The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 980: Ingenuity

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"Welcome to the future world."

Passing through the metal detector and entering the black tunnel, Gavin was full of infinite curiosity and began to look at it. The whole tunnel was bustling with people, and there was a lot of people; but what is incredible is that there is no noise, no noise, only soft discussions. The sound was filling, and the faint restlessness caused the blood to start to boil quietly.

The whole black tunnel is divided into two parts. There are endless stars above the head and the bottom of the feet. Thousands of broken stars spread out like a vast Milky Way, while the stars under the feet are like a gurgling stream, flowing slowly; On the left and right sides are fluorescent green developments, and you can see that the skeletons of the skeletons are colliding in a crowd——

Obviously, these skeletons are themselves.

As a result, some spectators who liked to play began to play, simulating the animation of a skeleton fight, each move was a pattern, and many spectators gathered nearby stopped and began to watch.

Gavin is a layman and doesn’t know much about high-tech projects; but he knows that the technological components of this black tunnel are not cheap, and definitely not expensive, at least not as expensive as imagined, but in the eyes of the audience, such experience effects, Such a visual effect burst out of an incredible shock and rushed to the face.

There is no harm without comparison.

In contrast, the Paramount next door fell short. Although the theme of the Garden Party Carnival is really eye-catching, and it coincides with the family style and child orientation of "Madagascar 3", and complements each other; but the sense of innovation, topic effect and discussion value are lacking.

The black tunnel of Warner Bros. completely slams Paramount; even last night’s "Prometheus" became awful and cheesy——

Last night, the premiere of Twentieth Century Fox can only be said to be quite satisfactory and lacking highlights. They moved all the alien models in the "Alien" series to the red carpet and set up a model of the alien nest. On-site visits are provided; in addition, with the appeal of Ridley Scott, James Cameron and David Fincher, the two directors who directed the second and third parts of the series, respectively appeared. .

Only twenty hours ago, the premiere of "Prometheus" was still the most innovative, topical, and hotly discussed in the summer archive this year; but now, it is at the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow" Eclipsed before the style. Not only high-tech, not only innovation, but also the next scene:

When he reached the end of the tunnel, Gavin noticed that the three streets from south to north, north to south, and west to east were all built into the same environment and results, but the details are different. The one on the left In that passage, volcanic magma is surging under the feet, and lightning and thunder are above the head; the passage directly opposite is the roaring sea under the feet, and the planetary explosion above the head.

Finally, the three streets meet at the crossroads, walk out of the exit, and then you can see Hollywood Boulevard in front of you, completely changing its appearance.

Rejecting the urge to walk around the two passages again, Gavin refocused on his own job, walked out of the passage, and what he saw was a completely different world——

In the center is a red carpet about the width of a single lane; the streets on both sides are piled up with rubble, building wreckage, and scrapped cars. They are completely war ruins, and even the outer walls of the buildings on both sides are hung up. Corresponding curtains conceal the building, completely creating the appearance of a battlefield.

The heavily armed soldiers were patrolling the ruins, surrounded by a bustling turbulent crowd, but all the soldiers had serious expressions, sharp eyes, and no slack. The killing and depression of the war gradually spread to the crowd. The crowd also had to distance themselves a little bit.

At the end of the red carpet, a broken robot was lying on the ground, as if it had just been destroyed.

Audiences who have watched the trailer for "Edge of Tomorrow" can immediately recognize that this is the Alpha in the movie, a powerful alien; besides its corpse, there are piles of fragments of helicopters and tanks, in addition to A group of soldiers are waiting. The railings were not pulled up next to the model, and the curious audience walked directly in—the soldiers did not stop.

At this time, everyone suddenly became lively, and they all stepped forward to look at it, and even boldly, climbed up the model, got into Alpha's head, and curiously observed all the details.

This shows what? This shows that the model is a real gun, and a real Alpha was created with a lot of money according to the situation in the movie. It can stand the test.

This is the battlefield of the "edge of tomorrow", the real battlefield, a future doomsday scene, the scene after a **** battle. Therefore, the soldiers are always patrolling; therefore, the black tunnel is a space-time tunnel; therefore, the seemingly disorderly and chaotic premiere scene unexpectedly fits the theme.

Not only are the three black tunnels, but all the soldiers are extras, showing enough professionalism, and always maintaining the apocalyptic state in the background of the "Edge of Tomorrow" story, which also makes the atmosphere of the scene more realistic.

Warner Bros. truly moved the battlefield of the future to Hollywood Boulevard.

Everyone in Hollywood knows that Warner Bros. has made a lot of money. Warner Bros. has the most investment works of more than 150 million U.S. dollars every year; moreover, the small-cost comedy and small-cost horror works invested by Universal Pictures , Warner Bros. also invested, but the proportion is very small. Their marketing strategy is to get what you pay for, and to complete the market with super blockbuster films.

In the first decade of the 21st century, Warner Bros. has achieved brilliant success and deserves to be the No. 1 giant in Hollywood.

However, after entering the second ten years, after the two series of "Harry Potter" and "Batman Prequel" are over, in the face of the menacing Disney, after acquiring Marvel, Pixar and Lucasfilm, Disney has become a top boss who can compete with Warner. Next, the competition between these two companies is bound to become the main theme.

However, before today, Gavin only had a concept and never really felt it. until now.

This premiere will cost at least 20 million U.S. dollars or more. Gavin is just a layman, and he can't do it accurately based on his own experience; but he can be sure that Warner Bros. does not mean to be soft-handed—

Everyone thinks that "Edge of Tomorrow" is a work that has been underestimated, and the publicity weight is always inferior to "Batman's Prequel: The Dark Knight Rises"; and it has also crashed into the super schedule, almost no different from seeking death. It now appears that such an idea can be overturned.

Gavin stood on the red carpet, feeling a little at a loss. Such an experience was really rare. In desperation, he could only call a soldier, "Excuse me, where is the reporter's interview area?" He stepped on the battlefield and asked this question. Gavin thought he was a bit stupid.

"You can stay anywhere you want." The soldier replied stiffly, "However, when the soldiers are ready to go on the field, it is recommended that you leave the middle passage. If you are a reporter, there is a temporary refuge area in front of you where you can gather."

Obviously, this is a fully open premiere, and there is no barrier between the red carpet and the audience. Bold, this is really too bold. Although it is impossible to stop the enthusiastic audience by pulling up a barrier, at least it draws a boundary. Now, even this boundary is gone, truly interpreting the chaos of the end of the world to the extreme.

However, Gavin believes that if the audience really loses control, these soldiers must have the task of maintaining order. Nevertheless, the marketing strategy of Warner Bros. is still admirable.

Lifting his head, crossing the baffle in front of him, one can vaguely see the toothless inflatable model sitting on the top of the tall building at the end of the street. Inexplicably, Gavin felt full of joy.

"Hey, Gavin!" When we arrived at the reporter gathering area, the companions greeted one after another. This self-familiar person is Eli Wallach, a reporter for the Seattle Post, and also a blue gift. A loyal supporter of "I knew it, you must have come here."

Tonight, two premieres on Hollywood Boulevard will be unveiled at the same time, which means that every media, every reporter, and every actor must choose. Because it is impossible for them to appear on two occasions at the same time, they can only choose one ~ to talk about personal connections alone, and "Madagascar 3" has completely exploded "Edge of Tomorrow".

In the dubbing lineup, in addition to Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Humer (David-), Jessica Chastain and others, there is Will Smith’s wife Jada Ping Jada-Pinkett-Smith, coupled with the big names of DreamWorks, the red carpet is definitely not lacking in stars.

Although Frank Marshall, the producer of "Edge of Tomorrow", is a big player in the industry, he has a personal relationship with David Fincher, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese and others; but in the super schedule. Next, "Prometheus" and "Madagascar 3" are definitely stronger opponents.

It is conceivable that the premiere tonight will be extremely difficult for "Edge of Tomorrow".

Gavin chose "Edge of Tomorrow" and Eli also chose "Edge of Tomorrow."

Gavin chuckled lightly, "I have never considered other options. To be honest, I just passed by the next door, and their battle was very noisy, but..." The latter words did not continue, Gavin just stretched out. He lifted his right hand and shook it gently from left to right, clearly expressing what he meant: not very good.

Afterwards, Gavin raised his head, glanced around, and checked the attendance of his colleagues. To be sure, the top media will definitely attend both premieres. The question is, which premiere will the ace reporter go to?

"The New York Times" ace Bradley Adams, "Vanity Fair" ace Daisy Lucas, "Empire" ace Ned Mullan... Gavin showed a big smile with a single glance. , "God, all the things that should come are here; it seems...the things that shouldn't have come are also coming, what's the matter?"

Could it be that "Edge of Tomorrow" is going to crush "Madagascar 3"?