The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

~: Ask for leave

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Turn all the water flow into pure water system energy, and after the wave moves of water are scattered into the atmosphere, only the deserted streets and the Pokémon lying on the ground are left.

And just as the trainers came one after another to contain these lost wild Pokémon with special poke balls, a trainer in the water system gym suddenly looked up and saw the golden bird in the air.

"Yan Pengyu! Here, here."

"Seal water? You've come back too?"

Yan Pengyu fell to the ground and gave Feng Shui a high five in tacit understanding.

Hearing this, Feng Shui said with a smile: "You are the last one to come back. Tang Yu, I, Dongfang Feng and I didn't go to the Legendary Land. Instead, we exchanged the places in the Legendary Land for other resources."

Resources exchanged for places in the Legendary Land?

Yan Pengyu knew that such a thing would definitely happen. After all, even the habitat of legendary Pokémon was not suitable for all trainers.

Especially in this era when most trainers are mostly specialized in one attribute.

The most important thing is to give up the place of the legendary place to other people in the country, and to obtain more resources and support from the official.

Even, it can trade with other friendly countries in exchange for resources comparable to the legendary land.

"Then... would it be convenient for you to disclose it?"

Yan Pengyu was very curious about what kind of precious resources Feng Shui could get in exchange for the quota of the precious legendary land.

"It's not a secret. Half a year ago, the media all over the world were reporting that you have been isolated from the world in the 'Eternal Flame' so you don't know."

Feng Shui chuckled. In his opinion, the resources he got this time were not comparable to an uncertain legendary place.

"Oh? Then..."

"Instead of talking about it, how about a fight? Just let me see how much progress you have made this year."

Feng Shui interrupted Yan Pengyu's inquiry, with a confident smile on his face.

This surprised Yan Pengyu a little.

What is your level? From the beginning of the selection, he was even better. In the finals of the world competition, he showed a super match of the king level with mega evolution, and at the same time mastered legendary moves.

Just the strength of a year ago is enough to make the average trainer look up to his whole life.

In just one year, Feng Shui actually has the confidence to touch the realm of the king of heaven?

"Feng Shui, you are floating."

Yan Pengyu stared blankly, amazed at Feng Shui who suddenly stood up bravely.

"No, Yan Pengyu, times have changed."

Feng Shui stretched out a finger, shaking it slightly, with a mysterious look.

So the two directly found a spacious place on the broken street. Anyway, the surrounding area was almost destroyed, and even if the two of them fought, it would not have a worse effect.

After all, when the strength reaches a certain level, the energy can be controlled more precisely, and even if the attack fails, the force can be changed in time. Generally, the destructive power shown in the battle seems to be not as good as before.

"What? Yan Pengyu wants to fight Feng Shui?"

"That Yan Pengyu from the first round of the World Championship finals?"

"Has he finally returned home?"

"Seal the water, hit hard! Let him taste the taste of defeat!"

The last sentence was yelled by Zhang Chuanfang. Although he was not familiar with Feng Shui, he was happy to see someone challenging Yan Pengyu.

If he wins, seeing Yan Pengyu deflated will make him happy for a long time.

It doesn't matter if you don't win, who hasn't lost to me, Yan Pengyu?

Zhang Chuanfang wondered if he should take advantage of the opportunity to establish a "Yan Pengyu Victims Association" to gather the trainers who had been defeated by Yan Pengyu and find a way to defeat Yan Pengyu.

"That's all you have. Look at me, the opponent that Yan Pengyu defeated in the first official battle is not like you who worry about it all day long."

Zhao Chuan laughed mercilessly when he heard Zhang Chuanfang's idea.

"Hey young man, can you say that being the first to be defeated is as glorious as you say?"

Zhang Chuanfang also fought back not to be outdone.

If it was a year ago, when the World Championship had just ended, everyone would have supported Yan Pengyu to win.

After all, his performance in the World Championships was too eye-catching. Compared with Fengshui, who has played very few times, whether it is Gigamax or Mega evolution, the world is shocked.

But now, it's different.

Although there are a large number of people who think that Yan Pengyu will win, but many people think that Feng Shui is better.

Although Yan Pengyu didn't pay too much attention to it, she also felt a little curious.

In the minds of those people, is Feng Shui's strength comparable to that of a king-level Pokémon?

"Go, bog monster!"

"Biyou, the decision is up to you!"

Pulling away the distance, the two sides directly played their trump cards.

The giant marsh monster that sealed the water was several times bigger than it was a year ago. It was originally less than 1.6 meters tall and now it is close to 3 meters. Standing in front of Feng Shui, it was like a hill, and Feng Shui, who was 1.8 meters tall, looked a little short. ,

"Breakthrough the racial limit? No, although it is stronger than the general senior level, it is not yet at the level of the king level."

Yan Pengyu frowned slightly, even he had never seen this kind of Pokémon before.

Although both his Biduo and Steel Armored Crow are larger than their peers, that is only a fluctuation within the normal range, a symbol of fully developed and properly cultivated strength.

And not like the giant marsh monster in front of him, which is nearly twice the size of its peers, and even its strength exceeds the original limit of the race.

"This is one of the latest discoveries half a year ago, the overlord, or the boss Pokémon."

overlord? boss?

Having said that, Yan Pengyu immediately understood.

This is the game from the previous life, "Pokémon Sun/Moon", and the settings in "Pokémon Legend Arceus" that he traveled through before he played it.

But regardless of the boss, in the setting of "Pokémon Sun/Moon", although the Overlord Pokémon is huge in size, it should have no other special abilities except for calling companions.

Unlike the Mega move, which comprehensively increases the racial value.

However, looking at the appearance of the giant marsh monster, if there is a quantified "racial value", it should still be slightly improved, but it is still at the senior level, and it does not really break through the racial limit.

"That's all, but you can't beat me."

Yan Pengyu put his hands in his pockets, with a calm expression.

What was unexpected was Feng Shui, who was still full of confidence.

"Of course, this is just one of my gains. I repeat, times have changed!"

When Feng Shui said these words firmly, a drop of clear rainwater fell to the ground.

It's raining.

It's not because of Pokémon's characteristics or moves, but because too much water energy was scattered into the air before, and the air humidity was too high.

"It's actually raining. I didn't expect luck to be on my side."

"Although the power of water-type moves increases in rainy days, it is not enough to cross the gap between the king level and the senior level."

"What I'm looking for is not the enhanced power. Let you experience it, the power of the giant marsh monster with the characteristic of free-swimming!"

Freedom of movement?

Yan Pengyu froze for a moment, he remembered that the hidden characteristic of the giant marsh monster was "moisture"?

Could it be that......

"Times have changed, one year has passed, Mega evolution is no longer your monopoly!"

Feng Shui raised his wrist, and there was a colorful gem inlaid on the blue wristband.

"Sacred water drops falling into the earth, show your strength, Mega evolve! Super giant marsh monster!"

The colorful light covered the body of the giant marsh monster, and then it became even bigger.

It was suspected that he had mastered the aura of the overlord and had a body shape far exceeding that of ordinary giant marsh monsters. Today's super giant marsh monsters are as tall as a two-story building. The thick upper body and arms are full of strength, and the spikes on both sides of the cheeks have become It is harder and longer, and the fins on the head have changed from two to three, extending to the back and connecting with the tail fin.

However, after super-evolving, the powerful muscles did not affect its movement speed at all. On the contrary, due to the enhanced strength of its legs, it exploded faster than the body of the general giant marsh monster that was several times heavier.

"Oh, have you also found the path to the Heavenly King level? Then relying on Mega evolution to break through the Heavenly King level."

Yan Pengyu was a little surprised, the general senior-level Pokémon is not enough to break through to the king-level even if it Mega evolves.

Only Pokémon who already have a certain understanding of the path of the king class, like his Bibi, can do this.

And sealing water did it.

Although I don't know how long its giant marsh monster will be groping on the threshold of the king, but it can be as short as a year, and as long as five years, Fengshui will also have a Pokémon that is normally a king.

"Then try it, Bibi, use the air blade!"

A wind blade suddenly shot out and shot towards the huge super giant marsh monster.

If it was a year ago, seeing this heavenly king-level wind blade... no, the giant marsh monster a year ago would never have been able to react, and would have fallen down before seeing it.

"For the first time, I feel that your bixie's actions are so slow."

Feng Shui felt his heart beating non-stop, as if it was about to pop out of his throat.

After Mega evolved, part of his senses with the super giant marsh monster were also synchronized, so he could see the wind blade clearly.

It's too slow, it's the first time I feel that this kind of supersonic attack is so slow.

The super bog monster raised its fist, and the rain soaked its skin. Gently waved, the sound barrier is so insignificant.


A gigantic giant beast can actually explode at a speed no less than that of a heavenly king.

This scene alone is enough to shock and suffocate all the trainers watching the battle.

"Don't forget, hegemony is just one of my gains. But this Mega evolution is not my gain. It was just given to me by the owner when he just discovered a giant bog monster's Mega."

"The Vegetable Skeleton's Land Reclamation"

Feng Shui suddenly became serious, staring seriously at Yan Pengyu's face in the shadow of the cloak.

"Be careful, use your cyclone attack quickly, otherwise you will never be able to take the next move!"


Yan Pengyu felt that things became more interesting, could the super giant marsh monster become stronger?

As soon as the words fell, Feng Shui suddenly made a set of movements full of power.

The trainers around were not surprised by the sudden awkward dance, but all showed excited expressions.

"Overlord's breath, plus this set of movements...Could it be...Biyou, use the cyclone attack!"

"Super Giant Swamp Monster! Super Water Flow Maelstrom!"

The silver storm snake and the huge blue vortex collided, tore, and intertwined in the air.

The roaring sound was endless, and I don't know how long it took, as if time paused for a moment, and the storm and vortex stagnated in the air.

This moment is as short as an illusion, but everyone can see it clearly.

Afterwards, the long snake of the storm merged with the vortex, and a waterspout with a thickness of ten meters soared into the sky, shooting straight into the sky.


Then in the high sky, there was a thunderous muffled sound, which exploded towards the surroundings.

The air waves and water mist dispersed the clouds over the entire city of Hangzhou, reflecting colorful colors under the rays of the setting sun.

Pedestrians raised their heads one after another, marveling at this beautiful scenery—even in this era when Pokémon often made some strange scenes, this is a rare spectacle.

"Is it a tie..."

Feng Shui's face darkened slightly, Yan Pengyu's strength was stronger than he expected.

Unexpectedly, the overlord's aura plus Mega evolution and the Z move that caused a sensation in the world half a year ago, he brought out from an island, would not be able to win.

Super than wither, really powerful!

Hmm... something seems wrong?

"It seems that you have noticed that Biyu has not Mega evolved from the beginning to the end."

Yan Pengyu smiled slightly and put down the hood of his cloak. His gray hair and handsome face were revealed.


"It really surprised me, Feng Shui. I didn't expect to be able to do this in a year, so I should be a little more serious."

Yan Pengyu chuckled, and his body also began to emit colorful light, connecting with Bi Qiao.

"The gathered prayers will become a new shining star, let's turn it into a shining road! Mega evolution! Fly, super rival!"

After a lapse of one year, Super Bi'er's figure once again appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It's just that compared to the last time, there is no leap from the senior level to the king level.

However, there is also a gap between the heavenly kings.

It is a super giant marsh monster that is at the level of a king in itself and then Mega evolved.

"Use Storm!"

No need for legendary moves, UU Reading www. is just a storm move that most flight trainers are very familiar with.

However, Yan Pengyu's hands showed a completely different scene from other flight trainers.

The two-story super giant marsh monster, as tall as a hill, was powerless to fight back. The strength and speed of the whole body had no room to play. It could only be swept into the air and let the wind tear it.

When he landed on the ground, he was already dizzy, completely unable to control the energy in his whole body, unable to exert any strength, and retreated to the most basic form.

"Feng Shui, the times have changed back!"

Yan Pengyu pointed at his eyebrows, then pointed at Feng Shui.

"Win! What a fun match!"