The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 598: Audition party

Before leaving the Mount Sinai Hospital, Lanly found Annie again.

Annie was dripping, her immature eyebrows tangled tightly, making people clearly feel her pain and realizing that she was also a child who had to be hospitalized all year round because of the pain. But her eyes widened, and she said firmly and brightly, "Anne is a strong girl, isn't she? Just like Alex!"

Standing in front of these children, Lan Li always feels so small and helpless.

After cheering on Annie, Lan Li left. Alex's operation is still in progress. Heart transplantation is not a minor operation. It can be as short as five or six hours, and as long as ten hours. The waiting time is long and even more painful. But compared to the thin figure lying on the hospital bed, everything becomes insignificant.

Sitting on the subway, swaying, people coming and going, noisy and noisy, but between people are completely strange individuals, indifferently and vigilantly distanced, quiet, and enjoy the rare silence and Tranquility, but let the mixed feelings settle down. This is true for supermarkets, and so are subways.

Unknowingly, Lanly spent more than three hours in Mount Sinai Hospital. When he came out of the subway again, the setting sun was hanging diagonally between the high-rise buildings, reflecting the swaying Hudson River. It seemed that it would be there anytime. General sinking. Lanly laughed blankly, wondering if Neil and the others would be interested in traveling the Hudson at night, otherwise, the bet that was made last time would have to be postponed.

Compared with his own home, Lan Li knows the roads around Pioneer Village well, and he doesn't need to distinguish carefully. After leaving the subway station, let him go on, he can naturally find his destination. However, there seems to be a lot of people on the streets today, which makes Lan Li a little surprised.

When he arrived at JFK International Airport in the morning, he still felt that there were fewer people, thinking that most reporters were heading towards Venice and Toronto, and the "eyes" left in Manhattan were less than half; but now why is that feeling missing? , But it feels turbulent? Is it because of rush hour?

Isn't today Saturday? How can there be any peak off work hours! As for the enthusiasm of weekend nights, the night hasn't completely subsided, so naturally it cannot be so fast.

Lan Li is also full of question marks, but when you think about it, this is New York, New York with a population of 8 million. Every day and every night, there are countless activities and parties. There are different groups, different ethnic groups, and different classes. You can find your own time and area. This shouldn't be strange.

After clearing up his doubts, Lan Li stepped on a skateboard, heading all the way towards the pioneer village. But not only did the question marks not decrease, they were increasing-because the direction of the crowds seemed to be the same as him. Then, Lan Li saw the spectacular scene at the gate of Pioneer Village.

The mighty line began to extend back along the block. At first glance, it seemed to have been lined up to the end of the street, still continuing to line up, and entered the next street at a corner; people can still be seen around one after another. Join, greet happily, walk towards the end of the line on the way to the end of the line, meet acquaintances, can not help but stop, laugh and chat; the bloated crowd almost full of the entire pedestrian street, the crowds coming and going for speed Moving forward, I had to borrow the roadway, which slowed down the passing cars.

The hot scene seemed to ignite the summer heat again, and it was boiling.

Looking around, there are at least two hundred people in front of you, and you can see people joining intermittently. In such a grand occasion, even the most popular clubs and nightclubs in New York, at the peak of the crowd, are probably on the same scale, but that is also You have to wait until after ten o'clock in the evening. Now, it is absolutely impossible.

How lively the scene in front of me is, how abnormal it is.

Lan Li involuntarily raised his head and looked at the vast night. Above the navy blue curtain, the remaining light of the setting sun was still burning. The street lights on Manhattan streets were a little bright, some were not yet, and the sky was thick.的cyan. He was right, and the night still did not come.

So what is going on right now?

Pioneer Village is one of the recommended attractions at the end of the New York City Hall, not only because it retains the original architecture and decoration styles of the 1930s and 1940s, but also because it continues the essence of the golden age of American music. , This is one of the historical testimonies of New York art.

But as a jazz bar, it has completely declined in contemporary society. Except for a few cities where music originated from New York, Memphis, and Nashville, jazz bars have almost disappeared. Even if it is a "tourist attraction", the popularity of pioneer villages has not been booming.

In Lan Li's memory, a pioneer village that can accommodate 80 to a hundred people can be counted with two hands on a completely full night. Every time, big-name singers who are well-known outside come to sing in residence, and start the promotion about half a month in advance, attracting tourists, and also attracting Mifensi. Together with the professional old fans, this fills the pioneer village.

So, is it because the big-name singers came to sing in the event of such a grand occasion tonight? Nora Jones? Jason Mayez? Taylor-Swift? Or train?

Lan Li slowed down and walked slowly on a skateboard, looking for promotional posters at the door of the Pioneer Village-the big-name singers will definitely be equipped with corresponding posters. The only difference is the scale. However, Lan Li was disappointed. He didn't see anything, and this became even more puzzled.

Looking at the people who were lining up at the gate, Lan Li hesitated. He didn't want to jump in the line, so would he go in through the back door?

The thoughts in my mind just came out, there was no time to think about it, and an exclamation sound came from my ear, "Master!"

"Huh." This is the sound of a cold breath. The noisy street in the last second was silent. In sharp contrast, the second half of the team is still chattering and lively, it seems that I didn't notice the abnormality at the entrance of Pioneer Village. Such a gap made the silence at the entrance more vivid, and it seemed that even the sound of breathing was pinched. It's like squeezing out a cigarette butt, and there is no extra strand of green smoke.

Lan Li followed the voice and looked over, and his eyes couldn't help showing surprise, "William?"

It's not William Taylor who stands in front of you? Not only William, there are also a few familiar faces next to him, Graham Hughes, Hope Baez, Tessa Breeden... These are all familiar fan faces, before Lan Liqian I have seen it many times before and after, and I am deeply impressed.

It's just that they appeared in the pioneer village, what's going on? This is not the premiere scene of the movie, nor the classic movie night of the art theater. Is it because they are here specifically to travel? Has nothing to do with him?

"Are there any activities here tonight?" Lan Li asked smoothly, and then saw the suffocated faces, their expressions were hideous and funny. They couldn't tell whether they were laughing or crying. They just looked at each other. Lan Li couldn't help but chuckled, "Why, is it a special event that requires role-playing ()?"

Tessa, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but walked half a step forward, "Master, didn't you make a special trip to participate in tonight's event?"

After going back and forth, Lan Li became more and more confused, "Is there any special circumstances that I should know?" After three weeks of vacation in the Caribbean, and isolated from the world, Lan Li felt that he couldn't keep up with the development of the world.

"Len Li, Lan Li!" Janice Black, who was submerged in the crowd, noticed Lan Li's appearance and waved again and again, "Why are you here? Nathan said yesterday that you are on vacation in Cuba. Did you make a special trip back?"

Lan Li nodded to William and the others, greeted Janice, gave her a hug, and said with a smile, "Can anyone explain to me what is going on? I am completely Confused, should I run away? For example, someone inside wants me or something?"

This joke made Janice laugh happily, but the other people next to him didn’t seem to react. The faces were still in shock, and they looked at Lan Li with bright eyes, motionless, no sound. No, I'm afraid that a little noise will break the dream and wake them up and return to reality.

"You don't know?" Janice also reacted at this time, muttering "Nathan didn't mention it to you", and then explained, "After your album was officially released, Stanley and Neal were so happy. Every day. They were all talking in the bar, talking with a group of old guys, happier and happier, one by one, as if they had lost their minds. Then last week, they thought, why not attract more real music lovers to come, let’s get together How about sharing and discussing together? So Neil posted an event on Facebook, inviting those who really like your music to come to the bar together and hold a "Don Quixote" album audition."

Lan Li opened his mouth and tried to make some comments, but found that he was out of words.

Janice patted her head, "Looking at my memory, I have forgotten it. They said that they won't invite you, it's just an exchange between fans. It's probably for this reason that Nathan didn't mention it to you. Hey, since you I don't know, why did you come here today?"

"...I just came back from vacation today, because next week I have to go to Toronto to attend the film festival." Lan Li looked back at the mighty queue in front of him, couldn't believe his eyes, "So, you mean, these Are people here specifically for my album?"

Not for Lan Li, just for the album "Don Quixote"? This sounds like a fantasy.

"You should ask them about the specific situation. But if I didn't guess wrong, yes, it is true." Janice also joked, teasing Lan Li's astonishment and shock, and then patted Lan Li's. Shoulder, "Since you are here, let's join together. Stanley and the others will definitely not mind." After speaking, Janice laughed **** herself, and pushed Lan Li into the pioneer village.

Stay at the door of William et al, looked at each other, exchanging sight, then ...... "ah ah ah!" 89