The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 549

"Dad said, but I'm going to have a busy farming competition when I look back to see who has the best land. Everyone is very motivated~"

Bista twisted his moustache, also with a smile on his face.

To be honest, even those who do not continue sailing on the sea, just do farm work, it really makes everyone feel extremely comfortable and comfortable.

Because their father is here, and the father is their closest family member. Wherever he is, they will be there.

"Is that so?"

Ace also followed Marko's example and found a comfortable position to squat down, "There are two more venues, who are they assigned to?"

"One was given to Whitby. She said that she was too old to sail on the sea, and she had to find a place to retire in advance."

Bista pondered for a while, and determined that this was the original words of Wydibe, and he did not say anything disrespectful to her age before he said it at his own discretion.

Well, as Whitebeard, who followed Whitebeard to the new world more than 30 years ago, she was in her prime at that time.

And now more than 30 years have passed, her age~~~

Well, it can only be said that, like CP0's Stucci, they are all secrets within secrets, belonging to the most sensitive type with the highest secret 1.6 secret.

It can be said that in the eyes of Wydibe, Marco, Bista, and Joz can all be said to be her juniors.

Regardless of qualifications, age or other aspects, she is well-deserved.

"And Little Oz, when this guy woke up and heard that he was going to wear a straw hat to do farm work, he didn't want to leave immediately. He had to wear the straw hat you gave him and put himself into the reclamation area."

Speaking of this, Bista was also a little helpless.

"His site is on the other side of the island, and it is also the most remote and barren land. It is obviously low-yield land no matter how you look at it. As a result, that guy is doing very well..."

He felt somewhat relieved and delighted at the same time that he was a little helpless with this guy.

This kind of atmosphere really makes people feel very warm and comfortable.


【Three copies delivered today! Fortunately, caught up! Keep it up tomorrow, Wano Country will be here soon, come on! ].

550 Ace who knitted a straw hat, Kaido who was hammered by Whitebeard! Remember the kindness of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"I think it's just right for Little Oz to be desolate~"

Marco smiled, "If I really give this guy a better place, I'm really afraid that he will spoil the land. Not to mention the reduction in the yield of the land, the most important thing is to waste the land."

"But fortunately, although this guy has a lot of strength, he at least knows that this is Dad's hometown and has not done too much."

Having said this, Marcotti slipped the medicine box beside him.

If it was because Little Oz or others were not paying attention during the reclamation process, he accidentally injured others, then it was time for him, the ship doctor, to take action.

With this special job, he currently does not have any land that needs to be reclaimed by himself, and he has not participated in these planting competitions.

"That's right~"

Bista smiled lightly, took out a straw hat from behind him, and put it on his head to block the sun.

If you look carefully, you will find that the straw hat on Bista's head is also almost the same as Luffy's style.

Upon seeing this, Marco also lifted the corner of his mouth slightly, and also took off the straw hat hanging from the back of his neck.

Not only the two of them, but also the 25 crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates who are reclaiming land in other realms, as well as the squad leaders, almost all of them have a straw hat on their bodies.

They are all worn on their heads, where they are working in full swing.

The straw hats on their heads are not just to block the sun, more, of course, has a deep meaning.

To commemorate the group of benefactors who paid a lot for them during the war on the top, laid the foundation for their victory in this important battle, and even stepped forward at every critical moment to play the most important role.

Straw hats are the standard for that group of people. Although they are the Whitebeard Pirates, they can always keep this kindness in their hearts when they haven't returned to the sea.

Even the white beard, the end of his head that had regained his thick blond hair, was wearing a huge straw hat.

This is their Whitebeard Pirates' most simple way of remembering their kindness.

"You guys, be careful with me~~~"

Ace complained while knitting a straw hat, "If you knit a straw hat, it's very troublesome to say~"

There was still a little fire on his back that was carefully emitted due to nervousness or other factors.

Well, like Marco, he doesn't have his own land to reclaim, because he, like Brother Pony, has special jobs that he needs to do.

That is to use the techniques he learned from Wano Country to weave straw hats for everyone on the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, this guy is a fire himself, so when weaving a straw hat, it is also extraordinarily difficult.

The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates also knew about this situation, but none of them handed over the job to anyone else.

Even Izo, who was born in the country of self-harmony, is very familiar with these weaving techniques.

Because everyone understands what Acena wants to do for everyone.

Even if the battle this time is what their Whitebeard Pirates must start, they can't blame him.

Coupled with their benefactor, this level of brotherhood with Ace is also up to him to do it.


At this moment, in the distance, the peculiarly dressed Izang wearing a straw hat and bamboo hat hurried over.

Even though he is now in the dust, his body has the fragrance of earth and the simplicity of dust, but it does not affect the dress of the flower and willow style on his face in the slightest.

Especially the lipstick in the middle of the lips is very obvious.

"What's wrong with Yi Zang?"

Brother Little Ma sat on the stone with his legs crossed, "Is that guy Kaido knocking at the door again?"

"Is that guy still not giving up?!"

Even Ace didn't care that the straw hat in Ace's hand was burned by his flames again, and slapped his mouth there.

"Is he really a dragon? Why does he feel like a slime worm?"

Bista also snorted disdainfully.

Just after they rushed back from the navy headquarters, the newspapers covering this top war spread all over the world.

After the guy Kaido got the news, he learned that their father had regained his youthful strength, and he rushed here without hesitation.

When he arrived in the clouds and fog, he went directly to the door and asked his father to do a game.

In this regard, he is the strongest in the world, especially now that Whitebeard, who has regained the peak strength of his youth, will naturally not be accustomed to him.

When he was on the hive island of Hatchinos, it was Whitebeard who came forward and led Kaido, who had just joined as a new apprentice pirate, to meet Rox.

Even later, Kozuki Oden, who had previously been the captain of the second division on the Whitebeard Ship, died at the hands of Kaido after returning to Wano Country.

Whitebeard can be regarded as a little bit of leading love for Kaido, but Kaido has a lot of hatred for Whitebeard.

The relationship between the two parties can be described as very complicated, but the whole is still dominated by gaps.

As a result, Whitebeard directly broke out the strongest power that he had not fully exerted when he was at the top of the war!

As soon as they met, Kaido was smashed to the bottom of the sea, and a boundless tsunami wave was set off.

If it weren't for the fear that the island base of his hometown Sphinx Island would be affected and destroyed, Whitebeard might have smashed Kaido into his skull long ago.

Even so, he gave Kaido a burst of hammer blows.


After being hit by Whitebeard's good blow, Kaido not only did not retreat in spite of the difficulties, but he was still eager to face the difficulties! !

I don't know how many times I have come to harass them Whitebeard again and again.

Although Kaido's current strength is definitely not as good as Whitebeard, who has returned to his peak state.

But after all, Kaido is also the Four Emperors, an opponent of almost the same level as Whitebeard.

Even if they lose, the two sides can fight at the very beginning.

Every aftermath of the battle will have a big impact on the Sphinx Island.

After all, under the full firepower of the Four Emperor-level opponents, it will indeed bring about a lot of repercussions!

That guy Kaido, relying on the powerful recovery ability of his animal-type phantom beast, can always recover in the shortest time.

After that, he was tireless and came to the door again and again.

This also made the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, from a little vigilance at the beginning, to disdain now, and even a little speechless and annoyed.

This guy is too harassing! !

"It's not him~"

Yi Zang shook his head there.

"He left here a few days ago. 947"

"Have you left?"

Marco and Bista were both slightly startled, "When did this happen?!"

"Just three or four days ago~~~"

As a retainer of Kozuki Oden, Izo was the most angry and saddened when he learned the news of Kozuki Oden's death.

He regards Kaido as his lifelong enemy and is always looking for an opportunity to return to Wano.

Therefore, Yi Zang is most concerned about Kaido's movements.

"Really? It's better to leave..."

After Marco and Bista finished listening, they were quietly relieved.

This annoying guy is gone.

Well, after all, although Kaido likes to challenge the strong, it does not mean that he likes to be beaten and hammered all the time.

After knowing that the battle between himself and Whitebeard will not have the second situation, it is basically after the end of the battle with his head full of bags.

He also came to his senses, and would no longer make fun of himself in this place.

Then he flew away in despair and rushed back to his Wano country to lick his wounds and taste the wine of the night.

"Then what happened now that this guy has gone?"

Bista also adjusted to a comfortable position and sat on the ground, looking curiously at the expression on his face that was still a little serious.

And in that seriousness, there is also a little joy.


A smile slowly emerged from the corner of Yi Zang's mouth, "It's a former friend of mine who is here."


[The chapter of Selfless Seven said that it has a guiding problem and has been banned for the time being, me? ? ? The appeal has been filed, and it will be unblocked soon! ].

551 Fun! Go to Wano Country! The determination and cry of the Whitebeard Pirates!

In addition to Izo from Wano Country, who came out with Kozuki Oden and roamed in the Whitebeard Pirates, there are naturally two guys who yearn for the outside world.

They hid in the barrel, and they also followed, escaped from Wano Country, and came to the sea outside.

Together with Kozuki Oden and Izo, they are living a good life on the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Meow hahahaha, long time no see, everyone!!"

With a stride of 258,000, he has already become the leader of the island leader of the one in power. There, there is absolutely no power of the dark emperor on the island of Zowu.

On the contrary, he was very cordial, forthright, and brotherly loyal, laughing loudly there, greeting everyone around him one by one.

"Oh oh oh, isn't this a cat? Long time no see, Cat Viper!"

"Why do you want to come to us at this time? You still remember us!"

"Bastard, where have you been all these years? Even if you don't come to us, why don't you get in touch?!"