The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2012: Looking back on history

"Standing at the height of history, looking back and looking at the century-old history of the movie, looking at every actor who can be called a top star, it is not difficult to find that they have one thing in common, that is, to show their unique charm through the big screen and to communicate with the audience. Resonance-or yearning or closeness, or admiration or admiration, and then develops into a kind of fetters and trust, always walking into the cinema again and again to feel the beauty of film art.

After entering the Internet age of the 21st century, with the rise of grassroots stars, popularization of national entertainment, and the disappearance of mysterious auras, the sense of distance between the general public and top actors is gradually weakening; at the same time, the film industry has also stepped down from the altar to enter In ordinary daily life, people's consumption habits and cognitive attitudes have been changed. As a result, superstars are disappearing, replaced by cartoons adapted from superhero screen images.

The similarities between the former and the latter are more than imagined: a little bit of mystery, a little yearning, a little admiration, a little anticipation, and most importantly, the continuation of the strong sense of bond between the audience and the movie-this It also made the core of the “superstar” consistent, but moved from real actors to virtual images, and formed an intertextuality with the fantasy created by cyberspace, and finally created brand new superstars in the new century and new era again. The box office market has unparalleled appeal.

Once, the audience liked Charlie Chaplin, but now, the audience likes Iron Man.

Once, the audience liked Harrison Ford, but now, the audience likes Han Solo.

Subtle changes have led to changes in the entire industry. Audiences are willing to enter the cinema for Captain Jack Sparrow, but they are not willing to buy tickets for Johnny Depp; similarly, audiences are willing to enter the cinema for Iron Man. But he may not be able to be attracted by Robert Downey Jr. This is the truth about the death of the superstar.

However, in real life, after the barriers between virtual images and real identities are broken by social networks, audiences are often confused, not sure whether the above theory is applicable, or even unable to understand the concept of'separation and independence of the two'; however, the film The box office numbers will not lie.

Naturally, the development and planning of the film company has also changed. The series of works headed by Marvel Universe are changing the pattern of the entire market, and the series of works headed by'Star Wars' have given the market another choice, but The core competitiveness of the two choices comes from contemporary new superstars defining contemporary evolution, the power of actors and directors is gradually fading, and the overall pattern of the film industry is changing.

Then, Renly-Hall appeared:

He has all the characteristics of the retro superstars; at the same time, he also possesses the characteristics derived from the contemporary virtual superstars, which eventually transformed into a brand-new and unique superstar image. With one work after another, he unswervingly developed A world belonging to Lan Li. "

The global box office of "Interstellar Crossing" exceeded one billion U.S. dollars. This is also after the "Edge of Tomorrow" in 2012 and the "Edge of Tomorrow" in 2013. Lanly has created such good results for three consecutive years, and it has undoubtedly become all The focus of the news media, even Nolan’s momentum can’t be compared. It seems that all the credit goes to Lan Li. The trend of such reports is really abnormal, but what is going on in this situation?

The "New Yorker" magazine wrote a special topic, after "there are no superstars in the United States", it officially confirmed the halo of Renly's "contemporary superstar", which completely changed the market rules, and the special content also explained "the media is so excited." The important reason is undoubtedly very valuable for reference.

"As of the summer of 2014, a total of 19 works with a global box office exceeding one billion U.S. dollars have been born around the world. Together they have formed the'Billion Box Office Club', and the members are also a microcosm of the current movie market. Can glimpse the development context of the film industry.

Among this--

Manga-based superhero movies, a total of three, "Avengers", "Iron Man 3", and "Batman: The Dark Knight".

A series of films adapted from the original works or games or animations and other similar projects, a total of ten,'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)','Lord of the Rings 3','Transformers 3', '007: Breaking the Sky Murder,'Pirates of the Caribbean 3','Pirates of the Caribbean 4','Alice in Wonderland','Prequel 1','The Hobbit 1','Edge of Tomorrow'.

There are two animated films, "Toy Story 3" and "Frozen".

There are four original movies, "Avatar", "Titanic", "Jurassic Park", and "Gravity".

After all the above works are superimposed, they constitute the 19 works of the first group of the "Billion Club". It is obvious that the adapted series of films are gaining an absolute upper hand, which has also become the unshakable core competitiveness of the entire market: the sequel The popularity of movies is irreversible.

Among them, the first movie or the origin movie, there are a total of ten; but there are only the first movie and no sequel movies, but there are only three remaining: "Edge of Tomorrow", "Titanic" and "Gravity"-if Excluding the rumored "Edge of Tomorrow 2" that is under development but has not moved yet, then there are only two parts.

In other words, the core strength of the global billion-dollar club comes from the strong appeal built by the series of films. The linkage between works and between characters has become the stepping stone to open the box office market, which has also completely changed The mode of operation of the film industry:

The film production company does not need to continue to believe in the power of actors, but only needs to choose to believe in the accumulation and precipitation of the series of films, which can achieve success. Compared with the actors, the charm of the work itself is the source of energy, which in turn created the unique characteristics of the era of the "fall of a superstar".

Once, James Cameron had such appealing power. The successive success of'Titanic' and'Avatar' gave the director a unique position on a global scale, but with the'Avatar' sequel, it has entered a long development stage. , His personal charm is also integrated with the series of works, it is difficult to once again show the glory of the superstar.

Now, Renly-Hall has appeared!

The success of "Edge of Tomorrow" and "Gravity" proved Lanly's appeal, and the addition of "Interstellar Crossing" completed the last piece of the puzzle.

It is true that'Edge of Tomorrow' is a film adapted from the original book, and a sequel is being opened, but objectively speaking, the influence of the original book is almost negligible, and there are no rumors of a sequel, even more than the preparations for "Frozen 2" To be more sluggish, this also allows the work to strip away those notable features. Even if it is classified as an original film without a sequel, there seems to be no problem, so all the focus falls on Lan Li.

The absence of original works and sequels also means that the success of the film is more difficult and more complicated: the success of one may be a coincidence-just like'Frozen'; the success of the two proves its strength Outstanding-like the miracle that James Cameron created five years ago; three works, which are the establishment of the superstar halo-truly reproduce the superstar style of the 80s and 90s:

Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, no matter what works they appear in, they only need their names to appear in the leading star position on the actor list. This is the box office guarantee and has nothing to do with the sequel. Nothing to do with the adaptation, these actors themselves are the motivation for the audience to enter the cinema, including Kim Kerry, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Julia Roberts, and Meg Ryan.

Then there is the present Lanli.

There are three billion-dollar box office works worldwide, which really proves Lan Li’s "superstar appeal". There is no need for sequels or adaptations, no directors or productions, just a name,'Lan Li-Hall’, this is enough, like a brand, has established a unique and beautiful landscape in the film market.

In fact, in addition to the three billion-dollar global box office works, the world's 200 million dollar box office "Insane Love, Anti-Cancer Me", and "Drunk Country Folk Songs" are all like this. There is no adaptation, no sequel, or even no Large investment, large production, light and small cost independent works, but still can become the motivation for the audience to enter the cinema!

So far, Lanly’s individual box office has created a series of new highs: North America has accumulated 2.510 billion U.S. dollars, and the world has accumulated 5.12 billion U.S. dollars. This data surpasses Harrison Ford and Tom. -Hanks and other superstars have become the fastest actors in film history to reach 2 billion in North America and 5 billion in the world. Perhaps before the age of 30, Renly can even complete the unprecedented history of 10 billion in North America.

This is a prospect, but it is also a manifestation of Lan Li's super popularity.

When standing at a historical height in the next hundred years and looking back at the second century of the film industry, the change and development process of the concept of superstars will inevitably be accompanied by changes and development in the film industry and consumption patterns. Among them, "Lan Li-Hall" 'The name is bound to occupy an important position.

Has the superstar fallen? Because the 21st century is not an era of superstars, at least from the first fifteen years, the film industry has entered a new stage. The mature production mode of the assembly line is now being adapted The'plus sequel' mode has the upper hand, and this is an era when superstars are not needed.

But did the superstar really fall?

It's not. The emergence of Lan Li made people realize that in the'adaptation plus sequel' mode, the superstar effect can still have its own strong foundation, just like the moral of the album'Don Quixote': everyone thinks Those things do not exist, but Don Quixote still firmly believes; then, what will happen when the "adaptation plus sequel" model weakens and begins to decline? Can the rise of Lanly bring some enlightenment?

The superstar still exists, but there is only one: Lan Li-Hall. "

The "New Yorker" eloquent article gave the answer from the industry rules and historical positioning: why the "Interstellar" global box office broke through one billion yuan, sparking such a heated discussion.