The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 531

After Jinpei, the helmsman, took out the fish that Luffy caught, Komatsu recognized him at first sight.

"Its catch level is as high as 33. It is a fish dish that can only be eaten after special cooking methods are required, just like the [Blowfish Whale]."

Alu next to him also touched his chin and said what he knew:

"And this fish is said to have the deep and heavy taste of the ocean, as well as the fresh fragrance of the mountains and forests, especially the fragrance of mushrooms. It is a combination of mountain and sea flavors. It is a very good ingredient!"

"Suck it!"

As he spoke, clear salivary amylase flowed out from the corners of his mouth.

"It tastes really good, but if it's not handled properly, it can easily cause strong side effects to the human body, such as hallucinations..."

Komatsu stopped talking as he spoke.

He had already seen the group of people who were speechless and pained, and pointed to the corner of the boat.

A group of people who were already lined up on the boards and waving their hands in the air.

"So many fish belong to bears, and they belong to bears!"

"Ahe, I'm sorry for you! Oda-sama, I'm sorry for you too!"

"The next one is a ninja, a real ninja!"

"Baron Bone, you are mine, Baron Bone!"

There, Peipo lost his eyes but could see Venus in his eyes.

Kinemon was sobbing bitterly there.

Lei Zang even shouted with inexplicable grief and anger, as if he had been greatly wronged.

There are also many canine fur tribes, where the saliva is flowing freely.

Link's gatekeeper, A Niu, was also taking good care of him.

Komatsu: "…"

In the past, he had only heard of this kind of side effect, and now it was the first time he had really seen such a situation.

Well, after Luffy caught these [Red Umbrella and White Rod Mushroom Tuna], before Chopper hadn't compared Sanji's ingredient picture book to check if they could be eaten.

It was generously given to the fur tribe by Luffy.

As a result, the fur tribesmen from top to bottom, plus Peibo and Jin'emon, Leizang and others on their boats, without exception, were all hit.

By the time Chopper realized something was wrong and brought them to the ship Merry for treatment, it was too late.

"They have been poisoned and hallucinated for a long time, and they have not been able to successfully escape the danger yet."

Chopper said with a bit of a headache there.

"If you want to remove the toxins from them, I know that there is a drug called [Ginseng Grass Fruit], which can relieve their hallucinations, but..."

He looked at the boundless sea around him, very sad.

As soon as I heard this, I knew that it grew between mountains, forests, trees and fields. How could it suddenly appear in the sea? !

And as a doctor, Chopper couldn't give up the treatment of these people.

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

What's more, these fur tribes can get along with them and are very good friends.

In addition, this incident was all caused by Luffy, and their captain was the culprit...

In terms of love and reason, Chopper can't ignore it.

And just after he said it~

"[Ginseng medicinal fruit]? I know where this ingredient is~"

Alu next to him spoke.

In his eyes, as long as it is edible and tastes good, it is all ingredients.

"Eh? Really?!"

Chopper looked over immediately.

"Well, it's on Tazhong Hua Island, just not far from this sea area~"

Alu smiled and nodded.

"It is said that there are a series of other good ingredients such as [Seafood Fruit] on it. I have been eyeing that island for a while!"

"Is that so? That's great!"


Chopper let out a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

It would be great if our patients could be saved and treated.

"Yo Xi, then let's move towards Tazhong Hua Island next!"

Luffy waved his fists there weakly.

"You're too hungry to speak, Mr. Luffy!!"

Komatsu was also looking at the crowd there, and he was also complaining while holding his forehead.

"It's better to have a full meal first, and then go on an adventure after you have the strength... and you guys too~"

Under the green eyes of Nami and Franky, Komatsu's scalp was numb, and he hurriedly took Terry to deal with the spring shark he had just caught.

There is nothing that is richer in nutrition and taste than spring sharks that are spawning!

"By the way, I've been very concerned about it since just now..."

When Komatsu was stared at and fled to work, Alu also seemed to remember something.

The line of sight also looked at the fur tribe over there, and then gradually fell on the relieved Chopper.

"...The civet cat actually spoke?!"

He widened his eyes, looked at Chopper in astonishment, and shouted there!

Chopper: "..."

Knock in! !


[Thanks to the '15191..' boss for the thousand-point reward! grateful! !

PS: Because the author is also an anime lover of food captives, and there is a linkage between pirates and gourmet in the anime itself, so I specially interspersed it without affecting the main storyline. Will there be other linkages in the follow-up? For example, with the food world, and the intersection of the Dragon Ball world, it depends on everyone's acceptance and future progress. I hope everyone understands. If you have any ideas, you can leave a message in the comment area. Thank you again for your support. ! 】enter.

529 A peculiar race that speaks? ! New props! [Egg Collection] and [Far-fetched Matching Solution]!

You are the civet cat, your whole family are civet cats! !

Chopper himself did not know how many times he had said this, and he was really tired.


Being able to make gourmets like Alu recognize Chopper as a civet cat at first glance, one can imagine how similar he is.

"...So it's a reindeer~"

Alu rubbed his eyes, and his excellent professionalism made him look at it again, and he immediately said.

"Sorry, I didn't think I was wrong."

He touched the back of his head and said apologetically.


"But shouldn't the question be why are you talking?!"

He widened his eyes again, "Why do reindeer talk?!"


Alu stared again, looking at Peibo and the other canine fur tribes.

"Why are those dogs and white bears able to talk too?!"

Alu is a very good food hunter and has the title of "Four Heavenly Kings of Food".

In the market, among the 300,000 kinds of ingredients in circulation, 2%, or about 6,000 kinds of "Nine Two Seven", were all discovered by Alu.

But even with such rich experience as him, he has never seen a creature with the same thinking and action ability as a human being.

Of course, intelligent creatures must have met, but they have never met these animal races that are similar to humans!

"They are~"

Luffy said there as a matter of course:

"They are fur people, so they can be like people."

"Fur that so?!"

The surprised Ah Lu heard Luffy say this, and his face was stunned.

"It turned out to be a brand new race?! No wonder no wonder~"

He nodded again and again there.

other people:"…"

Is it so easy to accept? !

When they saw Alu's sudden understanding, they had to feel his nerves.

In other words, the ability to accept new things is extremely powerful.

Is he a character who pursues fresh ingredients and adventure...

There they commented on Aru.


A rushing fragrance appeared above the venue, lingering on the tip of their noses for a long time and never dissipated.

"Everyone, spring shark dishes are ready..."

Komatsu walked back with a huge iron pan, and Terry, who was next to him, was there to help.

"This is a combination of spring sharks and [red umbrella and white rod mushroom tuna] with no toxic side effects, cooked and boiled together... eh~"

Before he could finish his introduction, he felt enveloped by a burst of green light.


When Luffy, who was still smiling, saw this, he let out a desperate howl from his throat, and then a tiger pounced.

The others were in almost the same situation, but compared to Luffy, they were much more polite.

Especially Jinbei who came close at the end.

"Thank you so much!"

He even thanked Komatsu and others.

Then I looked at my friends and felt very helpless.

He didn't expect that he had just joined the Straw Hat Pirates, and he almost faced the situation of running out of ammunition and food. This is really...

Sing without reading the music book - away from the big score!

"Ah, nothing, it's not a big deal in the first place."

Alu waved his hand there and said with a sunny smile:

"It is one of the best things in this world to meet a hungry person on the road, to help, and to share delicious food to fill your stomach!"

Although Alu looks like a muscular man who is good at fighting, he is actually kind-hearted and respects life.

Especially for the ingredients that sacrificed their lives for the survival of human beings, so when he is working as a food hunter, he will strictly abide by the self-regulation of "don't kill for the sake of eating, once you kill, you must eat".

At the same time, we will also give gratitude and respect to these ingredients that provide life for the survival of human beings.