The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1115: Praying Valley

The news that Liang Yan had a problem with his cultivation quickly spread. After Li Xiran, Ji Lai and others found out, they were a little worried. These people visited his cave many times, but they were all turned away. Didn't even see each other once.

Not long after that, Ning Xia and Lin Yueque also sent people to visit, but the result was the same as what happened to Li Xiran and others, the gate of the cave was never opened, and these people had no choice but to go back and report.

And since he retreated, the disputes in Wushuang Domain have intensified, and Bihai Palace's actions have become more and more frequent, but no matter how things develop, Liang Yan always stays behind closed doors, as if all this has nothing to do with him.

As the lord of the first palace, Lin Yueque was somewhat dissatisfied with him, but because of Ning Xia's face, she couldn't be too harsh, so in the end she could only let it go.

Spring goes and autumn comes, and two years pass in a blink of an eye.

The sky was clear that day, and in a valley not far from Wushuang City, a colorful cloud fell from the sky.

There are two men standing on the colorful cloud, one of them is tall and thin, with a wide mouth, a high nose, and a felt hat on his head. He looks like an old master in the world, which is very funny.

The other person was very handsome, holding a folding fan and wearing white clothes fluttering, looking very elegant.

These two people rode the same colorful cloud, and they were extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already arrived at the entrance of the valley.

"Yun Guzi, Dan Xiasheng, you two came too late!"

A rough voice sounded from the position of Taniguchi. The person who spoke was a strong man with a height of nine feet and broad shoulders.

There were seven or eight monks beside him, and they were sitting or standing at this moment, and from their expressions, they were already a little impatient.

"Sorry! Sorry! The two of us brothers and sisters were temporarily delayed on the road, and I kept you fellow Taoists waiting for a long time."

The monk in the felt hat was full of apology, and while cupping his fists in apology, he jumped down from the colorful clouds.

But the handsome man behind him had a cold expression, and he played out a magic formula self-consciously, and the colorful cloud under his feet immediately turned into a ring, which was received on his wrist.


Regarding the completely different attitudes of the two, the rough man just snorted coldly and didn't pursue it further.

In fact, he knew that these two people had extremely high levels of cultivation, they had already reached the peak of the Juyuan Realm, and they were only one step away from achieving the Golden Core. If there were any conflicts, he might not be their opponent.

"Forget it, it's not too late for the two of you. That nine-tailed golden-haired **** was slapped by Feng Daoyou. It won't heal within half a year. Now it's hiding in the valley. Let's go in and kill this beast together." , and then divide its spirit tail equally." At the entrance of the valley, a woman in red made amends.

These people are all casual cultivators nearby, and the leading rugged man is named Tie Muyang, whose cultivation base is at the peak of Yuan Gathering Realm, and he is only one step away from forming a golden elixir.

Not long ago, he found an injured nine-tailed golden retriever nearby. This spirit beast is full of treasures, especially the nine tails are excellent materials for refining magic weapons, so he became greedy and invited a few casual cultivators to come. Come to help out, want to take down this spirit beast in one fell swoop.

But although the nine-tailed golden retriever was injured, he still had the strength of the early stage of Jindan. After several fights, instead of being captured, he wounded one of the monks, and finally fled into the valley of Qiling Mountain in front of him.

Tie Muyang and the others knew that this spirit beast was good at escaping, so they were not in a hurry to chase after it, but guarded at the entrance of the valley, and sent people to invite disciples from Qixia Palace to help out.

The two people who came here just now, the one wearing a felt hat is called Yun Guzi, and the handsome one is called Danxiasheng, both are disciples of Qixia Palace.

On Dan Xiasheng's wrist, the ring transformed from colorful clouds is the magic weapon for the nine-tailed golden hair escape technique.

Both of them are monks with orthodox inheritance. Although their realms are similar, they still look down on casual cultivators like Tie Muyang from the bottom of their hearts. It's just that Yun Guzi is exquisite and won't show it directly. There is nothing good to look at.

The female cultivator in red is Tie Muyang's good friend, she stood up to smooth things over, and Tie Muyang was naturally happy to take the opportunity to get off the donkey, nodded slightly and said: "Two fellow Taoists, it's not that I, Tie Muyang, are harsh, I'm worried that it will take too long, and if that beast runs away, won't everyone be working in vain?"

After hearing this, Yun Guzi chuckled and said, "What you said is true, let's not delay, let's go in and lower this nine-tailed golden retriever!"

As soon as he said this, everyone had no objection, only Dan Xiasheng frowned, and said: "If I remember correctly, today should be the day when the Nine Great Sects and Wushuangcheng are discussing Daoism in Cangnan Mountain. It's not far from Cangnan Mountain, if we rush in rashly, will we offend other people's taboos?"

"Junior brother, you worry too much."

Yun Guzi waved his hands nonchalantly and said, "The Nine Great Sects fight with the gods of Wushuang City, how can they have the time to take care of us little people? What's more, it is still 800 miles away from Cangnan Mountain. Let's fight quickly and capture Get off that nine-tailed golden retriever and go, it shouldn't cause any trouble."

What he said was very firm, and everyone felt reasonable after hearing it. Tie Muyang nodded and said, "Your fellow Taoist Yun is right, but just in case, let's rush into the valley and catch the nine-headed one." The golden-tailed jelly left this place immediately, so as not to get burned."


Everyone present nodded in agreement, without any hesitation, Tie Muyang, Yun Guzi and Dan Xiasheng led the team to the valley.

The people passed through the mouth of the valley and walked all the way to the depths along the narrow and long canyon. On the way, they encountered some vicious and vicious spirit beasts, and they shot them away at will. There was no surprise or danger along the way.

After walking like this for about half an hour, I suddenly heard a crisp bird song from the cliff, the sound pierced gold and cracked rocks, and resounded through the valley.


Yun Guzi frowned slightly, feeling strange in his heart, and couldn't help asking: "Fellow Taoists, can you tell what kind of spirit beast this is? Yun has been cultivating around here for hundreds of years, why has he never heard of it?"

"It's a little strange, this voice..."

Tie Muyang at the side thought carefully for a while, then stared at him suddenly, and shouted: "No, this is not a spirit beast, it is the 'Candle God Puppet' of Xuanguang Villa!"

"Candle God puppet?"

After hearing this, Yun Guzi and Dan Xiasheng were slightly startled, with strange expressions on their faces, while the rest of the casual cultivators were not well-informed enough to react at this time, and looked at Tie Muyang with puzzled expressions.

"Xuanguang Villa is famous for its puppet art. This 'Candle God Puppet' is their puppet guarding the village. It has a very strong detection ability, and any trouble can't be hidden from their eyes and ears. Judging from the tweet just now, we should have been discovered It is." Tie Muyang said solemnly.

"So what if you find out?"

The female cultivator in red was very puzzled, and interjected: "This Qiling Mountain is not the territory of their Xuanguang Villa. Why don't we let us in? The Peerless Domain is so vast, so there is no place for us casual cultivators to stand?"

She was born as a casual cultivator, and she had been excluded by the monks of the Zongmen before, and now she has finally cultivated to the late stage of the Juyuan state, and she has to be subjected to this bird's anger, so she is naturally full of resentment.

The rest of the casual cultivators also complained, but Tie Muyang, Yun Guzi and Dan Xiasheng had serious faces.

"Candle God Puppet" is the guardian puppet of Xuanguang Villa, and usually never leaves the villa, but now it appears on this small Qiling Mountain, it is really inconceivable.

"Today is the time for discussion between Wushuang City and the Nine Great Sects. As one of the Nine Great Sects, Xuanguan Villa should be on Cangnan Mountain?"

Among the crowd, a casual cultivator with long hair in green clothes suddenly spoke.

"That's right, what kind of power is Wushuang City? In order to contend with it, the nine sects almost came out. How could it be possible to disperse their forces and come to Qiling Mountain? Let me tell you, this may be just a kind of spirit beast that we don't know, and that'candle God puppet's cry is somewhat similar." Another monk also said.

"Hmph! The Nine Great Sects are usually arrogant and domineering. Why did they pay attention to us casual cultivators? Now they and Wushuangcheng are fighting dogs and dogs on Cangnan Mountain, how can they have a free hand! This old man of Qiling Mountain must go in!"

"Wei Daoyou is right. The bird song just now may be someone who got there first and deliberately intimidated us. I want to see who is pretending to be a ghost here!"

These casual cultivators spoke to each other and encouraged each other, as if Xuanguang Villa was not to be feared, and today the nine-tailed golden-haired **** is bound to win.

Only the three of Tie Muyang, Yun Guzi and Dan Xiasheng looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

Just as everyone was discussing, there was another strange sound in midair, and everyone present looked up at the same time, only to see a few black spots falling from the sky above the cliff, and they reached the top of everyone's heads in an instant.

As they flew closer, everyone could see clearly that these black dots were actually monsters with snake heads and bird bodies, and four-legged monsters under their bellies!

On the body of each monster stood a man in a golden robe, with a cold expression and cold eyes.

"It's really a 'Candle God Puppet'!"

Among the crowd, Tie Muyang is the most knowledgeable person, at this time he recognized the origin of those monsters at a glance, and hurriedly cupped his hands and shouted: "I'm going down to Tie Muyang, the two beside me are Qixia Palace Heirs, we didn't know that Xuanguang Villa was working here, and we accidentally entered the valley, and we hope to forgive our sins!"

He was a casual cultivator, and he was afraid that the other party would not show favor, so he deliberately moved out of Yun Guzi and Dan Xiasheng's sect, just hoping that the other party would look at the Qixia Palace's face and not pursue the mistaken intrusion.

Tie Muyang's voice was full of skill, and the voice spread far away. He thought that the other party would accept their apology, but he didn't expect those men in gold robes in the sky to hear it. Instead of responding at all, they landed even faster point.

"It's not right!"

Yun Guzi next to him suddenly muttered, he is a person with a slick face and a quick mind, when he saw the strange situation, he was one step faster than others in reacting, and immediately made a formula, with the wind blowing under his feet, he faintly retreated to the center of the crowd last party.

At this moment, a golden-robed monk flying in the front suddenly stamped his feet, and the "Candle God Puppet" under his feet suddenly opened its mouth, spit out hundreds of golden streamers, and went straight to the group of casual cultivators below.

"not good!"

Seeing the murderous aura pervading in the rays of light, everyone realized that these monks from Xuanguang Villa didn't want to argue with them at all, they would kill them as soon as they met!


Among the crowd, a monk who reacted a bit slowly, because he had no time to dodge, was pierced through the body by these golden streamers in an instant, and his body was beaten into a pile of mud.

Seeing this, several people around felt a chill in their hearts, and hastily sacrificed their talisman, and while protecting their whole body, retreated towards the entrance of the valley.

"Fellow daoists of Xuanguan Villa, we are disciples of Qixia Palace. Layman Wushan of your sect is close friends with our sect head. Please also look at the origins of the two sects and let us have a way out." Danxia flew up In the middle of the air, he said loudly while cupping his hands.

In his opinion, he is a decent disciple of a famous school, and he does not belong to the same group as these casual cultivators, so there is no need to rush around.

However, what Dan Xiasheng never imagined in his dreams was that those golden-cloaked monks turned a deaf ear to his words. Seeing him fly into the air, they all urged the "candle **** puppets" under their feet, and hundreds of streamers of light pierced the sky, running first He called.

"No! You..."

With a scream, the golden light pierced through his body. Poor Dan Xiasheng, obviously still had many means to use, but he threw himself into a trap and became the second monk to be disembowelled.

Seeing this, the rest of the people didn't know that these monks in Xuanguan Villa were going to kill them all today, and they would not give anyone a way out!

"Run! Spread out!"

With a loud shout, Tie Muyang sacrificed his talisman "Lingwu Bell" on top of his head, while protecting his whole body, he flew towards the entrance of the valley.

The rest of the people were no exception, each used their own means to escape, and Yun Guzi was the first to run away, not caring about the life and death of his fellow disciples, and had already run a hundred feet away.

However, the few golden-robed monks in mid-air smiled coldly, and then raised their hands to pinch a formula.

The seven "Candle God Puppets" opened their mouths at the same time, and thousands of golden streamers streamed down, as if a golden rain had fallen, covering the entire canyon inside.


As the golden streamer fell, howling continued in the canyon.

In just a few breaths, UU Reading just now murmured that the group of monks who were about to enter the valley would have been wiped out!

Together with Yun Guzi, all the monks were pierced by those golden streamers, and eventually turned into a pile of crushed corpses.

In the originally vibrant valley, there was only deathly silence left for a while...

After a while, a man in a golden robe suddenly said:

"Go! See if they are all dead."

With the order of this person, the rest of the monks all jumped off the "Candle God Puppet" and began to examine the corpses one by one along the mountain road.

However, when everyone's attention was focused on those corpses, an inconspicuous black mosquito flew out from a crack in the cliff.

There was nothing special about this mosquito, and those golden-cloaked monks turned a blind eye to it, as if they hadn't seen it, and let it fly over their heads and go deep into the canyon... .

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :