The Great Worm Lich

v1 Chapter 242: Weird robbery

Faced with the sad and helpless voice of the indifferent mentor, Zhang Lisheng, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the car, could only say nothing. He sighed quietly, pretending not to hear it quickly, "New York The Affiliated Hospital of the Medical Research Association,'Professor, I will go by now, see you soon." Hang up the phone.


  Started the car and slowly drove on the spacious road of the workshop. When passing the gate of the slaughterhouse, a guard stopped in front of Zhang Lisheng's car.


   "Is there anything?" The young man asked with a frown when he fell down the window.


   "Mr. Zhang, there seems to be an accident among the protesters in the field outside. They are now showing signs of commotion. You better stop after a while and go out." The young guard said with a looking glass.


The guard under his hand suddenly blocked the car of the "big boss". The security captain on duty was stunned and secretly cursed in his heart. He wanted to quickly pull away the "prone essence" of the psychotic attack, but then he saw Zhang Lisheng He took the glasses and put them in front of him.


"They didn't block the road, I turned directly..." Looking a little bit far away, I saw about thirty or forty people gathered together on the road at the end of the branch road, and Zhang Lisheng didn't care. Say.


  The young guard hurriedly explained: "Mr. Zhang, these people braved the low temperature of minus ten degrees to stay outside the factory to demonstrate and protest, just because the expansion of ls took away their jobs.


   Now in this situation, when I see a luxury car driving out of the factory, I'm afraid they will react. "


   Hearing what his men said, Captain Security was shocked, and he hurriedly squeezed into the window of Zhang Lisheng to add: "It's good Mr. Zhang, if they want to hit the factory, we can completely deter them with weapons.


   But if you go on the highway, no matter what they do, we can't do anything to protect the workshop. "


   The warning of two employees made Zhang Lisheng's eyes widen in surprise. "They are not protesting the government's opening to the "Sea Prawn No. 2 World", but protesting the expansion of ls!


Oh, hell, it’s no wonder that the slogans say something against cold-blooded capitalists, monopolizes something, I never knew that killing pigs and slaughtering sheep is such a good job, it is worth being in the Christmas holidays, it is not good to guard the fireplace and eat the fire Chicken festival, and would rather hide in the car in the snow. Slogans to protest.


   Are these guys crazy? "


Looking at the puzzled expression of the "big boss", the security captain had nothing to say, he had experienced the hard days of unemployment after he retired, and it was clear that he could not afford the housing loan and was caught up by the bank with his wife and children. queue. Just to get a clean bed, what is the taste of sleeping overnight.


He knew that what he should do now is to tell this dazed young industrialist in front of him with his own experience. The expansion of ls actually caused great harm to many people, but it exceeded 70,000 meters per year, which is equivalent to other companies. The employee who works is nearly double the salary, but makes him unable to open his mouth at all.


   At this time, the young guard next to the security captain nodded in conscience. "Mr. Zhang, the expansion of ls in the eight metropolitan areas of the whole meter will shake the rice bowls of tens of thousands of people. With such a large base, there will definitely be lunatics. You must be more careful recently."


   "What I hate most are these unconstructed lunatics, but of course they will still walk around when they are met as normal people," Zhang Lisheng nodded with a calm expression disproportionate to his age and smiled at the guard. "Thank you kind young people.


   Hey, I have a familiar feeling with you. It seems that I have seen "Baidu ★ Moe Moe ★ Text" several times. "


   "I have answered your questions a few times at the door, and helped you a few times." The young guard shook his fist unnoticeably and replied.


   "So it turns out, what's your name, is it a car to work or a commuter bus?"


   "My name is Fanster MiG, Mr. Zhang. I usually take a bus, and I just drove the car today." The guard replied in amazement.


   "That's really great, Mr. Fanster, I think your car should not be luxurious enough to attract the attention of those protesting crowds. Can you do me a favor today and send me back to the city?"


   "That's my honor, but I'm still at work..." Fanster said, pretending to suppress the movement of his heart, pretending.


   "I gave you a holiday for young people. You go to drive and pick me up in front of my office building.


  As for your security captain, you let me know how tremendous pressure your security work is under, and also won a special two thousand yuan bonus for all your colleagues. "Zhang Lisheng said slowly backing up and returned to the office building.


   Soon after getting off the bus, he saw a middle-aged yellow Ford car parked in front of him.


  Drilled into the back row of the car, Zhang Lisheng said with a smile: "The car is good, Fest, do you know the "New York Medical Research Institute Affiliated Hospital", let's go there."


   "Know Mr. Zhang, please sit down." After secretly training several times to face Zhang Lisheng alone, Fanster's voice in what tone should be used for dialogue was still a bit confusing. After starting the car, he drove out of the workshop.


  As Zhang Lisheng expected, the demonstrators did not have much interest in this Ford, which seemed to be worth less than three thousand yuan, and left it on the road unharmed.


   "Oh, Fanster, it seems that we are safe." The car accelerated towards the main road towards New York City. Zhang Lisheng smiled, looking at the snowy scenery outside the car window, and dialed Tina's phone.


The phone rang for dozens of seconds, and it didn’t connect until it was about to hang up, and the girl’s lazy, slightly hoarse voice came out, “Good morning baby, oh, it seems to be noon now, Tina and I last night Xie Liya has been binge all night, how nice it would be if you could come."


   "I want to go too, but I can't go home more than twelve o'clock during Christmas, who makes my mother an educator."


   "I understand baby, where are you now, I will find you."


   "I am rushing to the "New York Medical Research Institute Affiliated Hospital"..."


   "God, what's wrong?" Tina seemed to wake up and exclaimed.


   "An accident happened, and my mentor's sister Professor Effini was attacked in the laboratory of "Sea Prawn b1".


   It is said that an ‘intelligent country’s intelligence officer’ who had known the existence of it robbed many of the laboratory’s materials and materials, and almost shattered her head.


  I remember you said that your grandfather is the authority of neurosurgery, can you..."


   "I will contact you as soon as possible the baby of the best brain surgeon, and then wait for you in the hospital..."


   "Thank you Tina, but you only need to contact the doctor, the hospital is very boring, you still go to Tina, Xelia..."


   "Relax, I will take them to the hospital's "Sea Prawn b1 Island" laboratory where they were robbed by a "spy" so stabbing jī, they must be very happy to participate.


  Oh, by the way, won't that mysterious'Golden Pill' be robbed? "After listening to Zhang Lisheng inadvertently mentioned the strange "Jin Dan" these days, Tina, who has always been very interested in this mysterious and unpredictable thing, exclaimed "Baidu ★ Meng Meng Bang ★ Text" and asked. .


   "Unfortunately, you guessed it right. Professor Stephen specifically mentioned that "Jin Dan" is gone, which made our experiment of "artificial monster" also have to be postponed. "


"This is really unfortunate baby, I have a hunch that the thief's goal eight achievement is the'Golden Dan', and he is likely to be a'spy' sent by the Chinese government's government." Tina was silent for a while, then suddenly blurted out. .


   After she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered that Zhang Lisheng always claimed to be a "Hua Guo", and quickly apologized and said, "Oh, I have no other meaning, but I think only Hua Guo talents know the value of "Jin Dan"..."


   "This is nothing Tina, I am not the rude and shallow "patriotic", I will not be angry because of a guess.


   And the word ‘jian’ has been a symbol of strategy and strategy in our Chinese culture since ancient times. The so-called ‘using’ has never been derogatory.


What you said instead reminded me that maybe..." Zhang Lisheng didn't care about blocking the girl's apology, looking at Fanster who was driving, he didn't continue to say his own thoughts, "Okay, please contact me soon Doctor.


  If you have any questions, let's talk again when we meet. "


   "Good baby, see you later." The girl said and hung up.


Putting his phone away, Zhang Lisheng looked silently at the changing scenery outside the car, and said nothing at Time passed by one minute and one second. In the silence, Ford's car turned on a ring that directly led to New York City high speed.


Seeing that the destination will be reached soon, and finally do not want to waste this rare opportunity, Fest secretly swallowed a spit, and actively said: "Mr. Zhang, the employees of ls know that you are a genius biologist, but did not expect , You are already in a'different world'..."


"Fanster, your character looks cautious. The group's workshop in Los Angeles is almost completed. If you can leave New York, go there to be the security minister. Are you interested?" Zhang Lisheng waved his hand and gestured to the young The guard asked after closing his mouth.


  Experienced the spirit of Fest, the famous saying ‘Opportunity always favors bravery’,” “I’m honored to accept this position, Mr. Zhang, very honored.”


"Very well, now that there are so many crazy demonstrations outside the New York factory, then after the slaughterhouse in Los Angeles starts, I believe there will be more protesters to deal with. Remember to use your prudence, but at the same time, you must maintain it. The interests of the company."


   "It's Mr. Zhang, I must remember your words firmly." Fanster carefully tasted Zhang Lisheng's words and nodded heavily.


  Zhang Lisheng smiled silently and screwed his head out of the window in silence. This time the guard who had just been promoted was very conscious and didn't disturb the boss's contemplation. He drove the car silently all the way into an elegant hospital in the city. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.