldn't be stopped!!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the soles of the ghost spider slammed **** the ground.


[Shaved], one of the six styles, stepped on and moved, and the ghost spider seemed to be teleporting, approaching Luffy obliquely!

The six famous knives waving on his head also seemed to be alive, aiming at the vital part of Luffy!

"Stop it, Straw Hat!"

Seeing that it was approaching, the ghost spider stabbed the famous knife on its head forcefully.

And at this moment~


A black knife that flashed out of an oblique corner directly stopped the ghost spider's attack.

"Want to deal with our captain..."

Zoro held [Autumn Water] in one hand and [Flower Island] in the other, the corners of his mouth raised, and a beast-like gaze appeared in his eyes.

"We have to pass the level of us crew members first!!"

"[Pirate Hunter]..."

Feeling the domineering armament of the opponent's sword, and the strength of the feedback that his attack was easily parried...

The expression of the ghost spider also gradually became serious.

"No wonder you can block the slash of the world's largest swordsman..."

Ghost Spider said coldly, "There are really two brushes."

"It seems that the 220 million Bailey's bounty is still less than the group of guys who made the bounty order department!"


Sauron's eyes twitched,

"Then after the war is over, please tell them for me, it's better to add a zero to the number of my reward, then I will be more satisfied!"

"Oh, I'm not young, but my appetite is not small..."

The expression on the ghost spider's face became colder and colder, "You really dare to think about adding so much bounty amount~"

"However, you are destined to have no such opportunity."


The ghost spider's hair is windless and automatic, "This battlefield is the end of your group!!"

The six famous knives wrapped around the gray-black hair danced again!

"Return of Life, Spider King Ge!"

"Two swordsmanship, two slashes, should climb the building!"

The dark and domineering armed colors collided one after another, and a powerful air wave spread from the two of them!

"Two Swords, Rhinoceros!"

As soon as the collision was over, Zoro immediately took the rhino stance and stopped the chasing hair knives one after another.