The Great World

v1 Chapter 156: .006.Metal Gate

The two chatted.

One thousand points is equivalent to one million if the exchange rate of new currency is used.

Zhang Jian was slightly happy in his heart.

But more is the expectation for the next action.

He wants to find the leader of the experiment, and give him a few kicks if he can't be killed. He must not make his life easy!

Zhang Jian did not ask Hao Fang whether there will be follow-up rewards.

The reward for providing location clues is one thousand points.

However, if you go down, there should be no rewards.

Zhang Jian did not hesitate.

Going down will get nothing, but you can avenge those miserable source beast cubs.

Hao Fang was slightly taken aback when he heard Zhang Jian's words, and then his expression became serious.

"Zhang Jian, this is not a joke.

Going down is life-threatening.

If a closed self-detonation device is installed in the laboratory, once we enter, there is a high possibility that it will be buried underneath. "

General laboratories have enclosed self-detonation devices, which are designed to prevent the enemy from snatching laboratory materials.

Advanced, usually there will be.

"This time, the laboratory built in a hurry by God is not clear if there is one, but it is highly likely that it has a self-detonation device."

Zhang Jian's strength is also okay, and it is also a help when necessary.

According to recent observations of key personnel of Shen Jiang, there should be no beast masters who are too powerful here.

The rest are scientific researchers, and their combat effectiveness is just an ordinary person.

"I want to go down." Zhang Jian said.

Seeing Zhang Jian's persistence, Hao Fang didn't persuade him.

The thick tree surrounded by four people was peeled off at this moment, and the bottom was silver-white metal.

There are square lines on the metal.

The other three of the team brought out a series of miniature instruments again.

Mounted on metal.

Zhang Jian couldn't understand it, and it took a few minutes.


A bean-sized bulb on the instrument lights up green.

Immediately afterwards, light blue energy flowed from those lines, and finally the metal slowly separated, exposing a channel below.

One of Hao Fang's team, wearing a device similar to a stethoscope, whispered: "Four people's footsteps."

Zhang Jian opened the pine cones and attached it thoughtfully, and couldn't hear anything.

Only the soft sound of gears biting.

Hao Fang said: "The old way."

After that, another woman in the team took out ten Beng Beng Beng Yuan Beast Cards, and after summoning them, they also summoned a Fire Elemental Leader.

The fire element leader belongs to the most powerful source beast in the fire system.

The source technique is mostly explosive.

After the release is completed, an air shock wave will be generated, and if someone is in the center of the source technique, it may be burnt to ashes in an instant.

It is powerful, but it takes a lot of source power and time to release the source technique, that is, forward swing.

Forward shaking is the pre-action of the release source technique.

Actions such as singing and handprints can all be attributed to forward shaking.

Each source spell of the fire element leader requires up to one minute before shaking, and it is easily interrupted.

Therefore, except for certain circumstances, the leader of the fire element is not welcome.

On the contrary, the water element and wood element are very popular for their healing powers.

Of course, elemental source beasts are difficult to obtain.

The leader of the fire element is like an upside-down mountain, with fragments of flaming stones floating at the bottom.

There are two square stones on each side to form the arm.

It is about two meters high and has a round crystal on its forehead.

This is his source core.

When the fire element casts a spell, there is a flame throbbing at the bottom, and the source core of the forehead is flickering and dimming.

The woman counted the time silently.

About half a minute.

She threw ten Bengbengbeng into the entrance.

On the way down, Beng Beng Beng's body suddenly shrank, shrinking to the size of a fist.

Before Zhang Jian could not see, Beng Beng Beng had already begun to swell, reaching the size of a basketball in the blink of an eye.

At the same time an explosion came out of the metal entrance, the fire elemental leader finished casting the spell.

Origin Technique-Great Pyroblast Technique!

The two arms of the fire element leader turned red, and hot fireballs the size of a washbasin roared out.

The fireballs continued to bombard the bottom of the metal for half a minute, and nearly a hundred fireballs were tilted down.

The edge of the metal entrance has faintly melted.

Zhang Jian could feel a wave of shaking when standing on the ground.

Hao Fang made another gesture, and another teammate summoned a leader of the water element.

The appearance of the leader of the water element is almost the same as that of the fire element, just like the twins, only the color changes from red to blue.

This time, the release source of the water element was shaken very short before surgery.

In just ten seconds, two water dragons gushed out.

Chi Chi -

A large amount of white water mist came out from the metal entrance, and the surroundings suddenly became humid and sultry.

After finishing this process, the leader of the fire element jumped down.

He doesn't walk on the ground...

I don’t have feet either, I use floating ones.

The leader of the fire element drifted past, and the ground temperature dropped significantly.

Zhang Jian secretly sighed for the exquisite and skillful cooperation of this team.

Don't look at it as simple as the release of the source technique.

There is no one second time between the two source spells, and they will not overlap each other to cause conflicts of source spells.

To do this, it is difficult to do without tacit understanding.

Putting himself on the ground and exchanging positions, Zhang Jian asked himself that he would definitely not be able to achieve such a smooth connection.

Interrupting his thoughts, Zhang Jian followed the back of the four-person team in front of him.

The speed of this two men and two women team was unexpectedly fast.

Quietly along the way, head forward.

Live up to the name of the blast team.

Down from the metal entrance, there is a steep slope, as can be seen from the remaining traces, it was originally a conveyor belt.

Now, Hao Fang is leading the way, and in front of him is a gale bird with pale golden feathers.

Zhang Jian was even more surprised.

The pale gold color indicates that this gale bird is already in a pseudo-ultimate form.

It only takes time to settle, at most half a month, the pale gold will turn into gold, and it will be the ultimate form by then.

Zhang Jian held back his curiosity.

You know, Dafengniao is uninhibited by nature and never wants to be bound by anything.

Only wild galebirds will appear in their ultimate form.

According to statistics last year, there were more than 1.3 million Galebirds contracted with humans.

However, none is the ultimate form.

Right now, Hao Fang...

Still don't ask.

Everyone has their own secrets.

There is a wall of wind in front of Dafengniao, and there are more than a dozen wind blades like sickles floating behind it.

The wind blade shook slightly, and it was triggered.

After walking for five minutes, he finally arrived in front of a two-person high metal gate.

"People from the association?

Are you here to die? "

Zhang Jian found a small speaker on the upper right side of the metal gate, and the sound really came from inside.

Listening to the voice, the other party estimated that he was a middle-aged person.

And the speed of speech is gentle, cold, and not mixed with any emotions.

Hao Fang responded with actions.

He nodded slightly, and the Gale Bird's wings moved forward.


The wind blade burst into the air.

Bang bang bang ——

The wind blade slammed into the metal gate, and there was a sharp metal crackling sound.

Sparks flew everywhere.

The metal gate is intact, and there are more than a dozen deep ravines on the surface.

The horn was also destroyed, making no sound.

"There is a mezzanine, it seems that there is no self-detonation device." Hao Fang made a judgment.

Generally, if there is a mezzanine in the entrance gate of the laboratory, it means that the people in the laboratory are extremely important.

It is important to not build a self-explosive device, if it is caught by the enemy, it will be redeemed at a high price.

"Speed ​​up, do not rule out other exports.

If the laboratory is located under the swamp, it will take at least half an hour for them to open the passage.

If it is under normal ground, ten minutes is enough. "