The Great Worm Lich

v1 Chapter 82: A small country where civilization and b

   As soon as the boarding time arrived, everyone didn’t want to make a greeting with Zhang Lisheng, and began to say goodbye to the last time. Zhang Lisheng on the side asked the waiter in the terminal: "What type of aircraft are we going to take?"

   "It's Boeing 747-400, sir." The beautiful waitress replied with a smile.

   Zhang Lisheng nodded, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and began to search the Boeing 747-400 model on the net. His search soon had satisfactory results.

   From then on until he boarded the plane, Zhang Lisheng had been staring at the screen of his phone, his mouth wriggling softly without saying a word.

   After sitting in the first class of the plane, he ran into a window seat with the best view, and stared at the runway outside the window with wide eyes.

   The American air service personnel do not have the consciousness of "helping others for pleasure". Except for the services provided in the service, unless they meet the handicapped and lonely guests, they will not help with the fingertips.

   Fortunately, Zhang Lisheng was sitting in first-class and spent three times the price, so he deserved better service.

   Several obese flight attendants in the cabin, with a smile on their face, helped him pack up his luggage, and even bowed with a smile when he left.

   The full service of the flight attendants highlighted Zhang Lisheng's rudeness. The people who were traveling with him suddenly felt hot on their faces.

   However, because Zhang Lisheng was a friend Tina specifically invited to help, others did not say much, and Tina hesitated after seeing Zhang Lisheng's unusual behavior and never disturbed him.

   Soon after, the aircraft engine fluttered slightly and began to glide slowly. The stewardess began to gently invite the guests to fasten their seat belts and turn off their phones.

   At the moment when the plane was taxiing fast and was about to take off, suddenly the neatly packed luggage in the luggage compartment at the bottom of the cabin was hit by an invisible force and flew around.

   The huge noise in the luggage compartment was covered by the noise of the Boeing airliner engine, without attracting anyone's attention.

   Afterwards, a huge, non-personal lizard curled up in the luggage compartment to reveal its body, and a light was smeared on the scales around the body, slowly disappearing from head to tail.

  At the same time, Zhang Lisheng staying in the overhead cabin suddenly relieved, and his expression was obviously relaxed.

   After the plane climbed to high altitude, it began to fly smoothly. The flight attendant just announced that the guests could move freely. Zhang Lisheng immediately raised his hand and motioned for a glass of orange juice.

   Seeing that he was back to normal, Tina, who was on the seat next to her, asked in a low voice: "You just looked a little wrong, what happened to Li Sheng?"

   "Nothing, I just smuggled a'guarantee' onto the plane.

  Make our trip to Amazon safer. "


   At this time, the obese and kind flight attendant brought the juice. Zhang Lisheng said, "Thank you." After taking the juice, she smiled mysteriously at Tina without answering anything, and turned to look out the window.

   The second journey across the ocean was like the first. Zhang Lisheng still watched the stormy clouds until the plane landed at the warm Tattutu Capital Airport.

  Tattutu, a small inland country seated on the middle edge of the Amazon jungle, has a land area of ​​60,000 square kilometers and is divided into 17 counties with a population of only 2 million people.

The capital Tuy Kano claims to be the most green tourist city in the world, and the fact is the same. More than 80% of the city with a resident population of less than 150,000 is trapped in a vast expansive rainforest. The streets are full of green without planting trees.

   Figure 1 Carnot has no four seasons, and there is only one season throughout the year, which is the rainy season, and the sultry rainy season.

But after getting off the plane, I just stepped on the land of Tuy Kano. I have only seen Huachuan and Shuangliu in my life, and Zhang Lisheng at the two airports in New York and JFK in the United States. Apart from the hot and breathless breath, I was surprised in the world. There is such a humble airport.

   The area of ​​the Tattutu Capital Airport is not small, but there are no high fences on all sides, and no bird-proof subwoofers. There are only a few earth walls that do not seem to be one meter high.

   Looking out from the runway, you can directly see the dark green of the Amazon jungle.

   The waiting hall in the distance looks like a two-story earth building, and the area is not small, but the outer wall is mottled and covered with moss.

After the passengers got off the plane, there was only a dilapidated two-door bar, but in the corner of the airport, it was very convenient to park a few rows of broken taxis. The passengers waved, and they circled around the runway and rushed. service.

  After seeing the plane, Tina naturally extended three fingers and summoned three taxis. Zhang Lisheng couldn't help but ask: "Tina, have you been to this ghost place?"

   "No, but the airport of a small tropical country is similar.

  Li Sheng should not be too harsh.

  The population of such a small country is not as large as that of New York, and the conditions are simple and understandable. "

   A taxi driver who was busy helping to move his luggage, opened his mouth and said in fluent English: "Sir and miss, our Tatetutu is really a trivial country compared with the United States.

   But our mysterious jungle scenery is unique. "

  He is short, dark, with a raised forehead, and looks like a native of the rain forest. It seems that if he is naked and surrounded by leaves, it will be more pleasing than wearing a dirty blue shorts and undershirt.

   "You can speak English, which is really nice," Tina said in surprise: "Do you know the'Golden Palace Hotel', can you take us there?"

   "Picture 1 Kano, nobody knows the Golden Palace Hotel, I can take you there for fifty meters."

"OK," Tina promised to come down and shouted to Xelia and Tracy who were already in other taxis not far away: "Hi, sisters, my driver knows where the'Golden Palace Hotel' is, fifty We can go directly to Mi Yuan."

   "Tina, our driver only costs thirty meters." Walter, who was sitting in the same car with Tracy, shouted from the window.

"Fifty yuan is just a joke. I want thirty yuan too, miss," Tina's driver heard the shout and slammed the luggage into the trunk, hurriedly as if nothing had happened: "We'll get on the bus Right."

   "Tina, it seems that your daily life is not as smart as when negotiating." Zhang Lisheng said, and got into a taxi.

   The seat in the back seat of the car was wet, and there were holes in the pad. The driver shook it twice obviously when the driver started, and then the car was smoky, rushing towards the airport exit.

  At the airport exit, Zhang Lisheng was surprised to find that Tate Tutu even allowed passengers to sit in a taxi to clear customs.

   If you don't need to pick up your checked luggage, just pass the passport out of the car window and clip a few meters of banknotes, the customs will directly seal and release, and guests can drive directly out of the airport to any place they want to go.

   This way of customs clearance is even new to Tina. Zhang Lisheng murmured: "It is easier to clear customs than to buy a burger in a hamburger..."

   "This is to save the time of your distinguished guests, so that you can appreciate the charm of the Amazon jungle as soon as possible.

   However, although the Amazon jungle is magnificent and magical, it is also very dangerous. You need someone who is familiar with the jungle..."

   "We do need a tour guide, but he must be honest first, Mr. Fifty Mi Yuan."

   "Oh, one joke was remembered by you. Actually, I am a real person..." said driver Kakapu with a grin.

   The streets in Figure 1 Kano are much better than the airport. Although there are rarely more than five floors of buildings on both sides of the road, the flat cement pavement with six lanes in parallel gives people a sense of a modern city.

   But those weird puppets, stone carvings, wooden statues, and primitive jungles that stretched over hundreds of meters on both sides of the road on both sides of the road also destroyed the feeling of this modern city.

   reminds people that the land beneath them is, in the final analysis, an irregular city embedded in the rainforest.

On the road in Tucano's unfeasible direction, Kakapu chattered all the way, trying to persuade Tina to change her mind and hire herself as a He is making a lot of noise , Suddenly inadvertently saw Zhang Lisheng outside the car window from the rearview mirror after getting in the car, his mouth kept trembling silently.

  Involuntarily took a closer look at Zhang Lisheng's mouth. "Zi" Kakapu didn't control the steering wheel of the car with both hands, letting the taxi slip a dangerous arc on the highway.

   "God, what's wrong with you, Mr. Driver?" Tina shouted in panic after being hit by a sudden accident.

   "Sorry, I'm sorry, Miss, I'm sorry..." Kakapu's face continually apologized from the sweaty beans, and from then on until the car was parked outside the door of the'Golden Palace Hotel', there was no more nonsense.

   ‘Golden Palace Hotel’, the only five-star hotel built in accordance with international standards in Tuttutu’s capital Tuy Kano.

  The hotel is built along the edge of the Amazon jungle. It is said that tenants open their windows and reach out to touch the leaves of the jungle.

   staying in it, you can enjoy the feeling of walking in the civilized world and the wild jungle.

  Cui Qian had booked a room at the Golden Palace Hotel before she left. One suite allows three girls to stay together, and the other three single rooms house Walter, Hitu and Zhang Lisheng respectively.

  It can be seen from this arrangement that Tsui Qian is very considerate in her work.

   "After flying for so long, everyone is tired.

   Let's settle in the room first, take a rest, go to the hotel restaurant for dinner at night, and discuss what to do next, okay? "

   "Okay, I have no opinion."

   "It's necessary to take a bath and take a break before changing clothes. Although the summer dress was changed on the plane, the taxi was too hot."

   No one had any opinions, so everyone returned to the room with their luggage.