The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2057: Act by chance

Everyone is paying attention to Lan Li.

This sentence is really exaggerated and blind. After all, personal power is still relatively weak in the industrial system and cannot easily leverage the entire leverage. Market and social rules cannot be changed so easily; but the fact is that Lanli is powerful. The influence is gradually extending toward the global film industry, step by step beyond the energy possessed by an actor or any individual, and it is truly eye-catching.

Even leaving aside the crazy ideas of the chairman of the jury for the time being, inviting Lan Li to attend the film festival is also the wish of every film festival chairman.

"Are you sure we need to continue to waste time on this issue?" Facing Lanly's ridicule, Alberto showed a slightly disappointed expression, spread his hands and made a standard Italian gesture: fingers together Together, constantly shaking up and down to emphasize the change of tone, "How can you say that it is a waste of time? This is really sad for me, but I am full of enthusiasm and sincerity. You should know how much Italians like you, we I look forward to your return to Venice again."

Lan Li's eyebrows raised slightly, and a slight smile appeared in his eyes. Instead of continuing to be modest and polite, he said, "Is that really the case? Then... Is Venice willing to cooperate with me for a long time?" "

"Of course!" Alberto's expression brightened, and there was a sense of joy and joy in his words. Unexpectedly, the execution of his plan was so smooth:

If Renly’s future works can give priority to Venice, that would be great. This also means that Venice can cultivate its own direct line and the target is still Renly!

Alberto can’t restrain his excitement just by replenishing his brain, but Lanly knows that what they call “long-term cooperation” should not be the same thing, “Don’t rush to agree, you should listen to what I said first. Our long-term cooperation plan should be somewhat different."

"Of course, of course!" Alberto hurriedly replied, with the enthusiasm and eagerness of Italians, which made Lan Li laughed dumbstruck, and had to raise his hand to stop Alberto, not Alberto. Keep talking, otherwise the topic may be directly biased.

"Last year, my friend and I founded an independent film company, looking forward to producing truly outstanding film works..."

"If it is your work, Venice will open its doors at any time to welcome you."

"I know……"

"No, no, I'm serious. It's not a polite statement. You should know that Italians don't like Americans. We are all sincere."

"...Alberto." Lan Li showed a helpless expression that was rare, and cast his sights with a smile on his face. "I know Italians are very enthusiastic and sincere, but sometimes, we should slow down and help each other. Leave some buffer and breathing space, and things may take a different look."

Alberto immediately understood what Lanly meant. He shrugged his shoulders high and sighed, "British."

Lan Li didn’t mind, so he went on to say, “We started a film production company. At the beginning, we just wanted to make some interesting works. Now we have slightly changed our minds and look forward to creating more waves in the independent film industry. The creation contributes a little bit of effort."

"Therefore, we are ready to create a streaming media platform to allow more art films and independent films to be disseminated to the world through online channels. If Venice is willing to join this long-term plan, it would be great. Expect more in the future."

This is also a flash of inspiration for Renly. Alberto's unexpected appearance made Renly think: If the works of the Venice Film Festival can also be posted on the Don Quixote channel?

Prior to this, Lanly tried to include the Berlin Film Festival in his plan, but was rejected. The concept of a streaming media platform is still too advanced, far from the concept of a traditional cinema, and even subverted people’s viewing habits and the definition of movies. ; But it does not mean that Blue Lyrics will give up. Any new thing needs to face a similar stage when it rises. Only those who follow the trend of the times can survive to the end.

What's more, Lanly has no plans to change the traditional theater screening mode. This is the biggest difference between Don Quixote Channel and Netflix.

For Netflix, the entire business model is the primary task; for the Don Quixote channel, the entire art display is the primary task. It is not that profit and profit are not important, but how to chase profits and For the benefit, Netflix chose the concept of big data to fill its own film library, regardless of the quality of the work; while Don Quixote would not use such a simple and rude assembly line operation.

In the blueprint of Lan Li's conception, he will not force the film festival works to be shown on the Don Quixote channel, but can provide two ways of cooperation:

First, during the film festival, audiences from all over the world can subscribe to the Don Quixote channel to watch the works of each screening unit of the film festival for the first time, but this is for a limited time. The festival ends, so online broadcasts are also available. Just go offline; secondly, after the film festival, those works that have not found a distributor for the time being can choose to log on to the Don Quixote channel instead of being buried forever. In addition, those previous works have already been offline Online, directly abandoned theater online, and so on, all of them can also be logged on the Don Quixote channel.

Of course, such a concept is not yet mature, especially the former. How to avoid pirated downloads, how to avoid affecting the box office of theaters, whether simultaneous screening is feasible, or whether to use other methods, all of which need to be discussed, but in the final analysis, the core idea is unchanged. Yes, the Don Quixote Channel can find another distribution channel for the many works of the film festival, so that the works of art can also get the opportunity to show themselves.

The specific details can be discussed; while the core idea, Lan Li thinks it is feasible.

Regrettably, Berlin temporarily refused, and Renly was always thinking about Cannes and Venice. However, the bridge between Lanly and these two film festivals is not close enough, so he has not found a suitable opportunity; now Alberto has sent it to the door, and he also mentioned it smoothly.

"What?" Alberto didn't conceal or could not conceal his astonishment. He looked at Lan Li with a bewildered face. He didn't understand Lan Li's meaning at all. "Streaming? What is that?"

Lan Li was also caught off guard. He didn't expect such a reaction at all, so he could only help his forehead. But if you think about it seriously, it seems that Alberto doesn't understand the streaming media platform. It doesn't seem to be a surprise. After all, Netflix is ​​still far from getting bigger, even in North America, it's just a rising star.

Lan Li started from the origin of the whole concept and explained the blueprint of the whole plan bit by bit.

Alberto seemed to be frightened and could not imagine: the entire industry model he knew had been subverted, but he hadn't heard of anything at all. He was shocked for a long time before he came to his senses, "You mean, Sundance Already decided to cooperate with Don Quixote Channel? Their movies are all chosen to be broadcast online?"

"No, no, no, of course not." Lan Li laughed and had to explain the relevant idea again, and finally concluded, "We just provide another possibility for those works of art. You know, log in to the festival. Only a very small number of works by the audience can be seen by the audience, and even many works cannot even enter the art theaters, and can only enter the video tape or Blu-ray disc market directly. Now they can add a choice."

"No, I still don't understand. Do you mean that everyone in the world can watch movies on their mobile phones?" Alberto still didn't come out.

Lanly said patiently, "No, it is through the Internet. As long as there is a network, you can watch movies on your mobile phone, computer, or your own TV or projector."

For Alberto, the amount of information is really too big and it is difficult to digest.

In fact, this is not surprising. Until the rebirth of Lan Li, the new viewing methods of streaming media platforms were still controversial, including the most trendy and advanced Cannes, which still refused to accept the screening channels of streaming media platforms; and even in North America. There has been a wave of boycotting streaming movies entering the Oscars. "Since they are watched on TV, they should participate in the Emmy Awards." The industry does not deny the excellence of many Netflix works, but they strongly oppose the definition of traditional movies by the Netflix model. Destruction, such controversy has never been able to eliminate.

It's only 2014, and it is no surprise that Alberto has not been able to digest the entire concept.

Lan Li patiently answered many of Alberto’s questions, but Alberto was still a little Seeming to understand, he couldn’t help being happy, and he shook his head to express his helplessness. "The times are changing so fast, I always feel that I may be eliminated at any time and become an antique."

"But this is also the most interesting part of social life, isn't it? Ancient things and new things, contradictions coexist harmoniously, everyone must go through the same process: new birth, growth, maturity, old age, death, Then quietly witnessed the natural changes and progress."

Lan Li still smiled, speaking calmly and calmly about his views on life, but Alberto was stunned, then clapped and laughed, shaking his head repeatedly to express his absurdity, "God, you are sure it's not me. Is it your age? No, even at my age, you may not be able to look at life so thoroughly. You are such an interesting guy."

"Oh, Alberto, please don't be so subjective. As a museum curator, you should know that wisdom is related to age, but not absolutely related. Many times, wisdom comes from books, life, and my own comprehension. I will never I think I'm the smartest of the twenty-four years old. What's more, we haven't mentioned talent yet."

Renly's words made Alberto laugh happily.