The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 519


Beckman sneered disdainfully.

"For world governments, their so-called balance is either the world settles or they are on top."

"There was a vacancy in Qiwuhai who was knocked down before. In fact, they lacked the strength to deal with the four emperors of the new world. They felt that their strength was damaged, so they thought that the balance of the world had been impacted~"

"Do you think that the strength of the pirates is weakened, and the strength of the navy and the world government is increasing. Will the navy and the world government be willing to see such a loss of balance?"

Raki Lu thought for a while, then continued to tear the meat in his mouth without speaking.

Well, if you ask more, he looks like a fool himself~

"Hahaha, that's right~"

Shanks, who has an unclear connection with the Five Old Stars, but who knows the style of those guys the most, can't help laughing.

"Before the four emperors were determined, the new world was in chaos, and there were no kings. Isn't the world government and the navy also good?"

Beckman continued:

"So, for them, only the dead four emperors are the good four emperors, and the weakening of the power of the New World Pirates is what they hope to see."

This analysis has to be said to be in place, and the members of the Red-Haired Pirates who followed along also nodded slightly.

As expected of their vice-captain, he can see the problem so thoroughly...


Suddenly, a cannon sound came from outside the island, shaking the orchard on the island slightly.

Whoa, whoa!

A large piece of ripe persimmon, exuding a sweet smell, fell one by one from the top.

"what happened?!"

Shanks and a group of friends asked questions while hurriedly avoiding the persimmon rain in the sky.

"It's not good, boss!"

At the same time, from the outside of the island, a tall and burly man with dark skin and a dark purple top ran in.

Like Shanks, he has rather striking red hair.

It's just that his state at the moment doesn't seem to be very good, his face is swollen, his eyes are narrowed into slits, and the corners of his mouth are still drooping with saliva and blood droplets.

He was literally beaten into a pig's head.

"You're... Roxtar?!"

Shanks recognized it for a few moments, and then reluctantly recognized the newcomer on the ship who had a bounty of 94 million Bailey and had previously told him to send a letter to Whitebeard before the war.

"How did you become like this?!"

He was a little puzzled and surprised, and then gradually asked plainly, "Who beat you?!"

It doesn't matter how my friends are joking, but if they are bullied by others...

Shanks won't let him go so easily...

Obviously, the injury on Roxda's face was not the injury presented by the fight with his companions.

"Boss, it's the Kid Pirates!"

Rockstar said vaguely, "They've come to find fault again!"

He was quite aggrieved.

God is pitiful, he was patrolling outside well, but he happened to encounter the invasion of the Kidd Pirates to find fault.

This is actually not a big deal. After all, as one of the four emperors, Shanks will be challenged almost every once in a while.

But this [Kid Pirates] seems to have an iron head, every time they are repelled by them, and every time they make a comeback with perseverance.

Don't go to the trouble of the other four emperors, just stare at their red-haired pirates.

This stubborn character of the head iron is often used to make fun of the cadres on the ship.

Only this time, the other party seemed to have gone crazy.

Everything was fine at first, but after seeing him, he completely ignored it and hit him with all the attacks.

While beating and yelling, "This guy also has red hair" and the like, it's a bit confusing.

I'd rather be trapped in the encirclement of their base than kill myself.

This made Roxtar feel unlucky, and at the same time, was extremely puzzled.

I clearly don't know the Kidd Pirates and the others, why do they look at themselves as if they are enemies, and are particularly jealous? !

"Hit and shout redhead?"

Whether it was Shanks or Beckman, they all looked at Roxda with a weird look, and…

The red hair on his head.

Well, it is indeed red.

1.6 "I didn't expect this guy to be so persistent~"

Shanks also smashed his mouth.

Regarding Kidd's perseverance in challenging himself, after this period of time, Shanks probably has a vague understanding.

Most of it also comes from the common eye-catching hair on the heads of both sides, and the issue of each other's names.

"This guy's head doesn't seem to be sober, and even my little brother was beaten along with him..."

He touched his chin, "Since he cares so much about his features similar to mine, he might as well make more of these features~"

Shanks flicked his empty left sleeve with a tyrannical domineering, and blew all the persimmons around him.

"Just right, I haven't seen it for a long time, the guy who lost his left arm like me~"

As soon as his words came out, it was equivalent to setting an ending for Kidd.


[Thank you for the reward at 5,800,000,000,000,000,000,000! grateful! ! ].

515 Target Straw Hat Pirates! The extreme [Black Wrist] Zefa! What should we do in the future? !

"It's been a long time since I started!"

"This guy is really a big idiot!"

"Have you completely ignored our previous randomness? Just taught him a big lesson!"

"Let this idiot have a good understanding, not everyone has the strength to challenge the four emperors like Xiao Luffy!"

"Let's help him recognize the reality, and he should thank us even more!"

"Hahaha, that's right!!"

A group of cadres of the red-haired pirates slowly stood up from the ground while laughing.

At the same time, a powerful aura slowly rose from everyone's body.

"Little ones, work!"

Shanks pulled the famous knife Griffin from his waist to the sky.


There was an extremely enthusiastic response from the entire island.

Their red-haired pirates will once again show their true power!

Let this sea clearly understand that the so-called four emperors, in addition to Charlotte Lingling, also have their red-haired pirates!

And right here, Shanks gathered his troops to teach Kidd an unforgettable lesson.

On the other side, somewhere above the sea.

A rather huge ship that looks like a warship is breaking through the waves on the sea surface 25.

"The Straw Hat Pirates..."

On the deck, a sturdy old man looked at the newspaper in his hand and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He wore a pair of black sunglasses, a black coat, and had striking purple short hair.

And his biggest feature is that a huge machine similar to a shredder is installed on his right arm.

On the mast of the ship, the flag marking that the sword pierced through the pirate skeleton was so obvious.

"It's another pirate group that is about to make waves in the sea and become the next great evil..."

He stood there with a straight body, and the sea breeze blowing on his face made his robes rattle.

"Then set the next target on this pirate group~"

The strong old man, with a calm tone, finalized the goal of the next action.


Next to it, a beautiful lady with long curly curly hair in smooth sea blue came out.

"I remember the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Straw Hat Boy] Luffy, but Lieutenant General Garp's grandson, and you and Lieutenant Garp..."

She was wearing a purple vest and black shorts, with an X-shaped scar on her right leg, black pointed-toe high-heeled shoes and a blue cape.

There was also a trace of concern in his tone at the moment.

"What about Garp's grandson?!"

The strong, purple-haired old man couldn't help sneering there.

"Since that guy can't take care of his grandson, let me do it for him!"

When it comes to this aspect, he scoffs:

"That idiot would never teach his descendants in his life, his son became the leader of the revolutionary army, and his grandson became the world's most famous pirate~~~"

"This ability to teach younger generations to become talents is more than a star and a half."

"If I were to teach my younger generation..."

Having said that, the purple-haired old man's voice suddenly stopped.

It seems that some very bad memories came to mind, and a bit of gloom and pain gradually appeared on his face.

Even the air on the deck became slightly solidified.

"That is, in terms of teaching ability, no one in the entire navy can compare to you, Teacher Zefa!"

Seeing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, beside the blue-haired beauty, a white-faced man dressed as a ninja, dressed in pink tights and black clothes with yellow spots, hurriedly followed.

And the purple-haired old man in front of him is also the former general of the Navy Headquarters, who was in the same era as Warring States and Karp, and the founder of NEO Navy who has retired from the navy for reconstruction, [Black Wrist] Zefa!

"However, the current strength of the Straw Hat Pirates is not ordinary, and it is quite difficult to deal with..."

Seeing that his words gradually diverted Teacher Zefa's attention, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and continued to analyze:

"Whether they were advancing the city or fighting at the top, they performed very well."

"I heard that Magellan in the advance city resigned because of the previous incident and was demoted to the deputy director."

"Every crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates is very strong. When they were in the headquarters of the Navy, they were able to play against so many lieutenant generals such as Ghost Spider and Dauberman, and none of the members were defeated. This is already very capable. Explain the problem."

"In addition, the Charlotte family has been suppressed now, the four emperors of the BIG·MOM Pirates..."

If it was just to divert attention at the beginning, but now that this passage is analyzed, it is already aware of the difficulty of the matter.

It seems that taking the Straw Hat Pirates as their next target is not the right decision...

"It is precisely because of their strong momentum that they need to be suppressed as soon as possible!"

Zefa heard the words, his face was also solemn, and his tone was firm.

"Otherwise, when they grow to a certain climate, that's the real trend!"

"If you want to get rid of them when it's down, it won't be easy!"