The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 706: Fly nominated

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In the first week of December 2011, the Billboard Albums Chart once again announced a new list. Drake's album "Take-Care" airborne champion, and Adele's album "21" Continuing to rank runner-up, the 21-year-old actress has undoubtedly become the biggest winner in the music market this year.

However, in the top ten list, the most eye-catching thing is not the continued strong Adele, nor the outstanding Derek, but the new top ten with 35,000 sales this week. The face of "Don Quixote".

Since "Don Quixote" was released on August 29, in the absence of supporting publicity, word-of-mouth has continued to rise. Not only is the professional media receiving rave reviews, it has created a rare high score in recent years. It has become one of the most sought-after albums by music critics since the 21st century; it has also been widely recognized by listeners, in major forums, in fan communities, and among independent music lovers. Positive feedback has the upper hand.

Strictly speaking, this is an out-and-out independent folk album, even more niche, more low-key, and more focused than the original Jason Mayez. The entire album from the first song to the last, from the number of songs up to sixteen to the core theme of double-sided double repair, from packaging to pricing, from music style and theme tone, every link and every detail In revealing the self-entertainment of the high and the few, as if living in a sterile and isolated world, remembering the golden age of the 70s and 80s of the last century, immersed in the retro melody and danced lightly.

Albums of this type and style, in the 21st century, in fact, there will be more than a dozen albums in the field of independent music every year, but most of them are just garage music—not formal processing in the recording studio, but in the field of independent music. Complete recorded music in the garage. These works cannot find the market, the distribution, the performance stage, and naturally, there is no room for survival.

Ninety percent of such albums may not have been heard by anyone at all, and may only be circulated among underground music lovers in Seattle. The mere word-of-mouth spread cannot even make them leave the shackles of the city, from Seattle to Houston, let alone spread across the United States.

The network of finding a needle in a haystack will not work either.

"Don Quixote" is a different kind. Regardless of whether the eleven studio admits it or whether George Slander admits it, the fame and attention maintained by the name "Renley Hall" has become the fertile soil for the album to thrive, just like "The Tonight Show" "Became the stage for the first show of "Don Quixote", just as the popularity of YouTube became a platform for "Pioneer Village Night" to shine, first with "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", and then "Love Is Crazy" "Following a series of promotional activities during the awards season, the attention this album has received is indeed unusual.

Of course, the album "Don Quixote" is destined to not be accepted by the mainstream market, there is no doubt. Therefore, the album sales did not explode, did not explode the astonishing sales of 100,000 or 200,000 per week, and did not show an astonishing curve of 90 degrees rise, but it is still down-to-earth and gradual in real music lovers. Spread among them.

Ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand... Twelve weeks after the launch of "Don Quixote", the weekly sales finally exceeded 30,000, and the cumulative sales also successfully exceeded 100,000. Currently, the cumulative sales are currently eleven. Thousands of copies, this is a sales miracle for a folk album with a sword and a slanted front, and for an independent album without any publicity. Even George and the Eleven Studio themselves, could not foresee such a trend!

As a result, "Don Quixote" has become a beautiful landscape in the music market in 2011. miracle? This may not be called, at least not as devastating as the album "21"; wonderful? This is unquestionable. Countless independent music magazines, independent musicians, and independent music lovers are all rejoicing, celebrating another breakthrough in independent music and giving people hope again.

This week, "Don Quixote" ranked among the top ten on the Billboard Albums chart for the first time since its release, and it deservedly became the biggest news highlight.

Not only that, thanks to the frequent increase in album sales, the performance of singles has naturally risen.

The first is "Ophelia". This single has stayed on the charts for a full sixty-six weeks, and the ranking still stopped at 78th place. Quietly, it also created its own record— Staying on the singles chart for the longest time in the historical record list, "Ophelia" temporarily ranked fourth, just behind Jason Mayez's "I am yours", and There is "How-Do-I-Live" by LeAnn-Remus, and "Cleopatra" who is making history.

At present, Adele’s "Falling into the Abyss" is also keeping pace. This single has been on the chart for 60 weeks now, and it is still ranked in the top 30. It seems that the performance of surpassing "Ophelia" is not Excuse me.

Followed by "Cleopatra", 80 weeks, a full 80 weeks, this single not only broke the highest record of "I am yours" on the chart time of 76 weeks, and it is also creating momentum. Miracle, this week's single ranked 39th. From the data point of view, the pace of record creation has not stopped. This is simply appalling.

The last one is "Confirmed". After the airborne chart in the third week of October, the popularity of this single has always remained high, and with the box office results of "Crazy Love", it continued to rise in the second week of November. Shi rose to third place, setting the highest record of folk singles since the new century.

If "Cleopatra" is a long stream of water, then "Confirmed" is undoubtedly the explosion of the gunpowder barrel, which instantly reached an incredible height, attracting more and more attention with a volcanic eruption. Strength, sprint, sprint, and then in the first week of December, the list went further, ranking second, just behind Rihanna's "We-Found-Love" .

This is undoubtedly an explosive news! It really made people feel the powerful influence of the album "Don Quixote" and the strong stamina effect of the movie "Love Is Crazy".

People have to start putting a question mark: Where is the limit of "Cleopatra"? Is it possible for "Confirmed" to win the championship? Can the album "Don Quixote" go further? More importantly, what position does Lan Li occupy in the music scene with this independent album?

Also in the first week of December, Grammy announced the nominations for the 54th Annual Awards Ceremony.

Kanye-West's fourth studio album has once again continued his previous excellent performance and has been recognized by seven Grammy nominations, and he is well-deserved as the most powerful rapper today; in Kanye In addition, Adele, Foo-Flighters, Bruno Mars received six nominations, followed closely behind.

Although expensive as a Grammy darling, Kanye was robbed of the limelight this year by Adele and Bruno. These two new-generation singers, the former’s second studio album and the latter’s first studio album, have received double affirmation in the market and music critics. They are definitely the hottest singers in 2011, and they have also won Grammy's further affirmation.

On the Grammy's nomination list, Adele and Bruno were both nominated for three comprehensive awards: Album of the Year, Single of the Year, and Production of the Year. The gold content is unmatched by Kanye—the latter in the comprehensive awards. Only one single of the year was shortlisted.

Undoubtedly, at this year’s awards ceremony, the duel between Adele and Bruno will attract countless eyeballs, but what is even more incredible is that besides these two singers, there is a third singer who has won such an honor-Lan Li -Hall, and the latter went one step further and won all the nominations for the four major awards in the comprehensive category!

At the Grammy Awards ceremony, there are a total of four awards in the comprehensive category: Album of the Year, Single of the Year, Production of the Year, and Newcomer of the Year. Classification department, pop, rap, dance, rock, country, etc.

Among them, the newcomer of the year is the top priority of Grammy every year, because every singer has only one chance to compete in his life. If you miss it, you will miss it forever. Taylor Swift, Miss Gaga, Rihanna, Britney-Spears and other singers all failed to win this trophy. UU reading

This year, Lan Li is not only eligible to compete for the Newcomer of the Year Award, but also has received many awards from The-Band-Perry, Nicki-Minaj, Skrillex, Bon-Iver, etc. Affirmative singers are in fierce competition; and they are also nominated for all awards in the comprehensive category!

In addition, Lan Li also received two nominations for Best Alternative Album and Best Folk Album, for a total of six nominations, ranking alongside Adele, Bruno, and the Spitfire, becoming the most watched singer in the nomination stage. .

Compared with popular singers such as Adele, Bruno, Kanye, etc., the sales of the album "Don Quixote" barely exceeded one hundred thousand, and Lan Li is an amateur singer who is not doing business. Actually received six nominations, swept all the departments of the comprehensive category, and became the biggest winner in the Grammy nomination stage with a sudden appearance!

Coupled with "crazy love" and "anti-cancer me", coupled with the preparations for a sequel to "speed and excitement/passion", this has created the confinement of JFK International Airport, not only for journalists, but also for fans. Our enthusiasm was completely ignited.

Grammy’s affirmation, this is undoubtedly one of the most important awards to "Don Quixote". It is also the folk song that has re-entered the mainstream public's attention after nearly thirty years of silence. In 2011, this is destined to become North American music. A year in the annals of the market: Adele, Bruno Mars, Spitfire, Taylor Swift, Amy Winehouse... and of course, Renly Hall.

Looking back at this year at a historical node, it is not difficult to find that this Grammy is the last carnival of the music market, and it is also the last glory of independent rock and independent folk songs. Lan Li is just the tip of the iceberg.