The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 383

But this time, Warring States didn't say much, and put on a stance there.

His eyes were staring at Whitebeard, but his thoughts~~~

"Even if this fortress is activated, it will only be delayed for a while."

"Under the handwriting of the Straw Hat Pirates, especially the [Prop Master], it can't play a decisive role."

"But... just hold on for time!"

Sengoku's eyes flickered slightly, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all, meeting the attack of Whitebeard!



In addition to this fierce battlefield, inside the fortress that suddenly appeared, inside the harbor.

It was also a burst of artillery fire, bursting out from the fortress one after another.

The smash hit the ground, setting off violent explosions, blowing those pirates out one by one!

Obviously, these fortresses are also designed and developed by Vegapunk to make such defense machines.

Now when all the Whitebeard Pirates have been plunged into the harbor, they have launched this urn to catch turtles.

"How can it be repaired! The navy still has such a hand!"

"When was this fort built, and why is there such a means?!"

"It's really disgusting, Navy!!"

There, the pirates scolded loudly while avoiding the pouring of gunfire.

"There is no way to break through?!"

The fleet captains of the Whitebeard Pirates are also thinking about it.

Now that Ace has been successfully rescued, what they need to do next is to leave this battlefield as soon as possible!

It has already arrived at this time, and it would be too unworthy to explain the fate here!

The pirates are looking for a breakthrough, and the navy is finally a little excited.

"Stop them!"

"As long as we keep [Fire Fist] Ace, we will not lose!"

"It's time to practice justice, let's go together!!"

They're basically getting ruthless now, too, and they're starting to throw their bets there!

Rather than end with the humiliation of being defeated like this, it would be better to put your life and all of your strength to the best of your ability to complete this execution!

For a time, within this harbor.

After Ace was rescued, the battle situation did not tend to weaken.

On the contrary, after the Warring States period opened this layer of fortress, it became more and more intense there!

At the same time, at a certain location on the barrier.

"It's here."

Link tapped the thick hard steel plate and nodded lightly.

The next moment, something suddenly came out of his hand.

It's a kind of model toy that resembles a house.

The difference is that there is a strange antenna on the roof of the house.

"It's fine to put it on."

Link placed the bottom end of the house model where he had just tapped.

In an instant, I saw the antenna above the model of the house emitting bursts of light, and then the entire fortress trembled slightly.

"It's fine now."

Link clapped his hands and chuckled: "From now on, this fortress will be taken over by the [House Robot]!!"

Props: [House Robot].

Description: Turn the house into a robot that obeys the user's commands, but if you demean or insult it, it will get angry and attack and evict you.

Although this is a fortress that traps everyone on the first floor, if it is strictly divided, the fortress also belongs to the category of houses.

"Okay, the house, open a passage for the pirates and block the navy's movements!"

Link snapped his fingers.



The sound of a machine rattling sounded again.


The vigilance of the pirates was raised again, "Does the Navy have any other back-up facilities?!"

Just when they raised their vigilance again, they suddenly found out.

"This is???"

Under the stunned gazes of many pirates, in front of them, right in front of the harbor, the barrier on a passage leading to the ice surface and the Moby Dick is slowly descending.

The best way to retreat was exposed.

"What are you still doing?!"

Just when everyone is not sure what this means for a while~

"Don't you want to stay and have a meal?!"

Link's soft drink sounded in their ears.

"It's [Prop Master]!!"

Then everyone raised their heads and saw that Link was issuing instructions, and immediately understood.

"¨〃Yes! It must be the handwriting of [Prop Master]!"

"Is it the effect of his props? Exposed this channel!"

"As expected of the second-in-command of the Straw Hat Pirates, I would say that the character who can press down that group of monsters is not a simple character!"

"Nonsense, let you say, this is recognized by everyone, okay!"

A group of pirates laughed excitedly, and while hurting each other, they ran towards the outside of the passage slowly.

"Stop, Pirate!"

Seeing this scene, the navy only felt the blue veins on their heads pulsing, and the temples throbbed with pain.

"[Prop Master], it's [Prop Master] again!"

The navy is about to have a shadow on this name now.

But how they do it, how they are at an advantage and have a good chance, that man will always jump out at this critical moment.

Their fighting spirit and their hopes were all smashed to smithereens! !

And it's not over yet.

"We must not let these pirates leave here!"

Some navy still didn't give up, and they chased after gritted their teeth.


boom! boom!

Just as they took two steps forward, they were greeted by the baptism of the artillery fire!

The pitch-black shells that were originally aimed at the pirates exploded one after another in their eyes! !

"[Prop Master]!!"

The navy's grief-stricken cry of blood and blood suddenly sounded in the arena.

"Really a very reliable man~"

[Witch of Ice]'s Waidibe drove the icebreaker (Zhao Nuo's) and rushed out from the exit of the passage with many companions.

Don't forget to look back at the scene.

A sea of ​​flames enveloped the navy, preventing them from advancing.

"Seriously, I really want to draw him into our pirate group."

The fifth division captain, Bista, twitched his beard and chuckled.

"I think Dad thinks so too."

The captain of the third division, Joz, broke through the rampage all the way, grinned, and his eyebrowless face looked even more vicious.

"It's just that the other party doesn't seem to want to join us here~"

Marko flew past at a low altitude, and said with a leisurely smile:

"After all, the other party also has his own pirate group~!"

Having said that, he finally looked up at Link at the fortress.

And this time donkey~

"It's so tragic, it always feels like I've done something too much."

Hearing the grief-stricken voice of the navy, Link clucked his ears slightly.

Then, he looked at the trio of Ace Luffy Sabo, who were also planning to break through, as if nothing had happened.

But at this moment, there was still a figure standing in front of the three of them.

"I want to leave this battlefield like this..."

The man's face was cold, and he slowly opened his mouth.


[Thank you for the reward of 10,000 points again and again by the 'touch her dog's head'! Really grateful! ! ].

382 Reinforcement! CP0! Cut off the back road! Destroyed home and family!

On the dark red suit, hot magma flowed down, and it fell to the ground, giving off smoky black charcoal.

"It's too much to ignore our navy?!"

Admiral Akainu and Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters are the last line of defense to intercept Ace at this moment!

Beside him, four lieutenant generals including Jonathan, Flying Squirrel, Huoshan and Stoloberg were also standing beside him.

No matter which faction these lieutenants came from, they belonged to which general.

At this moment, they all have only one identity:

Intercept the evil navy!

One general and four lieutenant generals blocked the way, enough to give the three brothers Ace Luffy and Sabo the highest treatment!

The high-strength lineup of the Demon Slaughtering Order is nothing more than that!

"Akainu, and four top lieutenant generals..."

Sabo pressed the brim of his hat, the water pipe in his hand kept turning over and over.

"It seems that it is not so easy to let us leave like this!"

The flames rekindled all over his body, like Ace who was reborn from ashes, and the corners of his mouth finally raised that confident arc.

"As long as they are knocked out, then all obstacles will be gone!"

Luffy bumped his fist there, always ready to re-enter gear 4!