The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2113: Black comedy

Undoubtedly, with Ren Li’s current reputation and status, he will never lack invitations to star in works. Even if his schedule is full, the invitations will still come to the door continuously. There will be no 2015 or 2016. In 2017 and 2018, I am now looking forward to the projects that Lanly will join, which has truly reached the "endless" and "uncountable". Andy Rogers' working hours will always be full.

From "Jurassic World" to "Rogue One", after Renly opened his commercial film performance intention, and expressed his willingness to appear in comedy works on many public occasions, now more and more types of works are invited to his house. More and more widely, all kinds of movie invitations are crowded with Andy's mailbox.

To be honest, among the countless works, Andy has chosen "Lobster", which is undoubtedly very interesting. Especially when the original actor is Jason Clark.

Andy has no way of knowing that the last "Lobster" finally chose Colin Farrell, who is the same type of actor as Jason Clarke, and they are in the same line. This also means that Oggs tends to use tough guys to play roles. The considerations are unknown, but it is indeed very interesting when placed in the background of the "Lobster" story; now, Andy has taken the initiative to fight for Lan Li's performance. So, why is this?

"Jason Clark?" Lan Li raised his ending slightly, showing confusion.

Andy misunderstood Lanly's meaning and nodded in affirmation, "Yes, I actually didn't understand the reason why Oggs chose Jason Clark, but I didn't understand the reason why Jason Clark refused. I listened. The news that arrived was that Jason had already nodded and agreed to act, and later received an invitation to perform the "Terminator" restart project, so he turned down Oggs and chose the "Terminator". It was as simple as that."

"Terminator" restart the project? Is it "Terminator: Genesis"?

"Unfortunate choice." Lan Li expressed his grief. From this we can see the effect of the interaction between the agent and the actors:

One is "Lobster" and the other is "Terminator: Genesis". The former is a brand new attempt by European art directors, and the latter is a relaunch of traditional action films. These are two completely different projects, although the final decision is inevitable. The actor decides by himself, but the project recommendation is done by the agent. Naturally, one can also see the agent’s tendency-to have an idea for art films, but ultimately to choose a commercial film. The agent’s persuasion and guidance is for the actor. It is an important reference, and there are only a few actors who have absolute initiative like Lan Li.

Andy explained the reason for Jason's withdrawal, but still did not answer Lan Li's curiosity, "I mean, Jason and I are completely different types of actors, why did you choose this work? I don't think I fit. Oggs' conception of characters and actors."

"Haha." Andy laughed directly, "First of all, Lan Li, when did you become so humble? If you are interested in this work, whether the director likes it or not, you will take the initiative to fight for it, and then accept it. Or refuse, you can accept the final result; secondly, I think you are also a tough guy actor, even more suitable than Jason, because you are not bound by a framework, you can show countless possibilities, don’t forget, “speed and excitement/ Love 5'and'Edge of Tomorrow' are the best proof that you can also be an excellent action actor."

Lan Li also followed Andy and laughed, "I can't refute it, but now my problem is that your choice is not mine."

If Lan Li chooses "Lobster", it is not surprising, because Lan Li is always eager to challenge some novel characters and break his own performance boundaries. The "Lobster" with a sharp sword is a style that Lan Li has never tried so far. Type, that is bound to be a very interesting thing.

The premise is that Lan Li is an actor.

But if it is Andy as a broker, this is worth discussing: Does this mean that Andy's thinking mode is also being assimilated by Lan Li?

Andy immediately understood the meaning of Lanly's words, but instead of answering honestly, he asked, "Don't you like it? My job is to select a work you like to meet your needs."

"No, your job is to select a suitable work, or a work that we are all satisfied with, to make my actor career shine more brightly. There is a difference." Lan Li retorted in a serious manner. .

"So, you mean, you don't like it?" Andy still didn't answer Lan Li's question.

Lan Li chuckled lightly, "The problem now is that I like it."

The simple words seemed meaningful, and Andy was defeated after all, "Because this is a black comedy, I think you can make some challenges again."

"That's it?" It was simpler than expected, and Lan Li thought there was some intricate story behind it.

"Yes, that's it." Andy said plainly, "You have always wanted to act in a comedy. Although there are a lot of comedies every year, I can't make you self-destruct, right? Don't mind, the audience won't buy it."

Even a thousand-faced actor has restrictions and constraints, making Daniel Day-Lewis glib and babbling, or making Meryl Streep a glamorous idol star, the audience may not buy it; Similarly, let Lan Li show off his three vulgarities regardless of his image, and even if his performance is more realistic, he will never be able to show the true charm of Lan Li, so it is a failed casting.

"'Lobster' has been unable to start filming due to a series of problems. I accidentally learned the news. I think you should like this work very much. It's a comedy, but it has dark humor. The whole acting style is more restrained, showing In a delicate state of performance, it suits you very well. I think you should be able to make a difference, so I took the initiative to contact Oggs and started a simple discussion. I think this should be an interesting project." Andy said in conclusion.

After a short pause, Andy did not hear the voice response from the other end of the phone, he could not help but raised his eyebrows slightly, "Lan Li?" Because Lan Li is not such an impolite person, it is impossible to interrupt the conversation for no reason. There must be a reason: for example, in a state of thinking?

"Oh, sorry, I'm just recalling the script and the characters, but the memory is a bit blurred." The smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth rose slightly.

Andy has never forgotten his persistence, which is a good thing, and their cooperation has indeed become more and more harmonious.

"I read so many scripts at the time that I couldn't remember it in the end." Lan Li told the truth, "but I was really interested. I just thought, Oggs would not necessarily agree." Because Lan Li knew, Oggs later chose Colin Farrell.

"We haven't discussed this point yet." Andy explained, "Remember my first question? If you want to have a good rest, then we will reject it. There is always a chance; if you are willing I will start shooting a work in November or December, so I will discuss it further with Oggs. It is only a preliminary exchange of opinions."

Andy’s thoughtfulness made Lan Li laugh happily, but he gave a positive answer like that, instead looking at him from the left, “Do you know what I’m doing in London lately?”

"Let me guess, West End?" Andy gave the answer, which is not an age-old problem.

Lan Li became happier, "I recently watched some dramas, and then I met a few directors and producers. Did you know that the atmosphere in the West End is really a paradise for actors. There are plays performed every day, and there are creative collisions every day. All are constantly improving, and performance is such a wonderful thing here, whether as an audience or as a creator, it is a fascinating piece of land."

While speaking, Lan Li couldn’t help but sit up a little bit, “I thought, maybe I should spare some time again to really complete a year of performance on the theater stage, not for breakthroughs or challenges, but simply Enjoying the performance, it should be so wonderful. I now finally understand the thoughts of the predecessors of the actors. Standing on the stage itself is happy."

British actors have to return to London's West End every three to five. This is a common practice. Lan Li had never questioned before, but he couldn't really understand the reason, but now he understands that performance is not only a challenge, but also enjoyment.

Andy could feel the joy of Lan Li and couldn't help but chuckle.

"There's more," Lan Li said impatiently. "Last night, Rooney and I discussed appearing in a series. Although everyone said that TV series are more dependent on screenwriters, and the actors have less room to play, they still Remember? I picked out those scripts at the beginning of the year. Now there are more and more wonderful dramas. The creative content allowed for TV dramas is gradually surpassing that of movies, and the boundaries that actors can explore are getting wider and wider. This is very interesting. thing."

"Compared with movies, TV series have a longer context and a larger capacity, allowing actors to perform in a chain-like area and shape the characters, just like the original'Pacific War'. There are higher requirements for the integration of actors and scripts. I think this is worthy of careful study. Of course, what I'm talking about is short dramas or limited dramas, and those long-form dramas are another story." Lan Li himself will bear it. I couldn't help laughing, the words revealed briskness.

Andy can also feel the happiness from the inside out.

"So, I mean time. If I have the opportunity, I would still be willing to act in a drama or TV series, and the same is true for movies. So far this year, I have been resting most of the time, just filming a "Jurassic World". , If there are other chances to appear now, even if you let me go, I would be more than happy." Lan Li finally gave the answer.

Andy pursed the corner of his mouth, and chuckled comfortably: This answer is not unexpected at all. Lan Li is still the Lan Li and has not changed. "Okay, I see, I will contact Oggs. , Leave the follow-up matters to me, let me talk about the situation. Before the news comes out, you can enjoy this short vacation first."
