The Greatest Astrologist

Chapter 60: Sixtieth star

The dancers in colorful costumes gradually gathered, and they were about to reach them.

When Tan Muxing found that the male dancer was approaching, he hesitated to look at Chu Qianli and hesitated: "Then we..."

Before Tan Muxing could finish speaking, he found that Chu Qianli was stubbornly dry, and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

In the next second, the male dancer enthusiastically took Tan Muxing's arm and wanted to invite him to get up and dance, ignoring Chu Qianli on the side.

When Tan Muxing discovered that Chu Qianli was left for the meal, he realized it at this moment. He looked back at her in disbelief, and saw that she stretched out her hand while eating, and waved to him in private.

Talking about Twilight Star: "?" Is this sold?

Tan Mu Xing was dragged helplessly into the venue, his face blushed under the public, he could only follow the male dancer stiffly and awkwardly, and slowly come to a set of big white bear gymnastics, showing his countless hearts. resignedly.

Chu Qianli pretended to be intoxicated in the meal, trying to escape the collective dance.

Unexpectedly, after the male dancers left, there were female dancers stationed beside her. She stared at Chu Qianli with a smile, looking like she was going to wait until she finished eating, and refused to leave for a while.

Chu Qianli worked hard, and the female dancer stared at her seriously.

Chu Qianli continued to cook, and the female dancer continued to stare at her.

If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move, things have stagnated and become supervising food.

"Hiccup." Chu Qianli took the lead to admit defeat. She put down her spoon and said in vain, "Just jump, jump, the child can't eat anymore..."

The two female dancers entered the arena with a smile, but did not force her to dance immediately, instead they danced around her in circles. They laughed and laughed beside Chu Qianli, and they slapped her with rhythmic drums and guided her to sing and dance together.

Chu Qianli and Tan Muxing met again on the court. They secretly hid behind them, trying to catch fish during the collective dance.

Chu Qianli held the drum bell, shook it mechanically, and said stiffly: "My sister here is too enthusiastic."

"Fortunately, no one knows us." Tan Evening Star bowed his head.

In the next second, there was a flashing light on the side frequently, and the staff in charge of taking pictures reminded: "Are you happy! Maybe you will need to use photos for writing later!"

Chu Qianli and Tan Muxing: "..."

The grand collective dance finally ended, Chu Qianli and Tan Muxing fled back to their seats to enjoy the next singing and dancing session.

The singer on the stage was wearing a mysterious totem robe, and he sang unintelligible ballads aloud. The singing voice is simple, full-bodied and enthusiastic, singing the rush of nature and life, even if you don't understand the lyrics, you are deeply shocked.

Occasionally, the singing sounds like the sound of wind, and occasionally like the singing of birds, letting the sound of all things linger in my ears.

Tan Mu Xing thoughtfully: "The segment just now sounded like a wolf howling."

"Is this guttural singing?" Pan Yicheng touched his chin, pondering the singer's skills.

Chu Qianli faced the sudden appearance of Pan Yicheng, she was silent for a moment, and said: "Professor, where did you go just now?"

Pan Yicheng smiled and said, "Ah, I went out to answer the phone, it's really noisy inside."

Seeing that he was dripping, Chu Qianli shouted at the other party for cunning in his heart.

The singing and dancing performance is drawing to a close, and the dancers throw colorful knots to the guests, including some small crafts made of colorful ropes. After throwing them away like flowers, their goddesses went off from both sides one after another.

Tan Muxing picked up a knot, and he studied it carefully, admiring the local rope weaving skills.

Chu Qianli suddenly caught a glimpse of the colorful knots scattered on the ground. They were randomly put together, like twisted weird patterns, which instantly attracted her attention.

After a while, Chu Qianli looked around and asked, "Who just dropped the knot for us?"

"It seems to be a female dancer." Tan Muxing pointed to the side and replied, "Go down over there."

Chu Qianli picked up the knot on the ground, and she exchanged a few words with Tan Muxing, and together they looked for the dancers' exit direction.

Pan Yicheng noticed that they got up and moved, thinking that the child could not sit still, and said, "Don't run out of the tent. I guess it will be over soon. I will go back soon."

The two responded honestly and rushed to the place where they retreated. Behind the scenes, the dancers have not left immediately. They are packing up, the scene is chaotic and noisy, mixed with unintelligible language.

Tan Muxing was dumbfounded when he saw this, and said helplessly: "I can't find it."

The costumes of the dancers are similar, and there is no way to tell who they are, which is confusing.

"Undecided, quantum mechanics." Chu Qianli made a divination on the spot, and she pointed out the location of the missing person, "it seems to be over there."

Chu Qianli and Tan Evening Star walked around the door and saw three or four female dancers in the corner. They were swiftly packing up props, and they were obviously taken aback when they saw the two without dancing clothes.

Chu Qianli was afraid that he would not be able to communicate with them at the beginning. The main backstage dancers spoke Chinese accent, but fortunately, the other party basically understood Chinese.

Chu Qianli looked at one of them. She gestured to her left arm and said, "Your left arm seems to be injured."

"How do you know? It hurts a bit lately." The female dancer was taken aback when she heard the words, she subconsciously touched the joint of her left arm, "But sometimes it doesn't hurt..."

The other dancers looked at Chu Qianli, then stared at the female dancer, curiously saying: "Do you know?"

The female dancer shook her head quickly: "I don't know."

"Where do you hurt? Sleeping diaphragm is here?" Others lightly pressed the female dancer's joints with their hands. At first there was nothing to do, but when they pressed one place, they screamed.

The female dancer's face was pale, and her forehead was sweating: "No, it doesn't hurt that much at ordinary times. You just pressed it so hard!"

"But I didn't work hard? When did you hurt?"

"I don't know. I felt a little faintly during these two days, and it didn't hurt when I was moving. I didn't care much, but you can't do it when you press it..."

The dancers usually bump and bump normally, and occasionally don't relieve the slight pain, but the pain is so pale that it is obviously wrong.

Not long after, a medical staff rushed to hear the news, she checked the female dancer, and suggested that the other party go back with her for detailed investigation. The problem seemed not simple, it was not a light collision.

Chu Qianli didn't know medicine either. Seeing that someone was taking care of the matter, she greeted the female dancers and took Tan Muxing back to her seat.

Talking about Muxing: "You saw the knot in the knot, that's why you discovered her injury?"

Chu Qianli nodded: "This is the same as losing copper coins and bone divination. It is invariable. However, the interpretation of professional tools is more direct. It depends on the feeling, and it is not always encountered."

All things can be entered into the hexagrams, but the practitioners are accustomed to using a complete hexagram initiation system, which mainly accumulates more data and cases, and the accuracy will be higher. The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade, the more complete the system of skills, the more it can attract more researchers.

When the two returned on the same route, they saw Pan Yicheng and Zhou Qu communicating from a distance. They looked solemn and serious, and seemed to be talking about business.

When Zhou Qu saw that Chu Qianli was talking about Duxing Xing, he hesitated a little and said, "Don't follow them. It won't be troublesome to go to the village then."

"I said hello to the religious association, and the people they found will rest tomorrow."

Pan Yicheng couldn't laugh or cry: "You made me a polished commander when you came up?"

"I don't know about you. They all make up the numbers. In the end, it's up to you." Zhou Qu frowned, "Old Pan, don't play me like a pig and eat a tiger again. Wait until the others are gone, then look for a chance to appear on the stage and delay my delay!"

Chu Qianli and Tan Muxing listened to a few sentences. They understood the ins and outs, and tomorrow they will visit the villages along the railway with their guide. Zhou Qu didn't want to take too many people, so he directly asked Pan Yicheng to follow him, and the other party was forbidden to fish.

In the past, Pan Yicheng seemed to often do things of pretending to be weak and selling miserably. He said that he was not good enough, and when he showed his hand again at a critical moment, he felt like a reversal in his play.

Zhou Qu was the most annoyed of his early bells and whistles, this time he asked the other party to work hard from the beginning, and not always toss some things.

Chu Qianli approached Tan Muxing, and she whispered: "It seems that Professor Pan often slips away while dancing, and even his colleagues are worried about him."

Talking about Twilight Star: "...Is this the wisdom of adults?"

Faced with Zhou Qu’s questioning, Pan Yicheng shouted injustice and argued: “Old Zhou, don’t put your hat on people blindly. I’m picking people seriously. Let me take them with me anyway, in our team. The people are not just making up the numbers!"

Zhou Qu looked at the two high school students. He was suspicious and asked straightforwardly: "What's the use of them going there?"

Pan Yicheng spoke for the two of them and said hurriedly: "Don't underestimate the little classmates..."

Chu Qianli still remembered Professor Pan selling his teammates. She nodded obediently and said neatly: "It's useless.

Pan Yicheng: "!!!" Shouldn't you stand up and slap your face when you are underestimated? Why are you lying flat?

Chu Qianli is not stupid. She is not annoyed by Zhou Qu's underestimation. Anyway, the other party said that people from the religious association will not go. You really don't need so many people to work tomorrow. It doesn't matter that day of chaos, and it reduces the possibility of being squeezed in disguise.

Pan Yicheng didn't expect that the two of them were so calm and didn't want to prove their meaning at all. It was hard to tell.

Pan Yicheng looked at Chu Qianli and talked about Muxing. He drew a gourd like this, and argued for reasons: "Don’t play me like a pig and eat a tiger. You will not be able to do it until the others are dead. Opportunity to appear, put me off this delay!"

Zhou Qu: "..."

Zhou Qu and Chu Qianli reached a united front, and they both believed that only Professor Pan would be enough, and only Pan Yicheng was left to fight hard. Next to him was Tan Muxing's kind words to persuade them to make peace.

At this time, many aborigines in national costumes poured into the yurt. They were dark-skinned and brightly dressed. They looked different from the dancers, and tentatively scanned the people in the tent from side to side.

The local leaders quickly got up to greet them. He talked to them with a smile on his face. It didn't take long for him to find Zhou Qu and others.

Zhou Qu only came to work on the project, and was not affiliated with the local team. After hearing this, he was confused and asked: "What do you mean?"

"They heard that you brought a shaman, so they wanted to come to see him and say hello to the shaman."

"What shaman?"

"This is a local culture, a bit like a witch doctor. If you have to translate it, the shaman is similar to the wise man in the ethnic group, it is the messenger between man and god, man and heaven and earth." The man listened to the aboriginal explanation, Translated again, "They have never seen a shaman before."

Zhou Qu was stunned: "They haven't seen it, but they said we brought it?"

The next moment, someone recognized Chu Qianli next to her, they surrounded her with a shout, began to sing and dance around her, and caught everyone around her off guard!

Chu Qianli's expression was panicked, and she drew back desperately to talk about Mu Xing, and said in shock: "Help, don't dance, don't dance, won't you even pull me up!?"

Chu Qianli has a psychological shadow of collective dance, if she invites her to dance solo, she is afraid that she will not run away.

Fortunately, the enthusiastic aborigines did not invite Chu Qianli to sing again. They sang unintelligible songs aloud, attracting the surprised eyes of everyone in the tent, and finally presented her with a shamanic mask with crude patterns and bright colors. There are also beautiful colorful spikes for decoration.

Chu Qianli held the shaman mask at a loss, and let the aborigines put on complicated robes.

Everyone performed great gifts with singing and dancing, and Zhou Qu also understood the situation.

The local leader got to know about it, saying that Chu Qianli pointed out other people's illness before contacting him. This was exactly the same as the shaman's ability recorded before. Shaman is mainly engaged in exorcism, divination, raining, healing, etc., instructing people in the ethnic group to conduct agricultural production, and is highly respected in the clan.

After hearing the explanation, Zhou Qu instantly understood what a shaman is, looked at Pan Yicheng in disbelief, and said in awe-inspiring manner: "As an expert on the project, how can you take the lead in superstition!?"

Pan Yicheng said in surprise: "It is obvious that they are taking the lead in superstition. We sit here honestly, and then these people rush in!"

The expert advisory team stayed safe. They did not leave the yurt at all, but were instantly surrounded by locals.

Zhou Qu pointed at the singing and dancing people, and said loudly: "You said you didn't engage in superstition, then what is this for?"

What he didn't say was that he felt like jumping in public, and he really looked at something wrong.

Pan Yicheng fell into thinking and analyzed seriously: "This should be a traditional drama and dance art, and the aborigines express their welcome to the guests from afar..."

"They also said that she is a shaman!" Zhou Qu felt perfunctory and retorted, "Even if it is a traditional dance, why do you only dance around her and ignore other people at all?"

This group of people also gave her a shaman mask, which is really suspicious, obviously for another reason.

Pan Yicheng had a calm face and talked eloquently: "It is said that the shaman dance originated from the primitive matrilineal clan society. The only girl in this selection is not very normal. What's the fuss? Lao Zhou, you can understand by reading more books. What a big deal."

Pan Yicheng was calm and relaxed. He came to the local folklore by mouth and insisted that it was a welcome surprise prepared by the aborigines.

Zhou Qu: "???" You have been reading sage books for so many years just to talk nonsense at this moment?