The Great Worm Lich

v1 Chapter 102: Witchcraft

The format will not be brought first, and it will be drawn again.


   After changing clothes, Zhang Lisheng was relieved to relax, washed his hands, and walked out of the room with a backpack.


   He walked along the corridor and walked out of the hotel quickly. Looking around, he found a dark corner and ran quietly.


  Thinking the voodoo in the dark, and soon a huge lizard shaped like a western black dragon appeared beside Zhang Lisheng.


Looking up to see the daunting face of the island dragon hidden in the night, Zhang Lisheng turned over and rode a witch worm to drive the giant lizard to leap forward, changing his body like a glide, silently crossing the dark night sky of Rukututu After ten minutes of galloping, he has come to the Amazon jungle.


  On the edge of the dense forest, Zhang Lisheng urged the island dragon to stop, and after climbing down from the witch bug, he stepped back on the muddy woodland and spit out a bird's blood, screaming a word "hua".


  The witch exit naturally hooked the mysterious power in the underworld, and the power was accompanied by the black blood showered on the island dragon and penetrated into the skin of the witch insect, causing it to "sizzle..." roared and extended Misu.


   After this refining, the island dragon's posture looks far more slender and smooth than before, and the three scorpion tails behind him gently shake, exuding an indescribable swift and fierce taste.


It’s a pity that the island dragon does not involve the strengthening of the essence, but it is not satisfactory to Zhang Lisheng. “It’s clear that he has had a chance to change up the ancient strange insects. I didn’t expect the “Lian, the word witch curse could not deepen this change, even if it could be more. A long tail,


  Forget it, there are mountain toads..."


   He murmured the voodoo and drove the mountain toad out of his backpack. Then he spurted a black blood and shouted the word ‘hua’.


  The rain forest Zhongshan toad was nourished by Zhang Lisheng's sperm and blood, and the witchcraft catalyzed the thousands of hollow thorns on his body to suddenly erect the roots, sending out a sharp zizi. "Sound, inhaling massive amounts of air inflates your body to the size of a six-door bus."


   Squatted on the ground, the mountain toad split its big mouth and sprayed the sky to throw out numerous cyclones, piercing the dense forest above the head into a direct ten-meter major tone.


  The bright moonlight of the Amazon sprinkled along the hole on the toad-covered body of the mountain toad, and a light black smoke was transpired, making the witch insect look more strange and unpredictable than before.


  The witch power consumed by refining witch worms will continue to increase as the number of times rises. Zhang Lisheng just broke through witchcraft, and at the same time refining the island dragons and mountain toads for the third time in a row, the witch power consumption has exceeded the normal load a bit.


   But after breathing for a while, he touched the mountain toad, which was already bigger than a house, and sighed like a gong, and sighed. He was obviously not satisfied with the refining of the mountain toad.


   After closing his eyes, Zhang Lisheng settled his mind and took a few steps back again, screaming a Chinese "tong" with his blood, and exhibited a new witchcraft he got after he was promoted to witchcraft.


With the "Tong" word exit, the black blood he spewed into two strands, fluttering around the two witch bugs, forming a ghost image of a mountain toad behind the island dragon and an island behind the mountain toad. Black and white image of a dragon.


   was blessed by the voodoo, and Shanchan's already heavy body suddenly seemed incomprehensible, and the competition between jumps could also move in an instant.


After the island dragon received blessing from the witchcraft curse, he roared, cracked a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, and suddenly absorbed a breath of air, inhaling countless trees and branches at the same time into the body, forming a more than 100 meters long, three or four meters long. High, seven or eight meters wide vacuum zone.


The vacuum zone has just been formed, and the surrounding air will be squeezed into it, forming a violent gas explosion. In the sky and mud of the air explosion, the body swells to an island dragon far beyond 100 meters, suddenly high. Jumping in the jungle for a while, clefts, claws, and tail thorns took only a few seconds to clear a square of woodland.


   "The voodoo, the word voodoo curse, which was originally obtained by the witchcraft, was to allow the magic power of the witch insect to communicate with each other!


   The mountain toad got the island dragon’s ‘virtual and supernatural powers, but he couldn’t see any place where it was too cold and too powerful.


The island dragon got the "increase and shrinkage magic power" of Shanchan, but it became so powerful. This is simply the power that can destroy the modern civilized city, and it is absolutely necessary..." An island dragon like a collapsed skyscraper, Zhang Lisheng murmured.


   Before he finished, he was suddenly suffocated by a painful headache that he hadn’t tasted in a long time,


  The pain was expected, Zhang Lisheng gritted his teeth and forced to hold back. After a few minutes, the pain gradually subsided, replaced by a burst of tiredness and fatigue deep into the bone marrow.


Wipe the cold sweat of the forehead hard, knowing that the use of witch power in blood and flesh has reached the limit, but also completed the refining of two witch insects that he has set, and sort out Zhang Lisheng’s difficult use of the new witch curse after the witchcraft. Driving the mountain toad into the backpack, he walked slowly to the island dragon, and climbed the monitor lizard with difficulty.


   Then he whispered the voodoo softly, driving the witch bug to jump up and leave the face forest.


   returned to the hotel with a pale face, and refused to take the initiative of greeting the waiter. Zhang Lisheng returned to the room, tolerating discomfort, instead of sleeping with secret practice, it took a total of more than twenty hours to finally recover his energy.


   He woke up without any delay, and hurried to the restaurant to eat a steak set menu, and then came to the hotel's special counter for jungle survival supplies.


Every resort hotel lobby in Tatetutu will open up a large corner dedicated to selling jungle survival goods, which seems to have become a practice, even if a city with strong commercial properties such as Rukututu is no exception. .


   Elephant-like field tents, archaeopteryx's portable assault boat, Swiss royal cavalry's Swiss army knife...Zhang Lisheng was walking and looking at the goods on the container, no one was making noises in his ears.


  But when he just raised his arm, he immediately ran out of a native girl in camouflage costume and asked politely, "Sir, can I help you?"


   "I need a few nutrition bars to fill this backpack." Zhang Lisheng said as he untied the backpack and opened it.


   "Stuffed with this kind of backpack?" The native girl looked at the backpack in surprise and found that there was nothing but an ugly toad woodcarving with a big basketball. If you want to fill it, I am afraid that you need at least fifty nutrition bars.


   Jungle nutrition bars are not snacks. In order to pursue sufficient calories and rich nutrition, the taste is generally not too good, but usually one day is enough to supplement the energy required by an adult throughout the day. It is very rare to buy 50 at a time.


   "Why don't you have so many nutrition bars here?"


"Of course not a sir, please wait a moment, I will put it on you right away." Although Zhang Lisheng's words were not to blame, the native girl was taken aback. She hurriedly loaded 50 nutrition bars into Zhang Lisheng's backpack , A fear of dissatisfaction with the guests, "Do you have anything else you need?"


   "Well, give me an igniter again, don't need any other, thank you." Zhang Lisheng said, drawing out his credit card to pay, and then renting a satellite locator at the hotel reception.


  Everything was prepared properly. The blue sky and the white sky were not good to drive the witch worm on the road. Zhang Lisheng finally called a courtesy car at the hotel and rushed to the nearest river dock.


   Sure enough, as he guessed, all the freshwater river piers in the city of Rukututu were packed with large and small timber dealers from all over the world, and all kinds of employees they hired.


   In the noisy and complicated environment here, a thin Chinese boy wearing a camouflage jacket and carrying a hòu canvas bag sneaked into the jungle not far away, and would not attract anyone's attention at all.


   In this way, Zhang Lisheng quickly walked quietly into the rain forest as he wished, looking for his third witch bug.


   is as big as a bean but has very long tentacles, the back plate is covered with hòu armor, the forefoot base has sharp spikes, and the wings are light bó like cicada wings, flying fast like lightning stupid stupid:


   Adult worms are small in size and silent during flight. They are accustomed to biting the prey and secrete narcotic toxins in the back of the neck, and inject several bee eggs to let the heirs feed on the spinal cord, nerves and brain of the parasitic target.


   is used to appearing in ethnic groups. Although they are small in size, they will bring violent pain to the enemy for up to 24 hours when they bite the enemy. They may even paralyze the heart and die directly.


For twenty days, Zhang Lisheng made a deep dive in the rain forest and selected dozens or hundreds of different kinds of witch bug embryos with the word "", but after refining them into witch bugs, they did not. One can only condense the supernatural power, and he cannot enter his dharma eyes at all.


   is getting closer and closer to the end of the winter vacation, and Zhang Lisheng is gradually anxious.


He didn’t want how good his previous luck was. He caught two magic witches with ease, but felt his luck became worse, and began to drive the island dragon into the danger of breaking into the Amazon jungle. Zone, delusion to lure the more ferocious insects to hunt, to hunt to satisfy the witch insects.


At noon on that day, the time was already so tight that Zhang Lisheng, who was about to return to the airport early in the morning the next day, stood in a dim jungle, driving the mountain toad to swell his body, sending out three spiral cyclones visible to the naked eye. Hundreds of small animals that could not be avoided and a large area of ​​rainforest were broken into pieces.


   After he didn't see, he sprayed a black blood towards the flesh and blood trees, shouted a word of "Gather," and immediately lured innumerable poisonous insects and reptiles to start fighting for blood in the forest.


With the strengthening of witch power, Zhang Lisheng exhibited the'Ju, word witch mantra', although it could not attract large reptiles to become "gu", but it had not been as slow as when the mountain toad was collected, and the insects attracted by the mantra were killed It seems extremely tragic, and it will float around in a short while. The loser is too late to be swallowed by the winner. (Unfinished. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is me The biggest motivation.) PS; if you have a cold, you still have to work and code words. The pigs are tired of vomiting blood. The readers read it and think that it is well written. Give Zhang Monthly Ticket. I recommend it and encourage it. Thank you!