The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 553

555 Navy Trends! Missing Sakaski! Battle of the Warring States!

And just when the Sonny Merry approached the waters where Wano Country was located.

In addition to Charlotte Lingling's actions with the World Government, the backbone of the Whitebeard Pirates led by Cat Viper also came here.

This is completely different from the situation in Wano Kingdom, which the world government has obtained, where two four emperors will participate in the war.

The Four Emperors represent the highest combat power in the sea, and also represent the apex of pirates.

With the intervention of one more emperor, everything will be very different! !

However, although the World Government did not know that there was Whitebeard's intervention, they did know that they had to mobilize all available power.

In addition to CP0, those orders were naturally issued to the highest violent institution under the World Government, the Navy.

How could the world government not use such a bright sword properly? !

"Wano Country?!"

In the marshal's office, the new Admiral Sakaski sat at the desk, picked up the document from the phone bug on the desk with one hand, and lit a cigar for himself with the other.

Looking at the orders and requests from the world government above, I couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

"It seems that the World Government has also felt the threat of the Straw Hat Pirates, and has finally begun to take action?!"

Sakaski looked at the information and subconsciously touched his cheek.

The last time he was blasted out by Luffy's punch, he could still feel the pain in that part.

"However, they have indeed reached the point where they must be wiped out..."

There was a bright, dark red fire from the wrist of Sakaskina that was holding the document.

"Otherwise, if they are allowed to develop, it may be another white beard, red hair, golden lion, and even Locks and Roger..."


The suddenly rising high temperature burned the documents in his hand, and Sakaski's eyes radiated a firm fire.

"It is inevitable to send troops, just see how to arrange the right manpower~"

His fingers tapped lightly on the table there,

"The lineup of the Demon Slayer Order requested by the World Government, let's not say whether it can be launched according to the rules."

"Only five elite lieutenant generals from the headquarters... With the current level of pirates on the sea, it is really difficult to select five lieutenant generals at this juncture~~~"

With the end of the war on the top, pirates from all over the world intend to go out to sea to get some benefits while the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, the so-called righteous force camp, and the peak forces in the pirate camp lose both.

The power of the pirates is gradually rising.

And Sakaski for his iron-blooded justice, and his firm attitude toward sin that has no tolerance for it.

Most of the navy's strength was basically scattered out to attack many pirates in the sea.

Even some civilian lieutenant generals were sent out to do what they should do as a navy for the sake of stability and harmony on the sea, and for the safety of the masses.

Well, from this aspect alone, Sakaski's order is completely worthy of his status as a naval marshal.

However, this also led to the fact that it was really difficult for Sakaski to come up with the strength that was enough to represent the navy and to be able to hold the scene.

In fact, the backbone is actually good enough to say that if they are barely able to get together, it is absolutely no problem to crusade a country of Wano.

But to lead the team, we need to find a very important and most suitable candidate, none other than the Admiral of the Navy.

But the current admiral

Zefa withdrew, Aokiji withdrew, and Akainu was promoted to marshal.

Only Kizaru is at the level of a general.

Peach rabbit and tea dolphin are still a little too reluctant after all.

And in order to ensure that the Tianlong people have an admiral who can be on call to help them deal with the mess.

It is absolutely impossible for the yellow monkey on duty to leave.

As the Admiral of the Navy Sakaski, not to mention.

Sitting at the base and commanding the entire navy, it is absolutely impossible for him to go out rashly.

In this way, the lack of a strength enough to suppress the scene is also a special headache for Sakaski.

"It's rare for the world government to do a sensible thing, and the result is such a situation..."

The cigar in his mouth was sucked out in one puff, and the ashes fell on the unshaven beard that had a ring around Sakaski's mouth.

Since he was promoted to marshal, he basically seldom takes care of his face.

That is, after the marshal, he reacted and realized how difficult this position was.

All the scheduling and food and clothing expenses of the navy, as well as all aspects, must be taken care of.

The great route, the cosmopolitan, the normal soldiers, and the newly trained soldiers, etc., all kinds of things made Sakaski very busy.

In addition, there are pressures and orders from various aspects such as the world government and the allied countries.

It all made Sakaski deeply understand how well-developed the brain was in the Warring States period who served as the marshal before.

Able to keep things organized.

He is also quite clear why the things that Warring States sometimes do are so incomprehensible.

That came from the world government, Tianlong people, and some of the allied countries' actions, which made Akainu felt that his blood pressure was about to burst!

That is, the action this time, a little bit in line with his taste!

"It's hard work being a marshal, isn't it?"

At the door of the office, an old man with white hair stuck his head out, looking at Sakaski, who had a headache there, covering his mouth and smiling.


The crisp sound of Xianbei chewing in his mouth was unusually obvious in this empty room.

At the same time, next to his head, a sheep that was also chewing something also showed its head.

"If you're here to laugh at me..."

Sakaski raised his head slowly and looked at the old man who had become lively after retirement.

"Then your purpose has been achieved."

After all, Akainu picked up other documents and annotated them again.

"You are too tired to live~"

The white-haired Sengoku is shaking his head there~

Shaking his head, he sighed with emotion: "You are like this, it also reminds me of the time when I just became a marshal!"


Another senbei was bitten off by him.

"Forget it, anyway, I'm also the chief inspector of the navy, so I'll help you on this trip~~~"

Sengoku said casually and turned around.


Sakaski's hand that was annotating suddenly stopped in mid-air.

He raised his head again and stared at the Warring States.

"Don't look at the old man like that, the old man is just quietly thinking about 950 movements~~~"

Sengoku waved his hand casually there.

"In addition, the old man also stole too many snacks from a certain guy, so I promised him to help him check the current situation of his own grandson. Don't think too much."

After that, Sengoku didn't give Akainu any time to explain, and ran away with his pet sheep.

Sakaski also slowly retracted his gaze.

It's just that he tidied up his clothes a little, sat up straight, looked firmly in the direction of Warring States' departure, and bowed slightly.

This is his gratitude to the older generation after retirement, who still care about the Navy and is willing to contribute to the Navy! !

"In this way, the most important military force in the crusade against Wano country can be considered to be there~~~"

In the office, there were the deep voices of Sakaski.

"The battle strength of the generals also needs to speed up the progress, the world's recruitment is already urgent..."

Sarah la la la~

The sound in the room gradually disappeared, leaving only the sound of the pen tip on the paper, which sounded lonely.

After coming to a certain position, it is also destined to bear a certain responsibility and bear a certain price~~~

On the side of the navy, the strength and movement of the troops have been determined, and it is also time to plan to take action.

Near the waters of Wano country.

A ship that looked bruised and bruised was sailing there.

Judging by the degree of damage to the ship, it was obvious that it had just experienced a tragic battle.

Even the pirate flag flying above the ship seemed to have been shot through by snipers.


[Thanks to the boss of 'Once upon a time there was an eunuch' for the reward again and again! grateful! ].

556 Kidd and Hawkins, Wano Country! A chance to change fate! Just go there!

The hull is pitted and basically teetering.

If there are guys who follow this year's supernova characters, they will be particularly familiar with this ship if they see it.

Because of the name of the ship, it was called the Victoria Punk.

It is the car of [Captain] Eustace Kidd.

Originally, they were the most popular supernova group besides the Straw Hat Pirates.

But it is a pity that the great things that the Straw Hat Pirates have done one after another have successfully focused most of the eyes of the world on them.

So much so that Kidd and his group of supernovas in the same period, except for Luo who followed Luffy and others, basically did not get too much attention.

Although he was in the same era as Luffy, it is really sad that he has not been noticed by too many people.

But Kidd and the others did not give up on themselves. Instead, they held their breath and wanted to prove themselves well.

There is nothing that can show his power more powerfully than pulling an emperor from the sea off his horse!

As a result, Kidd and the others chose Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, as their target.

So, they fled.

"I really didn't expect that you, who didn't even learn domineering completely, would be in such a hurry to challenge the Four Emperors..."

On the corner of the tattered deck on the ship, a man with flowing blond hair, a slender body, and the iconic six vertical lines on his forehead, with an indifferent face, was sitting there, playing the tarot cards in his hand.

"You know, red hair is the most domineering man in the world."

"Only by your strength~~~"

The blond man put the tarot card results obtained by divination in his hand, looked at it, and shook his head again.

"No matter which aspect you look at, the result of the divination is that your chance of winning is 0.02%."

"The odds of 0.02, or when you are fighting, will break out the huge shipwreck that is equivalent to the huge shipwreck in the Battle of Ait Wall when Roger One Piece and the Golden Lion fought."

The blond man said things that hurt the feelings of the Kid Pirates, but every word was true.

"Cough cough~"

Kira, who was also one of the supernovas, was staggering and coughing while sitting on the side.