The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1044: Slay the evil

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The cyan glow was chopped down in midair, and the "Magic Shuanghuan" was the first to bear the brunt, but it was swept away by the cyan light, and it immediately collapsed into countless pieces, and then the Nine Dragons Golden Shield also disappeared in the green glow, turning into a faint dust.


Du Meng was so frightened that his soul was not possessed, and he only had time to murmur. Before he could say anything, he was cut in half by this Qingxia...........

"Second brother, third brother!"

Chu Xuanfeng exclaimed.

He couldn't think of it. Not long ago, the three of them were celebrating the success of the "six-finger remains", but in a blink of an eye, the two righteous brothers were already dead on the spot...........

"What is this!"

Seeing the green clouds flying out of the corpse of the third brother Du Meng, Chu Xuanfeng was so scared that his hairs stood upright, and his whole body turned into a black wind, rushing into the air and fleeing.

When he opened the box just now, he was the furthest away, so he was the only one who survived.

Only after retreating a distance of several hundred feet did Chu Xuanfeng look at it with concentration, and saw that among the cyan glow, it was actually a dripping pill!

Danmaru was blue in color, about the size of a stone, and trembling lightly in the air. I don't know if it was his illusion. This thing looked like it was alive, and it seemed to be cheering and celebrating his reappointment.

Chu Xuanfeng watched intently for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and cried out:

"Sword Maru!"

As soon as his words fell, the strange rock in the iron box suddenly cracked, and a figure jumped out of the rubble.

This man was tall and in a gray long gown. After coming out, he stretched his muscles and bones in mid-air very casually, with a long-lost smile on his face.

"You..... Who are you?"

Chu Xuanfeng asked carefully across the distance.

He had already released his divine sense, and discovered that the man in gray clothes who had just appeared had only the cultivation base of the middle Golden Core Realm!

But it was such a cultivator in the middle of the golden core that he did not dare to despise the slightest, and there was even some tremor in his voice, even he himself could hear it.

This is an uncontrollable fear in my heart. After all, just a few breaths ago, his two righteous brothers were still alive and well, but in just a blink of an eye, both of them had fallen to the ground!

"who am I?"

The gray-clothed man smiled lightly, then shook his head and said, "The dead don't need to know much!"

As soon as his words fell, the blue pill on the top of his head shot out, drawing a long rainbow in mid-air, straight to the location where Chu Xuanfeng was.

At any rate, Chu Xuanfeng was also a monk who broke the profound entrance and achieved the position of true monarch. At this moment, he saw the blue sword pill galloping forward, and his reaction was not slow.

And as his spiritual power urged, countless grimacing faces rushed out of the weeping stick, like a hungry ghost from hell, and rushed towards Qingxia in the air.

Although the opponent only had the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm, the scene of killing Du Meng and Wei Jun with a single sword just now is still vivid. Chu Xuanfeng did not hesitate, and directly spent hundreds of years imprisoned in the crying stick. The soul is released, the purpose is to fight the opponent.

These lone souls and wild ghosts who were tortured by Chu Xuanfeng were filled with boundless hostility. When they were refined by Chu Xuanfeng using secret methods, they had long lost their self-consciousness and became his tools for murder.

The mighty army of evil spirits rushed straight to the sky, and the black air was permeated, covering the sky and the sun, and a rancid smell spread for dozens of miles.

At this moment, a cyan glow appeared from the group of evil spirits in the dark and crushing mid-air.

This glow is like a green lotus in the turbulent world. Even though the surroundings are dense with ghosts and filth, it can't affect this ray of glow.

Immediately afterwards, this ray of green clouds cut through the dark sky!

There was a series of screams in the air, but the evil spirits were swept away by the sword air in the green clouds, and they disappeared in a flash and disappeared without a trace.

The green clouds quickly swept away the evil spirits in the air, and then fell from the sky and landed on Chu Xuanfeng's head.

Chu Xuanfeng's face at this time was as gray as death. You must know the evil spirits in the air, but the soul of the enemy he killed for hundreds of years was imprisoned in the crying stick as his biggest trump card.

But now these evil spirits are all released, but they can't stop the opponent's light sword!

"Run away!"

This is the only thought in Chu Xuanfeng's mind now.

Seeing that his magical powers were destroyed by the opponent, this person didn't hesitate to turn around and ran away.

However, even though his decision was quick, there was nowhere to be faster than the little green pill in the air.

Chu Xuanfeng's escape light had just run more than two hundred feet before he was overtaken by a green cloud behind him. This green cloud was so fast that it just circled lightly on his neck.

At the next moment, the person's nine-foot body still rushed forward, but the rough-faced head rolled down..........


At this time, a scream came from his mouth, but this scream had become the swan song of this true monarch Tongxuan.

The gray-clothed man had a single sword, and he killed all the infamous "Kunshan Three Sages" in an instant. At this time, he didn't take back the cyan sword pill. Instead, he stood with his hand holding his hand, and said with a smile:

"The two have been watching the drama for so long, so it's time to come out!"

He said this without beginning and ending. After the voice fell to the ground, there was no movement around him, and he still looked quiet.

The gray-clothed man waited for a while, a sardonic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, then he turned his head and looked at somewhere in the dense forest.

brush! brush!

Following the man's gaze, two figures flew out of the dense forest. One of them went east and the other went west, galloping in opposite directions.

The two people who escaped from the dense forest were the blissful boy and the poisonous lady who had besieged Song Ru on the top of Lianyun Mountain!

However, he said that Xuan Ye Lao Dao was eager for quick success and quick gain, and followed the "Kunshan Three Sages" with the help of one-handed tracking magical powers, but he did not know that his whereabouts had long been grasped by others.

It turned out that Poison Lady had secretly made some hands and feet in the other party's body when she had a good time with Xuan Ye Lao Dao. She was called "Poison Lady", and this method of poisoning was naturally very clever. Although Xuan Ye Lao Dao's cultivation is not weak, he was greedy for friendship, and he didn't notice it for a while.

The Poison Lady relied on the sliver of residual poison she had left in the opponent's body, and quickly traced the traces of Xuan Ye Lao Dao.

She is a meticulous person, not as reckless as Xuanye. Considering the strength of the "Kunshan Three Sages", this woman did not mean to swallow treasures alone, but invited the boy of Bliss to come and help.

The two followed Xuan Ye all the way to here, but they didn't expect that Xuan Ye was ambushed by the "Kunshan Three Sages". Before they could come to help, they were already dead.

Although Xuan Ye died, the poisonous lady didn't have any waves in her heart. Instead, she discussed secretly with the bliss boy and decided to hide in the dense forest as well.

After the "Kunshan Three Sages" opened the iron box and took out the "six-finger remains", they used thunder to carry out a sneak attack and snatched the "six-finger remains" from the opponent's hand.

This abacus was originally played extremely well, but who would have expected that when the "Kunshan Three Sages" opened the iron box, they found that there was no "six-finger bones" inside, and some were just a strange stone!

Next, the Boy of Bliss and the Poison Lady saw the most terrifying scene in their lives.

A small green pill that flew out of that strange rock killed Du Meng and Wei Jun in an instant!

The boss Chu Xuanfeng remained, and the thousands of evil spirits in his weeping stick did not actually resist the slightest sword of the opponent.

From Du Meng opening the box to Chu Xuanfeng's head falling to the ground, the whole process was no more than half a cup of tea. The "Kunshan Three Sages" who were once infamous and caused headaches for some large and small sects, just died like this....

Seeing this man's power, the Poison Lady and the Bliss Boy were so frightened that they were so scared that they would dare to show their heads?

Although the opponent was only a cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Core, the two cultivators in the Profound Realm had to desperately suppress their aura, trying to hide in the dense forest to escape the disaster.

However, after beheading the "Kunshan Three Sages", the gray-clothed man turned his gaze and looked at the hiding place of the two of them.

The Poison Lady and the Boy of Bliss, who knew that they had been exposed, did not hesitate at the moment, and directly urged the escape speed to the extreme, one to the east and the other to the west, hoping that whoever had better luck could escape from this evil star. Life!

Seeing these two escape lights flying in completely opposite directions, the gray-clothed man just smiled, and then pinched the sword art in his hand. The cyan sword pill flew through the air, and came to the back of the Bliss boy's head in an instant, and slashed at him with a sword.

The boy of bliss was running for his life at full speed, and suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him, he suddenly felt in his heart, and said in shock:

"Damn, how come this evil star chose me!"

At this moment, he didn't have time to think about it. He only used the spiritual power in his body, and a black flag appeared in his hand.

The boy of bliss held the flag and waved it violently in the air, and suddenly a fierce demon energy spewed out, transforming into a huge magic hand in the air, and rushing towards the cyan glow.

He used his lifelong skill to urge the magic flag in his hand. This move has no reservations, just to hold Qingxia for a moment, so as to give himself a chance to escape.

However, that rosy glow is vast and merciless, even if the billowing demon cloud roars, it can't stop it even for a moment.


The green clouds broke through the sky, the magic cloud dissipated, and only a cyan pill the size of a pebble shot out. Numerous sword auras swirled around the pill, like a spatial vortex condensed by sword aura, and the horror contained in it. The sword intent directly caused the boy of Bliss to cool all over, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Do not!"

The boy of Bliss had only time to let out an unwilling roar. The next moment, his childlike body was cut into countless pieces by this green pill, and a large amount of blood was spilled from the air, as if a rain of blood... ....

The man in grey slayed the Boy of Bliss with a single sword, and he was not idle, he fled all over, and chased in the direction of the poisonous lady's escape.

The cyan sword pill also came out from the rain of blood, turned around in mid-air, and followed the man in gray.

"Who are you? We have no grievances and no grudges, so why bother to kill them!"

The poisonous lady urged her to escape quickly, begging for mercy loudly.

However, the gray-clothed man was expressionless, and the speed of his escape speed increased a bit. It seemed that he would never let this woman go.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Seeing the grey-clothed man chasing closer and closer, the poisonous lady suddenly turned her head and shouted fiercely: "If you don't give the old lady a way to survive, I won't let you get better!"

While she was talking, the poisonous power in her body was rapidly circling, the jade arms like lotus roots suddenly turned into a terrible green color, and green spots appeared on the charming cheeks, which looked extremely permeable.

The gray-clothed man had already chased from behind, and after seeing the change in Poison Lady's appearance, he couldn't help but let out a faint sigh, with a hint of curiosity on his face.

Before he could move, the poisonous lady took a deep breath, and then opened her mouth to spit out, a green poisonous cloud spurted out of her mouth, enclosing the man in gray and herself in an instant. Inside.

At the same time, the Poison Lady's face was rapidly aging, and most of the vitality in her body disappeared, but the two arms seemed to have their own lives, dragging the Poison Lady's body and flying towards the gray-clothed man.

Her move is called "Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Hand"!

The person who makes the move needs to consume most of his lifespan and vitality, and put all the poisonous skills of his life practice into his hands. This pair of palms can destroy the enemy's magical powers, and even contaminate the opponent's natural magic weapon, which can be called nothing. Indestructible.

The poisonous lady first sealed the retreat of the other party and herself with a poisonous cloud, and then resorted to the "Ten Thousand Poisoned Demon Hand", at the expense of her own life and vitality, she basically embraced the idea of ​​dying together.

After burning vitality, her speed was surprisingly fast, and she arrived in front of the gray-clothed man in an instant, and her two poisonous hands slammed forward and went straight to the other's chest.

Originally, she thought that the other party would definitely have some life-saving magical powers, and she had even planned to fight to death.

Unexpectedly, however, the man in gray did not use any magical magical powers to defend, but let her pair of poisonous hands slap on his chest.

The tens of thousands of strange poisons that the Poison Lady had acquired over the millennia of cultivation were shot into the gray-clothed man’s chest, and a burst of blue smoke rose from there, and the flesh and blood on her chest became rotten and scorched, and sunken like withered grass. !

"I got it?"

The Poison Lady stared for a moment, and she seemed to be a little bit unbelievable. After all, this one in front of her, but the cruel man who killed four cultivators of the Profound Realm with his fingers, was now beaten to death by her own poisonous skill. ?

Before she could even think about it, the gray-clothed man who was standing still, suddenly stretched out a hand, and UU Reading snapped on his wrist.

"You.........You are not dead yet?!"

The poisonous lady was so scared that her hairs stood upright, and she hurriedly tried to pull her arm out and escape from the person. However, the palm of the other party was like iron tongs, and she was firmly locked in place.

At the same time, the rotted and scorched flesh and blood in the chest was also returning to life at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few short breaths, the collapsed front chest has completely recovered, and there is no trace of poisoning!


Poison Lady looked stupid at this time, her eyes filled with blankness.

She has cultivated for nearly a thousand years, and what she relies on most is this poisonous skill. Not long ago, those tens of thousands of strange poisons were actually penetrated into the body of the gray-clothed man.

But in just a few breaths, the other party has recovered to the same level as before, and it seems that it hasn't been affected at all!

The decadent poisonous lady suddenly remembered something, she fought a cold war all over her body, and then looked at the gray-clothed man on the opposite side, her eyes were full of horror.

"This is..........."

"Hunyuan is immortal?!"

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