The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2337: The overall situation is set

Renly and Alessandro are not friends, but they are not strangers. To be precise, they are more familiar than ordinary friends.


Through Alfonso-Caron’s matchmaking, Renly and Alessandro have met several times and exchanged views on each other’s film understanding. This has also become a direct collaboration between Sisyphus Pictures and Alessandro. Opportunity for "Wild Hunter"——


Compared to large film companies, Sisyphus Pictures has relatively limited funds, but is more generous and professional. Andre Hamilton approved a $100 million budget with a wave of his hand, allowing Alessandro to be able to Canada’s white snow awaits a good opportunity to capture natural light.


Not long before the Oscar, Alessandro again applied for an additional US$30 million in filming funding. Andre hesitated about this, but after inquiring about Lanly, the company repeatedly discussed and discussed it, and Andre finally approved it. With this funding, Alessandro can concentrate on shooting.


  It is true that Renly and Alessandro are not friends. They do not exchange calls or send emails in the usual way; but the friendship between them does exist.


Tonight, Lan Li personally awarded the best director, the Golden Man to Alessandro, and became the link between the two Mexican directors, Alfonso and Alessandro. This is undoubtedly of extraordinary memorial significance. , And it is precisely because of this that Alessandro enthusiastically gave Lan Li a hug.


   Lan Li was a little helpless, chuckled lightly, and patted Alessandro on the back, "Congratulations! Next is your moment!"


   After finishing speaking, Lan Li retreated to the side and gave the spotlight to Alessandro.


   Just as Alessandro made his acceptance speech, under the stage, Harvey cast a line of sight at Bob again, seeming to be saying:


   I told you already.


Bob knows that Harvey is very likely to be right, and once again-a keen sense of public relations for the college, this is undoubtedly Harvey's "superpower" in the industry, just like a superhero; he is the best director award After the award, Bob can also guess that the overall situation has been determined.


   The top four players of the first group have gradually revealed their original appearance.


The "Budapest Hotel" arrogantly took four gold medalists in the technical department, but because of the negative influence of Scott Rudin, he was decisively abandoned by Fox Searchlight. After losing the best original screenplay award, it has basically declared that it has missed the best picture. The defeat of the Best Director Award further proves this point.


"Boyhood" does not have an advantage in the technology awards department. It has continuously lost the three awards of Best Original Screenplay, Best Editing, and Best Supporting Actor. This is an expected result, and it was not their strong point; defeated " "Birdman" won the Best Supporting Actress Award and successfully continued the competitiveness of the film.


But if "boyhood" wants to top the Oscars, the best director award is a must-have award, and with the counterattack of Alessandro, the protagonist department failed to win the nomination, it basically announced this. This work completely withdrew from the final competition for the best film.


   The overall disadvantage of the college’s public relations level was completely exposed, and the Fox Searchlight was still tough. After “twelve years as a slave” last year, it continued to be strong again this year.


"Birdman" did not have much advantage in the technical department, but the Best Photography Award was firmly in his hands, and then successfully completed the counterattack in the two major towns of Best Original Screenplay and Best Director, sweeping away Best Supporting Actress and Best Supporting Actress. The haze of the best actor corner defeat, without any suspense, became the biggest hit of the best film.


  Although "Birdman" has only three statuettes in hand, every trophy is the top priority. If nothing else, the suspense of the best film has been revealed.


   Then, if there is an accident, "Burst Drummer" is the only possibility.


The "Burst Drummer", who is refreshing from technology to theme, has successively won the best sound effects, best editing, best supporting actor and best adapted screenplay. The nominated project still has no missed records and maintains The 100% winning rate, coupled with the fact that three of them are the core towns, the overall momentum even faintly suppressed the "Birdman".


   "but", there must be a "but" after this, but where does the problem arise?


   The sword goes slant forward.


The core issue of "Blasting Drummer" has never changed. Cheng Yejian went slanting forward and defeated also leaning forward. After it was born in a sharp and unique way, this work has won numerous praises; and the artistic interpretation of the soul into the devil. It has conquered countless audiences, but this way of expression is "killing/father" and provoking the college judges. It is too bold and too arrogant, which is doomed to the fatal shortcomings of the film early.


   On Sundance, "Burst Drummer" can reach the top award; but at the Oscars, "Blast Drummer" is doomed to end.


If there is no "Sword Go Slant", then "Burst Drummer" should still go hand in hand with "Birdman", and the suspense of the best film still has not been revealed; but if there is no "Sword Go Slant", "Blast Drummer" should start from the beginning. It will not enter the awards season. This is a paradoxical question.


   Discuss in depth, assuming that "Blast Drummer" can really overturn "Birdman" and win the final moment with an upset, then what kind of motivation does the movie need?


A heavyweight statuette comparable to the best director, either won the four major acting awards, or performed better in the technical awards, and now the opportunity for the "burst drummer" is left, but only the best actor is left— —


Not to mention that "Birdman" is also a strong contender in the best actor award. The ambition of the "Theory of Everything" is to be won, which makes the "burst drummer" hopeless; let alone, Lan Li three years ago I just topped the Oscars, and now I'm second. Isn't it too early and too fast?


   To sum up, Harvey has accurately grasped the context of the second phase of the college’s public relations. He can even conclude that the last three awards belong to:


   Best Actress, Julianne Moore; Best Actor, Eddie Medline; Best Picture, "Birdman".


   With the announcement of the Best Director Award, all suspense has lost its meaning, not to mention Harvey, even Bob can see the overall development context.


   Harvey is correct, again.


Abandoning Benedict Cumberbatch, choosing Eddie Medline, abandoning the "imitation game", pushing Eddie Medline, Harvey's thoroughness and wisdom in the public relations level of the second stage academy, firmly Having firmly grasped the essence of this little golden man game, he is able to do well among many forces.


   Next, it's time to witness Harvey's "shenzhen moment".


Before this year’s awards season, "Variety" magazine has a statistic. The most frequently mentioned filmmaker in the Oscar history award-winning speeches is Steven Spielberg, who has been mentioned for a total of forty. Twice; next is Harvey Weinstein, who has been mentioned thirty-four times.


   James Cameron, George Lucas and Peter Jackson are followed, and God is sixth.


   After tonight, Harvey may be catching up with Steven.


However, Bob glanced at Harvey with the rim of his gaze. The self-confident, arrogant, arrogant, self-respecting appearance became so boring that he couldn't help but think of a thought in his mind. A small thought, a very weak thought:


   What if Harvey is wrong?


   That tiny thought just took root and sprouted, and then grew strong little by little, and grew wildly with an unstoppable momentum.




   On the stage, Alessandro finished his acceptance speech, left the stage hand in hand with Lan Li, returned to the backstage lounge, and the two of them had a cheerful conversation.


Entering the backstage, the reporters’ cameras were already aimed at Alessandro, while Lan Li dodged aside, leaving the eye-catching moment to the new winner of the best director; as for Lan Li himself, he needs to take advantage of it. During the advertising time, quickly return to your seat and continue to watch the award ceremony later.


   "Hey, Lan Li." A call came from behind him, and when he turned his head, it was John-Legend.


   Tonight, John Legend also won his first Golden Man trophy——


The theme song "Glory" of "The Selma Parade" was composed and sung by John. It won the best original song award not long ago. The moment when John sang "Glory" on stage was the first tonight. This shining point won the supreme treatment of standing applause from the audience, and the actor David Oiro of the "Selma Parade" was moved to tears.


There is still a past between Lan Li and John. At the Grammy Awards that year, John personally announced and awarded the album of the year award to Lan Li, and then watched Lan Li’s performance in a cappella singing "The Beast" from a close distance on the side stage. The classic moment of the award-winning speech made him cry emotionally.


   After that, Lanly and John occasionally met accidentally, and they were able to talk happily every time.


   "Hey, John." Lan Li also showed a big smile, "The performance just now was really wonderful, this is the real musician's performance."


   "Haha." John laughed happily, "I also watched last year's awards ceremony. Your performance is equally wonderful, please don't be humble."


   "I am an actor, and you are a singer, there is still a difference." Lan Li waved his hand again and again.


   John doesn’t Then it depends on your performance? Tonight is your home court. "This is a hint that the Best Actor Award will be awarded soon.


   Lan Li did not answer, but raised his right hand and made a prayer gesture of crossing fingers, which was enough.


"Oh, by the way, I just met Damien in the backstage and chatted with him about you. I was a little surprised, did Damien himself have a background in music?" This is the first time that John has with Damien tonight. When they met, they started talking because of Lan Li's relationship.


   Damien Chazele and John-Legend?


Lan Li's eyebrows raised slightly, "Yes, he used to learn to play drums. Andrew's story is actually adapted from his own experience. I think that maybe you can play his work if you have a chance. I know that there are not many directors who are good at making music movies."


   John didn't care at all, but he didn't laugh.


  As they spoke, the two had already returned to the infield, nodded to each other, and walked towards their seats.