The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 1927: Review debut

"Playlist", twenty-five points, "We are all looking forward to a contemporary science fiction oracle comparable to the '2001 Space Odyssey', presenting the mystery of space and the complexity of human nature; but the'interstellar crossing' is like a Like a liar, it shows a process of interstellar travel that seems to have never been appreciated, but after deep thought, it is familiar with the movie pictures and the vulgar and old-fashioned emotional resonance. We have seen too many similar movies.

More importantly, we all know that Lanly-Hall is an excellent actor, but we don’t need to continuously see the same quality of'Gravity' and'Interstellar Transit' in just six months. With such a highly sexual work, is Hall's performance outstanding? Needless to say; but did Hall break through himself? Obviously not. To be honest, I don’t understand the need for this movie to be filmed. What is on the mind of the Nolan brothers? "

with full force!

The "Playlist" magazine did not conceal its disgust and hatred at all, and there was no softness in the words. It criticized the whole movie in a sharp and direct way. Even Lan Li was criticized. He smashed his head and pointed the finger at Lan Li, who was "not enterprising". This should be the first time in his history that Lan Li has encountered criticism in terms of performance-even the original mixed reputation of "transcendence" is not the case.

The above is just a short review. Among the full long review, the professional film critic of "Playlist" James Roche (Jams-) expressed his views more completely.

There is no doubt about the excellence and excellence of Renli, but after four consecutive years of nominating Oscars, completing the EGOT feat, and remaining undefeated in the release of the works, James Roche believes that people’s requirements for Renli, and the Li's requirements for himself should be taken to a higher level, because Lan Li is now a well-deserved leader in Hollywood. Even if he can't make breakthroughs in every work, he should at least not repeat himself.

"If Ben Affleck or Gerald Butler or Adam **** are repeating themselves, does anyone care? Of course not! Because they like repeating themselves, and they are used to repeating themselves, so that even the audience I'm used to it. But Renly-Hall shouldn't be like this!"

James Roche expressed his strong point of view. He believes that the homogeneity of "gravity" and "interstellar" is too close. Lanly's performance has levels and depth, but he still fails to get rid of similar and similar routines. This is undoubtedly a step backward for Lan Li, who thinks Lan Li is beginning to become "lazy".

Undoubtedly, this is a very interesting and very special criticism. It is not only the first time in Renly’s career, but also the first real criticism since the negative wave of the awards season. People can disagree or refute. , You can even sneer and dismiss it, but James Roche is not "opposed for the sake of opposition," he really said his own point of view, and has content support.

This is extremely rare!

Of course, he also did not conceal his aversion to the work "Interstellar". He even made a footnote with such fierce adjectives as "inferior soap opera", clearly expressing his position, emphasizing that this is "Nolan's present The worst work of a director’s career so far", and thinks this is a big step backwards, Nolan needs to review himself, "What kind of work do you want to shoot, instead of just being satisfied with Stanley -Kubrick’s superficial and superficial idolatry".

The downright negative reviews left no feelings behind. The "Playlist" clearly stated its position in this way, sending the first dazzling red negative review to "Interstellar", which opened it mightily. The prelude to the media review.

Objectively speaking, in the media review of commercial films, this is a normal scene. Even the "Inception", which has gained the support of countless die-hard fans, also suffered bad reviews; and the "comprehensive review" Therefore, the important significance of becoming a comprehensive review is to draw an overall conclusion after counting a number of professional media and make a judgment on the quality of the film.

The negative reviews of the "playlist" are only one of the media reviews, more accurately, the only one.

After the premieres in Los Angeles and New York, the media review was officially released. Forty-nine professional media gave comments for the first time, which easily surpassed "Captain America 2" and became the first summer archive this year. Since its unveiling, the film with the largest number of media reviews shows the degree of attention of "Interstellar Crossing" at a glance.

Even after the escalation of files, the promotion period was greatly shortened; even if the feedback from the internal trial screening was ambiguous and cast uncertainty on the quality of the film, it was still one of the most watched works in the whole year of 2014. Everyone is wondering what sparks can collide between Renly and Nolan, and film critics in professional media are no exception.

Forty-nine media, forty-nine!

A bad review.

Ten middle reviews.

Thirty-eight praise.

It can be seen from the comparison of the data that the media review continues the ambiguity of the previous internal screenings. "Interstellar" has not been able to win the support of film critics like "gravity".

However, "Gravity" was originally an art film that took the film festival route. Warner Bros.'s hesitation in the tactical selection stage of the awards season was the best proof, and the subsequent explosion of the commercial box office can be regarded as a surprise; and "Interstellar" is a commercial movie aimed at the box office-whether it is Thanksgiving or the summer, the box office is the main goal of Warner Bros., and the uneven media reputation is not surprising, and even acceptable.

"Los Angeles Times", forty minutes, "Nolan’s tribute to and interpretation of '2001: A Space Odyssey' is undoubtedly all my expectations for this movie, but unfortunately, Nolan completely lost the science fiction works. The discussion of human nature also completely lost the grandeur and profoundness of the space epic. In the end, it was just filled with piles of emotional fetters and settled in the pit of human self-movement. This is undoubtedly disappointing.

Objectively speaking, the visual effects, sound effects, and film editing performed very well, and the actors led by Hall, Chastain, and Hathaway also gave wonderful performances, but all of them were based on the'father and daughter' Family love', this is absolutely unbearable depravity for science fiction movies. Nolan's performance should be higher than this level-I have to say that Hall lost his keenness for the first time in the selection of scripts. "

"San Francisco Chronicle", 50 minutes, "For most of the film, Nolan once again showed his courage, not afraid to use a super large production with an investment of 165 million US dollars to tell a story. Regarding the majestic theme of human self-sacrifice and personal choice; until Nolan makes the two protagonists resolutely choose to return to the earth, the core theme of the whole movie begins to collapse, and finally becomes a family soap opera. The huge theme has not been sublimated, but has fallen back, which is undoubtedly a step backward for science fiction movies.

If discussing the great part of the movie, then I would choose Renly Hall. Although this film did not make a breakthrough on the level of science fiction, Hall's performance gave more possibilities for discussion of the characters and the story-although these discussions were not what I expected. "

"Guardian", fifty minutes, "The epic with majestic visual effects, but a farce with shallow content. The script lacks enough foreshadowing to give more space for the characters and the story to develop, which also makes the subsequent plot turns have become It is frivolous, it tries to show the insignificance and humbleness of human beings in the face of time, but on the development curve of'love can overcome time and space', it loses all the profoundness and becomes a cheap sensational work.

On the performance level, Nolan once again showed his timidity about tuning/teaching actors-the performances of actors such as Hathaway, Chastain, Damon and Kane all appeared to be overstretched, and the close-up shots burst out of emotion. Throw away all the finesse and craftsmanship of the performance, and what is finally presented is just a Colombian soap opera-style roaring performance. Fortunately, Hall saved all of this. The restrained and delicate, simple and profound performance calmed the scene. Otherwise, the movie will become a large-scale car accident. I can't imagine how bad it will be; but even Hall’s performance. Was wasted by the script. "

"Voice of the Village", 60 minutes, "No matter what Nolan's strengths and advantages are, the only thing that is certain is that he lacks the touch of all his film works are missing Real'sex/sense'-I am not talking about scenes applauding for love or pictures of taking off clothes. In fact, those scenes are never really'sex/sense', but pure sensory stimulation; In all of Nolan’s works, the connection of human nature is just a “sacred idea”, just like a concept or a noun on the textbook-the "Bible", which cannot capture the flesh and blood under the human skin. Body.

In Interstellar Interstellar, an attempt is made to break the constraints of time and space through the bond of family, but the lack of character details makes the script look more like a good student who fills in a series of elements in order to piece together a chemical equation, but has no real soul.

Lanly-Hall mentioned the lack of the role of'Tom' in the Q&A after the premiere screening, which just proved that Hall's capture of the character's human nature in the script is still correct-in fact, Hall's performance To a large extent made up for Nolan's shortcomings, but Nolan's director control is too strong, even Hall, as an actor, he can make very limited remedies.

After watching the movie, think about it carefully, and the answer comes out: all reflections, all shocks, and all emotions come from Hall’s performance, from the spirituality that Hall gives to the character, not from the movie. . If there is no Hall, then this is a popcorn movie without soul. I don't think it is better than "Transformers". "