The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 459: Behemoth dormant

The hustle and bustle of the Oscars ended, and the focus of attention was raging. In this, Lan Li's name almost disappeared. It seems that everyone has forgotten the hot star of the past six months, and the mainstream media can't find Lan Li in the reports. Silhouette.

However, the "Seattle Post" is an exception. This editorial written by Eli Wallach, with the title "Oscar's Crisis", discusses in depth the dilemma that Oscar is facing as he enters his old age.

"... The fundamental reason why Oscars can stand on the top of the world and become the world's most watched film prosperous world is the core idea since their establishment: constantly exploring and exploring the peak of film art, seeking film and life, and society, Resonate with life and the world, find a perfect balance between business and art, and truly evolve the seventh art into a cultural phenomenon that has been recorded in the annals of history.

...But now, Oscar has gradually become a public relations game, losing its soul and direction...

Above this year's Oscars, with his superb performance of "Buried Alive", he received his first nomination of rookie actor Lan Li-Hall, but unexpectedly missed the awards ceremony. It's not hype or arrogance, it's a dedicated, whole-hearted devotion to performance work, which truly interprets the essence of the profession of'actor'.

But what is ridiculous is that the major media have distorted Hall's true intentions, thinking that this is just a public relations show. The pathological thing is not the media, but the Oscar, because this once bravely awarded the highest awards of the movie'Midnight\/Niu\/Lang','Driving for Miss Dai Qian', and'Old Nothing to Support', and lost its courage and Determination gradually reduced to a mathematics problem of elaborate game.

For Oscar, Hall’s absence was their loss, not Hall’s. What's even more regrettable is that Hall is not the only talent lost from the college. "

Under Eli’s brushwork, he looked at this year’s Oscars from a different perspective. The core theme is actually no different from mainstream media such as the "Hollywood Reporter". It is both condemning Oscars and expressing regret and regret. However, Eli went further, thinking that Oscar was losing his foothold.

The absence of Lanly Hall is Eli's biggest regret.

Obviously, with his outstanding performance in three consecutive works, Lan Li has already won the love of some media, and his professionalism, devotion and talent as an actor have still been recognized. For newcomers, this is really valuable. Although the "Seattle Post" is not a top media, it still has a certain influence on the West Coast. This feature of Eli's is eye-catching, but it is not too overwhelming.

"David Fincher was absent from the PR competition for most of the awards season, and began to prepare for his next work, lacking interest in Oscars; Christopher Nolan dedicated the best commercial film of the 21st century." Batman: The Dark Knight and Inception, but they didn't even get a nomination for best director.

Lisa-cholodenko’s efforts were tragically ignored. During the awards season, she was restrained by her identity as a female director, and it was difficult; Mike-Lee ignored the Oscars daily and won his seventh nomination. I still have no idea about coming to the United States to attend the awards ceremony.

Roger-Deakins' ninth nomination is still hard to find, and he was absent from the entire awards season promotion; Hans-Zimmer (hans-) was even early in the Pirates of the Caribbean 4'in the work of the soundtrack.

……When the talented film people have lost interest in the Oscars, when the conscientious film people are gradually reduced to the marginal figures of the Oscars, what the college faces is not only the lack of starlight at the awards ceremony, but also the lack of Oscars. The disaster of quality, lack of authority, lack of depth...

The award ceremony ended, but no one mentioned Renly Hall's absence again, and no one mentioned David Fincher's silence again. This is Oscar's failure. "

After the Oscars ended, all kinds of news reports competed with each other. The “Seattle Post” was not a top media in the first place, and the focus on them was naturally very limited. This editorial did not arouse much discussion, but within Hollywood. But it has received a lot of approval and recognition.

Amidst the sounds of crusades, praises, discussions, and excitement, the "Seattle Post" published its own views in a different way, and succeeded in occupying a place.

If the "Seattle Post"'s attention to Renly is only incidental, and the core theme is still Oscar, then in an article on the "Bulletin Board", Renly is the protagonist.

As we all know, "Billboard" is a complete music magazine that publishes information about the music industry, but in fact, this magazine often publishes news about movies, but it is not highly professional and authoritative, and it is more entertaining. However, "Entertainment Weekly", "U.S. Weekly", "Vanity Fair" and others have very limited influence.

"Billboard" puts forward a very interesting point in the article, "Behemoth is dormant".

They believed that Lan Li was absent from the Oscars and entered a short dormant period, temporarily away from the public's field of vision, which is actually a good thing. Because of this, Lan Li can devote himself to the filming of the "anti-cancer me".

This comedy has not had any relevant news before and is unknown, but now it has attracted a lot of attention and attracted a lot of attention; and in the cast, there is also Seth Rogen, who has become popular in recent years, which also means Therefore, the film's performance is worth looking forward to, and it is likely to become a box office work.

The significance of this to Lan Li is extraordinary.

In the four works that Lan Li has starred in so far, "Pacific War" is a TV series, "Buried Alive" and "Crazy Love" are independent films that are difficult to break through at the box office, and "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" is only the third protagonist. Although it is said that "Buried alive" unexpectedly achieved a good box office and made a small profit, strictly speaking, Lan Li has not yet handed in any worthy answer sheet in the commercial box office. People still have more impressions of Lan Li. From the strength of the performance.

If it is said that Lanly insists on following the literary route and becomes an actor who focuses on small-cost independent films like Sean Penn, Tim-Robins, and Ethan-****, this is not unreasonable; But the problem is that Lan Li is only 21 years old now!

Lan Li's acting career is still very long. He can't stick to a small field and refuse any bold attempts. Even Daniel Day Lewis has tried singing and dancing movies like "Nine", Sean -Pan has also guest-starred in sitcoms such as "Friends" and "Two and a Half Heroes". Therefore, Lanli is bound to seek more possibilities.

Now, "The Anti-Cancer Me" will be Renly’s first commercial work that truly plays the leading role, and its performance in the box office is bound to be worth looking forward to. This will have a huge impact on Renly’s future career planning. .

Not only that, the next "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" will soon meet with the audience. At that time, Lan Li will be the third protagonist and show his talents in this commercial blockbuster. Different from the shock and courage of acting, in action movies, the agile posture and personal charm of actors are more displayed.

Harrison Ford's meaning to "Indiana Jones" and "Star Wars" lies in his personal temperament of elegance and ruggedness, shining on the big screen; Tom Cruise to "Mission Impossible" For "High Aspirations", the meaning is that he personally possesses a handsome, fragile, vigorous and open-minded charm, conquering countless audiences.

The same goes for Will Smith, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves, etc.

Simply put, this is an important test of the actor's charm. Not only box office appeal, but also a comprehensive test of audience recognition, commercial promotion, and social influence. Not everyone can become Tom Hanks. There are often "stars", but "top superstars" Ten years may not be able to produce one.

"'Speed ​​and excitement/love 5'and'anti-cancer me' will be important touchstones. After dedicating two consecutive high-quality independent works, Lan Li will be tested at the box office for the first time. Now Lan Li , Like a dormant behemoth, waiting for the winter to pass, awakening again, and then facing a new challenge."

This is the conclusion of the article "Bulletin Board". In a short article, you can get a glimpse of their expectations for In fact, when the Oscars just ended, the only thing that can compete with it in terms of momentum is the summer file.

The entire North American film market system has been very mature and perfect, and the summer file can be regarded as the top priority of the year, but its changes affect the whole body and are closely related to the entire industry. In 2004, the college decided to hold the Oscar awards ceremony one month in advance, from the original end of March to the end of February, which also led to a major reshuffle of the industry, and the summer file was directly upgraded from June to May.

The summer vacation file recognized by the Hollywood industry now begins on the second weekend of May, or to be precise, the weekend when the Arbor Day begins.

There is no other reason. After the Oscars are over, March and April will still be the depressed period of the spring season. Major companies will release some works in advance to warm up the market; in addition, the works that have been won on the Oscars will also become The biggest winner of this period. After the market picks up, the bayonet summer competition will start in May.

After the Oscars are over, there are only nine weeks left before the opening of the summer file. Although it is still premature to pay attention to the "bulletin board", it is not surprising.

This year's summer archive will kick off with the shining debut of "Thor". This comic-based superhero movie can definitely be called the expectation. The early publicity of major media has high hopes, and the production company Paramount has even more. It is the full energy to launch propaganda; the corresponding is the weakness of "speed and excitement\/emotion 5".

Universal Pictures seemed to lack confidence in this work, and deliberately avoided the limelight of the summer vacation and chose to land first in the first week of May. Then "Thunder God" unveiled the summer archives, and there is bound to be a battle between the two works.

The giant beast is dormant, and when it wakes up from hibernation, what kind of scenery is waiting in front of it?