The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1195: The Harvest of a Journey to Forbidden La

"I see."

After listening to this, Liang Yan suddenly felt that he was a little strange before, why in this small forbidden area, the innate dao fruit could actually bear, it turned out that everything here was left by the angry monk.

"Has your "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" only completed the first five phases?" Jing Yuan asked again.


In the face of this angry monk's old friend, Liang Yan did not hide it, nodded and said: "I have mastered the first five aspects, and with the improvement of the cultivation realm, the power will become stronger and stronger, but only the last three Phase, no matter how you comprehend it, you will never get the hang of it.”

"Normal, the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" written by Senior Anger is the method of the saints. The vajra eliminates demons and has infinite power. In order to comprehend the latter three, in addition to talent, it also requires a certain chance."

Liang Yan's heart moved, and he said, "Chance? Could it be that the seniors said..."

"It's the 'Holy Buddha Cloud Fruit'!"

Jing Yuan said lightly, "The Eight Parts of Yanyuan was created by an angry monk. He has the appearance of a sage and can figure out the supreme avenue, especially the last three phases contain the true meaning of the wonderful Dharma of Buddhism, unless you also achieve the status of a sage. Otherwise, we can only rely on the 'Holy Buddha Yunguo' to comprehend the last three phases of this divine art."

"No wonder Lian Xin traveled all the way to this place and took away the 'Holy Buddha Cloud Fruit'. It seems that he has also reached a bottleneck period and needs to use foreign objects to improve himself..."

Liang Yan sighed with emotion in his heart, and felt a little regretful about the loss of Xiantian Daoguo this time.

The two were silent for a while, and then Jing Yuan said slowly: "According to the few words Lian Xin talked to me, he should have gone to the north, but the poor monk doesn't know where he went."

"Thank you senior for letting me know."

Liang Yan cupped his hands and asked, "Junior is too late to enter, and I am a little curious about this senior brother, but I don't know what mistakes he made in the past, so that the master cares so much?"

Jing Yuan thought for a while, shook his head and said: "This poor monk is not very clear, I only know that Lian Xin is a person who will do anything to achieve a goal. Maybe some of his actions have touched the bottom line of the senior angry monk? In short, When you meet Lian Xin, you need to be careful, don't be merciful just because he is your senior brother, or you will end up miserably."

"Thank you senior for your pointer."

Liang Yan nodded and glanced at the haggard old monk again, frowning involuntarily.

"Senior forgive me, Liang didn't know that the 'Jiu Xiao Jin Lei Guo' was given to you by the master to get rid of your inner demons. Now that this innate dao fruit has been stolen, Liang is also responsible. I don't know if there is any compensation for it. Law?"

"That's it."

Jing Yuan shook his head and smiled and said, "No matter how good the 'Jiuxiaojin Leiguo' is, it is still only a foreign object. It can save the poor monk for a while, but it can't save the whole life. If you want to survive this fate, you have to face your own demons."

When he said this, he sighed softly: "People in the world say: 'Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot', this is a great absurdity in the world! If a person has done all the evil deeds, and comes to death and puts down the butcher's knife, then he will Can I become a Buddha on the ground? The poor monk sits here in dry meditation, endures the harassment of inner demons, suffers day and night, and sees no end. This is the result of the poor monk, and he can’t blame others.”

After listening to Jing Yuan's words, Liang Yan couldn't help but nodded secretly. This person has deep wisdom roots. I am afraid that the master also saw the Buddha nature in his body, so he didn't shoot to kill.

If he can get rid of this calamity, he will be a virtuous monk who will benefit one side and have good thoughts in the future. If he cannot survive this calamity, it will prove that the evil thoughts in his heart have not been eliminated, and he must atone for his previous things.

"Hahaha!" Jingyuan smiled heartily at this time and said, "You don't need to worry, little friend, have you seen these Buddha statues on my waist? As long as I can carve a Buddha statue that is completely free of evil spirits, it proves that I can face myself directly. maddened."

"Then I wish the seniors success."

Liang Yan came back to his senses, bowed his hands to Jingyuan and said, "Thank you, senior, for telling me about my brother today. Liang has something important to do, so I won't disturb senior's practice here. See you another day."

"Okay, angry monk disciple, goodbye by chance."

Jing Yuan also put his hands together and bowed to Liang Yan.


After saying goodbye to Jingyuan, Liang Yan did not stay in Luofeng Temple, and flew all the way to the south, and finally returned to Guangling City.

After he returned to the city, he did not directly return to the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. Instead, he found a sparsely populated inn in the city, and after handing in some spirit stones, he got a room with a spirit gathering circle and defensive restrictions.

Rooms like this are generally provided as temporary accommodation for low-level monks, but Liang Yan did not dislike it. After setting up a layer of forbidden magic circles around the room, he sat cross-legged in the room.

Liang Yan gained a lot from this trip to the forbidden land of Cumulus Mountain, so the first thing after coming out was to count the spoils of this trip.

The first is Song Huaiyu's storage ring. Liang Yan found a copy of the "Ning Bing Zhen Jue" from it, and he flipped through it. The trade items were temporarily collected.

There are also two other magic weapons, namely a cold jade bracelet and a set of ice needles. Although these two sets of magic weapons have the power of transformation series, they are very ordinary in Liang Yan's eyes, and even Song Huaiyu himself did not take it. When he came out to use it, he obviously felt that facing an enemy like Liang Yan would be of little use, and he might as well use his own supernatural powers.

"Keep it for now, maybe I find Wuxin or that stupid bear in the future, and it will come in handy..."

Liang Yan pondered in his heart, put Song Huaiyu's magic treasures and secret books into his storage ring, and counted her spirit stones, and there were as many as ten million.

"As expected of the elder of the Luowang Chamber of Commerce, his net worth is indeed quite rich!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, put these spirit stones in his pocket, and opened the storage ring of the fourth eagle.

This product is rather shabby, and there are only hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones in the storage ring.

But think about it, this person was seriously injured, was in exile, and was chased and killed all the way. After finally reaching Guangling City, he had to buy various medicinal materials and manage the relationship between the top and bottom.

No matter how strong his previous wealth was, he couldn't withstand such a huge expense, and it was a matter of course to be squeezed dry.

In the storage ring of the fourth eagle, not only there are no spiritual stones, but there are almost no valuable magic weapons and medicinal pills. The only puppet that can be used was also destroyed in the battle of the forbidden area. Now it is just a pile of scrap copper. Rotten iron.

Liang Yan searched for a while, and finally took out a dusty black book in a corner.

He blew the dust, revealing a few small seals on the cover, which were: "Longevity Sword Art"!


The moment he saw these Xiao Zhuan clearly, Liang Yan remembered what he had overheard in the Taoist temple.

That night, Gou Qi and Ying Si had a dispute, which mentioned a sword trick. Although Ying Si promised to pass it on to Gou Qi, he only passed the first half of it, and the remaining half had to be handed over after he was safe. come out.

Now it seems that the sword art they are talking about is likely to be this "Longevity Sword Art".

With a move in Liang Yan's heart, he opened the cover of the ancient book and found that there was indeed a secret sword cultivation technique recorded in it.

It's just that this secret method is very obscure, and the foreword doesn't fit the description. Judging from Liang Yan's current swordsmanship cultivation, I just feel that there are many loopholes in it, and it really can't be regarded as a profound swordsmanship.

"Gou Qi would actually be tempted by such a sword art?"

Liang Yan had a look of doubt on his face, knowing that Gou Qi was also a kendo master who had cultivated into a sword pill, and his vision and knowledge were not under his own. Why would he attach so much importance to such a crude sword art?

"Is there another universe in here?"

Liang Yan's heart moved, and he looked down the sword manual again, hoping to find out the reason in the following exercises.

However, he only turned a few pages, and the sword manual came to an abrupt end. The pages behind were blank, and there was no formula at all.


Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, but he reacted immediately, shook his head involuntarily, and laughed a little to himself:

"Gou Qi, dog seven! You are being smart, but you don't want to be deceived by the people around you. He doesn't have the second half of the sword at all!"

The situation in front of him is obvious. Ying Si only has the first half of the magic formula, but he deliberately leaked it to Gou Qi to let him protect his safety. In fact, no matter whether the trip is successful or not, Gou Qi cannot get the sword formula he wants.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan took out the "Sword of Longevity" separately and put it into his storage ring.

Although he couldn't figure out what the mystery of this sword art was, Liang Yan didn't ignore it. After all, something that made Gou Qi attach so much importance to it should still have some value.

After searching for the storage rings of the two, Liang Yan probed his divine sense into the Taixu gourd again.

In this vast space, there are three treasures floating in the air, namely a black lotus heart, a golden tree, and a gloomy black fire.

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, then the incarnation of Spiritual Mind raised his hand and took the black lotus heart first.

This thing was obtained from Gou Qi's corpse. The reason why he and Gou Qi were able to sense each other was because of the connection between the Black Lotus Sword and this thing.

The moment the black lotus heart started, the black lotus sword flew over from the sword-raising valley of Taixu Gourd.

The flying sword that had followed Liang Yan for many years now cheered like a child, flying up and down in front of him, looking excited.

Liang Yan has the same heart with this flying sword of destiny, and can naturally feel its longing. At this time, he stroked the sword and smiled slightly: "Do you want this lotus heart?"

The tip of the black lotus sword trembled slightly, and a ray of light flowed up and down, as if nodding.

Liang Yan pondered for a while, then suddenly waved his sleeves and shouted:

"for you!"

Before he finished speaking, the lotus heart had already been thrown by him, and the black lotus sword was so excited that it immediately turned into a black light and swung upwards, drawing the black lotus heart into the sword light.

The flying sword and the lotus heart merged with each other, and a pattern of a lotus flower began to appear on the originally pitch-black sword body, which looked strange and coquettish.

"It's...devouring this lotus heart..."

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt an essence, surging power, and the same origin as the flying sword, gradually pouring into the blade of the black lotus sword, constantly transforming and improving the flying sword.

A feeling of satisfaction and excitement was conveyed to Liang Yan's heart through Feijian, as if family members who had been separated for many years were finally reunited.

Suddenly, a black halo spread out, and the black lotus sword cut through the sky, smashing towards the location of Yangjian Valley like a meteor.

Yangjian Valley is a valley opened by Liang Yan in the small world of Taixu Gourd, and it is also the habitat of the four flying swords.

Seeing the black lotus sword returning to the valley uncontrollably, Liang Yan couldn't help but change his face slightly, and hurriedly manipulated the avatar of spiritual sense to rush over.

I saw four flying swords inserted in the lofty valley, namely the mayfly, the purple thunder, the fixed light, and the black lotus.

When the other three flying swords saw his Spiritual Mind incarnation, they all trembled slightly, as if they were whispering hello. Only the Black Lotus Sword was dead and stuck on the mountain wall without moving.

"It's... going to be closed?"

This thought suddenly appeared in Liang Yan's heart. Although it was a bit funny, from the current situation, it was really inseparable.

He checked the black lotus sword carefully again, and found that there was a special power surging in the sword body, which seemed to be strengthening the flying sword constantly. Come.

"It seems that this time swallowing the lotus heart, the black lotus sword is going to sleep for a long time, and I can't use it for a while..."

It is a good thing that the black lotus sword can be improved, Liang Yan pondered in his heart, gradually retracted his gaze, and focused his attention on the remaining two treasures.

Before he could make a move, a voice sounded beside him:

"Little friend has a good luck this time. Although I didn't get the 'Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Fruit', since this tree can bear the innate dao fruit, it must be a rare treasure."

Liang Yan didn't need to look back to know that the person who spoke was the old tree spirit living in the Taixu Gourd.

After listening to the other party's words, he suddenly felt a little funny, turned his head and glanced at the old tree spirit, with a strange look on his face.

"Hehe, I know what Xiaoyou is thinking."

The old tree spirit seemed to see what he was thinking, and said lightly at this time: "The old man is different from it, although both are innate dao fruits, but there is still a difference between 'Nine Heavens God Thunder Fruit' and 'Tai Xu Tian Luo Guo' There are many, and the old man, as a tree demon, has already cultivated spiritual consciousness, unlike this Jiuxiao Shenlei wood, which is confused and has not yet given birth to his own spiritual consciousness."

"That's not bad."

Liang Yan nodded, and did not refute, but asked, "At that time, Ji Hang wanted to take this divine tree away, and it was you who kept it. I think this tree is very useful to you, right?"

" This sacred tree is very important to me, the old man begged the little friend to give it to me... In exchange, I will give the remaining thunder and lightning in this sacred tree. Take out all the power of the law and pour it into the Zilei Tianyin Sword for you." The old tree spirit said slowly.

"Is this true?"

Liang Yan was originally indifferent, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"The old man has never lied, although the 'Jiuxiao Golden Thunder Fruit' was snatched by Ji Hang, the power of the law of thunder and lightning remaining in this divine tree is not inferior to that of the congenital dao fruit, but after taking out these thunder powers, the divine The tree will dry up completely."

When Lao Jin said this, he paused slightly, looked at Liang Yan, and then said:

"All in all, the law of lightning belongs to you, and the remnant of the divine tree belongs to me. How about this deal?"

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