The Great Worm Lich

v2 Chapter 606: Planning and interview

The meaning of Zhang Lisheng’s words is still unfinished, but the two men in the wooden house understood his meaning at the same time. Charlie slightly thought: “I understand the boss, I’m migrating a large number of people to the ls oasis, and then spread your faith among them. This is our most basic plan.

In fact, the purpose of my plan is the same, but it is more conservative and devious, but your plan has shortened the steps..." said he turned his attention to the legal officer of the ls group.

Edward took over the topic deliberately, "but the plan is feasible.

The Constitution of the United States guaranteed freedom of belief. Long before the advent of the “Gate of Space”, the large farms built by Mormons and Puritans in California and Texas were almost “self-contained kingdoms”, and lived through the Middle Ages according to their own doctrines. life.

Many women who have escaped the farm have publicly accused them of being abused by designating close relatives to marry or depriving them of their right to education. Some people have been killed because of resistance. What happened? It's gone.

So if you preach on the ‘ls’ farm, as long as there are no evil cult incidents such as mass suicides, I can guarantee that no one can trouble us legally.

For the boss, we can set a trap when initially signing the employment contract, and limit the freedom of the refugees in a short period of time until we successfully brainwash them. "

"Limiting freedom with laws that guarantee freedom is very good, Edward," Zhang Lisheng smiled with satisfaction, and said slightly with irony: "Democracy is really the best way to make the country strong, but it is also to limit the unlimited rights of the country. A strong guarantee for expansion.

In this way, I can leave ‘Noah’s World’ with peace of mind. Charlie, the job of disguising whereabouts is left to you, biological exploration, seclusion and enjoying life... In short, just find a reason. Anyway, I don’t believe that federal politicians still really think that I am just an ordinary businessman and biologist.

It's just that because I have too much resources and influence, they can only pretend to be deaf and dumb to cooperate with me to cover up the anomalies with reasonable reasons and use each other. "

"This is their best choice." Charlie said respectfully.

"It's also ours." Zhang Lisheng smiled convergently. He became very sensible to say something, and then he stopped talking about business. Gossiping around the origin of the oasis that has expanded into a rice town. After dinner with his federal industry spokesperson and legal officer in the evening, he left the newly planned ‘ls’ farm.

Back at the home of ‘New Washington a’, it was already more than nine o’clock in the evening. As soon as I entered the door, Zhang Lisheng saw the interview set in the living room for a long time.

"Oh, you are finally back, Li Sheng. We have been waiting for you for more than three hours." Ruili, who was sliding on her phone on the sofa, saw the figure of a dark-haired young man at the door and jumped up in surprise.

"Hi, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time." Zhang Lisheng froze for a moment, first greeted the TV company employees who were vaguely familiar with their faces or who were never masked.

Then looking at a light gray professional suit, dressed in intellectual charm, and even replacing the contact lenses in the eyes with a brand new transparent thin-frame glasses on the nose of the outgoing female reporter, he frowned and said: "Ruili , I remember the interview you said in the morning. It only took ten minutes to ask me a few questions..."

"(Zhang Lisheng), even a simple interview. There should still be some steps." Ruili interrupted the complaint of the black-haired youth and wandered over to him and straightened his collar. "Oh, Li Sheng, you It looks pretty good now, and I can even appear without a foundation, very good."

Not far away, she was talking to a pretty sweet interview copywriter who succeeded in the conversation. The second son of the raven family who was chatting and dancing all over heard the words of her sister and couldn't help shouting with dissatisfaction. "Hi.. It's also a black hooded sweatshirt. I put on you and said sloppy. Li Sheng is very good, why?"

"Because you are a little policeman who blackmails poor drug dealers or pimps every month and earns hundreds of meters of ‘inexpensive money’ to buy brand-name sweatshirts.

And Li Sheng is one of the most outstanding scientists in the United States, a hero serving the Federation, and one of the most benevolent industrialists in the United States, not even one of them. Is this enough? Ruili glanced at her brother and said.

"Oh, it seems that you really have good reasons." Ladi shrugged dumbfounded, showing a helpless expression. At this time, the eldest daughter of the Lavin family had already begun preparations for the video. "Quick, quick, guys are ready. We started the work, but this was an interview that promised to make headlines at the meeting. If you are done, the salary increase at the end of the year will not be a problem.

Kala hits the light...softer, let me shine the apple light, our interviewees have good skin condition, they don’t need it;

Ken, Tony, Tom, turn on the camera and adjust the angle... Yes, yes, yes, one medium shot, two close shots;

Dear Jones, is my hair okay, how is my condition...", all of the professionals present were quite experienced. After a few minutes of busyness, they were ready.

"It's time to start, Li Sheng." Watching the eldest daughter of the Lavin family arrange everything, sitting back on the sofa, showing a professional smile under the soft light, greeting himself, Zhang Lisheng walked over and asked curiously : "Do you preside over the interview, Ruili, are you now a program director, an outgoing reporter, and an anchor in the studio?"

"Of course not. I am just a senior reporter now, but after seeing the program plan of my newspaper this morning, Mr. Howard, the editor-in-chief of our company's news department, thinks that this interview has my sole responsibility to ask more and more interesting questions. ," Ruili shrugged, looking at the dark-haired young man sitting at the other end of the couch: "Let's get started, Li Sheng."

", Ruili," Zhang Lisheng thought for a moment and nodded helplessly, "but remember, if the question you ask is too difficult to answer, I will exercise the right to silence."

"Dear photography guys, remember to leave this lovely threat from boss ls when editing." The eldest daughter of the Lavin family smiled slightly, and the experienced photographer told the photographer to make a gesture to the program assistant on the side. The assistant director immediately shouted: "All units pay attention, five, four...two, one (start)." The interview begins.

In the show, Ruili did not embarrass her brothers who were not related by blood. The questions she asked were quite satisfactory. The only spicy focus was on private life. This is also the only way to improve the ratings. The world fence has collapsed for a long time. Noah’s World The lives of immigrants have become flat again, and lace scandals have become their favorite news.

But even so, in the official way, he answered that his sexual orientation is normal, but he does not discriminate against ‘diversity in love’ at all;

I once had a girlfriend, but because of disharmony, I had a misunderstanding and I had to separate.

At this stage, I am obsessed with academic research. After I have not considered the issues of love and marriage, etc., Zhang Lisheng still said impatiently: "Ruili, I really hope that your next question can be a little deeper.

I said before the interview, I am not a star who likes to live on TV and movies... Of course I don’t mean to be rude to actors and all media people, including your host and reporters, just I want to say, um, you understand that as a businessman or scientist, I hope that your focus will be slightly different during the interview. "

"Oh, Li Sheng, the questions just now are just to satisfy the curiosity of fans who like you.

You may not know that in the latest online selection'Sexiest and Mysterious Gentleman Rankings', you and (Iron Man) are tied for third place, only after Superman and Hulk, ah, speaking of both of you fell There are really many things in common. For example, they are super rich, highly intelligent scientists, who often explore and mysteriously travel.

But you are younger and more handsome than him, but then a little bit is a personal opinion.

But what is certain is that even if Iron Man's "Stark Industry" really exists, he may not be as rich as you who own the "ls Group"," Ruili freely resolved Zhang Lisheng's dissatisfaction with a joke and cleverly solved the problem. It became serious, "The 170,000-square-kilometer oasis alone can no longer be calculated.

I don’t know how you plan to develop the green space that can accommodate hundreds of millions of people. "

"I plan to relocate those poor refugees staying in Noah's Listening to the Lavin family's eldest daughter finally asking the most critical question, Zhang Lisheng said with a solemn expression: "Employment, training They built ls oasis into a giant farm that can improve the daily life of all citizens of the United States.

I know that this decision may make some sensible “smart people” think I’m crazy, after all, under the current conditions, a building of 17,200,200 is built from scratch. A hectare of farm sounds incredible.

In particular, the ls group has lost most of its slaughter industry profits and the support of the ‘Sea Prawn No. 2 World’ gold mine. The implementation of such a huge project is likely to make the company in trouble, but I still want to try it no matter how difficult.

Well, although I am not a superhero, I have always regarded the motto "the greater the power, the greater the responsibility" as my motto, and I can't watch the hundreds of refugees die every day because of their difficulties, even if they are not Americans.

Of course, under the same or even higher conditions, the job opportunities on the ls farm will still be provided to the citizens of the United States first. After all, there will be no ‘ls’ without a union. You are my compatriots. "(To be continued)