The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 63

It is true that there are no more than 80 million Baileys.

This had to make Crocodile suspicious, and some of his Baroque work was too loose.

It was obviously a secret criminal company, but it turned out that the pirates who had never even heard of it almost smashed the old bottom, it was like a sieve.

Could it be that there are other traitors in their company? !

"A pirate I've never heard of before..."

Crocodile pondered, and then made a phone call.

As a veteran pirate, he will not be scolded by the enemy, and his anger will go to his head.

Since he began to deliberately manage his good image of justice outside, almost every day pirates break into Alabasta and call him a lackey of the navy.

He didn't care either, because all the pirates who had scolded him were all brought to a funeral by him with a sandstorm.

Not long after, the graceful elder sister Robin, dressed in a white lady's suit, came to this office.

"Boss, do you have something to ask me?"

At this moment, she was expressionless, as if she had really put herself into the role of the secretary of a crime company, the villain.

"I want to know the information on the group of pirates who killed the bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak."

Crocodile said slowly.

"When I was reporting this to the boss, it was the boss who said you don't need to care about such trivial matters, and sent me away at will."

Robin said calmly.

After she met Link and the others, when she came back to report to Crocodile, the latter didn't take this seriously at all, and didn't take it to heart.

Robin didn't care when he saw Crocodile, and then thought about what Link said to himself before he left.

I don't know what to think, so I didn't say much, intending to reduce Crocodile's attention to their group.

From Robin's point of view, Link and the others were still too immature for Crocodile after all.


Crocodile glanced at Robin lightly:

"Now, you can tell me."

"Okay, boss."

Robin nodded lightly, then took out two bounties.

"[Straw Hat] Monkey? D? Luffy, and [Prop Master] Link..."

??0 asking for flowers........

Crocodile looked at the two bounties and the amount on them.

"Is there a bounty of tens of millions of Bailey? And the bounty of the deputy captain is higher than that of the captain..."

Crocodile glanced at it, noncommittal.

Although this is very high in the East China Sea, it is almost a record-breaking bounty amount, but it is too insignificant for the great route.

The pirates he has seen, at least, are in units of billions.

Crocodile raised his eyes and looked at Robin, as if to say, is there any other information.

The latter was aware of it and sent some information collected by the Baroque Work Club, but the key ones, such as the news of Link's fight with Hawkeye at the Baroque restaurant, were kept secret by her.

"Just in the weakest sea area of ​​the East China Sea, I defeated some pirates with a maximum of 20 million Baileys..."

After reading these irrelevant information, Crocodile finally let out a contemptuous smile.

"It seems that it is only the strength of the reward amount of 40 to 50 million, but it is quite in line with their bounty."

Although the bounty amount is not completely calculated based on the strength of the pirates, most of them are basically the same.

In Crocodile's view, this is a group of guys who feel that their bounty is not low, and then happen to knock down a few enemies who are weaker than them, and thus swell up and feel that they can do it.

"Mr.5 offers a reward of 10 million Baileys, and Mr.3 offers a reward of 24 million Baileys. Judging from the amount of the reward alone, it is just the scope that they can solve."

Crocodile couldn't help but sneer, "They probably saw the amount of the bounty I offered a long time ago, and felt that with their so-called captain and co-captain's strength, they could challenge me."

"But they didn't know that when I became Qiwuhai, even if I automatically got rid of the status of being rewarded, the subsequent reward amount was stagnant."

"You know, the reward amount doesn't mean everything!!"

Before Crocodile became King Shichibukai, the animated version of the reward was 70 million, which just added up to Luffy's 30 million, making up an integer of 100 million Bailey.

The manga version of the reward is 81 million, just 10 million more than the Pirate Empress, the only woman in the Seven Martial Seas, and overwhelmed her.

If it is over-interpreted by some people, it may be that the amount of male pirates in the Shichibukai cannot be lower than that of females.

Fortunately, in the world of One Piece, there is no such creature as the Chinese pastoral dog, otherwise the department of the Navy Headquarters that formulates the reward list may be overrun.

"Let's go back and meet them with Mr. 1, and let them feel the real horror from the great route!!"

Crocodile said, then waved his hand, it really looked like he was completely disinterested in this.



Robin stopped there, his eyes flickering for a long time.

After a little hesitation, curiosity finally prevailed.

"Do you know the Shemale King Ivankov?!"

The words Link said to her before, still made her a little unforgettable.


After Robin said the name, he could clearly hear Crocodile's voice getting longer.

"Why did you suddenly mention this name?!"

Crocodile turned around and looked straight at Robin, expressionless, but his voice was particularly low.

Obviously, the name really made him care a lot.

Or, she is also very concerned about anything related to this name.


Robin casually ruffled her hair. She is now basically sure that there is absolutely something unspeakable between Krocdahl and the **** king Ivankov.

"Could it be that……"

Robin's seemingly calm and thoughtful brain contains some magical and extremely dangerous brain circuits:

"Between the boss and Ivankov..."

In her mind, she automatically made up a love-hate relationship between Ivankov and Krocdahl about feelings.

At the same time, I also made up a lot of small stories and small theaters that cannot be said or recorded, otherwise it would be easy to ban.

Crocodile didn't speak, but he kept staring at Robin, which already explained everything.

He is very concerned about this matter, you don't want to fool around like this.

"Okay, it's actually a word that these pirates asked me to give to the boss."

Robin didn't say which pirate it was, but directly crowned the entire straw hat group.

It seemed that Link was deliberately hidden to prevent him from getting too much attention from Crocodile.


Crocodile asked immediately.

"They say they know your secret boss..."

boom! !

As soon as Robin's words came to this point, he felt that the atmosphere in the entire field suddenly changed.

That kind of sticky pressure and killing intent that almost turned into reality! !

Kroc Dahl, who was clearly told by Link before and did not have such a reaction, at this moment really had a complete killing intent! !

Robin's eyelids couldn't help but pick it up. This seems to have hit Crocodile's pain point?

"There are also key words, the **** king Ivankov, and her fruit ability."

The pressure on the field suddenly became more stagnant.

Robin silently retreated to the corner, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible.

But judging from her shining eyes, her curiosity was completely hooked up to the secret between her boss and the Shemale King... What is it? !

[Thanks to Xaxuan for the reward! ! 】corpse.

086 [The Gloves of a Win or Lost]! Learn tricks! Elbaf's strongest gun!

"very good……"

As soon as these two words came out, the originally depressing atmosphere in the stadium was suddenly empty.

"I originally thought that sending Mr. 1 was a bit of a fuss, but now it seems that it's not enough."

Crocodile was muttering to himself there.

Although the atmosphere has been put away, but seeing his full cigar, it is almost burning to the corner of his mouth, and he almost knows.

He was starting to get mad.

"You don't need to send Mr.1!!"

Crocodile said coldly, "Let those pirates who don't know the heights of the sky come here, and I will bury them with my own hands!!"

Are you afraid that they will reveal their secrets if they are killed by Mr.1?

Or do you want to wait for them to arrive, arrest them, and ask them how they know their secrets, and how many people know about it, come and catch them all?

Wise as Robin quickly thought of Crocodile's intentions.

However, she could not tell through, but simply responded.

"In addition, Mr.3 and the others are too useless. Send Mr.2 to see if Mr.3 and the others have been killed. If not, then send Mr.3 for a ride!!"

This is because I am afraid of revealing something, and I plan to destroy the corpse and destroy it...

Robin unfolds her rich associations and nods there.

Soon, the orders for the Straw Hat Pirates were issued in an orderly manner by Crocodile.

After Robin remembered it, he withdrew and left.

Only Crocodile was left, with the cigar in his mouth that was almost burned to his mouth, and his eyes gradually became gloomy.

"Straw Hat Pirates..."

He stretched out his hand, pinched the two bounties on the table, and instantly turned into a large piece of gravel! !

Taikoo Island, small garden.

After hanging up the phone, Link, who was refreshed and comfortable, took Weiwei out of this small house made of candles by Mr.3.

By the way, Sauron, who was already recovering from his injuries and regained his mobility, could stand up and walk.

In his words, with this level of "five-eight-seven" injuries, just drink some wine and get some sleep.

Well, it is also a monster with amazing recovery ability.

But it's not a good thing to keep getting hurt so easily.

It doesn't look obvious on weekdays, but with the severity of the injury like Zoro, and the high-intensity training on weekdays, it is easy to bury hidden dangers and hidden injuries to his body.

It is also time to put the plan to find a ship doctor on the ship.

After Link took Vivi and Zoro back to Dongli's residence, he found that he had ended the battle with Broki.

The 74566th battle between the two still ended in a draw.

"Bang Ka Ka Ka Ka, it ended in a tie in the end."

Dong Li was laughing and tearing at the dinosaur meat, "That guy Broki seems to smell the alcohol on me, and he begged me for a drink."

"As a result, I told him that what I was drinking was actually water, and these wines were made of water, and he didn't quite believe it."