The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1180: Rounding up Rakshasa Cow

The forbidden area behind Cumulus Mountain existed long before Luofeng Temple was founded.

Surrounded by thick fog all year round, it is filled with all kinds of poisonous miasma. At the same time, there are many ferocious spirit beasts, which is completely a fierce place.

But at the same time, there are also many unique spiritual objects here, whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, they are all of extremely high value.

Since the establishment of Luofeng Temple, it has been set as a forbidden area in the back mountain, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. After so many years, no one knows what's inside the forbidden area, not even the abbot of Luofeng Temple.

At this moment, in the vast white mist, a group of people is slowly advancing.

Naturally, these people were Xuanyuan Lingwei and his party who passed the examination of the weird monks and were allowed to enter.

At the front of the crowd, Zheng Gongbu was holding an octagonal compass, and while punching in a few formulas, he silently calculated something.

"We've been searching here for several hours, why haven't we seen that Rakshasa cow yet, is your compass not working?"

Fang Jun's voice came from the crowd, with obvious doubts in his tone.

"Senior, don't be impatient."

Before Zheng Gongbu could answer, Xuanyuan Lingwei explained: "This Rakshasa demon cow is not only cunning, but also very good at hiding its tracks. The magic weapon in our hands can only roughly estimate its direction, and cannot Find this spirit beast directly. And once we step into its habitat, the Rakshasa bull will immediately sense it and escape early. Our previous rounds of encirclement failed because of this."

"So troublesome?" Fang Jun frowned and said, "Since you know it is so cautious, the princess must have come prepared for this trip, right?"


Xuanyuan Lingwei nodded and said: "For this operation, I collected 7749 kinds of spices and made a bottle of 'Thunder Smoke Incense', the purpose is to lure this spirit beast out of its territory."

While the two were talking, Zheng Gongbu, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. He played nine spells with his right hand one after another, and the pointer on the compass gradually stopped, and finally pointed to the true north.

"Your Highness, we have reached the border of the Rakshasa Demon Cow's territory. If we go another five miles to the north, we will be easily sensed by the Demon Cow."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Senior Zheng, everyone, please follow the plan."

With Xuanyuan Lingwei's order, Yeshan, Zheng Gongbu, and Tan Youli began to arrange formations around them.

Liang Yan observed from the side and found that this is a Taoist sealing formation. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are used to condense a huge sealing barrier. As long as the Rakshasa cow steps into the barrier, no matter No matter which array is encountered, it will trigger the joint seal of the five elements array.

"This formation is indeed somewhat mysterious."

Liang Yan nodded secretly, but now he didn't pay too much attention to the formation, but focused most of his attention on Huiming and Huijue.

Now that he knew that these two people were Gou Qi and his accomplices, Liang Yan naturally wouldn't let them make any trouble. From the moment he entered the forbidden area, he adjusted his position intentionally or unintentionally, and stayed by the two people's side all the time.

However, they haven't made any small moves so far, which makes Liang Yan a little strange.

"Could it be that they planned to sneak away when Xuanyuan Lingwei captured the Rakshasa demon cow?"

The more Liang Yan thought about it, the more likely it was that the reason why these two people followed Xuanyuan Lingwei up the mountain was probably because they wanted to sneak into the forbidden area to find medicinal materials to suppress their injuries.

Looking at it this way, when Xuanyuan Lingwei captured the Raksha demon cow, it was the best time for them to fly away!

In fact, after Liang Yan entered the secret realm, he also considered turning his face and doing it, but in this way, it would be easy to expose the transaction between himself and the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce.

Sun Qianli and Xuanyuan Lingwei's relationship with him is just an alliance of interests in the final analysis. With Liang Yan's character, he will not reveal all his affairs when his head is hot, but suppresses his inner impulse , has been secretly looking for opportunities.

While he was thinking in secret, Zheng Gongbu and others gradually completed the arrangement of the formation, and a sealing formation spanning several miles appeared in front of everyone.

"Okay, the next step is to hide the formation."

As Xuanyuan Lingwei said, she raised her hand and typed out a few spells, then took out an emerald green bell and shook it in mid-air.

"Ding dong, ding dong!"

With the sound of the bell ringing one after another, circles of ripples appeared in the surrounding space, and the magic circle, which was originally exposed to everyone's sight, was hidden by an invisible barrier.

"The next step is to arrange the manpower."

Xuanyuan Lingwei glanced at the crowd, and slowly said: "The 'Five Elements Capture Dragon Formation' has five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which are hidden in five directions, and each direction must be guarded by one person. Just do it."

"This is easy to handle. The manpower I brought can be dispatched by His Highness at will." Sun Qianli said with a smile.

Xuanyuan Lingwei nodded, not politely, and began to give orders.

She ordered Zheng Gongbu, Yeshan, and Tan Youli to guard the three directions of gold, wood and water respectively, and also ordered the two monks of the Tong Xuan Realm from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce to guard the two directions of fire and earth respectively.

In the end, Fang Jun and Liang Yan were asked to stand guard on the left and right sides of the formation, in case the demon bull broke through the formation with brute force and escaped.

Xuanyuan Lingwei assigned everyone's tasks, and she walked to the middle of the formation, ready to dispatch in the middle.

"Your Majesty, it's a good idea. In this way, a net has been laid here. As long as the Rakshasa demon cow enters the formation, it is absolutely impossible to escape!" Sun Qianli couldn't help but praise Xuanyuan Lingwei's deployment. One Road.

As soon as his words fell, someone beside him said:

"His Royal Highness's formation is good, but there is still one point that has not been counted."

When the voice sounded, everyone looked over and found that the speaker was the monk Huijue who followed all the way here.

"Oh? What is Master Huijue's opinion?" Xuanyuan Lingwei asked.

"Hehe, although Your Highness's formation has sealed all directions, don't forget that this place is in Qiyun Mountain." Huijue clasped his hands together and said with a smile.

"You mean..." Xuanyuan Lingwei seemed to have thought of something, and there was a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

"Your Highness has a good idea. There are almost hidden thunders hidden in the mud and rocks of Cumulus Mountain. If the Rakshasa Demon Bull finds that the situation is wrong, it is very likely that the earth will escape. It is a thunder-attributed spirit beast. The thunder-covered underground is like a fish in water, and the speed does not decrease but increases, and we may not be able to catch up." Monk Huijue said slowly.

"It makes sense! You are indeed a student of Luofeng Temple. Fortunately, you have to remind me, otherwise the big thing will almost be ruined!"

Xuanyuan Lingwei nodded approvingly and said, "From this point of view, we have to arrange a person to hold the ground underground to prevent the Rakshasa Demon Bull from escaping."

"Your Highness Sixth, we two brothers and sisters came to help each other under the order of the presiding officer. Since the seniors have already performed their duties, let us guard this underground position." Huijue said calmly. Said.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Lingwei thought for a while, then nodded and said: "That's fine, then I'll trouble you two, if the beast goes underground, you don't have to fight head-on, you just need to use the formation to resist the attack." Two, we'll be there soon."

"We understand."

Huiming and Huijue nodded at the same time, with no abnormal expressions on their faces.

Liang Yan had been watching coldly from the sidelines, seeing the two volunteering for Ying, but he sneered in his heart: "Where are these two going to defend their positions? When the time comes, they will probably take the opportunity to escape!"

Although he saw through Huiming and Huijue's plan, Liang Yan did not reveal it in public.

Because he also needed such an opportunity to let Huiming and Huijue leave the crowd on their own initiative, so that he would have the opportunity to attack secretly and capture them back without anyone noticing.

"Okay, I've finished setting up the task, please go back to your place."

Xuanyuan Lingwei had brought Sun Qianli to the center of the magic circle at this time, and said lightly.

When the others heard the words, they returned to their respective positions. The five cultivators of the Tongxuan Realm guarded the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, respectively, while Liang Yan and Fang Jun guarded the two eyes of the formation.

As for Huiming and Huijue, the two monks looked at each other, pinched the formula, and drilled into the ground.

Although Liang Yan didn't release his consciousness with much fanfare, he was also secretly running the "Bodhi mirror" to confirm that the aura of the two of them hadn't gone away, so he calmed down and chose to wait and see what happened.

After everyone was seated, Xuanyuan Lingwei took out a piece of yellow sandalwood from the storage ring, lit it and covered it with magic, leaving only a faint fragrance floating far away.

Time passed bit by bit, and when the yellow sandalwood was half burned, there were a few muffled thunderous explosions in the sky in the distance.


There is one thought in everyone's mind, and their eyes look into the distance at the same time.

At the end of the sky, a dark cloud spanned hundreds of feet, tumbling in mid-air. In the cloud layer, there could be vaguely visible arm-thick thunderbolts flickering non-stop, which seemed to contain extremely powerful thunder and lightning power.

The speed of the dark cloud was extremely fast. At the beginning, it was still dozens of miles away, but in a blink of an eye, it was less than one mile away from the magic circle.

Nearby, the speed of the dark cloud gradually slowed down, and a huge bull's head protruded from the cloud.

Its nose twitched, a hint of intoxication appeared in its eyes, as if it had smelled the best smell, and it drove the dark cloud to fly forward for a while.

But the next moment, a trace of suspicion flashed in its pair of huge bull eyes, and it looked around the magic circle with its eyes, as if looking for something suspicious.

"It's really cautious!"

Liang Yan was hiding in the dark, secretly thinking that what Xuanyuan Lingwei said was true, this demon cow was cautious everywhere, even in such a deserted valley, he would not relax in the slightest.

However, although the magic cow was cautious, Xuanyuan Lingwei was well prepared.

She has been preparing for today's event for a long time, and the formations used in the formation are all very clever. Under the cover of that weird bell, the entire formation has become invisible, and it is impossible to find it outside the formation.

The Rakshasa cow carefully inspected it for a long time, but finally found nothing tricky. In addition, the aroma of "Thunder Smoke Fragrance" kept coming from the center of the magic circle, which finally made the cow relax its vigilance.


With the sound of muffled thunder, the Raksha demon cow slowly appeared from the clouds. It was a blue-colored cow with no horns on its head and four hooves under its belly. In the middle, it looks rather funny.

However, its nose is extremely large, almost like a pig's nose, arched upwards, and it is still twitching constantly, it seems that it is very sensitive to the aroma of "Lei Yan Xiang".

The magic cow had completely relaxed its vigilance at this time, and after leaving the clouds, it flew straight to the center of the magic circle.

One mile, one hundred feet, ten feet... The distance is getting closer and closer, and finally, the Rakshasa cow flies into the range of the "Five Elements Capture Dragon Formation".

"Do it!"

Xuanyuan Lingwei, who was hiding in the formation, let out a loud shout, and Tan Youli, Yew Shan, Feng Qing and other Xuantong monks who were guarding the Five Elements exerted their strength at the same time, injecting their own spiritual power into the magic formation.

Five beams of light of different colors shot out from different directions at the same time, and all of them shone on the Rakshasa Bull.

The magic cow was trapped by the five beams of light, and its movement speed immediately slowed down. A trace of panic flashed in the huge bull's eyes, followed by incomparable anger!


The Rakshasa bull roared again and again, as if it wanted to break free from the shackles of the five beams of light, but was trapped by the sealing power of the magic circle, unable to escape temporarily.

"Catch it this time!" Xuanyuan Lingwei looked at the magic cow trapped in the formation, with excitement on his face.

However, before she could be happy for a while, the Rakshasa bull in mid-air suddenly roared, and the single foot on its abdomen stomped heavily in mid-air, and a large thundercloud appeared out of thin air above its head.


A loud noise came from the sky, and thunderbolts as thick as water tanks fell from the sky, bombarding the surroundings of the magic circle like a gust of wind and rain.

"It's so powerful! This thunder and lightning... is it really a spirit beast of the Tongxuan Realm?"

This was the thought that popped up in the minds of all the monks present, because the power of thunder and lightning in mid-air was so devastating that it had already surpassed the limit of the Tongxuan Realm.

"Not good, this Rakshasa demon cow has hidden cultivation, has stepped into the realm of catastrophe!"

Xuanyuan Lingwei reacted in an pinched the magic formula in her hand anxiously, and took out several formation flags from the storage ring, and inserted them in different positions of the formation.

A multicolored glow appeared in the sky above the magic circle, and headed towards the Rakshasa Demon Cow.

However, this demonic bull was brazenly fearless. He stared at the bull's eyes and shot out two yellow lights, which directly pierced the five-color glow of the magic circle.


Xuanyuan Lingwei, as the leader of the formation, was broken in the core of the formation, and she immediately suffered backlash, and couldn't help but open her mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.


The Rakshasa bull roared again, stomping with one foot, the thunder and lightning struck from the sky actually condensed into a thunder net, engulfing the five beams of light that trapped it, and instantly shattered it to pieces.

The "Five Elements Capturing Dragon Formation" was broken. Although the Rakshasa Demon Bull looked fierce, but the first thing it did after breaking the formation was not to find these people who were ambushing him, but to fly to high altitude. .........

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :