The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 473

In this dance hall, compared with the terrifying roar of the gunfire outside, it is full of upward passion and vitality, which is particularly high-spirited!

Comparing the two, it is more like the difference between heaven and earth.

Inside is heaven, outside is hell...


After Luffy and the others took out a large sum of money to settle the bill, they left this gold-selling cave known as a dream paradise without looking back.

Even Nami, who likes money so much, didn't miss a single point here.

Not to mention the others, all walked to the port pier at the entrance and re-boarded their ships.

As for the entanglement between Tianlong and the destitute aristocratic slave, Luffy and the others have no interest at all.

However, because of the incident of the Tianlong people, many guests also chose to leave here early, for fear of being affected again and getting involved in some vortex.

"Is this the car of the Straw Hat Pirates?!"

Jinbei, who has become the helmsman, did not return to the Sun, but boarded the deck of the Merry.

"It's a really nice boat..."

As a veteran, Jinbei touched the ground, and he could almost understand the materials used for the entire ship, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"That's right? This is the best ship in the world in the future, huh!"

It is rare to meet a helmsman who knows his skills, and Franky is the most excited now.

"The current Sonny Merry needs an excellent helmsman like you, Boss Jinbei, to be able to exert its maximum performance!!"

"Leave everything to the old man~!!"

At this moment, this veteran pirate who has extremely rich experience in sea navigation, rolled up his sleeves and came to the cockpit under the expectation of everyone.

The two thick fin palms firmly grasped the rudder in their hands.

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

"Merry, set sail!"

Accompanied by Luffy's happy roar.

After retracting the anchor, Jinbei's hands holding the rudder turned steadily to the side in an instant.

In an instant, the huge hull of the Merry shifted its direction and sailed towards the sea outside Guran Tezzolo.


Under the deviation of this rotation, everyone did not feel that they were standing unsteadily at all, but felt like they were walking on the ground!

"Is this the feeling of sailing brought by an extremely good helmsman?!"

Nami's eyes brightened even more, "This is simply the gospel of navigators!"

With such an excellent helmsman, no matter what sudden and dangerous sea weather and weather conditions are encountered in the future, they can be accurately avoided at the first time.

Especially when pairing with the navigator, driving according to the navigator's instructions, hitting wherever you want, this kind of cooperation is simply Nami's dream!

"This time, I really don't have any worries about the voyage to the new world~"

Nami patted her stalwart place, and she completely let go of the last trace of worry in her heart, and a smile appeared on her face.


And just when the Straw Hat Pirates set sail with the joy of harvesting new companions, full of expectations for the sea of ​​this new world, and confidence in the road ahead~

In the sky of Dressrosa.

A giant bird with a thick body rose into the sky, broke free from the obstruction of a big golden hand, and rushed into the sky.

"Fortunately you exist, Kanjurou!"

Kinemon, who was covered in melted and burnt gold, coughed out a mouthful of blood and said excitedly.

"I didn't expect that at the last minute, you would be able to draw such a vivid bird portrait, before I thought you had always been rough."

"I didn't expect that this time, at a critical moment, you took me to stand out from the encirclement, and I really want to get to know you again, and look at you!"

Kinemon was lucky to have the rest of his life there, but he didn't pay attention at all. At this moment, Kanjuro's hand holding the paintbrush was not the left hand he used to paint.

"Don't say that, it's just luck this time~"

Kanjuro also wiped the sweat dripping from his face and the blood on the corners of his mouth, and after quietly switching the brush to his left hand, he coughed lightly:

"After all, people are in a hurry, and anything can be done. In a desperate situation, being able to draw such a portrait has already exhausted a lifetime of luck."

He shook his head, "I'm lucky to be able to escape from the golden **** cage safely..."

Saying that, Kanjuro couldn't help but look at Kinemon's arms, that lecherous kid whose nose was bruised, his face was scorched, and his clothes were already torn on his back.

"By the way, His Highness Momonosuke, did you suffer any harm?!"

he asked with some concern.

"I just checked it, and the injuries on my face and back are nothing, just skin injuries. Although it may be a little troublesome to deal with the scald on the back, it is fortunate that I brought a little scalding medicine when I escaped before the next. It shouldn't be a big problem..."

Kinemon said, drinking blood again.

"Although the injuries on the body surface are not serious, but..."

He was very worried and remorseful, and looked at the two lines of clear tears in the corners of Momanosuke's eyes.

"His Royal Highness Momonosuke may have suffered a very serious blow in terms of spirit..."


[Thanks to the 'Call Me Monster' boss for another thousand-point reward, thank you! 】enter.

464 The Fruit of Guns! Momonosuke's tragic brand! Next destination!

When Luffy and the others entered this Guran Tezolo.

Kinemon was also on a boat, relying on his ability to serve the fruit, and then sneaked in again.

This fruit ability of his is not just a change in clothing, it is really deceptive and inductive.

Let the person facing it not be able to tell the truth from the fake in the first place, but will slowly recall it afterwards.

Just like the original version of him disguised as Doflamingo, even the elder-level family members such as Gradius were deceived by him.

It is precisely because of this that he came to this city of gold for the second time, and he has always maintained his ability, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

Afterwards, under the careful inquiries that he learned this time, he finally learned the location of Kanjuro.

After successfully escaping the Golden City in Kinemon before, this guy who is good at acting and disguising is also very smart, and immediately reverted back to the right-handed drawing.

Then he activated the ability of his pen fruit, and drew a lot of beasts such as ligers and tigers to block, as well as various coverings such as smoke and dark clouds, plus various escape measures such as tunnels.

Successfully let him escape and ascend to the sky, hiding in the corner of the ship, always waiting for the right opportunity.

Until he found the Kinemon who had turned back again.

Acting is almost crazy, unless the black charcoal snake stops, otherwise "Eight Six Seven" will play the role of the Koyuki clan's retainers perfectly, and meet Jin'emon again.

Under the inquiries of the two people and the accidental collision, they successfully let them touch the area where the Tianlong people are.

It was there that they found Momonosuke.

Originally, the two of them were still thinking about whether to hold back for a while, until no one or other people didn't make a fuss and startled the snake, attracting attention and making a noise~

Then sneak in quietly, and successfully rescue Momonosuke, so that they can leave here safely.


"Zi La~!"


It was accompanied by a sizzling sound of scalding and burning, and the fragrance of meat drifted away, as well as Momonosuke's thunderous cries.

It made Kinemon and Kanjuro completely unable to sit still.

Immediately rushed into the room, broke through all the guards here, and came to Momonosuke.

As soon as they entered the room, they saw Momonosuke with his mouth open, his eyes turning white and losing consciousness.

And the smell of the burnt meat came from his body.

"His Royal Highness Momonosuke!"

At that time, Kinemon's eyes were really split, and he wanted to smash into pieces the corpses of those who would harm His Highness Momonosuke.

It was a strange guy with a bubble hood on his head and a long blue nose. When he asked who they were, he spoke with a tail sound and his head turned.

Kinemon and Kanjuro wanted to rush up directly.

But at that moment, a figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of them.

It was a man in a white shirt with a mask on his face.

As soon as he came out, he resolutely raised his hands and aimed at Kinemon and Kanjuro.

Kinemon remembered very clearly that that guy, like them, knew some kind of sorcery.

His raised arms immediately turned into the black muzzle of a gun.

The superhuman type, the ability of the gun fruit.

Like the Quick Cut Fruit that Daz has, it is a lower-level fruit that belongs to the weapon fruit.

But the power it has is definitely not weak.

At least when it first collided, Kinemon was completely caught off guard, and he suffered a big loss with an incendiary bomb.

At the same time, the scattered incendiary bombs also shot out and landed on the street outside, making bursts of explosions and screams that caused many guests to panic.

Fortunately, the opponent's strength is strong, but it just so happens that what Kinemon is good at is the fox fire flow that can cut off the flame.

It is also facing the flame-type incendiary bomb that the other party loves to use, and with the burning injury, he directly remembers the fox fire flow and the fire willow flash~

Taking advantage of his carelessness, he used [Liu Ying] to easily cut open his body.

In this way, under the terrified voice of the strange bubble-hooded man, Kinemon swiped Momonosuke.

At the same time, he also wanted to take revenge for Momanosuke, even when he cut the bubble head man together~

A stream of gold suddenly lay in front of him, blocking his killing intent.

Seeing this scene, both Kinemon and Kanjuro knew that it was the ruler of this city who had taken action.

This also shows that they can't continue to delay here any longer.

So, Kinemon could only take Momonosuke angrily, along with Kanjuro, and ran outside.

But Tezzolo, who had already learned of their troubles, of course couldn't just let them go.

The overwhelming gold rushed towards them, and they were about to be buried.

Seeing this, Kanjuro, who knew that he could no longer hide his clumsiness, could only use his right hand to draw a large and vivid bird, and then he took them out of the life together.

This is different from Dressrosa in the original version. At that time, Doflamingo was Kaido's partner, and he also received Kaido's instructions to cooperate with eliminating the samurai.

It's all his own, so Kanjuro certainly doesn't have to worry so much.

But this time is different. If you really don't do something, then you may really explain it here.


For his own life, as well as the unfinished play, the unfinished performance, nothing can end here.

With his strength, the trio escaped from the splendid city that was their nightmare.

The final result was that Kanjuro suffered a little embarrassing wounds, Kinemon was scalded by the CP0 incendiary bomb of the gunnery fruit person, as well as Momonosuke's skin trauma and mental injuries.

Under such a miserable situation, the three talents regained this chance.

"The pattern mark on the back of His Highness Momonosuke..."

While coughing lightly, Kinemon looked at the pattern with rounded soles, with three toes on the top and one toes on the bottom.

"Is this the guy with the bubble head, the mark carved on the back of His Highness Momonosuke?!"

Kinemon looked left and right, but couldn't see a name.