The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1063: Thief in the backyard


Ji Lai gave a light sigh, and looked far away towards the white light. A figure could be vaguely seen, fleeing away from the mountain with a magic weapon.

At the same time, there was a stern shout from inside the "Nearby Mountain Residence":

"Bold demon girl! How dare you steal my head, I want you to die!"

This voice was cold and quiet, and the owner of the voice was no stranger to it. It was Mu Hanxue who was drinking tea with herself in the bamboo pavilion during the day.

As this sound came out, in a loft of the "Near Mountain Residence", a blue ray of light soared into the sky, cutting through the black night sky, and chasing after the previous white ray of light.

This time, it was clear that the monk who was chased out was "Bingshan Snow Lotus" Mu Hanxue!

"What's the matter? Has her house been robbed?"

Ji Lai murmured in some doubts, and at the same time turned his head to look at Liang Yan who was calm and steady beside him, feeling a little weird.

"Liang Yan, did you learn the magical powers of my master, so you can't tell the prophet? Otherwise, how do you know that her Dong Mansion will be thief at night?"

Liang Yan was sitting cross-legged on a rock like him at this time. He only smiled when he heard that, and didn't intend to explain anything.

Knowing that he could not ask anything, Ji Lai shook the folding fan and said, "During the selection and assessment, it is not a teammate but an opponent. Since Mu Hanxue has refused our team invitation, he is already an opponent. Now. The so-called knowing ourselves and knowing the enemy is not endangered, why don't we follow up and see, and see what secret she has?"

"Not urgent!"

Liang Yan didn't intend to act immediately. He just swept his gaze downwards, and said indifferently: "We have to wait for another person."

"Is there anyone else?"

Ji Lai was stunned for a moment, and looked at the "neighboring mountain residence" below. After a while, he saw a dark cloud slowly drifting out of a certain roof, also chasing in the direction where the two previous people had left.

"Brother Liang, high!"

Ji came here to admire him from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't figure out how he thought about it, why Liang Yan knew everything that happened in this "neighboring mountain residence".

Naturally, Liang Yan wouldn't say much about this. After all, the "Secret of Soul Dividing Technique" was weird and peculiar, and now it was considered one of his own cards, and it would never be possible to tell others easily.

When he didn't pay attention, he hid his hands in his sleeves and quietly played a magic trick, and he secretly took back the split soul that had been split before.

"Well, since Brother Ji wants to watch the excitement, let's follow along and take a look. Be careful to hide your breath on the way, don't let them discover it!"

Liang Yan left these words, and raised his hand to pinch the magic tactics. The "Fate Wood Dao" spell and Tianji Zhu were activated at the same time, and the whole person's breath instantly disappeared, as if there was no existence at all.

Upon seeing this, Ji Lai also took out a yellow talisman from his sleeve and stuck it on his chest. The breath of the whole body also dissipated, like a wisp of blue smoke, lightly blending into the night.

Both of them used some methods to hide their aura. At this moment, they looked at each other and both nodded slightly.

"Let's go."

Liang Yan snorted, and the two of them pinched the Jue at the same time, and chased them in the direction where the Bai Hong had walked before...........


After the half stick of incense, Wushuang City was surrounded by dense forests.

Two escape lights, one in front and one behind, came from far and near, breaking through the sky in the dark.

The escape light flying in front appeared white, and the figure in the escape light seemed a little anxious.

However, every once in a while, there will be a cold air force behind him. After being swept by this cold air, the white escape light not only can not accelerate, but also continues to reduce its speed. At this time, it flies slowly and slowly, and it is likely to be caught up by the escape light behind him. the trend of.

After a few more breaths in this way, the white light flying in front suddenly stopped, and slowly dissipated with the white light, revealing the figure inside.

I saw a young woman wearing a dragon and tiger robes. She was not tall or short. Although her cheeks were somewhat rounded, she was not fat. On her pretty face, she had **** and white eyes, and there were dots on the center of her eyebrows. A touch of blush.

Although this woman is not tall, she is tall and straight, with a sheathed long knife on her back, almost the same height as her.


The woman in the dragon and tiger robes apparently knew that she could not escape, and decided to turn her head back to fight to the death. At this time, she gave a cold snort and didn't say much. She drew her long knife backhand and faced the blue light that was chasing after her. One cut.


In the middle of the air, the light of the knife was as hoarfrost, drawing an arc-shaped trajectory, like a huge white crescent, heading straight to the figure in the blue light.

"Wonder girl, know you can't run anymore?"

The figure in the blue light sneered. At this time, the brilliance dissipated, revealing a frosty tall female nun, Mu Hanxue, who is also known as the "ice mountain and snow lotus"!

Facing the white crescent knife energy from the sharp cut, Mu Hanxue didn't panic at all, flipped the palm of her right hand, and as the exercises turned, immediately a icy air enveloped all directions.

The white crescent was originally extremely fast, drawing out afterimages in mid-air, but after flying out not far, it was enveloped by this icy air, and the speed became slower and slower. In the end, it was almost normal in the world. Throwing knives are almost the same.

When Mu Hanxue saw this, she sneered again, her right hand spread out with five fingers hooked, and she grabbed it towards the emptiness.

As she grabbed this claw, the air near the white crescent instantly condensed hoarfrost, making a "crack" sound, completely freezing the white crescent in place.

Looking from a distance at this time, it was like a huge ice cube floating in the air, and what was sealed in the ice cube was the sword energy that the woman in the Taoist suit had cut off just now!

"Wonder, you just want to fight with me at this point?"

There was a sardonic smile on Mu Hanxue's mouth. She was in mid-air, with graceful appearance and fluttering clothes, still like an iceberg fairy, except that the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were filled with a tinge of fierceness. See very different.

"Huh, who is the demon girl?"

The woman wearing a dragon and tiger robes pricked her eyebrows and her face was full of anger.

"You lied and seduce my sixth brother with beauty, not only stole the things he escorted, but also asked him to carry the black pot. Now the sixth brother has been imprisoned by the Chamber of Commerce Reward and Punishment Hall, but you are flying away with your things, say the vicious demon girl, It should be yours!"

"Hehe, who am I? So you are that idiot's junior sister!"

Mu Hanxue in mid-air showed a look of enlightenment, and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect that idiot is dull and dull, but the younger sister is a little handsome in life. You are a monk in the middle of the golden core, but you are willing to pretend to be a maidservant in the foundation-building period. Condescending to mix into my'neighboring mountain residence', and driving me as a maid for nearly a hundred days, it's also difficult for you."

The corner of Mu Hanxue's mouth showed a hint of teasing, and she looked up and down at the woman in the Taoist robe, and then she said: "The reason you chose to do it today is because someone came to visit during the day and it distracted me, right? It's indeed a good strategy, but it's a pity... you are not strong enough to escape my palms, so you should return the things obediently. Maybe I am in a good mood and I can give you a way out!"

"Don't think about it!"

The woman in the Taoist robe did not hesitate, and directly refused: "You are different from the outside, and there is no truth in your mouth. This thing belongs to the Scenting Chamber of Commerce, how would I return it to you?"

"Huh! It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine. If that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Mu Hanxue snorted coldly, the exercises in her body moved, and her palms slammed forward.

I saw a white and icy air emanating from his palm, covering a few miles in an instant, enclosing the position of the woman in the Taoist suit.

"so cold!"

Far away from Mu Hanxue and the woman in the Taoist robe, two figures who had hidden their tracks stopped at the same time. One of them was in a white robe. At this time, he raised his hand and hit a magic trick to dissipate the cold around him, before slowly speaking. road:

"This is the "Xuanbing Sky Silkworm Art" practiced by Mu Hanxue! It is said that when she traveled in her early years, she encountered a silkworm demon somewhere in an icy and snowy secret. The silkworm demon was seriously injured for some reason and wanted to seize Shemu. Hanxue’s physical body was eventually killed by him because of his severe injuries. After Mu Hanxue swallowed the consciousness of the ice silkworm demon, she got a blessing in disguise, and from it she realized a cultivation technique, which is the "Xuanbing Sky Silkworm Art." "

Those who speak, naturally follow the plan all the way to this point.

There is also a talisman on his chest, hiding his figure in the shadow of the dense forest, without any breath leaking out.

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded lightly, but instead of looking at Mu Hanxue, he fell on her opponent, the woman wearing a dragon and tiger robe.

This woman is no stranger to him, and she has even faced each other side by side before. She is the disciple of Nanchui Wenxiangzong, and at the same time Li Xiaosong's uncle.

"Li Xiran!"

Liang Yan muttered to himself: "How did this reckless man come to this Antarctic Xianzhou............"

Seeing his expression, Ji Lai couldn't help but sighed, and asked curiously: "What? Brother Liang knew that female sister?"

"Yes, it's old knowledge from before."

Liang Yan looked at the two women in the fight, and whispered in a low voice: "She should be a monk from a small sect in Nanchui. I have not seen her for a hundred years, and I didn't expect to meet in such a place. "

In fact, Liang Yan had already seen Li Xiran as early as the day when he entered the "Nearby Mountain Residence".

It's just that Li Xiran didn't know what spell he used to disguise himself as a maidservant in the early days of foundation building.

Liang Yan knew this woman's talent for cultivation. Even if she didn't have any cultivation resources in the past 100 years, she could only rely on a Lingquan Dongfu to retreat.

What's more, she is still the little uncle of Smelling Fragrance Sect, with a very high status in the Fragrance Scenting Chamber of Commerce, and some cultivation resources will definitely not miss her.

So Liang Yan woke up at that time, Li Xiran, this woman must have some magic weapon or supernatural power to hide her cultivation, and she can hide it from herself, and she must have some plot to sneak into the "neighboring mountain residence".

Liang Yan is not familiar with Mu Hanxue at all, and he has some friendship with Li Xiran. With his character, he will naturally not expose Li Xiran, but he is somewhat curious about the woman's actions.

So he secretly separated a wisp of soul, attached it to Shiratori, and observed Li Xiran's actions in secret.

When he and Ji came to visit Mu Hanxue during the day, the reason why they didn't say a word in the pavilion was actually because they spent most of their attention on monitoring Li Xiran.

When he saw this woman sneak into a certain attic and began to break the barriers inside, he instantly understood that this woman was here to be a thief!

Later, Ji Lai talked to Mu Hanxue and didn't form an alliance as expected. Naturally, Liang Yan would not expose Li Xiran's affairs.

It's just that in his impression, Li Xiran has always been upright and upright, like this kind of thing that comes to be a thief, she is familiar with it, but she definitely does not seem to do it.

Therefore, after Liang Yan walked out of the "neighboring mountain residence", he did not rush to leave, but tried to hide it, wanting to see what the purpose of this woman was.

It wasn't until just now that Liang Yan followed up, eavesdropping on some conversations between the two women, and then faintly guessed the ins and outs of the matter.

"It seems that this Mu Hanxue'Fairy Mu' is not as icy and clean as you think! Listening to what Li Xiran said just now, this Fairy Mu has tempted others with beauty, and then seized some treasure for herself. "Liang Yan said jokingly.

Ji Lai shrugged, and said indifferently: "Whoever she is, it has nothing to do with us anyway."


Liang Yan nodded lightly and looked up again, only to see that the fighting method in mid-air had become white-hot.

At this time, Mu Hanxue was full of icy chills, cold white frost swept all around, sealing Li Xiran in the middle, no matter how her swords were going back and forth, she could not smash Mu Hanxue's ice cage.

After the two played against each other, Li Xiran could be said to have been completely defeated by each other. At this time, she couldn't even exert her supernatural powers, and it was only a matter of time before Mu Hanxue was killed.

"She is your acquaintance, do you want to go up and help?" Ji Lai asked in a voice transmission at this time.

"not busy."

Liang Yan responded and looked towards the other side of the dense forest, only to see a black cloud lurking there, seeming to be observing secretly.

After pondering for a while, Liang Yan spoke again: "As far as I know, this Li Xiran is definitely not a pure sword repair. She still has the magical powers of the town scene and has not used her. Let's check her strength first~www.mtlnovel. com~ alright."

Ji Lai nodded, and said nothing more.

In the midair at this time, Mu Hanxue's aura was soaring. As soon as she pinched the magic art in her hand, the seven groups of frost energy gradually condensed, and finally turned into seven swords of ice, and she was pointed at by her bare hand, all towards Li Xiran Shoot it where you are.

Li Xiran was trapped in the ice cage. Seeing these seven sharp swords flying out, the expression in his eyes suddenly condensed, as if he had made up his mind.

I saw her look serious, stepping on her feet, pinching Dao Jue in her left hand and holding a long sword in her right hand, and even more chanting words in her mouth:

The clouds and seals are too empty, the road leads to the world,

Dragon and tiger supernatural power, protect my Taoism,

Mysterious hole makes me natural


Nether evil dragon, Taiqing Xuanhu! Hurry up!