The Great Worm Lich

v1 Chapter 202: ‘High-end force’

  Although he understands the truth of "the levees of thousands of miles collapsed in the ant cave", in the face of Luo Lin's unwillingness, the adjutant can only persuade: "General, this is actually nothing.


   With the arrival of civilians, we should have gradually faded out of the island as a military force in accordance with the order signed by His Excellency the President. The rules and prohibitions made by us also naturally come to the time of change. "


   "But we paid such a big price to finally establish the "rules" and "order" in the "gathering place", but now because a white idiot lives in the White House, they are all destroyed...


  Forget it, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States, that person has the right to arrange everything.


  Open the door, Lacey, order the ‘gathering place’ to enter the ‘red alarm’ state, open the door, and let the natives leave. "


   "Yes, Lord General."


Soon, the command of the highest commander was passed on, and under the intensive guard of the garrison, the dark gray metal door of the "gathering place" opened a small slit that could only accommodate one person in and out, leaving the soil that madly roared. People rushed out in surprise.


One step away is the distance between civilization and barbarism. In the hiss of wild monsters and poisonous insects, the few native dwarfs stumbled to the dragon in the air, kneeling down in the mud, "Great Guardian of Tudnan, Zhang of the Sea..."


"Don't make such cumbersome salutes first," riding on the witch worm, driving it slowly to the natives of the'Tudennan' tribe, Zhang Lisheng asked expressionlessly: "I just want to know now , How did you recognize me in the tribe of the strangers in the day?"


"The great guardian, I have the history book of'Tudennan' on my body," the tallest leader among the natives, and the Tutnan hunter who once had a relationship with the youth, from the animal fur behind . Carefully cherished a hidden hòu heavy bark book, and his hands were dedicated to the brave giant in front of him, "When you meet you, your appearance will naturally appear in front of my eyes."


   Zhang Lisheng froze for a moment, then took the bark book, turned to the last page, looked at his portrait, closed his eyes, and was surprised to find. In his own mind, what he felt at this moment really appeared.


  Thought for a moment, his body suddenly began to grow taller and bigger, then he saw the appearance of the young man in the book, and as his actual shape changed, he began to change constantly.


"This. What is the reason..." Zhang Lisheng, who wanted to kill the survivors of the'Tudennan' tribe out of the human'gathering place', grabbed his heart and immediately dispelled the idea of ​​killing and killing the mouth. .


This bizarre and miraculous tribal history book identifies itself as a'guardian of Tudnan' according to certain laws in the Ming Dynasty. If you kill Tudnan for no reason, it is difficult to imagine the consequences. appear.


   For Zhang Lisheng, who has always believed in the phrase "Unknown is the most terrifying", he obviously felt that it was not worth the risk.


   thought about it. Holding the tribe history book in his hand, the young man suddenly whispered and asked, "What kind of catastrophe has been encountered in the southern part of Tude. Isn't this history book always enshrined by the tribal headman? How could it make you Run around like this?"


"We were attacked by the'Luami' tribe from across the island. The great guardian," the indigenous leader knelt on the ground, buried his head in the soil, and snarled in a humble, humble gritted teeth: "The headman died in battle. After the tribe's totem pole collapsed, they were soaked in the'Tudnan Blood Pool' by the Lu Yami people.


   I was ordered at the last moment. Take the tribe history to escape and continue Tudnan's inheritance..."


   "Are you saying "Tou De Nan falls" and you are the only ones left?"


"Maybe there are other fugitives, but there will never be too many. Since we were defeated, most of the captured Tudnan people will naturally become members of the'Lu Yami' tribe. As for the recalcitrants, their heads should now be It has been cut off." It seems to realize that the guardian kneeling in front of him does not know much about the ancient customs of the "Fire Prisoner", and the native leader explained in detail.


   "So what do you want me to do now?"


   "I hope you, hope you can recapture the totem poles of our Tudenans and protect the survivors of our tribes to erect totems on a desolate uninhabited island.


  Inspired by the totem, the surviving Tudnan people will naturally come and meet us. "


   "Retrieving Totemnan's totem pole is so simple," Zhang Lisheng thought for a while and then asked: "How many people do you think are guarding it?"


  , "Lu Yami's attack on "Tudennan" was to take away the land on which we live. Now the Tudnan Valley has become the habitat of their tribes, and the blood pool of the dirty totem pole should be in the center of the valley.


   You have the help of a partner who can fly and should be able to steal it back quietly..."


   "Take away your land" The "Lu Yami" tribe is not a big tribe from across the island, just came to conquer, how can it still **** the Tudenan Valley. "


   No, the great guardian, the Luyami tribe is also a defeater, but they escaped more than 10,000 people, including four thousand elite warriors, and two guardians who followed the tribe in exile.


   "Four thousand native warriors, two guardians..." Zhang Lisheng pondered for a moment, patting the back of the witch worm, "You all come up, my flight partner's scales are not slippery, and if they hold tight, they will never fall.


   We flew to the Luami tribe to grab back the totem pole of Tudnan. "


"Ride, ride on the back of this powerful legendary creature, me, can we really, great guardian?" The Turen heard Zhang Lisheng's words and looked at the long, huge body of the dragon that had fallen to the ground. , Asked with an amused expression.


   "Don't be wordy, my flight partner won't care," the youth said impatiently: "If you don't climb up again, when dawn returns to the sea, don't regret it."


"Yes, yes, obey..." Under the persecution of Zhang Lisheng, the survivors who fell in the south of Tude hurriedly climbed up the back of the witch insect, and the stubby limbs looked ridiculously tightly hugging the scales of Jiaolong .


   Seeing that the natives fixed their bodies, the young people drove the witch bugs into the sky, controlled the clouds, and circled and climbed into the sky.


  At the same time, on the ground, an obese military scientist looked at the red dot on the electronic screen that symbolized the witch worm and went further and further, and he was relieved.


He entered the body data of Jiaolong and the transformed Zhang Lisheng completely recorded by the radar scanner into the'Sea Prawn B1 Island Biodatabase', took off his eyes and wiped it, cursed, "Here is simply imprisoned by God There are so many outrageous animals in the devil's island..." He got up from the office chair, yawned, and returned to his room along the corridor.


   Sweet sleep for a while, and suddenly the weighty scientist was awakened by the phone ringing of "Ding Dong Ding Dong...".


   "Damn it, this is how it is today." He mumbled and answered the phone in sleepy eyes.


  "Dr. Camille, sorry to disturb you so late.


'A09 Hummingbird' just crashed 297 kilometers west of the'gathering place' 61 degrees westward. Before the crash, it transmitted some valuable images. General Luo Lin hopes you can see it immediately. Comment. "


   "Lieutenant Lacey," Camille looked at the alarm clock at the bow of the ship, sighed, and said helplessly: "It's 3:40 in the evening, and I..."


   "I'm so sorry, Doctor, the general feels that these materials are very important, and hopes to reach a conclusion as soon as possible, so I have to disturb again..."


   "Oh, General Luo Lin felt that the ‘big green beetle’ eaten by the natives was also very important last time. It can change the diet structure of people all over the world. If it were not for him to control my experimental budget...


  Okay, okay, transfer the information to my computer, I will read it immediately. Camille said, putting on his glasses from the bedside table and putting them on. He looked around the bed and took the tablet in his hand.


Soon after booting, a shared video file came, he opened it, and he saw in the dim jungle under the infrared background, a huge horn that was unimaginable to ordinary people, with four claws under him. The snake shadow churned against two figures who seemed to be giant tree elves.


   The snake shadow body brought countless smoke when it moved, turning into a monster-like snake kiss and giant claws constantly attacking the giant tree elf.


Although the size of the two giant tree elves looks much smaller than that of the big but the surrounding trees are like their servants, and when they are touched by their bodies, the branches quickly grow into the snake Shadow, in the situation of occupying the geographical position, did not fall in the slightest disadvantage.


"Hey, what the **** is this..." Camille's eyes widened as he fell asleep, staring at the computer screen, and then he suddenly saw a huge head vaguely visible as a lizard's head, in the void Suddenly emerged in the middle, suddenly knocking dozens of trees around, swallowing a giant tree elf in one bite, and the picture disappeared.


After watching the video, Camille froze for a while, and then replayed the image from Lacey. Then Ran Ran called back a phone call, "Aide Lacey, you are sure that the new version of "The Lord of the Rings" was not passed to me. Movie clip?"


   "I also hope that it is, but unfortunately it is not, Dr. Camille." Lacey said with a wry smile.


"If it is not, then it means that "Sea Prawn No. 2 World" should have high-end force not inferior to "Sea Prawn No. 1 World", that is to say, if you want to truly gain a foothold in this world, the government must It is only necessary to invest in at least the same armed forces as'Sea Prawn One World'.


  In other words, we built this ‘gathering place’ with five warships, just as if we were lucky enough to win the ‘Bouncing Ball’ award. Now we are sitting on the ‘gunpowder barrel’ and may ascend to heaven at any time. "


   PS: It is customary to ask for the next monthly ticket and recommendation, thanks for rolling, oh hey! ! ! (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )