The Great World

v1 Chapter 107: .107. Jump and Jump

The auditorium exploded.

"Fuck, Hill is making a wedding dress for someone else!

Hahahaha, she was half dead in despair! "

"Then it was Luo Yan'an, and Hill’s colleague Helka University, how it seems it was Hill who took action against him."

"Look, the back image doesn't look like Zhang Jian?!"

"I Kangkang, Wo Ri, it's him!"

"...What the hell, why did the two of them ran on a sheep, let alone... this sheep runs really fast!"

The audience looked at the picture on the big screen and saw a three-meter-long white sheep. At this moment, taking the pace of Bianmu, it bounced and disappeared from the screen's field of vision.

"Who can tell me this is a sheep?"

The audience looked at the jumping white figure, their eyes fell to the ground and their mouths opened wide.

Later, an audience with strong eyesight pointed out: "The posture of the two people sitting on the sheep seems a bit tight."

"Hmm, it's almost a negative distance."

"Heh, Zhang Jian and Cheng Xuanlang are talented women, they are all made in heaven, where is your turn to beep here!"


Zhang Jian sat behind the sheep and Cheng Xuan in front.

The sheep is fast, leaning forward and jumping, and from the sky, looking through the gap between the canopies, you can see the giant blue figure in front.

The jumping height of the sheep is not low, about half a meter, and there will be a long jump from time to time.

This behavior caused the bodies of the two sitting on their backs to slide backwards and fall forwards due to inertia.

Cheng Xuan's face flushed red, Zhang Jian's chest pressed against her back from time to time, and the masculine breath lingered all over her body.

The white and smooth face turned red at this moment, as if blood was about to drip, and the red color spread like red clouds until the roots of the ears.

She only felt hot all over, but unexpectedly felt warm and comfortable.

Because the sheep moved too much, Zhang Jian had to hug Cheng Xuan tightly.

Zhang Jian felt a little nervous in his heart.

He still remembered that when he held a girl's hand for the first time, it was like holding a cloud and a piece of cotton candy. In addition to being soft, it was soft.

Oh, by the way, when I was young, I actually believed the rumor that I would get pregnant by holding hands.

I spent a lot of time and psychological preparation to persuade myself to have the consciousness to be a father, but the result was all deceptive.

Because of this, I was also lost for several days, once depressed and depressed.

Hey, the girl's body is really soft.

"Stop it." Zhang Jian said in Cheng Xuan's ear. This place was far away from there. Just looking back, there was no sign of chasing him.

Naturally, the most urgent task is to evenly divide the points in the handle ring.

Cheng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly stopped the sheep.

It seemed that the sheep hadn't jumped enough, so Cheng Xuan let him be nearby and didn't go too far.

Zhang Jian doesn't know what kind of sheep it is, but just by looking at it for nearly ten kilometers, he knows that the quality is the diamond, or it may be the source beast that is good at running.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jian felt that when the Academy Tournament was over, he had to solve his traffic source beast as soon as possible.

Not to mention, if this sheep is riding alone, it is more exciting than riding a horse with a rein.

How to say it is just like playing on a trampoline.

Because the sheep's wool is thick and does not need a saddle, the buttocks up and down are the same as sitting on cotton, so there is no pain at all.

Zhang Jian looked up and saw that the blue giant had already fallen, and the inverted pyramid-shaped clod held by his claws was put down, and the bracelet on it suddenly fell to the ground.

The bracelet kept shining brightly.

Zhang Jian stepped forward, divided the bracelet into two parts, and then began to dock the bracelet.

Points +100

Current points 120

"The first ten is basically stable, and the main thing next is to avoid Hill and Luo Yanan.

I don't know if the two of them will join forces.

When we were observing in the dark, Luo Yanan shot Hill the first time, but after the bracelet was snatched away, he obviously saw him stagnate and chased us.

It may be because he thinks that this bracelet is already in his pocket, so we are equivalent to taking things from his pocket.

Angrily, he has a high probability of teaming up with Hill. "

"If you join hands, you will be in trouble." Cheng Xuan's face returned to normal, and she frowned and thought about it when she heard Zhang Jian's words.

Both witnessed Hill’s terrifying covering ability of thousands of vines, especially in this forest, almost used the regenerative ability to the extreme, and the Twisted Dryad had not shown much ability yet, it was just a source of source power. Surgery.

In this forest, Hill is almost invincible.

Thousands of vines also have the ability to pass vision through the emerald vines.

It's too much trouble.

Zhang Jian glanced at the sheep that kept jumping for a while, with a strange expression on his face, and asked, "Do you use sheep to walk?"

"That's right... Ever since I took it to see Bianmu, it has become like this, but then again, it jumps much faster than it runs."

"..." Zhang Jian continued: "Since it is very troublesome to fight with them, then we will run away with your sheep when we meet them."

"Huh?" Cheng Xuan thought of the previous scene, and the roots of her ears turned red again.

Zhang Jian thought Cheng Xuan was unwilling, "No way, then think of other ways."

Cheng Xuan waved her hand quickly, ", I think it is feasible, as long as they are not trapped in advance, they will not be able to catch up."

"That's it for the time being." Zhang Jian once again felt that the progress of his source beast cultivation was too slow. In the face of this situation, he did not have a strong ability to break the game.

If he is strong enough to crush the past, why need to avoid war and hide in Tibet like this.

Zhang Jian secretly said in his heart: After the hunting battle is over, it is necessary to find a way for the slave soldiers to quickly increase their strength, and it is best to make the gun materialized.

It is estimated that when the gun is materialized, the slave soldier can beat the fourth rank in the third rank, and there may be more than the fourth rank.


"Asshole!" Luo Yanan smashed the tree beside him severely, his palm suddenly turned red, and a mark appeared.

"Chuck, why are you so irritable." On the side, Xier Shanshan, who was sitting on the canopy of the twisted dryad, rushed over and looked at Luo Yanan, whose eyes seemed to be bursting with fire. The depression that had been robbed of the bracelet disappeared. A lot.

Anyway, with her current points, just grabbing two or three more bracelets is enough to stabilize to the top ten.

She was not in a hurry.

"Cooperation requires a cooperative attitude." Luo Yanan gritted his teeth, his face gloomy.

Hill didn't care, and gently stroked the green vines entwining the tree trunk with his palms, and smiled: "Got it, giggle."


Zhu Wenfu looked at the picture of Zhang Jian and Cheng Xuan riding a sheep together on the big screen, envious, "Wonderful!"


Cheng family.


Cheng Jianguo slapped the coffee table abruptly, staring fiercely at the frozen LCD screen.

"This kid, dare to eat Xuan'er's tofu!"

Zhou Xiao glared at Cheng Jianguo, "Don't forget, if it weren't for him, Xuan'er wouldn't be able to maintain this way now.

Zhang Jian's background is very clean. I think I will find an opportunity to arrange for Xuan'er to take her back for a meal. "

"Eat meal?!

Hmph, I'm afraid I can't help but beat him up! "Cheng Jianguo said dissatisfied.

Zhou Xiao ignored him when he saw it, and the corners of his mouth rose.

The mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, and she became more satisfied.