The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 1180: Character life

"These two characters already have their own stories."

Levine and Jane have broken away from the script, have their own world, their own life, and their own stories. They have truly become alive and even have vitality.

It's just like making flowers in a brilliant pen, but after the characters have their own character and soul, the development of the story has gotten rid of the author's brushwork. The way of dealing with problems, the way of accepting others, and even the way of solving life are all possessed. My own decision seems to have come alive.

In 2006, Emma Thompson and Will Ferrell co-starred in "Life under the Pen (also translated as: Fantasy Life, which tells such a wonderful story. When the character in his pen becomes a real life When it is a real character, the development context of the story has been out of control.

Now, the vitality of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" comes from the two actors.

Ethan is an excellent director, but a suffocated actor.

Lan Li’s explanation fell in Ethan’s ears, specious, and vaguely caught a trace of inspiration, but then he denied himself, but immediately afterwards, he suddenly understood it. After being astonished and shocked, he couldn’t help but become curious again:

Could it be that the high level of artistic creation really happened? More importantly, did Lan Li and Kerry really feel such a state?

However, this time Ethan could not get an answer, Lan Li smiled and nodded for a moment, and then walked straight forward; then, Kerry also stood up and smiled brightly at Ethan, "Director, We should go now.” After speaking, she followed most of the staff's trend and slowly left the apartment.

Standing in place, Ethan is still thinking about it carefully. His only idea now is to replay the content of the shooting just now, and re-examine the scene repeatedly and seriously. Outside the camera, between the characters, the invisible vitality is spreading and staggering slowly like branches, which reminds Ethan again...

"Ethan?" A call came from my ear, and then I could see Joel Cohen's puzzled and dazed face, "Why, don't you leave?"

"This is a moment in the wave of folk songs, a fragment." Ethan said, endlessly, Joel blinked his eyes and asked, "So?"

Ethan was excited, "Joel, I think we can leave more blank space for the actors during the post-editing process and leave the story to them to tell. Especially Lan Li... Just now, you Do you see the look in Lan Li's eyes? I have vaguely caught something now. I think we should study it carefully."

"...Ethan, are you sure you know what you are doing?" Joel reminded, ordering performance, which is not their strong point.

Ethan nodded with great certainty, "Of course!"

Vaguely, Ethan felt that perhaps the final product of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" would bring surprises.


In the long history, the definition and positioning of excellent actors have never been interrupted. What kind of actors can be called excellent? How can it be called the top?

Regardless of awards, in fact, this is an issue for which there is no correct answer.

For some directors, such as Alfred Hitchcock, an excellent actor means a qualified chess piece, screaming when you should scream, fear when you are afraid, and you don’t need to derive more content yourself. There is no need to interpret and interpret it willfully, because it will become too cumbersome and destroy the overall atmosphere created by the director.

For some directors, such as William-Wyler (William-Wyler), an excellent actor means a beautiful jade with unlimited potential. Under his guidance and carving, it gradually merges with the character and the story. In the end, a complete work is constructed. In the final analysis, it is telling the story, telling the true story of a character.

For some directors, such as Paul Thomas Anderson, an excellent actor means having independent thought and personality. The director uses the script to build a stage, hand over all the performances to the actors, let them freely play and derive, and then The director uses the lens to capture the role, space, and story, and constructs the fusion into an emotional segment.

In other words, every director has his own preferences and preferences, and every screenwriter, every producer, and every film critic do. Their definition and choice of actors are also unique.

Even if they reach the level of Meryl Streep and Daniel Day Lewis, their performances are still not necessarily able to win everyone's love and support, even from a professional perspective.

But it is undeniable that one of the actors is undoubtedly quite special. They can give the character soul and vitality based on their own interpretation and interpretation of the script and the role, and then become a part of the story and extract the core idea of ​​the whole story. , And even further complete sublimation and purification.

In terms of performance techniques, they may not be perfect, or even a little immature; but that spirituality and texture are rare talents. For the director and the audience, watching their performance is definitely a pleasure. It is a pity that there are too few such geniuses.

Heath Ledger is one, Marlon Brando is one, Edward Norton is one, River-Phoenix is ​​one... Now, Renly Hall can also be counted as one.

At least, in the eyes of Ethan Cohen.

Of course, Ethan has never been a director who is good at directorship, and his opinions are not authoritative.

However, starting from the two works "Crazy Love" and "Transcendence", and extending to the work "Drunk Country Folk Songs", Lan Li's performance shines brightly without overwhelming guests, blurring the focus of the story, and truly Give the character and script soul to the character, but this skill makes people involuntarily indulged in it.

After the conversation, Ethan began to recall the whole story of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" in detail.

At the beginning, the story just wanted to present a microcosm of an era. The era that they loved the most did not have too much ambition or too many tricks. This also made the script created relatively "light"; but with With the advancement of shooting, this idea is slowly changing.

Levine Davis gradually came alive. He was not Dave Van Langk, nor Renly Hall, but Levine.

Amidst the chaotic and messy gray of the 1960s, I was hobbled, scarred, and exhausted, and seemed to be burdened with the heaviness of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. Standing on the land of the United States, I was at a loss. If you lose, you are at a loss.

At this moment, when his gaze fell on Levine again, Ethan saw himself and the soul hidden behind the wave of folk songs, and even saw the vicissitudes and difficulties of this land——

In the baptism of war again and again, their souls have been dilapidated, but they are still hurting each other. Racial persecution has never disappeared. Women's awakening has always been suppressed. Minority groups are struggling. High-level capital treats ordinary people. Exploitation is still on the rise, and the people at the bottom are still hurting each other...

That kind of recklessness, that kind of bitterness, that kind of desolation, it's hard to say.

Then, Ethan once again remembered the words at the beginning of their creation, "It doesn't matter who you are, the important thing is that you are a part of this wave of folk songs."

For the Coen brothers and Renly, this is a wonderful creative experience. Along with the process of shooting, they are constantly exploring, perfecting, and exploring, and then delving into the subject bit by bit, as if they were really involved in the wave of folk songs, and then they were completely reduced to a part of it.

I am learning every day and I am growing every day. When I look back, the story is still that story, but the soul is no longer that soul.

In the early days of filming, Justin Timberlake once went to the Coen brothers in private to express his concerns about his performance.

In fact, Justin’s role in the movie is limited, and he can perform in his true colors without too much performance. Moreover, his opponents with Lan Li and Kerry are relatively simple and easy. There are not too many difficult scenes. You need to relax and enjoy the performance, that's enough.

But as a bystander, Justin has been quietly observing Lan Li's performance. He can deeply feel the gap between each other, and even the insurmountable sky. This puts him under tremendous pressure, and he has doubts about his ability, worrying that his performance quality cannot keep up with the average level of movies. , And it may also drag down the crew and affect the quality of the finished product.

At the time The Coen brothers just assumed that Justin was worried too much and felt comfortable because of Lan Li's professional attitude; they both comforted him, don't think about it, don't put on the baggage, and relax, like "Justin- Timberlake" is average, put into the work, this is the best performance.

This is just an episode, and the Coen brothers didn't care about it.

Ethan thought that Justin’s worries did not exist at all, and today’s things will not happen, at least he did not expect it to happen, but the fact is that he finally understands Justin’s worries and thoughts; not only that, but now he is even more so. I like the story of "Drunk Country Folk Songs".

Because I like the character of Levine Davis more; and because he likes Levine to go around and return to the original state of life again, everyone thinks that they are moving forward, but more often, we are still in the same place. Stepping; even more because of the unpretentious atmosphere of life, embracing talents, struggling to find a way out in the winter of the sky, but still trapped in life after all.

Who can reject such an actor? Who can reject such a work?

Perhaps Levine Davis is real, living in a certain corner of the sixties.