The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 116: Fire tire

   "What's the benefit?" Liang Yan was taken aback.

"This young fire spirit, if defeated, will return to its origin and become the fetus of flame chaos. Nanming Lihuo is an extremely rare and precious flame. If you can collect its fire fetus, your strength will surely increase!" Zhao Xunzhen Replied.

   "There is such a thing!" Liang Yan looked at her suspiciously after hearing this: "Since there are such great benefits, why don't you collect it yourself?"

Zhao Xunzhen shook his head and said, "This Nanming Lihuo is incompatible with my exercises. Not to mention charging, but staying near it makes me feel uneasy. But you also understand that there is no free lunch in the world. Since I am willing to teach this method. Here you are, there will be places that need your help later."

"Naturally, if I really succeed in collecting this Nanming Lihuo, I will naturally do my best to help you. It's just that Liang has a limited level of cultivation. Can the girl tell me the details of the help first, so that I can be prepared." Liang Yan asked Tao.

  Zhao Xunzhen glanced at him and faintly replied: "You don't have to worry about it now. You have passed this level first. When the time comes, I will naturally tell you."

   Liang Yan frowned slightly, but he nodded and said, "Okay!"

   The two stopped talking so far, but stood silently in the middle of the flame stone bridge, waiting for the moment when the flame tornado on the stone platform disappeared.

   I don’t know how long it has been. Just when the sky was full of flames and the cheeks of the two of them were a little red, the flames flickered in mid-air, like a candle was blown from above.

   Immediately after the sky full of flames rolled back, from top to bottom, all converged towards the center of the bottom.

   It was just a blink of an eye. It was just now raging, like the flame tornado of the Optimus Pillar of Fire, it disappeared without a trace in an instant, and it all poured into the body of the Suzaku Fire Spirit.

   After such a long time, the Suzaku Fire Spirit obviously consumes a lot. Its expression was languid, its wings no longer even vibrated, and it fell slowly from mid-air onto the stone platform.

   "It's the fire spirit who was born not long ago. He just knows how to vent indiscriminately. Humph, now is the best time to deal with it!" Zhao Xunzhen said.

   Liang Yan had to remind her, and immediately shot without hesitation.

   He took out the fixed light sword from the storage bag, the spiritual power of his whole body gathered in the sword body, and stabled towards the Suzaku fire spirit.

   The Suzaku Fire Spirit let out an angry cry, and opened his mouth to spit out a round fireball from his mouth. The fireball grows as soon as it sees the wind, and in a blink of an eye it turns into a fire net, coming towards Liang Yan's overwhelming cover.

   Liang Yan's heart shuddered, and he didn't dare to make it hard, and flashed towards the right side of the stone platform with a single step.

   He was able to escape the encirclement of the fire net. He immediately pinched the magic trick in his hand, and pointed his right hand like a sword, pointing towards the Suzaku Fire Spirit.


   A thick blue thunder rushes toward the Suzaku fire spirit!

   The Vermillion Bird Fire Spirit showed a panic expression for the first time, with a strange cry in his mouth. At the same time, his wings were violently fanned, and a wall of fire was born out of thin air in front of it.

   The wall of fire intersects with thunder and lightning, and a circle of visible ripples erupted. A muffled sound made people's eardrums sore.

   However, before the Suzaku Fire Spirit could react, a black energy flashed behind it, and a girl in blue appeared out of thin air.

   This woman has a cold complexion, her hands are surging with gloomy black air, and there is a faint sound of ghost crying and wolf howling, and it is actually Zhao Xunzhen who also shot at the same time.

   She appeared ghostly, and almost at the same time that the Suzaku fire spirit flapped its wings to give birth to the wall of fire, a palm was printed on its back.

   The Vermillion Bird Fire Spirit raised its head and burst into a mourning. It turned its head and glared at Zhao Xunzhen, with flames lingering in its mouth, and its mouth opened as if it was about to emit flames again.

   However, at this time, a silver-white moon flower suddenly pierced through its chest, but Liang Yan saw Zhao Xun really succeed, and straightened his sword straight up. He inserted the fixed light sword into the chest of the Suzaku Fire Spirit, and his whole body was violently energized.

   The light sword of that fixed light immediately flourished, raging in the body of the Suzaku Fire Spirit for a while.

   Suzaku Fire Spirit wailed a few times, and could no longer spit out a flame. Its breath fell rapidly, and the divine light in its eyes gradually dissipated. Eventually, its neck crooked and fell back to the ground.

   The Suzaku fire spirit has lost its vitality, but the crimson flames all over the body have not dissipated. Instead, they circulate in the body, and finally all converge in the air.

   As the flame from its body gradually peeled off, the corpse of the Suzaku Fire Spirit gradually turned into a pile of dust, and when it was blown by the quiet wind in this dark space, there was no trace of it anymore.

   But the flames in mid-air gradually condensed and turned into a crimson ball the size of a fist.

   "That is the fire tire of Nanming Lihuo, take advantage of the formula I teach you to charge now!" Zhao Xunzhen reminded from the side.

   Liang Yan groaned for a while, and suddenly he waved his sleeves, and saw a small mahogany box flying out of it. Then the small box opened, shooting thousands of flying needles, which were Liang Yan's "red pine needles".

   He did not follow Zhao Xunzhen's suggestion, and directly ingested the fire tire of Nanming Lihuo.

   To talk about the reason, one is that the kung fu he practiced has nothing to do with the flames, and the improvement of his own strength is limited.

  Secondly, he knows the sinister heart after he is extraordinary. Now although the two have fought side by side against the enemy, they are still being persecuted by the environment. It is impossible to guarantee that this woman will not be unhappy with him.

   This Nanming Lihuo is so fierce, if there is a slight error in the income, I am afraid that he will immediately self-immolate on the spot. Naturally, Liang Yan will not do such risky things. On the contrary, the Red Pine Needle was originally a fire weapon, and it had the same origin with this Nanming Lihuo, so it must be easier to absorb it. For Liang Yan, it was also a great improvement in combat power.

  He sat cross-legged on the According to the method that Zhao Xunzhen taught him, he muttered words in his mouth and pointed out towards the fire tire in mid-air.

   The fire tire was pointed at a distance by him, and the surface of the original Guanghua ball unexpectedly showed a number of convex marks, and then it began to spin rapidly in mid-air.

   As the ball turned faster and faster, there were gradually dots of red streamer overflowing from above, which was cited by Liang Yanfa Jue, turned into thousands of red lines, and shot onto thousands of flying needles in mid-air.

   As soon as those red pine needles touched the silk thread formed by the Nanming Lihuo, they made a sharp chirp, as if excited.

   Liang Yan showed a look of excitement when he saw this, and he pinched the formula faster in his hand, and saw that the thousands of flying needles were dragged by this thread and rolled back, one after another, they sank into the sphere, and they were never seen again.

   And the fire light inside the sphere swayed, just like an ordinary blacksmith's shop, making a crisp sound of wrought iron.

   Liang Yan received the Fa Jue, stood up, staring at the crimson ball in mid-air with piercing eyes.

   And Zhao Xunzhen stood by, watching the situation on the field silently. She saw that Liang Yan did not take this Nanming Lihuo into her body according to the formula she taught, but used it to exercise her own spiritual weapon. Although there was no change on her face, a strange color flashed in the depths of her eyes. .

   "It's done!"

   Suddenly hearing Liang Yan's excited voice, Zhao Xunzhen turned his head and saw that the crimson sphere in mid-air seemed to be drawn away from the essence, gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely.

   And the thousands of flying needles in its body have all turned into a crimson color, and a burst of flames spread out, making her feel palpitations.