The Great Worm Lich

v2 Chapter 611: unexpected surprise

   Chapter 611 Surprise Surprise


  Idols maintained by other people’s beliefs can believe in other existences. After kneeling at the feet of Zhang Lisheng, the vitality in the body of the barbaric ancestor idols no longer dissipated, but the original consciousness began to gradually become blurred because of the prohibition of the law in the Ming Dynasty.


  The youth sensitively felt the disappearance of the'idol' soul, and hurriedly gave this special new believer a priesthood that could share the power of his faith, delusionally to prevent his will from being erased.


   It is a pity that the power of faith endowed by the gods and the power of self-absorbed faith are completely two concepts. The expression of horror and humiliation that the ancestor idols appeared on the ruined cloth still inevitably slowly disappeared, and the whole person became dull.


"I didn't use so much effort to reap a puppet-like antique creation..." Zhang Lisheng's expression on his face murmured to himself, his eyebrows locked in deep contemplation for a few seconds, and suddenly his eyes lit up from the waist A yellow, red, and blue belt was untied, and a picture of vast mountains, rivers, and rivers painted on the scales was revealed.


Afterwards, the young man waved the leather painting towards the giant idol kneeling in front of his eyes, and the'idol' immediately shrank to dust, and fell into the painting. Suddenly, a bright light flashed on the leather scroll, and the picture became three-dimensional and vivid. Many.


  At the same time, Wu Li God suddenly felt that his understanding of the mastery of power was inexplicably deeper.


The unexpected harvest made him stunned for a long time, and the anger on his face slowly turned into ecstasy. He said incoherently and laughed in the sky: "Ha ha ha ha... Wrong hitting and hitting this is equivalent to the first wisdom in my "Kingdom" Biological.


The internal environment is so bad that it can only survive a small part of the most tenacious insects and lichens in the "leather world". There is a leap in the progress of intelligent creatures. If there is no such thing as an ancestor idol, people are not people, ghosts are not. Ghost, saying that God is not God's monster exists, it is simply a fantasy.


Great. This is really great. There must be at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of ‘idols’ in the entire Hard Rock Plateau. Even if half of them are forced to succumb, it can greatly improve my ‘God Kingdom’. It’s a lot of unexpected wealth..."


   Thousands of people around Wuli scouted for less than one morning, first to see that the gods they believed actually turned the horrible barbaric ancestor idol into living creatures;


   Then forced the ancestor idol who had the title of ‘deity not a god’ on the mainland since ancient times, kneeled down in front of him;


   Then took a weird scale picture from the waist, and included the surrendering ‘idol’ in it. He laughed wildly and spoke a lot of incomprehensible language. He could not help but sag his head down and bend his waist.


   Get along briefly with Wu Li God. It confirms the rumors that they have heard secretly circulated throughout the Green Leaf Continent. This new **** who is about to complete the great cause of the mainland with divine authority has infinite prestige, but his temperament is almost the same as that of ordinary human beings.


   But the gods are gods after all, and even if the expression of giggling and anger shows, the believer is never allowed to put his beak. It's the wise man's way to make a respectful expression silently.


   Zhang Lisheng laughed for a while, then calmed down, rubbed his hands with the leather world for a moment, and suddenly shook with one hand, the ancestor idol appeared again next to him from small and big.


   At this moment, the appearance of the "idol" is very different from the previous one. The strips of animal skin wrapped around the body have cracked, exposing gray skin and skinny chests and limbs. The angry, desperate expression on his face was gone, filled with joy and joy that could not be restrained.


   "Believers, do you still feel the dissipation of your will?" Carefully looked at the unusual barbarian idol in front of him. Although he felt that his soul was already extremely stable, Zhang Lisheng asked.


   "No, God, this day and the earth, no, I don't like me, but. But I still can, persevere, day and night." The ancestral idol replied choppyly.


   "Oh, that's to say, "Leather World" has automatically improved your way of existence, no. It should be said that it has shielded the Gaia World from infringing on you, no, it can't be said...


  Oh, the more you really understand this world, the more you cannot understand. The young man muttered to himself and stopped thinking, and asked again: "Although it only takes a few minutes, but I still want to ask you, how are you living in the "Leather World"? "


   "Light intensity, heat, ground, baldness, insects, boundlessness, heaven and earth, joy..." The ancestral idol replied strenuously.


"It seems that the environment in my "Godland" is very bad, but you can fully adapt and still like it. Indeed, even the worst environment is hundreds of thousands of years better than a stop in the wild. Zhang Lisheng nodded recklessly and asked his third question, "Do you remember your name?"


   "Protruding teeth, protruding plaque." After hesitating for a while, the ancestor idol replied.


"Very well, the appearance of this name and yours should surprise your former believers. I can't wait to see their expressions." Zhang Lisheng said with a laugh, he brought the "idol" into the leather world again and turned to stride. Going to Tutai, surrounded by the Wuli scout tribe, drove the earthwork back to Tusala fortress.


After entering the city, the first thing he did was to meet the 100 captive northern Xinjiang barbarians again, and after a little bit of trouble, with the help of the plaque, he scored dozens of **** believers and the first **** Stone man priest.


  With the policy of spreading faith and the first breakthrough, due to the poor living environment of the Hard Rock Plateau, the northern Xinjiang barbarians with a population of more than 20 million became Zhang Lisheng's "meal in the plate."


Using the siege of the army battle array, he took the opportunity to wake up the ancestor idols, forcing and tempting him to convert to himself. The youth first quickly swept through the largest hundred barbarian tribes on the Shishi Plateau, day and night, and then formed the army with northern Xinjiang barbarians Led those tribes to surrender, and soon conquer the entire plateau.


After harvesting the faith of more than fifteen million barbarians in northern Xinjiang and more than sixteen thousand barbaric ancestor idols, the Wuli faith has crossed the stubborn stone plateau. Was taken into the bag by Zhang Lisheng.


The final conquest was almost at hand, but Zhang Lisheng suddenly stopped the battle and planned to deal with a chore first, to see the legendary alchemist Tan who developed the powerful "artillery infantry phalanx" for the King of Dignity. Dolly.


  According to the civilization level of the "Sea Prawn No. 2 World", the artillery used by the Yasen Artillery Infantry and this unit is like a biological warship and a god-given body used by the Hell Barbarian. It is impossible to produce naturally.


Since the Hellman is standing behind Zhang Lisheng, the **** pusher who uses the earth's culture and a small amount of Atlantis technology to guide the progress of civilization, then it can be inferred that the person who created an inter-era artillery unit for King Yasen can never be just a small person Little mortal alchemist.


After all, the "Yasen Artillery Infantry phalanx" can completely suppress the same number of biologically dressed body shells on the battlefield. The fully armed Wuli soldiers, if not the armor and artillery of the foot soldiers, are too expensive to build, and the Landman Coalition cannot be equipped on a large scale. The result of the World War I battle of Gordon Hills may only be a loss of both sides.


It is difficult for others to understand such a reason, but Zhang Lisheng can naturally think of it. So shortly after the battle of the Gordon Hills, which decided the fate of the green leaf continent, he suddenly rushed to Tandoori’s workshop on the mainland’s offshore islands. To probe the legendary alchemist's cards.


  Unfortunately, Tandoli seemed to anticipate that the Wuli deity would come and visit, and disappeared without a trace.


In desperation, the unwilling Zhang Lisheng can only pass his oracles to his Holy See, looking for this alchemist who does not want to meet him.


After a few months of searching, there was no result. Until the youth conquered the hinterland of the mainland and was ready to fight against the Hard Rock Plateau, they finally received the news from Tuan. The agents of the executive court found Tandoli’s footsteps. Office.


   Coincidentally, while receiving this information, he had just watched the projection process of Gegu Da tribal elders casting spells to summon the ancestor idols, peeking through the key to conquering the barbarians of the Northern Xinjiang.


After thinking about it, Zhang Lisheng's idea was to first go to the abandoned site of the Gegu Da tribe in the Shishi Plateau to find a barbarian idol to test whether his ideas were correct, and then go to arrest Tandolly, but did not expect that the barbarian ancestor idol could Perfecting the'Leather to enhance its special effect on divine comprehension to attract his attention completely.


For a while, Wu Li God didn't care about any legendary alchemist anymore. He sent believers to round up and was afraid that he wouldn't surrender. He didn't know what secret was hidden in his body. Down.


Now that the battle for conquest of the Hard Rock Plateau is completed, Zhang Lisheng naturally wants to take the time to meet the mysterious and unpredictable founder of the "Yasen Artillery Infantry Phalanx", but unexpectedly, before leaving Unexpected characters suddenly visited him...


   The Tandoli Peninsula is broad in size. It is said that the peninsula is actually a generic term. It includes two plains over 500,000 square kilometers and a basin with a diameter of thousands of miles. Only two sides of the peninsula are near the sea.


   The vast area and special geographical environment have led to the changeable climate here. However, because the land is still fertile, even the most environmentally bad areas are already like heaven compared to the adjacent Hard Rock Plateau.


In a huge animal skin tent at the northern end of the Hard Rock Highlands, Zhang Lisheng, who had already boarded the airship, sat on a long animal skin blanket, looking at a respectful prostrate in front of him, wearing a dirty The young man dressed in burlap clothes, dressed like a sullen merchant, showed a playful smile on his face and said: "Yi Gang Knight, no, now I should call you King Sa Gang.


   Are you in a hurry to see me? "[This text is provided by the sailing update team @洛水神子 bring on the parallels@`豆豆椒吧@TB小红鸡@神韵有意@小乐鸡 provide]