The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 952: Feet not touching the ground

Leaving the box of Dormer's house, Maggie Smith's professional and dedicated guidance, and Ian McLean's contented and cheerful laughter still linger in his ears. Involuntarily, the smile on the corner of his mouth rose. Although tired and hard, now I feel that the whole person is overdrawn inside and out, but my heart is satisfied.

Sure enough, returning to the West End of London was the right choice.

Every day, every day in the literal sense, the situation, the learning experience, and the performance of dedication are completely different. Even the most outstanding and top actor must maintain a humble attitude and deal with it all the time. Different challenges constantly enrich yourself. Only by continuous efforts and continuous improvement, the shortcomings exposed will only become more and more serious.

This is the most fulfilling and solid period of time since Lan Li was reborn.

Really exhausted physically and mentally, not only need to dedicate top performances on the stage, but also need to welcome waves of visitors. If possible, Lan Li just wants to lie down in the hot springs, not even a finger. To move; but at the same time, this is also the real baptism of the body and mind, from the outside to the inside, from the inside to the outside, constantly grinding and exercising, just like a hundred forged steel.

This is pain and happiness.

Tonight, George's appearance was really an accident; however, it only stirred up shallow ripples and quickly calmed down.

For Lan Li, apart from the family's opposition and rejection, there are more important things to pay attention to. Returning to the West End of London is not to prove himself to the family, but to continuously polish the basic skills of acting. This original intention has never changed; after experiencing the ups and downs of the premiere night, he once again felt the beating The heart of innocence.

Therefore, when I saw George by accident, Renly didn't give too much special treatment. Instead, Richard De Ville became the focus of the conversation. Although it is the first time to meet, it must be admitted that Richard is a very professional audience, full of enthusiasm, knowledgeable, and unique insights. Compared to George, Richard really enjoyed tonight. Perform, and Renly also pays more attention to the conversation with Richard.

Lanly noticed George's abnormality and strangeness, as well as the anger that was on the verge of dysfunction.

Undeniably, there was still some joy deep in my heart, a little joy, maybe, this was the pleasure of revenge; but it was just a flash, and then I never thought of it again.

Suddenly, Lanly began to realize that the views of George and Elizabeth were not as important as they thought. He has already learned to turn that page.

At this time, the boxes of the Hall's and Dunlop's were empty. Looking at the empty box, there still seemed to be a surging rush in the air, Lan Li's eyes showed a slight smile, and then stepped back to the background, ready to pack things and go home to rest.

Tomorrow, there will be a whole day of performance waiting.

Before Lan Li declined Richard's invitation, it was not a polite remark.

Since the beginning of the premiere night, "Les Miserables" has been in theaters for fifteen days, with a total of 13 appearances. Every performance is packed with seats and thunderous applause. Similarly, every performance is also highly anticipated, looking forward to the blue The voice of Li's performance on stage has never cooled down.

After discussion, the first team led by Lan Li performed 13 games without fail. However, after all, they are not beaten with iron, and they are after all flesh and blood. The continuous high-intensity performance puts high demands on every actor, even Tom Holland, a little flea, can no longer hold it, let alone other actors.

Tomorrow is Saturday. Considering that Sunday is a day off, this will be the last performance of the first cast in the first stage. After the end of Saturday’s performance, the second team will take over the burden of performance and will start performing on stage next Monday; the first team actors will be given four days of rest adjustment time — plus Sunday, that’s five days.

After the adjustment is over, the first and second lineups will enter the rotation stage. For example, Monday is the first team, then Tuesday is the second team, and so on, to ensure that the actors can get enough rest and adjustments, put into the performance in the best condition, and dedicate the most exciting performance.

In other words, the first phase of the Long March journey will come to an end tomorrow. Lan Li needs to concentrate and cannot relax during the sprint phase, otherwise he will fall short.

In the West End of London, it is a real performance here.

"Lan Li!" Stepping into the backstage, a figure suddenly stood up in the long theater corridor, and the movement was a bit abrupt, especially under the sparse lights of the corridor, which was really frightening.

Lan Li's footsteps paused slightly, and after reacting, he laughed dumbfounded, "There are many horror legends in the West End. Although I am not a person afraid of supernatural phenomena, I am not a ghostbusters." This self-ridicule eased. In the tense atmosphere, the man in front of him laughed happily, with some embarrassment and shyness.

A dark gray short hair, slightly curled; a thick beard on the round and simple face, sometimes mixed with a little gray beard, adding a touch of vicissitudes; a black frame is sandwiched on the tall bridge of the nose The glasses seem to have the qualities of a technical otaku. If they are paired with a slightly messy suit and shirt, and the tie is pulled apart at will, then the otaku's temperament will be even more obvious.

At a rough glance, it is difficult to determine the age of the other party. It looks like a middle-aged person, but at fifty, fifty-five, or forty-five, it is not clear. Especially the juvenile shyness and restraint on his face made him look younger. The image of Mark-Ruffalo emerged in Lan Li's mind, but the person in front of him was not Mark-Ruffalo.

"Sorry, forgive me for being rude. Your assistant invited me to wait in the waiting room, but it was a little noisy inside, so I found a place outside. Then I saw you, so..." The middle-aged man realized his The clothes were not neat, so I tidied them quickly, but it didn't seem to help.

Lan Li waved his hand and chuckled, "The waiting room is always very noisy. It is always the case with young crews. I mean, including me." Lan Li took the initiative to greet him and stretched out his right hand. , "Nice to meet you, how about it, how is the performance tonight?"

"Okay, very good!" The middle-aged man also held Lan Li's right hand and nodded again and again, "In fact, it is wonderful, I think, I now finally understand why the actors always have a obsession with the stage. I mean, a European actor." The not-so-standard English, with a strong Spanish accent, the tongue curling and strumming are particularly pronounced.

"This is my honour." Lan Li expressed his courtesy. "I always thought that as a director, capturing performance is not your forte; obviously, today I need to change my wrong fixed point of view."

"Ha." The middle-aged man laughed happily, "No, no, I should have changed my mind. Uh, the power of performance can be so powerful, even breaking through the constraints of time and space. A truly outstanding actor is really too much. Rare. Oh, oh, sorry, I was so rude, Alfonso-Cuaron, nice to meet you."

After talking for a while, Alfonso realized that he had forgotten to introduce himself. This was his first meeting with Lan Li. It was indeed rude.

But for Lan Li, the director couldn't be more familiar.

The United States is a country of immigrants, and Hollywood is a melting pot of multiple ethnicities and cultures. Mexico, which borders the United States, has always been an indispensable part of American culture.

Among them, the stories of the "Three Mexicans" in Hollywood are widely circulated: Alfonso-Caron, Alessandro Gonzalez-Inarito, Guillermo-Del Toro (Guillermo- del-Toro).

The three directors, who are similar in age and only one year apart, travel to Hollywood for almost the same time, and have made a world of space through their own strength.

Gilmour became famous with "Blade Warrior 2" and "Hellboy", and later filmed "Pan's Labyrinth" and "Pacific Rim" and became famous in one fell swoop. His obsession with monsters has become the most unique one in Hollywood. Landscape.

Alessandro laid the foundation for his career with "Love is a bitch", "Tongtian Tower", and "21 grams", and reached the pinnacle in the two works of "Birdman" and "Wild Hunter". His control of the camera is unparalleled.

As for Alfonso, he is a complete technical control. The two long shots in "Son of Humanity" detonated word of mouth; the director of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is one of the series of movies. , The one with the best reputation and the most mediocre at the box office; later, he also shot "Gravity" that astounded countless people.

Among the top three in Mexico, Alessandro and Alfonso both won the Oscar for best director and became famous all over the world. Gilmour also rejuvenated with a "Water Shape Story" in 2017, which is really true. Earth has become the backbone of Hollywood.

As Lanly said, he did not expect Alfonso to appear in the Almeida Theater, because Alfonso is technically controlled, and he did not pay much attention to the performance.

Faced with Alfonso’s Lan Li chuckled lightly, “Personally, I like the discussion of death in'Your mother is the same' very much, in Mexican culture , Death is always special, right?"

"The same is true for your mother" is Alfonso’s early work and won the Oscar nomination for best original screenplay. The screenplay was co-written by Alfonso and his brother-a bit similar to Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan (Jonathan-) relationship; but overall, this work is not well-known, and many people have never heard of it.

Alfonso was a little surprised, and opened his mouth slightly, "Have you seen "Your mother is the same"?"

"Yes, and left a deep impression." Lan Li nodded in affirmation, "Are you coming to watch the show alone tonight? Can I invite you to the waiting room for a while? Or say, Do you still have companions waiting for you?"

"No, no." Alfonso waved his hand, but then nodded again, "I mean, can we find a place to sit down and have a good conversation?" Alfonso noticed Lan Li's puzzled gaze. He added, "I have a work and I want to invite you to perform."