The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 79

Nami couldn't help looking at Chopper, who was suspicious of Lusheng at Link's feet.

"The civet cat you brought can not only understand the language of animals, but also speak."

"I'm not a civet cat, I'm a reindeer, you bastard!"

Hearing that he was also called a civet cat, Choba was stunned again, and grinned at Nami.

But after yelling at Nami, Chopper saw both Link and Luffy looking over with weird expressions.

Well, congratulations to Chopper for his achievement, being the only guy in the Straw Hat Pirates who scolded Nami and called her a bastard.

As the ship tyrant on the Merry, sure enough, only the group pet can cure her.

Nami was not angry with Chopper's remarks, on the contrary, after she saw Chopper's appearance,

His eyes gradually showed a little sparkle.

"so cute!"

She was a little surprised by Chopper's appearance.

"What's your name?!"

Nami squatted down, looking like a very intimate big sister, and said to Chopper very gently.

It's just that Chopper was still a little scared when he saw how she knocked Zoro to the ground.

"He's Chopper, our new partner!"

Luffy said in a rough manner, "He is a very good ship doctor!" "Ship doctor?!"

As soon as they heard that a new partner had joined, everyone else immediately focused their attention.

Even Zoro and Sanji, who were about to go to war next to them, also looked at them.

"Our ship doctor is a civet cat?!"

"It's not a civet cat! You bastards!!"

Chopper's frantic voice resounded in the village.

Although Chopper is a talking reindeer, it is not difficult for the Straw Hat Pirates who are used to seeing all kinds of magical creatures, humans and events in the sea.

As for the blue nose or something, Nami also felt very cute, so she was about to hold Chopper and not let go.

Afterwards, Link also told everyone that Chopper was the fruit of everyone, and encouraged the uncomfortable little Chopper to transform into a human form and show it to everyone.

Others are also amazed there, there is no abnormal discrimination, and there is no such phenomenon at all.

At this point, after feeling that these companions did not reject him in the slightest, the apprehension in Xiao Qiaoba's heart can be regarded as completely letting go.

At the same time, he was so moved that he wanted to cry, but after seeing Sanji, he still had a slightly strange look in his eyes.

Immediately terrified, he is a reindeer, and if necessary, he may also be used as a spare ingredient!

Of course, with Nami and Link around, Chopper wouldn't fall into that kind of situation.

And he also showed his superb medical level to everyone.

Usopp, who was pulled out and frozen into a chilled onion, and Kalu Duck, which was almost stewed and roasted by hot water, immediately became alive after a few short treatment measures by Chopper.

Seeing this, everyone realized that Luffy and Link really attracted an excellent ship doctor!


"Sure enough, I knew that Luffy alone was unreliable."

After Nami pretended to be a caring big sister and had a conversation with Chopper, only then did she know the whole process of Chopper joining their pirate group.

"Link is still needed at a critical moment."

Nami also knew that it was mostly Link who persuaded Chopper to open his heart, and he couldn't help expressing such sincere emotion.

Mouth, Mouth??

The others, including Wei Wei, all felt the same way and nodded in agreement.

Luffy was the only one who didn't know what was going on, and kept giggling.

Everyone's acceptance of Chopper was very high, especially after learning that it was Link who invited him to board the boat, they had no comments or questions about Chopper.

And after Chopper learned that Valbo had been cleaned up by them, his goodwill and sense of belonging to the Straw Hat Pirates also rose in a straight line.

So, after a group of people made a brief self-introduction to Chopper, they planned a new voyage non-stop.

Dalton intends to keep it for a while, and thank Luffy and Link for their kindness in defeating Valbo.

But the battle situation in Alabasta is getting more and more anxious, and the situation is getting more and more severe.

Everyone no longer delays, pulls in the new member of Xiao Qiaoba, and plans to slip away the corpse.

096 [Animals turned into biscuits], shocked, is this the so-called prop master? !

"Let's go, friends!"

In Chopper's small eyes full of twinkling gold stars, everyone pulled the sails away, and the pirate flag logo printed on it, as well as the black pirate flag, couldn't help but make him feel a wave of excitement.

I have always been fascinated by it, and at the moment I really saw it, I still feel that kind of exciting emotion, brewing in my heart.

"Let's sail!!"

In Luffy's hearty and excited laughter, the high slopes on both sides of the pier, the big angle village and the people of Dalton cheered and said goodbye.

The Merry set sail, heading for the next destination.

"Towards Alabasta, forward!!"


On the top of Chimney Snow Peak, Kureha looked at the floating figure of the boat on the distant sea level, and poured plum wine into his mouth again.

"Be nice to my stupid son, or even if you go to the new world, the old lady will hunt you down there!"

"Also, thank you for defeating Valbo~"

As for Luffy, Link, and the others who defeated Valbo, Cureha was naturally clear.

It is precisely because of this love that Kureha takes care of Luffy and Link a lot, and is willing to let Chopper follow them.

"The thousand-year-old keel and Rox's book should be regarded as you helping the old lady drive away the annoying bugs, so that the old lady can live here safely without so much disturbance, and it will give you a little help."

In the end, Ruoyouruowu whispered softly and slowly drifted away in the wind and snow.

"Safe journey!"

Near the two high slopes of the pier, many villagers waved goodbye to the distant Merry.

"I didn't expect things to be so dreamy..."

Even though Link Luffy and the others gradually disappeared on the sea level, Dalton still felt a little unreal.

Valbo, who has always been worried about a comeback, is back.

It's just that it's not rolling, but wrapping ropes all over.

Dalton could hardly describe how he felt when he saw Valbo, who was **** and beaten so badly.

I heard that they were quite miserable, and even their own submarines were demolished by the other party.

It's just that "600" has never been so well-deserved for them. Now that they have fallen into such a situation and have such an end, it is completely God's retribution for doing their own sins and not living!

Even Dalton felt that it was too cheap for them to be treated like this!

"Have you contacted the Navy?"

Dalton couldn't help asking the mayor of the nearby Dajiao Village.

"Have been contacted!"

The village chief nodded again and again, and the folds of an old smile were about to come out, brighter than chrysanthemums in full bloom.

These ordinary villagers were the most difficult and pitiful people who were subjected to the tyranny and tyranny of Walbo.

Valbo's downfall, no one wants to see more than them.

"It seems to be a navy from the four seas. He is a well-known naval colonel. I heard that he is very powerful. He specially transferred back to the great route from the four seas. Is it from Rogge Town in the East China Sea?" Regardless of Valbo's previous identity How, after he chose to go out to sea and hung up the pirate flag, his identity was almost confirmed.

Especially since he was the king of the countries that joined the World Government before, such a character becoming a pirate is tantamount to hitting the World Government in the face.

In addition, the one who escorted him to Drum Island was the white hunter who came to the great route from Rogge Town. Basically, he will no longer have the chance to turn over to the peak of life as in the original version.

Most of the time on the road, it is relatively boring.

However, after Chopper joined in, everyone felt that although the age was not too young, but it was too simple, and took good care of the reindeer who was ignorant of everything, which also added a warmth.

After Chopper got on the boat and got used to it, he followed Luffy and Usopp together.

Because one of the two guys is the hottest to play, and the other likes to brag and tell the story is also very interesting.

After three or two contacts, Chopper, an ignorant child, was completely confused.

Especially this guy Usopp, seeing that besides Luffy, there is another guy who is easy to fool.

He couldn't help but be more full of fire there, bragging about his past deeds.

What is it that he fought a giant whale in Twin Points, defeated a hundred bounty hunters in Whiskey, and stopped two giants from fighting in a small garden, and then got their gratitude and awarded his giants' unique skills. so many...

Well, I don't know if his master Broki will be angry and kill this disobedient disciple with an axe after hearing these words.

Oh, he doesn't seem to have an axe.

Everyone else was just listening to a joke, adding some fun to a boring sailing career.

But Chopper is in the same line as Luffy, and he believes what others say.

After hearing that Usopp had so many glorious deeds, he immediately fell in love with Usopp's admiration.

Especially after knowing that the Valbos were subdued by Usopp's powerful sniping technique, he felt that Usopp was more powerful.

It wasn't until Nami couldn't see it anymore that she pointed out and complained:

"It's not the prop gun that Link gave you. Otherwise, no matter how good your sniping skills are, you won't be able to win three people in a row."

"Wait, is that so?!"

The young Chopper opened his mouth wide and listened in shock.

Only then did the young mind realize that there are not only reliable and trustworthy companions in this sea, but also deceit and lies.

"Link's props..."

Chopper paid attention to this information point again, "What are the props in Link's hand?"

He has not yet seen the power of Link's props.

"It's something with a lot of weird functions..."

Nami couldn't figure out how to explain it for a while.

"Just show it to you and see for yourself."

Link next to him satisfied little Chopper's curiosity. With a flip of his palm, he took out a box.

"Anything new?!"

Usopp, who was originally a little resentful after being exposed, saw that Link had come up with something new, and immediately surrounded Luffy with the two people who were yelling.

Zoro, who was exercising, put down the dumbbells in his hand, and Sanji, who had made dessert, put down his plate.

Not to mention the two people who have already occupied the best positions in Nami and Weiwei.

Admiring Link's new props and their effects has become a rare entertainment program on board, and it has gradually become a habit.

"this is…"

Chopper looked at the group of people around him in confusion.

Although he didn't quite understand why everyone was so curious, the friendly and comfortable atmosphere of getting together like this made him feel really good.

"It's called [animal-turned-cookies]."

Link, who was used to it, didn't care, and opened the box while introducing.

Inside the box, everyone saw the biscuits that were filled to the brim.

And each cookie has a shape similar to an animal.

Items: [Animals turned into biscuits].